Hellloo! Welcome.
First of all, where did the year go? I mean, where? Your guess is as good as mine.
I hope it was a good one for you! If not, then by gummy, let’s make next year AWESOME together.
I wanted to wrap up a few loose ends as the sun sets on this year and we all head out on holiday vacations (are you going anywhere or staying snuggly up at home?).
- We won’t be doing a yarn giveaway this month, but we’ll start back up again come the new year. Last month’s winner was…. drum roll…. Tammy Bradburn. Congrats, Tammy!
- All normal operations (like shipping/email answering) will cease or slow down starting Dec 20th. The hubby and I are taking a whopping 10 days away from shipping and normal business activities to spend time with family and plan out next year. Let’s be honest here… we’ve been planning for about a month already, but we have a giant business list to get done while we’re away. Planning is probably my favorite thing to do. Or at least one of them. So ALL orders placed (including anything that was pre-ordered like yarn clubs and December Tanzanite birthstone yarns) will be shipped before the 20th or the morning of. But any orders placed after that will ship in the New Year when we return.
- Knitters and crocheters are some of the BEST people. I swear. The amount of love you give is awe-inspiring. Your desire to make beautiful things for people you care about, your huge heart, your kindness when emailing or posting… it’s amazing. Keep doing what you’re doing.
- THANK YOU for a wondddderful year. I look back over everything and I’m so blessed to know you and be able to connect with you and yak away about yarn everyday (pun intended). We have BIG BIG plans for next year. I hope to be sharing giant, exciting news with you if all goes to plan. I’ve been a bit under the weather lately (I had a few days where I started to bequeath my personal belongings to others as the light at the end of the tunnel was getting pretty dim.) but it gave me a ton of time to lay in bed and think think think about where we’ve been, what we’re doing and where we’re headed. And now change is in the air and it’s EXCITING.
- Enjoy your holidays! I love you and appreciate you and look forward to a GREAT year in 2017. I hope to blow your mind with so many gorgeous yarn colors, new yarn bases, patterns, kits and other new items I won’t tell you about yet. Hehehehe! Keeping some secrets for later.
Enjoy the rest of your year!
With lots of love,
Happy Christmas, Chandi! I hope it’s amazing for you!
Hi Chandi!
Thanks for your how to videos. I’ve always wanted to learn to knit and now I am – thanks to your videos! I’m not very good yet, but I’m sure I’ll get better. I look forward to learning to knit something more challenging than a scarf. Keep up the good work and thanks again.
Merry Christmas Chandi!
Have a wonderful vacation, Happy New Year!!
Merry Christmas Chandi! I’m sorry to hear you were feeling so bad!! I hope you are feeling better and maintan good health! Peace and happiness in the coming year!
Thank you for the inspiration and fun filled patterns. My lifelong love of yarn is fueled by you and your hard work. Keep the creativity flowing and spreading the love of yarn. I am looking forward to this year with you.
thanks for all your hard work Chandi, Im hoping to get ,y blog going this year wish me luck I really really really need it!
I too have been under the weather. No fun. You need a fun vacation to get away at least once a year or more if you are mobile! I look forward to seeing your e-mail’s and the new colors every time they come into my mailbox. You are loved and appreciated. Keep that chin up! Cindy
Hi chandi…Thank you for teaching me how to knit!!!! You are so adorable to watch and learn from. What a great teacher!! I love your yarns….I still haven’t found any place that has the beauty,quality and selection that you continue to offer. You are amazing!
Taking care of your health is The Single Most Imppppppportant activity in which you participate. And by you I mean All Of Us.
I am so impressed with your yarn. Wishing you and your hubby a very blessed and Happy and prosperous New Year.
Looking forward to your plans for the coming year. I am new to your website and relatively new to knitting. Your website is easy to use and like reading a friends blog. Best to you in the coming year.
Hi Chandi,
Since you just went on a trip and I *know* you didn’t travel without hooks, needles and yarns would you mind sharing some travel tips on how to bring along knitting/crocheting supplies without causing a security incident at the checkpoints? We plan on doing some travel next year and I want to make sure I can bring along my work without risk of losing my precious yarns and needles/hooks.
Hope you are having a wonderful holiday break!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julie, I’ve never had a problem carrying my knitting items and even fold up scissors on planes. Even internationally. I’d check your airline restrictions, though, to make sure it’s okay before you head out. Also, I love circular needles because you can’t drop them and lose them as easily as dpn’s or straights.
Thank you for your beautiful yarns, blog & patterns. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas & the new year brings you happiness.