This month, I’m giving away a $100 Gift Certificate to my online luxury yarn shop! Yeehaw!
If you win, you’ll get to spend $100 with glee and abandon, knowing your bank account won’t be affected. How delicious is that?!
Just enter here via Rafflecopter and then comment on this blog post letting me know why you love yarn so much.
The giveaway ends at midnight on May 18th, 2014.
Worldwide entries welcome!
You can tweet and pin daily for more entries.
Want even MORE entries? Click where it says SHARE THIS and you’ll gain entries every time a friend enters!
Good luck and have fun!
(Elizabeth Lowe won last month’s giveaway.)
I just love the possibility that a ball of yarn contains, it can be anything!
There is so many reasons I love yarn! I love the feel of having it in my hands. I love taking yarn and making a finished product. But most of all it is therapeutic for me, over the years I have struggled with depression and anxiety, it gets worse when I have idle hands and idle mind. I found that yarn and reading help to keep me mentally focused so I do a lot of both sometimes I even crochet/knit while listening to an audiobook, hehe. It truly has been my salvation.
Yarn is beautiful and practical..what’s not to love?
To Tori: I’m the same. Struggled with depression, anxiety and OCD all my life, and getting a new skein of yarn it just really brightens my day. Getting to touch it, squeeze and caress it, smell it, and enjoy the beautiful colors, just taking it all in, makes me feel happy. The only problem is that being OCD, it becomes a necessity to get a new skein or skeins frequently! That’s the bad part!
Thank you for having another giveaway. Your generosity will be rewarded.
I love yarn because it makes me happy! I love to feel and test new yarns and patterns and enjoy challenges of new stitches. It is a lovely feeling to see the work of your hands being enjoyed by others.
I love yarn because it allows me to express my creativity in a way that drawing and painting just don’t allow. I <3 yarn!
Love your colorways, & luxery fibers. I always want to buy them, even with no planned project
I have turned into a yarn snob!! I just want to try and make thing with beautiful yarn!
I love all the colors and textures and that I can turn a wad of yarn into something really pretty and useful!
I love my yarn because crocheting is very therapeutic for me after my time in the service… I absolutely love to crochet special gifts with exceptionally beautiful yarn!
I work on two projects at a time now because there is beautiful yarn galore and even more beautiful patterns.
I have always loved to crochet, but when my friend Amanda introduced me to fiber and I started learning to spin on a drop spindle, well I guess I become a fiber junkie and I love yard with a passion. I think yours is awesome and I loved your story and you are such an encouragement to me.
Hugs and Blessings
Creating something not only beautiful, but useful also using amazing yarn.
Every so often I’ll start a yarn related project. And sometimes I even finish it! I’m in the middle of such a project now, so this gift certificate would be a perfect way to spend nothing and get some new yarns for my project… or a gift for my mom, an avid crocheter
I love yarn- O! Let me count the ways!
It is filled with infinite possiblilities; the raw materials for beautiful, functional, creative, lovely things. I love the feel of the different kinds of yarns as they glide through my fingers and loop-de-loop on my knitting needles or crochet hook. I love to squish it on my face and so does my cat. And Chandi’s yarn is the most dazzling of all!
I echo what Jennifer says! Each skein is a clean slate and will become something beautiful and loved. It may even become a family heirloom. And no two people see it the same way. Love it!
I love coming up with creative ideas and watching a skein of yarn become something new!
Such BEAUTIFUL fibers! You have amazing talent and perseverance. Your story inspires and amazes me!
I gather the yarn around the left hand, pick up my hook, and cares wash away. THe action of the hook and the feel of the yarn unlocks my creativity. . .in crocheting and in so much more. THat’s why I love yarn so much!
i love yarn because theres so much you can create with it. something so simple can make something so beautiful
I love yarn for its endless possibilities and all the colors/textures.
Would love to win. Never have enough yarn!! More gifts I could make!!
This would be a wonderful Birthday present
I have so many ideas !!!!
I love knowing that every project I make, my hands have touched every inch of the yarn , leaving a part of myself in the project. Something for future generations to hold knowing I also held it.
I love all the yarns I have received from you. Most often I have many projects going . and some waiting. Half the fun is feeling the yarn as it evolves into a beautiful finished project. Last year I knitted Gallatin Shawls for all my Grands teachers. At grand parents Day I was rewarded with a BIG thank you.
Making something from nothing makes me fall in love with creative process with every project I knit.
I LOVE the colors! I love seeing what yarn can become. And I love being able to give a little piece of joy to someone after making it with my own hands.
I love yarn because I have been knitting and crocheting since I was a small child and my Grandmother taught me how to crochet. The things you make with yarn and give away are like giving a hug every time the person puts it on.
The colors it comes in, it’s soft and Squashy!!
Yarn keeps my hands busy and as we know “Idle hands do the devil’s work.”
i love yarn because it keeps me sane
I love yarn due to the softness of the feel..I also love yarn for all its beautiful colors.
Yarn is like flowers. There are so many different kinds and colors that my yarn stash is my own secret garden
It would be an awesome birthday surprise. To be able to create an item with your awe inspiring yarn would be very zen…….:)
I love the act of creating something and the look and feel of yarn. Endless possibilities!
I LOVE yarn because you can do so much with it!
I love seeing how one long string of yarn can become something beautiful and functional. Thanks for giving us a chance to win! 
I love yarn because it’s kinda magical taking string and creating what ever you can imagine
It’s the color and the variety of textures!
Yarn, I love it in all its forms, colors, textures. I also love to use it in so many different ways: knitting, crochet, felting, looming. So many ways to create with it too! Awesome! Good luck to the winner (hoping that I might have a chance at it this time
awesome give aways as always! good luck everyone
Yarn is so full of possibilities. I love all the colors and textures. The sky is the limit.
I love yarn because I can create, inspire, paint with it. I love the different textures, colors. I let it speak to me and tell me what it wants to be.
I love the color of yarn. To see a wall of color in a yarn store is so inspiring!
I love yarn because it’s how I express myself creatively!
I love yarn because there’s an endless possibility of things to make. Everything I make comes from love. <3
ooohhhh yummy goods!!!
Would be a wonderful birthday present. May 1st. Would love to win it!!!
I absolutely love your yarn!
I love yarn because of the never end possibilities. The constant challenge of always having something new to try. I love yarn because it relaxes me. It puts me at ease once I have it wrapped around my fingers and needles. Plus all thoughs fabulous colours! How can you not be so happy when in a yarn store.
I love yarn because it holds endless possibilities. It can be anything I dream or imagine it to be. In the end, I feel it always is something beautiful – a work of art.
I love all the colors and textures for its endless possibilities and that I can turn a skein of yarn into something really pretty and useful!
I love yarn so much because of all the different colors and textures. This is an endless array of possibilities for fashion.
It’s warm, snuggly, comes in so many colors, and can be made into anything you can imagine!
Thick, thin, cotton, acrylic, cashmere, alpaca and on and on…I can’t get enough…yarn takes me to a mindful place where I can be myself, be creative, and relax…I love that I can make things that my friends and family enjoy…
I know EXACTLY what I want…and it will keep me happy for a long time!
The possibilities are endless when you have a skein of yarn (or two or three!). I love creating and experimenting with different types of yarn and seeing where I can go with it.
Thank you for the giveaway!
I love seeing a ball or skein turned into something new and exciting or anything. It’s basically an empty canvas waiting to be turned into something unique.
I love yarn because the fiber medium is a amazing medium for art. The colors and textures can be manipulated into any pattern creating a work of art. Yarn is also so comforting, each skein is like a warm hug carrying away all your worries, making even your mistakes and flaws part of a masterpiece.
I love yarn because of the unlimited things you can make with it. Love making gifts with it
I love the endless color combinations!
I love yarn because it’s squishy, soft, warm, and full of potential.
I love your yarn!! If I had the money I’d buy it all! Thank you so much for the chance for this giveaway! I love yarn it’s so soft and pretty and you can make almost anything with it! I have three kids under 6 and I go crazy with hats and scarves and toys! I love making something for someone else and knowing they like it! I have in total one yarn that I’m saving for something for myself lol.
Because why wouldn’t you love it?
I love yarn because the people I make things for are so happy
I love yarn because it helps me express myself though the things I make.
I love yarn because I can turn it into beautiful objects!
Yarn gives you the anticipation of something new and exciting and if it yarn with beautiful colors and texture you can end up with a family heirloom that lasts for generations!
You are so wonderful to do a giveaway every month! I always look forward to see what you have to offer.
I love you yarn because of all the different options you have, the color and quality are amazing! I also love your yarn because it makes so many people happy when they get what ever it is I knit.
There are so many things I love about yarn – from color combinations, to the feel, to knowing that I made the project. It’s amazing
I love yarn for all the versatile thing that can be made with it!
Yarn is the physical link to your soul, the expression of your creativity, your imagination! It is a great way for me to calm my anger episodes, allows me to gift my family and friends with something handmade and is a delight to feel in my hands and on my skin!
Yarn is so versatile and a wonderful natural fiber!
Love this website. The yarn is as pretty in person as in pictures!!
Love the squishiness!
Love this website. The yarn is as pretty in person as in pictures!
I love all the poi ileitis this basket represents!!!
So excited!! This would be an awesome win!
Love the feel of yarn spilling through my fingers as project turns into an item made with love fur the special people in my life. One day I hope to make special items for grandvabies
Yarn is beautiful on its own, and each of us can use our own creativity to make entirely different things with it!
I think I was born loving yarn. I was a very young girl when I was introduced to needlework. It is like a close friend and a companion every where I go. I love color and can get creative with the colors I choose. I love making things for others. It is a gift in itself to see their smiling face. I would be a very unhappy person if I had to sit and not keep my hands busy with a project. I can go on and on, but these are the highlights of why I LOVE yarn so much
I am a bit of a fiber freak. The interesting things you can make it do!!
I like it no matter how you use it. My personal craft if knitting, but I certainly appreciate all other forms of fiber artistry.
I love all the colours and the feeling of it in my hands!
I love your yarn because it is absolutely gorgeous and I would love to make gorgeous things with it!
I just retired and I love to try different types of yarn. My husband tells me I have an addiction but never frowns when I buy more.
I love yarn because there are so many possibilities it can create. There so many kinds and colors. It’s like Chridtmas everyday I get to handle yarn.
Love the feel of yarn spilling through my fingers while watching project come to life. Can’t wait to crochet for grand babies.
I love yarn because it feels so wonderful, the endless possibilities that a ball of yarn can turn into anything! I also love knitting and spinning yarn because it is a wonderful way to de-stress and relax, to love in the moment and stop worrying about life.
I love yarn because it can be so many different things… silk, alpaca, bamboo, cotton. It can be mittens, scarves, shawls, cozies, coasters, whatever you put your mind to!
There are so many reasons to love yarn. I love the feel and the calm I get working a project or choosing a yarn.
I love yarn because it affords me a creative outlet, and I believe everyone needs that! It also allows me to make beautiful things for everyone, and it’s just so fun to give!
I love yarn because knitting and crochet relaxes me so much.
I would love this! I love your yarn so much, but can’t afford it right now, so this would be perfect!
I’m a yarnaholic and I love it!
I tried to pin this on Pinterest but I couldn’t get the url, the pop up window kept disappearing when I tried to click on it so not sure if I did it right.
I love yarn because of the therapy it provides for the severed nerve in my arm (along with stress relief)!
I love yarn because there are so many possibilities of things you can make with it. You can make someone happy with a handmade item or someone jealous wit something you have made for yourself (usually I end up giving it to them if they love it).
I love love love yarn! If I had a choice between 100$ worth of yarn or 100$ worth of jewelry I would pick yarn!
I LOVE LOVE yarn because it is beautiful whether you make it into something or not!!
I love yarn craft because I can not see straight (no joke) and I am able to be creative. I have been able to make so many beautiful things. Most of my friends and family love a hand crafted gift. As one friend said , an ancient art that not enough people do anymore. I find it peaceful and helps with my fidgeting.
I love yarn because it allows me to show my creativity.
I hope I win, I just love your yarn!!
i love yarn!! so do my cats…….lol all 4 of them…they especially like it on knitting needles.
Yarn satisfies many of my needs all at once- the need for calm, for focus, for color, and for completion!
Love your yarn. Would love to win the gift certificate so I can buy more yarn!
I love all that I buy and love the club surprises. I also feel good supporting a small business vs. large chains such as Michaels.
Texture- Color-Texture- Color!!!
i love making yarn pretty … some times pretty yarn just needs a beautiful stitch to be beautiful. i love it!
I find it amazing that with a length of yarn and two needles – the possibilities are endless…
It’s just so lush! And the possibilities are endless….
I wanna win!
I could die!!!! Good Luck everyone!
I love soft, pretty yarn and making it into fabric to wear myself or to wrap others in my love.
Yarn allows me to have a creative outlet.
What a great give away. I’d love to win this because I love the luxury yarn. Keep up the great work.
Yarn is like paint made from gorgeous fibers. What’s not to love!
I love yarn because it makes my daughter happy, relaxed, and calm. It is one of her major de-stressors
looking at your yarn always makes me smile
I love the hand feel of wool and wool blends so I use them the most. Not that they are the only fiber I use I also use natural fibers too. I enjoy seeing what each hank or skein becomes whether I knit or crochet.
I love yarn because it is a blank canvas. The possibilities are only limited by my skill. And if it’s a soft yarn, that’s a bonus, because I know whoever receives the item I make will feel comforted.
I love the colour & texture of yarn. I love to cuddle it, pat it, look at it ,& even more, love to make & wear items I have made!
I love yarn because it makes me dream and see the possibilities
This is wonderful!
The possibilities! The color! The texture! What’s not to love.
I love yarn because I can create things in ways I can never do with pencils or paint, and knitting makes me happy and calms me when I’m stressed, and I love seeing a ball of lovely yarn progress into something fabulous, especially variegated yarns, seeing the colours come out in the pattern puts a smile on my face. I also always look at your yarns and they look so lovely, but I they are not something I can afford
I am fulfilled and satisfied
J’aime la laine car elle est douce, intemporelle, docile et indomptable, confortable, apaisante… Bref, j’aime la laine….
I love the time relaxing with my knitting! And then to add to the joy, you end up with a beautiful project!
There are so many possibilities. I love color, texture, I love it all
What a wonderful prize! Pls count me in! It would be such a treat
I love all the different colors and blends of color. Yarns allow you to make beautiful clothing, blankets, rugs and accessories. I love to crochet! Mostky I make baby blankets, afgahns, scarves and shawls. I have made a few rugs as well. I would love to win the gift certificate to buy lots of your gorgeous yarns.
I love yarn because I grew up watching my mother and grandmother creating wonderful item for soooooo many people and now that my kids are grown I have time to indulge myself in creating for other people too. So grateful these two special women in my life inspired me to love yarn!
I LOVE yarn because the options are endless in creativity and luxury!!! <3
I love the feel the smell and working with yarn. It lowers my blood pressure and calms my soul.
I love crocheting and so I love yarn a lot. I like the colors, softness, different textures of the yarn. Its fun to work with yarn.
The texture, the excitement, the sheer joy that surrounds a ball of yarn …. what’s not to love?
And being able to create something from that is simply magical!
Yarn … did you say yarn ??? Entered
I love that the different colors and textures of yarn can change up the same pattern! I have favorite patterns that don’t get boring simply because the yarns make each one unique.
Yarn takes me back to a time when life was simple and making your own things was highly valued.
I just love that there is sooo much that one can do with yarn!! It’s so exciting!!
I love your yarn for the beautiful colors and I would love a chance to be able to work with it!
I Love yarn and what beautiful things you can make with it. you can never have to much
I love your yarns and color sense and would absolutely love to have a free hand to get whatever I wanted.
I love yarn because just feeling it instantly makes my day less stressful.!
woohooo! good luck everyone!
I love yarn because my Grandmother taught me how to knit and crochet. I have been knitting and crocheting since I was a child and the things I make are always special to me, whether I keep them or give them as gifts!
your color ways are sooooooooo gorgeous
I love your yarn shop… kick myself when you are out of stuff I want before I have the spare money to buy them. Hope I win this time.
yarn keeps me sane!!!
Love the colors of your yarn. I think yarn lends to creating all kinds of projects.
Crocheting is my fave. once you know some stitches, you can design your own items.
I look at yarn and see so many possibilities for projects. I love the softness & the feel. When I finish one project I’m instantly thinking of what to do next. I love watching your progress on all your things you do. Thanks.
I love yard because it comes in so many different colors and textures and you can do so much with it!
I love yarn because you can make so much with it, whether you like to knit or crochet.
I can’t imagine a life without yarn and its endless possibilities.
I love yarn because it’s versatile. It can be wearable art and it speaks to me about what it wants to become.
I love the endless creative possibilities of yarn.
I find yarn very soothing. When a soft yarn falls through my fingers as I’m knitting, it takes me back to when I was little, being at the beach and letting the sand or water run through my fingers. I’m content.
Shopping spree! Pick me, pick me!
I like yarn and the way crocheting or knitting energizes my mind.
WOW! so generous of you to offer such an amazing giveaway! thank yoU!
I love yarn because it brings my creative side out and I also love to give handmade gifts to my family and friends. Always made with love,they always seem to appreciate my efforts.
I love how yarn wakes up my creativity. I look at a ball of yarn, and I imagine not just all the things that it could be, but I really try to imagine the one perfect thing that it could be. And then making that thing, no matter how difficult or complicated the pattern is, makes me so incredibly happy!
I love the feel of yarn from the softest merino to the smoothest silk.
I love yarn because I love watching my hands and hook create something beautiful from a simple piece of string!
I love the feel, color & the imaginative powers that yarn can bring out of one’s mind & have the potential to become.
I love soft beautiful yarn. Looking at Chandi’s yarn is like being a kid in a candy store. I love to make beautiful items with really nice yarns. Happy happy happy
I can’t believe the beautiful yarns coming from Expression Fiber Arts. The colors are so glorious!!! Plus really easy to work with.
I love how you can take beautiful strand of yarn and create something even more beautiful from it.
I love yarn because I am a yarn hoarder and go nuts at looking at different kinds and colors and would love to shop on your sight.they are such beautiful yarns.I wish I had the money to buy some of your yarn but in process of moving right now.
Love the feel and colors of yarn and love to create whatever comes to mind
adore your sense of color!
I love yarn because like creativity, it has endless possibilities!!
Plus so many colors, whee!
I love all the colors of yarn. I love how it relieves my stress to work with it, it’s a creative outlet I can take with me anywhere and I also get the bonus of the finished item! Does it get any better?!?!
I just live for yarn. I love to crochet it fills my time. I would love the chance to try your yarn. Thanks
I love the feel, colours and possibilities that yarn can be!
I love the feel of yarn in my hands, soft and squishy. And the way a new skein brings out the joy in me!
I love yarn because it gives me the ability to create so many items for my friends and family. It also allows me to donate items needed at the hospital.
loving gifts
I love yarn because it let’s me explore a creative side of myself that I’ve was never even aware that i had!
I love the different colors, fibers, and just thinking of the potential of each skein. I also love to find the right pattern for the right yarn.
When you have yarn, the possibilities are endless!
Yarn relaxes me
I love yarn because it has so many possibilities. The different colours, textures and sizes offer us a myriad of options as to what to do with it. Each skein holds so much choice.
I love yarn because it keeps my hands busy. It also my thing for me. Some women but shoes I like yarn.
That is just so awesome, Chandi! I love yarn and all the fun things you can make with it. I love the colors, the different weights and feels, and I love to try new yarns that I haven’t used before.
There are so many great reasons to love yarn: you can knit, crochet, bead, tat, you name it. You can make garments for yourself or for friends and family. You can make items for your house or to give away as gifts. There are so many applications for yarn: way too many to list! I love yarn so much! Thanks for this giveaway, Chandi. What a superb win this would be!
Yarn is happiness, the possibilities are endless, I can always choose to keep my creations to myself or I can share them with the world.
I hope I win. I could really make good use of the yarn crocheting hats for charity. There are many who need the hats that are going through chemo.
I’m addicted to all things fibre. It feeds my soul.
I love working with yarn. It helps calm the nerves. there are so many beautiful colors to work with. i just finished one project and have two more to finish. at least that’s what i’m telling myself lol.
I aways have more than one project going at one time.
I love yarn because I can create something out of it!
With creatively dyed yarn like EFA’s it’s nice to appreciate beauty just for beauty’s sake, but it’s a calming and meditative stress reliever to make something from it with your own hands too and feel that sense of accomplishment.
I love yarn because it is my escape from the world. Anytime I sit down with new yarn and a pattern, I know whatever I am going to make is going to turn out beautifully. No matter the hardship of the day (I’m a special needs mom), the beauty of the yarn turning from plain to a masterpiece, is enough to take away my stress and worry, even if it is for a little while.
Yarn makes me happy. I love the feel and beauty of yarn and what I can create with it! Loveeeeeeee ittttttt!!!
I love yarn because of all the different textures it comes in as well as all the effects it can have on a project. The possibilities are endless; for me, it’s creating with cloth what I can’t with pencils or paint.
I am a fiber fanatic. I love to look at, and touch whenever possible, all the yarn in a shop- imagining how it will work, drape, etc.
I love yarn because it’s soft and the possibilities are endless!!
I love yarn as it is magic string with endless possibilities! It is my escape, my therapy, and some days my sanity.
i like yarn, really any fiber, because of all the things you can make with it
I love the possibility of colour and texture of yarn. I love to think of what it will become. I love the feel of it running through my fingers as it becomes something new.
I love yard for colors and luxe feel. I love making items!
Yarn stimulates creativity in me. Just walking into a yarn store calms me and puts me in a serene place. I love the feel of yarn in my fingets.
HopeiI win,may is my birthday!
Hope I win
I love the relaxation that knitting brings. It is a quiet activity that I can do anywhere, and the beautiful feel of the yarn and the repetitive movements bring me a lot of peace. I also love the results!
I just love yarn, any yarn. I picked up my knitting needles after many years absence. It helps me cope with taking care of my husband who has a Traumatic Brain Injury.
All of your yarn is so beautiful!!! I can’t wait to start some new projects with some of your beautiful color ways!
Oh My, I have so many reasons why I Love yarn so much.
One, is that there are so many types of yarn to choose from, like delicate all the way to chunky. Two, there are so many color combinations, from brights to pastels. I would say the main thing is that there are so many many things that you can create with yarn. I really enjoy making things for others. To see the persons facial expressions of happiness means the world to me. 
Thank You so much for yet another wonderful opportunity of receiving beautiful yarn!
Yarn is beautiful…I’m obsessed with it, I NEED beautiful luxury yarn to feast my eyes on & to make lovely things with it. I just love yarn…what’s not to love?!!!
Love your giveaways
Because it’s yummy!
Love the possibilties in every skein of yarn!
Every skein is full of endless possibilities!
I love yarn to feel the texture in my hands because it gets my creative juices flowing thinking what I can make with it
Love the yarn!
I love yarn because there are so many things you can make. The possibilities are endless!
Yarn can be so many things and it’s fun to make something for someone and give it as a gift!
Love soft colourful yarn and make something beautiful with it.
I love yarn because there are so many things you can make with it! Straight-up clothing, decorative wraps, kids’ crafts, and even what I love to do most, make wigs for dolls!
So many uses, so little time! XD
I love yarn because there are so many colors, so many fibers, and so many wonderful projects!
using yarn relaxes me and my imagination is limitless
Love the way you dye your yarn, it’s simply beautiful! I’ve been knitting and crocheting since I was little and I’m just learning how to spin… maybe one day I’ll add dyeing to the list!
I am in love with your yarn! I would be the so giddy if I were to win $1000 shopping spree!
I love yarn because I love to crochet blankets with different colors and different textures. When I go to garage sales, resale shops, and even Walmart to find yarn to collect for that next blanket to make.
I love to take the beauty of the yarn and incorporate it into something else beautiful, and be proud of what I accomplish!
I love yarn for many reasons. First I love all the colors yarn comes in. Second I love yarn because I can use it to make lovely gifts for others as well as things for myself.
I have 3 toddlers and yarn not only helps keep me sane but encourages my little ones to imagine and see the possibility in things.
I love the feel of the fiber, all the lovely colors, and the possibility in each skein…I never get bored when I am playing with yarn!
I love yarn because it has endless possibilities
I love yarn! It always reminds me of my Nan teaching me to knit squares that we made into a blanket when I was little.
I love to knit especially getting over a broken helps time go by nicely and a lot faster.
Yarn equals potential and peace of mind while obtaining this potential.
I love yarn bc it allows me to create useful and beautiful things whole allowing me to be crafty. It is a stress reliever which is greatly needed in my life!
It just always amazes me how you can create something for a skein of yarn!!! I love crocheting and knitting and I love your yarn!
Its potential to be turned into a variety of things either with a hook or a set of needles. It is endless in what it can be made into and to me it says that even something seemingly simple can become something of great beauty.
Your yarn is amazing! I’d love love love to get some. Thanks for the opportunity
I could use the Yarn to make a lot of things. Like a blanks, hats, you name it I can make it . But I have been trying to win from you and I have not won any thing yeat. I dont get to much money on Disleb. Carol
Yarn allows me to create anything I want. The steady rhythm of the hook soothes the savage beast inside. The colors stimulate my creativity. New skills are fun to learn and allow for that feeling of accomplishment.
I just love your yarn and this would give me a great chance to try out some colours I have been admiring
love the feel of nature fiber fabric and yarns…your yarns are lovely to look at and wonderful to work with
It would be so nice to sample some of your yarns.
Knitting for my grandchildren, makes them happy, and me too!
I love how you can take something so simple which is basically string and make something beautifully from it. The ideas for creating are only as endless as your imagination (or someone else’s, when buying their patterns.)
I love yarn because I make hats for children that don’t have hats to wear in the cold winter weather. I also make baby blankets for babies that go to heaven to soon. It makes me feel good to know they are wrapped in blankets of love. Yarn is my way of giving back….Thank you <3
Wow, there are so many reasons to love yarn…Some of them: you can create numerous things with it and make the ones you love happy!
Yarn, for me, is happiness in a ball. The fact that I can wear and gift something that contains my energy and my love and effort gives me great joy.
I love yarn because of the way it feels and because of the beautiful things I can create.
I like yarn so much because I can create things from patterns that are beautiful, personalized and practical for any and all. It’s relaxing and also keeps you occupied and not just sitting doing nothing, makes down time more productive.
I am a knitting maniac, now with No 3 GREAT GRANDCHILD on the way and twin toddling ones I never stop knitting. Click, Clack, Click Clack.
I love yarn because it lets me create something unique, and let’s face it, yarn is just plain fun to play with.
Before my son passed away 5 years ago, he had seizures and was a special needs child, after he fell asleep at night, picking up my needles with yarn (any weight, any color, any pattern) was a soothing way to relax and make something for someone who would appreciate it! I love picking up my needles as it is a stress reliever (after a day of doing things for my family) because it was the one thing I could do for me! Thank you for the opportunity to enjoy the yarn you are offering!
I love all the possibilities yarn provides. It’s a wonderful medium to work with.
It has been a year since I first began my crochet hobby. And I still marvel at the things I’ve created with the yarn. So many different colors and textures. I usually buy acrylic or cotton. But once in a while I will splurge. Right now I have a hank of Madelinetosh waiting for the hook!
You can make anything! Literally anything. All I need is a hook or some needles.
Yarn is inspiring in it’s possibilities. Each skein opens a new creative world!
yarn lets me escape
I love that with yarn there are no boundaries to ones creative side!
Hi Chandi and crew, I love yarn since I was first married. It’s been a great freind. I remember buying a skein, one hook and a magazine and I taught myself to crochet. I made a dark green alligator. That was in 1962. Am still at it, and still love it, though my taste has approved. Have a great week
i love your work
Just love all the color.
I love yarn!
i am new to crafting in general and am still trying to teach myself how to crochet and crochet – but i am totally OBSESSED with yarn already! it is definitely a disease! i have three huge storage containers and two small ones full already but never have the right yarn or right color when i need it so i somehow justify getting more! i think i am in for a lifetime of addiction!
Oh the colors, the textures, the magic you can work with sticks and string! I think of it as fiber therapy<3
Why i love yarn so much??????? that’s easy…. i love yarn because of all the amazing things i can create by using it!!!!!!!!!!!
Yarn makes me feel good. I can get through anything in my day when I know I can come home and knit. I always have yarn with me during my day at work. Just knowing I have something in my bag that I love helps make my day bright
Good Morning Chandi
I love so much because you can make beautiful items from it weather it be clothing or blankets to keep you warm, or toys for the children in your life. It also keeps me sane. I have been knitting since I was 5 years old and will until I am no longer able which I hope is never.
Thanks for the opportunity.
I love the textures of good yarn!
I crochet almost every day. I make a lot of hats for charity and I make beautiful items to wear and give as gifts to family and friends. Thanks for the chance to win.
Yarn has so many options and colors.
I love the potential hidden in the yarn and playing with color.
Love the yarns….it’s always great to make something unique with it
It just makes me happy!
I can never have enough yarn !!!! I crochet every chance I get, right now I have 3 projects going!!! Love to unwind at the end of my work day with my crochet
I love yarn because of the diversity in texture, color and fiber source. It can be as eclectic as I am. I especially love natural fibers because it makes me feel closer to something that meshes perfectly with the surrounding world.
It’s my therapy!
I think I would go nuts if I didn´t have yarn to knit with! I simply must knit every day all year round!
It´s such an comfort to the soul…..
the possibilities!
So much beauty; so little time!
I love having the ability to make whatever I want in the way that I want it with yarn.
JI just love your yarn!
I love yarn because it is a way of showing the creative personality of the Artist. <3
I love yarn because of the colors, textures and the potential of what it can become!
I get to treat myself to something beautiful and make something useful to boot
It is wonderful therapy and allows you to create something wonderful to either enjoy for yourself or to share with the special people in your life.
I got my order in the mail this week and trying to explain my excitement at some yarn to my boss I told him that I didn’t just get yarn in the mail, I got unlimited possibilities for creation!
I love the feel, the colors, the smell and the possibilities!
I love yarn because it brings so much color to the world and I love all the textures!!
I love yarn because it can be anything. Sweater, scarf, stuffed animal. Soft, warm, light, sturdy. A versatile outlet for good days and bad.
As much as I would love to have great artistic ability, the only way I have ever found to express my creativity is with yarn.
I started crocheting as a way to bond Wii the a sick relative. Now I love to crochet! It gives me an escape When life is hard.
I love yarn because the colours are amazing!
I am so in love with your yarns, Chandi! The textures and colors are amazing. Thank you for sharing your talent with us!!!
I don’t know why I love yarn so much. I might be a cat.
I love to create beautiful gifts for family and friends. It is so relaxing and comforting
Yarn gives me a way to be creative. I love designing my own items.
Yarn just makes me so happy! I love having it in my hands and squishing it and then making it into something! There are so many possibilities, I can almost never choose just one.
I love yarn because it makes me feel happy!
I love yarn so much because of its versatility and how such a small strand can turn into something beautiful!
colors and possibilities!
I love yarn because of the different textures and all of the many things you can do with it
I love making things for others! Giving gifts that people love makes me so happy!
I just adore the colors!
Spun fiber – or yarn – connects us, knot by knot (I’m a crocheter), to our potential to be creators of something beautiful, useful and lasting. That’s why I love yarn.
I love the feel of yarn, the colors or yarn, and I am thinking about experimenting with the TASTE of yarn. Friends just dyed theirs with Kool-Aid, so what’s not to like about the taste?
My grandmother instilled a love of yarn in me. She taught me to knit when I was 5. I love the feel, colours, textures. Everything about it!
Yarn is such a versatile medium that comes in a wide variety of colors and weights. It allows you to create wonderful items that will hopefully become an integral part of of someone’s history and passed on to future generations.
I love yarn because there is so much you can do with it. Its also soft and pretty!
I love yarn because I can have fun being creative with it and make something useful at the same time.
Lovely colors and good quality.
I love yarn for a few reasons. My first reason I love yarn, is my grandmother. She was ALWAYS crocheting a new baby blanket whenever i was visiting which was weekly. She introduced me to yarn and lots of beautiful finished projects from a very young age. My Second reason I love yarn, is my son. I learned to knit because he wanted to learn while he was battling Leukemia. I no longer have either of these amazing people. Although I miss them both greatly, whenever I see beautiful yarn, I remember them both and that always makes me smile!
i love yarn because of the possibilities, and i give away what i make as gifts and i get to think about the people i love as i make an item and it keeps them warm and is beautiful.
I love yarn because it allows me to express who I am.
Would love to be able to get my hands on some of your yarn!! It all ways looks so beautiful & you make so many pretty things with it!! Thanks for the opportunity!!
I love yarns, they’re so lovely to hold and can be made into almost anything. It’s ridiculous
I don’t know if I can find words to explain why I love yarn so much. I love the feel/texture of it, the colors, the versatility and the endless possibilities in every hank/ball/skein. Thank you for the chance to win this and all the other contests/giveaways you have offered.
Your colors are always gorgeous/breath-taking. I hope to have a job soon so that I might be able to buy more. Please, keep on doing what you do.
using my adi needles
I love yarn because it starts as a ball and it turned into something beautiful!! It’s amazing to watch the yarn turn into something!!!
I love yarn because of all the possibilities of beautiful things I can make out of it!
[…] Click here to enter! […]
I love yarn because crocheting is my favorite hobby. I love making gifts for people!
I love yarn for its soft, squishy and therapeutic qualities. It does not ask me what my feelings are. It allows me the opportunity to express myself and to journey to new vistas with each new project.
seeing joy on people’s faces
I love yarn because it holds so much possibility and creativity!
Love the look the feel and all the wonderful things you can do with yarn!
I love yarn because options are endless, it relaxes me, and I realize the joy in my time spent creating my wearable art.
Your yarn inspires me to step out of my comfort zone and try something new, it is just too beautiful not to make into something fun. Thank you for all your positivity and inspiration, I love all the possibilities yarn gives me to create and feel accomplished as well as connected with people I never would have met if it weren’t for my love of yarn and crochet. =)
I love to imagine what the yarn might become. And who I can give the completed project to. Awesome.
I love the texture. Colour is important in yarn, but texture is huge!
I love your yarn!!! It’s a dream to work with and the colors are amazing!
I love yarn because it has endless possibilities. You start with yarn and end with a unique creation.
I love all the types from, cotton to alpaca. The endless varieties of colors and color combinations! The possibilities of projects, from simple to complex. The therapy I obtain from it. forget shoe shopping, I’d rather spend my time in a yarn shop anytime!
I love yarn so much because it keeps me sane!
I love yarn because it’s so delicious!
I love to knit and with three small grandsons living with me it keeps me relaxed, you have such vibrant yarn.
Amazing to start with a ball of yarn and by knitting (or crocheting) you transform it into something useful/beautiful = MAGICAL
I am a yarnaholic. I love to create unique and challenging items to give away.
I love yarn because of the beautiful colors and the awesome possibilities that it has!
I love to create beautiful things with colorful soft yarn.
I love the satisfaction of creating something with yarn whether I keep it for myself or give it as a gift
knitting (yarn) because I have MS and need something to do that is conducive to productivity while I am resting. I am not near as active as I used to be, but thanks to yarn, and your videos, I have successfully learned a hobby that eases the depression which comes with a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, there are those days in which my hands don’t work well either. However, without knitting I would be in a world of trouble psychologically.
Thanks to yarn I am able to create beautiful things AND give myself and adequate amount of rest to ease some of the MS symptoms!
I love yarn for it’s texture, feel, color, dimension, ability to transform, and enhance my creativity.
Yarn why do I love thee….. So many reasons…… Creating wonderful socks for my family & friends… Blankets to cuddle up with my hubby & pup….. Cowls to get me warm in the winter…. Just to name a few!!!
I love yarn because it is one of the few mediums of art that I can still do with the rare autoimmune condition that I have. I love being able to spread the joy and happiness I have in creating things with yarn with those who enjoy the items I make!
I love to create beautiful things with colorful soft yarn. Your yarns are amazing!!
Would love to work with the variety of colors and textures of these lovely yarns!
I love yarn!! Different fibers, gauges, colors…endless possibilities for creativity.
Love it for its versatility, it’s beauty, it’s color, texture…I could go on and on
I’m an artist and fiber arts is one of my favorite ways to create. Yarn can be anything with a purpose, be turned into a visual piece of art, or both. I love sharing my projects with others and teaching them how to make different pieces.
My yarn is my sanity.
I love anything to do with yarn. Not a day goes by without doing something with yarn. It is a necessity!
I love because it gives me a chance to express myself without having to speak a word.
I have a yarn addiction! So many amazing colors and each item made is unique!
I would love to create beautiful shawls with this wonderful yarn!
I love yarn because it reminds me of my granny. She taught me to crochet when I was 5. She has been gone for more than 15 years now, but every time I pick up a ball of yarn, I think of her.
Endless possibilities.
I love the colors, the textures, the way it changes with different stitches…the endless combinations. It’s just the most wonderful crafting material ever (for me)!
I love yarn because it makes my wife happy and she can make me lots of pretty things
I love yarn because it is wearable art.
I love yarn when it calls my name. To touch it, to create beautiful and useful things, to hear it sing to me as it flies through my fingers. I take my needlework everywhere I go and have met some very nice people because of their curiosity about what I am doing. Knit & crochet is my passion and I’m totally addicted.
I love yarn so much because it can be made into all different kinds of stuff. I love to knit or crochet with the yarn. I have made sweaters and hats and scarves and fingerless gloves and afghans and bath mitts with yarn. I love the feel of the different fibers used for yarn. Two of my favorites are cotton and merino wool/silk blend.
There are too many reasons why I love yarn! A few are: I love the incredible range of colours yarn can be – it can be any colour imaginable! I also love the different textures and thicknesses, and how each yarn can create a different effect on a pattern! ^_^
Love having luxury yarn between my fingers..and making beautiful projects and watching the recipients face when they realize the beautiful knitted gift is theirs.
Not only do I crochet for my family, but I am a member of a local group that makes prayer shawls for our local Hospice. Would love to donate the yarn to our group!
I love how yarn has the ability to alter my mood, when I’m stressed or sad I can pick up some yarn and needles and the colors can instantly brighten my day and the rhythm of the knitting needles helps me relax, plus nothing makes me happier than wearing a gorgeous finished item.
I would love to win this! Your yarn is simply beautiful
Love the softness and the ability to create beautiful things with it!
I express myself with yarn!
I love how from some string or yarn a whole new thing can be born. I ove creating things by hand.
i love yarn because i love to surround myself with color
Because I usually knit as an artist, I enjoy with colors and try to make something special, no limits for creation… and when I’m knitting I can think about a lot (models, country, etc)
I love yarn so much because I can express myself with color and texture. I love everything about yarn – the feel of it on my fingers, wearing something handmade, you name it.
I love the feel of yarn and I love all the possibilities of yarn! I have a crazy job and I love to relax with my knitting and create something cool.
Love yarn and love winning yarn! Sewing is my therapy…
I love the feel of yarn!
Thanks for another awesome giveaway! I love yarn and crochet, because it’s a way for me to relax and I love the sense of accomplishment after a finished project.
I love all of the colors and textures of yarn. You can take those colors and textures and with just two ‘sticks’ knit them into something wonderful!
I love yarn because I knit. I knit because it is a relaxing, engaging, life affirming hobby that provides me with a lot of great gifts for all occasions.
The colors that you can make and see are beautiful.
How fun would that be!
I love yarn because I love creating something beautiful for my friends and family. I never see a skein of yarn without seeing the finished product in my mind.
It’s my therapy:)
I love yarn so much because creating something beautiful out of it is so gratifying.
I love yarn because making something out of it is a very peaceful thing for me.
I love the colors and the creativity used to develop each colorway. One day I am going to get that brown yak silk and make a sweater that will cuddle my soul
I love to take a simple ball of yarn and turn it into something that can be handed down for generations. I love to see the expression on the face of the person that is receiving the gift that was created from a ball of yarn.
I love yarn because it allows me to be creative while dealing with my anxiety. I love making warm ams beautiful things for my five children
Pretty to look at. Warm and soft to the touch. NEVER ARGUES WITH YOU!
My niece Bella is going to have back surgery done in a few weeks she loves when I make her things so I was going to make her a blanket.
Yarn is just amazing. It helps me with anxiety and gives me purpose.
Why do I love yarn? Let’s see, the color, the texture, the endless possibilities…all of that and, well, beautiful yarn just makes me feel good.
I love to feel the yarn being worked through fingers and then having created something useful out of one piece of string.
I love yarn because you can make it into something totally unique that no else has.
My niece Bella is going to have back surgery in a few weeks and she loves when I make stuff for her she is only 13 years old
love yarn….the colors of the rainbow and more the texture the feel and the happiness it brings!!!
I absolutely love looking at your beautiful yarns!! Going to buy a bunch as soon as I am employed again!!
Pick me, pick me!!! I just love all the possibilities and your colourways are amazing!!!!
Amazing. I have been following you for a couple of years now. Amazing talent and in love with your yarns!
I love yarn because it is my therapy. Plus there are so many things you can make with it. Keeping an old skill alive by crocheting
I love yarn, the way it feels the way it looks, the things it becomes. Yours are the prettiest, in my opnion, but they all have value to the item they become.
I love the feel of yarn while imagining all the things I could make with it!
I love watching the fiber grow into textile. I love the feel of fiber in my hands.
I love all the possibilities that yarn provides. It can become something so beautiful.
Feeling the texture of the yarn relaxes the stress right out of my being. I love to knit soft pastel colors . I have been knitting since I was a child and now have touch and feel yarn in my hands for comfort.
I love the color combinations you have been teasing mr with, I result want to feel the softness of those yarns.
Yarn is my happy place….the softness and vibrant colors….what’s not to love!
I love your yarn because it’s so beautiful!! I love all of the creative names and each skein is more beautiful than the next! I dream of all the amazing projects that could be created : )
I would love to win this!!!
Your colours are amazing!
Amazing colour + amazing feel = amazing sweaters!
Because I can make so many things for my grandchildren with it…this is why I love yarn.
I love the infinite possibilities that a simple ball of yarn presents
The colours! and the textures, and the feel of it sliding thru my fingers, even the smell of it! Scrumptious!
I’m fascinated that I can take a ball of yarn and turn it into clothing with my own two hands!
I like knitting beautiful things for my family
i’m a textile degree student and spend every day experimenting and learning all the beautiful things i cab do with yarn
I love all the different colours they all very inspiring.
I love the colours.and the blogs. I look forward to seeing. The next colours.x
I love the colors and I love to crochet. Would love to win this.
Yarn is therapy for me. Its a way to give a hug from afar. A way to transmit a feeling to someone when you don’t have the words to say. It shows someone you care enough to make them something one of a kind and that you think of them. It can keep those you care about warm when they are cold. It can bring comfort to those that are lonely. It can share a cultural story and connect people to thier ancestry.
Why do iI like yarn? It has allowed me to remain calm, cool, and collected. It helps me relieve stress when I sit and crochet or knit, or other crafts involving yarn. This has always been my stress relief.
I love yarn and the beautiful colors I see. Knitting with beautiful makes me happy!
I would love to win the yarn and use it in some weaving. I find yarn easier to work with than paint
knitting in the sunshine
I love yarn because I am learning how to crochet! My friend Sharon is teaching me
Yarn is beautiful.
Hi! I love yarn because it’s so colorful and fun. I don’t know how to knot or crochet though. This would be a gift for my sister because she’s a home economics teacher and knows how to do these things. She makes things out of yard quite a bit. Thank-you!
Chanda, your yards are luxurious! Your color choices are unique and sophisticated. I just wish I could afford more. I hate to buy one skein and ‘run out’ but buying Two seems super expensive. I wish you had more patterns to recommend for one skein. I am new to the realm of transferring Grams to yards, and figuring out what I need to do a pattern from Ravelry.
There is nothing better than to take a big squishy ball of yarn and being able to manipulate it into something fun or beautiful!!
i love yarn because it makes my whole head smile
I love yarn because : color, texture, possibilities!
I’m new to crocheting, but I’ve become addicted to yarn. I love the gorgeous colors, the rich textures, the way you can create things of beauty, from something so simple.
I love yarn, because it just like I have a magic wand, when I want make something…then… simsalabim…. and the yarn just turn into it
Oh to be able to buy $100 worth of your yarn!!! ♡♡♡♡
Love your videos. Are you a teacher my occupation?
Because it provides practical uses while also being an artistic outlet. It is versatile, can be made into gifts, provide comfort, be a source of income, bring sanity back to a busy day, be simple or complex…that strand of yarn is a lifeline, anchoring to a crochet hook or knitting needle that keeps me in a place of creativity, creating something with my own hands, reminding me to slow down and be myself.
Thank you for the chance!
Your yarn is wonderful.
this past winter season was historical regarding the freezing temps and amounts of snow. mostly, i was home bound. so i took an online sock knitting course. ever since, i cant put down my dpns .. not ever! i appreciate this giveaway as it gives me the chance to get some gorgeous yarn that i normally would not have the opportunity to use in my new addiction to knitting socks!
I love yarn because it can make soooo many things.
Especially gift for friends and cool items. =D
Its yarn really what is not to love about it
I love making things and I love lots of color. Choosing projects and colors and always having something in the works, is way I love yarn so much. There are so many varieties and options. Love it!
I just seem to have an affinity for yarn. When I was younger I wanted to learn netting, then weaving and then knitting and crochet. All for the soft feel and wonderful designs I could possibly make.
Yarn takes me to my happy place.
I love the feel of yarn and it’s many variations: soft;silky;warm; shiny; nubby!
You have the BEST giveaways!
I truly need to win
I love the way your yarn looks like and when I’d win this $100 gift certificate I would so be buying your yarn! Would love to finally be able to buy it and use it for my crochet projects ♡
OMG, my mom love yarn colours !! Congrats on your shop!! very sucess !!
I want to give prize to her!!
Oh there are so many reasons! But the biggest is it just makes me so happy
The feel and colors helps to get me in a good mood.
Such beautiful yarn!
your colourways, your enthusiasm, your encouragement are very uplifting and you just seem like so much fun–would love to add you to our knitting group!!
I love the feel & color of beautiful wools….Thank you for this great giveaway.
I am currently confined to a hospital bed after shattering my femur into 14 pieces and then re-breaking it in rehab. I’ll be here for 12 weeks. I have crocheted for 44 years and have had a love affair with yarn since the age of 12. I just taught myself to knit with your Youtube videos. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have always wanted to knit, and you describe your yarns so well and they sound so luxurious. I have a spinning wheel and never really mastered it. I watched your video and cannot wait till I can walk again. Winning the yarn would make my life interesting and would give me glorious yarn to knit with.
I love yarn because when times have been tough through losing my brother, last year, to a horrible cancer at the young age of 40, my husband losing his job and losing 3 people in his family, and having major surgery on top of everything.. (yes this all happened at once in a 2.5 month period of time), I was able to find stability in yarn and knitting. Yarn and the feel of it in my hands was the most comforting thing I could do for myself suffering these tough times of loss. I am glad to have this, it was what kept me sane.
I love using yarn to knit hats and mittens for the homeless around us. And it is soooo relaxing.
I love yarn because it can be made into so many different things
Oh, the things I could do with yarn. Squish it, Hug it, smile at it, but bust of all make something that someone will love.
I love the gratification of working with yarn and the beautiful results that I give to others. Chandi, your yarns are gorgeous! I can’t wait to try it. Too bad that I missed the opportunity to get the Peacock yarn that you recently offered.
love this colours
thaks so much for this giveaway
I like the idea of an escape
why are my comments awaiting moderation? don’t you like me?
I love yarn so much because I have never felt very good at anything in life. I was always second best (or much worse!) at everything I tried. Creating things with yarn is the only thing in my life I have ever felt good at! I love seeing colors of yarn and feeling their softness and looking up patterns endlessly to create something beautiful and changing it just slightly to make it mine.
I just started crocheting a little under a year ago and I have discovered so many different types of yarn. I love how they all have different textures and can make very different looking projects just by switching the type of yarn youre working with
I love yarn for the way it makes me feel when everything else is so stressful. Last year my youngest brother became ill with a horrible cancer and passed away, my husband lost his job, a move in the middle of all this, 5 people on my husband’s side passed away, and throw in major surgery for me.. and yes, this all happened at once and in 4 1/2 months time. I was able to pick up some yarn and lose myself in something that felt good, made me forget for a moment and focus on what I was making. It was what made me smile in the darkest hour. I was able to make a shawl to wrap my mom in law as most the people she lost were her siblings. It not only made me feel good but also brought some comfort to someone else that neeeded it.
That is why I love yarn.
I love yarn because I love to look at it and think of all the things I could create with it.
I love yarn so much for so many reasons. The first is probably the color. There are certain colors that just make me happy, and making my projects in those colors is a double plus. The second is texture. I tried knitting with a machine for a while, but it wasn’t for me, as I truly enjoy feeling the yarn slip through my fingers as I make my projects. So I enjoy touching my work-in-progress as well as my finished project. And third is the ability to be creative. Rarely do projects get made exactly like the pattern. I often change things to suit me, and yarn is a wonderful platform for creating projects, as there are so many possibilities.
I love all the beautiful colors and styles yarn comes in and how many different things you can make with it.
I love all the beautiful colors and styles yarn comes in and how many different things you can make with it. Not to mention crocheting is one of my favorite hobbies.
I love yarn because I love to crochet new things my favorite things to make are baby hats and I love to see the different yarns and how they feel and look. It is really cool how all the colors you have and no one else has the colors. I would probably order all the colors except I don’t have enough to bye them all. I would to get and see some as well.
I love yarn as there are so many things you can do with it. I love to knit and crochet.
colors are amazingly vivid
I love yarn because of the colluh, colluh, colluh!
Love the colors!
thanks for chance!!!
I would SO love to have this! I have a stash of your scrumptious yarns and I want more
I love that there is a variety of different fibers for yarn.
I love the softness and never ending possibilities
i love the textures, the colors, the infinite possibilites that yarn provides
Yarn to me means an hour to myself of piece and quiet. I love that yarn and making things with yarn is my escape.
I love your yarn! I hope I win!
I love that a ball or skein of yarn can be anything, like heaps of little things or a part of a large project
And it can always calm you down or keep you at peace and I get a sense of accomplishment when I finish a project whether it be large like a blanket or small like a heart
That’s why I love yarn, so many possibilities in a small amount
So many colors and textures!
Its beautiful how you can great so many things with yarn! Its addicting and you creat art with it! I love it!
i love yarn because it’s FREE Therapy! lol
I love the endless possibilities of things you can make with it. And I love all the colors!
love the colors
add to my stash
Thank you for this great giveaway!
I love the yarn because I can do many lovely things with the colors and the details I wish..
Crossed fingers!
I am not a knitter/crocheter myself. I am entering this for my son’s girlfriend who is absolutely fabulously talented when it comes to yarn work. I have received many beautiful things created by her and if I win this gift certificate hopefully I will receive more.
I love yarn as I am able to be creative and get something useful. I also love keepin my hands busy with it!
Started knitting this year & I can’t stop:)
it! Relaxing & creative.
soft fluffy yarn!
I love yarn because it makes me smile just touching it. It’s so soft and squishy and warm … and it’s useful too!
I love yarn because, with one string you can make beautiful creations
That are uniquely designed by you. At the end of each day when life gets hectic crocheting relaxes me and puts me at peace, and that all begins with yarn!:)
Yarn is practical and magical. There is so much that you can do with it as art and fashion.
Love the colors and all the things you can make with it. It makes me feel good seeing a finished project.
being creative satisfies a need in me
Yarn gives me an indescribable feeling of happiness and joy! And it comes in so many gorgeous colors
I love yarn because you can make so many different things with it.
I love yarn because I love knitting. I like that feeling of creating an item.
I love yarn because it can be turned into absolutely anything!
I am new to this site, and just love all the colors. I am a long time crocheter, but also getting into knitting. Winning this contest would set me up for a whole new level, and I would love to start busting out some new projects!!!
I love yarn for the yarns I get to share with my mum over some serious stitching!
Thanks for the chance, would love this as a gift for mum!
Can make such one off unique pieces that you just can’t find in store
vivid colors
I love the colors and textures of yarn and that it is the starting point for any creation that I can imagine.
Addicted to crochet therefore addicted to yarn!
I love yarn – I am not sure if it is the textures, the colors, the fact that the sky is the limit as to what you can create with it. All I know is, every time I finish a project, I hate to have to give it away! I buy yarn and make “welcome New Baby Outfits” and “Sorry you are sick” shawls and “Merry Christmas” sweaters, scarves, hat, wristers, mittens…. OOOOOOhhhhh I would LOVE to win some yarn that I could selfishly use for myself!
p.s. Everyone always says to me “why don’t you make yourself a new sweater- you know how, why are you wearing that ratty thing (referring to my 15+ yr. old sweater from a tag sale)”
Knitting is a form of therapy
Couldn’t find the link that I shared to. My phone took me straight to the app and the app didn’t have web links. I followed you on pinterest so you should be able to find it for me. I would probably make a shawl.
Yarn is beautiful and practical..what’s not to love?
I love yarn because it creates possibilities that are endless.
I love all of the colors and textures. It inspires me.
I love the color of yarn and the possibilities it holds
Self taught crocheter and loving getting to work with other types of yarn besides what is available at the local, and franchised, craft shops!
I would love to win this gift card and use your yarn for a couple personal items above been putting off.
Yarn makes me happy!
I love yarn because I’m an artist! I love creating things with my hands whether it be knitting, crocheting, drawing, beading, or whatever craft I delve into next! Being surrounded by the beautiful colors and lovely textures of yarn just makes me happy.
I love yarn because it makes me HAPPY! I love the colors, the textures and the possibilities wrapped up in a ball of yarn. I love to collect it and to look at it – whether it’s a WIP or just sitting in a bowl on my coffee table.
I love how yarn binds people together and then keeps us all in stitches
I love yarn because it allows me to create and is fun to shop for!
Yarn is to me as an adult what a stuffed toy was to me as a child. a source of comfort and a vehicle for creativity.
I love the feel of yarn in my hands and then to watch it take shape on my needles into what I wish it to be. I am always amazed at what I can do with a skein of yarn.
I love yarn!!! I love the feeling of it running through my fingers as I knit!!!
Yarn is awesome, and creating something is so much fun! Thanks for doing a giveaway
I love yarn because it’s beautiful and therapeutic to both my body and mind. My physical therapist incorporated half an hour a day of crocheting into my “wellness plan” after I had brain surgery in February, and it’s been a success in helping me to gain back the use of my hand, as well as helping in cognitive ways. At first, I was unable to follow a pattern (after several years of advanced crocheting) but now I feel that I am back on track and ready to learn more and harder techniques than before. I LOVE YARN!!!
So many projects to make with your yarn – I need more hands and more hours in the day!
I love yarn because you can take a ball of yarn and create whatever you can imagine. The possibilities are endless:)
Seeing all of the beautiful colors and wonderful textures of yarn is exciting! I like the soft squishy yarns the most.
I love yarn because of the mystery. Often it takes on its on life.
I love yarn.
I love yarn!! It helps me to relax and unwind. Plus I make pretty things.
I love being able to turn yarn into just about anything! It still amazes me when I finish a project that I made a hat, blanket, stuffed animal, or flower with just a ball of yarn and a hook
I love the different textures and colors of yarn! I love all the color combinations possible, one of my fav things ever is picking palettes for my projects.
My love for yarn strafed at a young age my adorable mother who I love so much word can’t express it taught me how to use crotchet hook and needles with no patters to follow just stitches passed down from grandma and friends .. I love making I teams and giving them away hats blankets sweaters you name it. I am hurt my arm and have been on a not wanted pause from my passion of yarn working but I will have surgery soon and it would b amazing to have yarn to work with after my recovery . Thank you
yarn is like xanax for me…and an outlet for my creativity
I love yarn because it has always been there for me during the many hospital visits and stays I have endured. There is a great comfort in having something to focus on. I love yarn because of the smiles it brings to your friends faces when you find the perfect color and pattern for them. I love yarn because, how could you not?
Love the colors and it’s such a fair price. Please dye more pink and gray sock yarn. I missed out on that one.
I love yarn for all the possibilities a single skein can hold. Not only does it make beautiful things but it also gives me a sense of peace and calmness that is sometimes hard to find these days.
Love, love yarn and all of your yarn is so beautiful and would be great to use in a project!
If I won, I would be ecstatic to finally be able to afford some of your yarn I drool over quite frequently!
Possibilities for creating new things are endless with yarns.
So want to win this!
Love your yarn …it is so vibrant in colors
Have picked a project..just need the yarn now
I have osteoarthritis and can’t take anything for it. Using yarn to create wonderful gifts helps my hands. I love crocheting and knitting. I can’t do either for very long, but it helps a bit.
I would love to use your awesome yarn!
I love the endless possibilities! The colours and textures always make me happy!
I love yarn because of the myriad of possibilities from one ball or skein of yarn. And the colors, oh I love the colors.
Yarn makes me happy! I enjoy the colours, the texture, the way it feels in your hands. I enjoy having a hobby that makes me smile and lets me create amazing things for myself, my family and friends.
I love the feel of yarn as I crochet or knit. There are so many lovely solid colored and self-striping yarns.
Yarn keeps me sane!
Your yarn is to die for
Yarn makes relax
I love creating with fabulous quality yarn, and I love love love your yarns!!! I knit and crochet.
I love making things with yarns! Hats. Scarves, shorties…..
It’s the story of what went before, growing, spinning dyeing and the promise of what’s to come. So many wonderous possibilities!
I love yarn for it’s versatility! It allows me to make soft toys, clothing, beautiful accessories, jewelry…the possibilities are endless, depending on what fibre you’re using.
I love yarn because the possibilities are endless to turn it into something unique and personal. I love seeing look on the face of the person I give a handmade knitted gift to and see the expression on their face!
I use the majority of my yarn donations to people in need in my community through my nonprofit Caring Stitches.
Yarn is like a present. Whether you make something for yourself or for someone else, it can become a wonderful gift. Plus it’s squishy!
Your yarns take me to my happy place! I look forward to coming home from work to see my stash, knit a little, and dream of the projects I will make next, and the beautiful yarns I will buy to make it with.
Yarn is my love !!! Im addicted !! With yarn u can make artworks !!!
Love the colours, the feel, the knitting, the creativity, wearing & giving what I make <3
I’m really into yarn and crocheting & I have my grandchildren to crochet for so I need all the yarn I can get
I love yarn because it’s always there for you. It doesn’t judge. It just understands. Haha.
I grew up with yarn. My mother crochetted, all my aunts crochetted, and my grandmother who lived with us crochetted. I learned t o love it from them.
I love yarn because it helps me to relax. Plus I am able to express myself through the creation of others and my own creations.
I just love to make hats and pompoms and scarfs ,I mix yarns,and I learn what yarns don’t go,which is pretty cool. Thanks for a chance.
I love yarn because of the beautiful creations that my granddaughter makes for infants.
I love the color options and how yarns work together to become something amazing with my own two hands.
I love yarn because it’s so pretty! I learned to knit because I loved all the yarn options and wanted to be able to use it!
I enjoy creating something memorable using beautiful yarn.
The dancing dolphin is intriguing
love your yarn and wish i could afford to indulge more often. keeping my fingers crossed. xx
I just want to try and make thing with beautiful yarn! for my baby
My grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was a kid. Over the years ive taught myself to use a loom and now I’ve taught myself to knit. Three years ago I was injured at work and am now disabled, I was a paramedic. When I have my knitting needles and yarn in my fingers, not only does it keep the depression at bay, I feel my grandmother with me. I take great comfort in that.
I just love yarn. I love being able to turn it into anything I want
I love yarn because I’m addicted to crocheting.I love all the different variations of yarn that they have now.
My abundant yarn stash makes me feel comforted. So many projects to be made from just a little piece of string. Knitting and crocheting with yarn is extremely therapeutic!
keeping my hand busy
I LOVE yarn SEW much because of the wonderful creative world it brings me to!
I love yarn because you can make it your own. The possibilities are endless and one skein may be a scarf to someone but a tote for someone else.
I am such a yarn aholic I love getting yarn and I do love yours!
This would be such a joy to win! I would love to have your yarn in my collection to make something very very special with! Best wishes to everyone! ~ Sue
My names Melissa and I’m still learning to knit and crochet! I’m expecting in July and would love some yarn to expiremeant with!
It lets me get out all the pent up creativity and calms my nerves.
Knitting with good yarn makes me happy.
Yarn has so many possibilities, the sky’s the limit! I love the colors and textures. Sometimes, I just go into the yarn store and gaze upon the gorgeous colors and feel the beautiful softness of all the different yarns there. Endless bliss!
I love the possibilities of what the yarn may become, but also the joy seen in the person receiving the gift.
I love the creativity that flows from a skein of yarn to my brain and then through my fingers!!!!
What an awesome contest! I know just what I’d buy and just what I’d make!
Love your colourways. Never disappointed.
Every skein of yarn is waiting to become something wonderful!
As a new (6 months) knitter, I’m always amazed that a strand of yarn magically becomes fabric!
I am a fan! Love the colors – would love some old books color in worsted wool (hint, hint)
I guess I shouldn’t have made my post a reply to someone else’s post. At any rate, I love yarn because getting a new skein brightens my day. I am excited and anxiously await the delivery of an order and when it arrives, opening the package and being able to hold the yarn, smell it (especially if it’s an animal fiber) and see the color–just experience the whole thing– just really brightens my day. Having some mental health issues, getting a new skein is like having a new chance–a new opportunity to create something beautiful, and that makes the depression subside, the anxiety ease, and kicks the ICD into overdrive!!
Would love luxury yard, on fixed budget I usually only buy what’s on sale at Walmart.
I absolutely love the wonderful colors and this GC would allow me to add even more color to my stash!!
I love yarn because of all the colors!!! All the fantastic colors of the rainbow
I would sooo sooo sooo love to win this giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity
I just love to knit so new yarn would be awesome!
I have so many projects to make! Prayer Shawls, baby stuff, wedding stuff! I love your yarn!
I love the colors, the different textures & the endless possibilities!
Yarn is the epitome of possibilities! That, plus the lovely colors – who can resist?
because i can make so many pretty things with it
It’s amazing to me that you can take tarn & 2 pointy sticks to make the most amazing things.
I love the feel and color of yarn!!! Please I want to win the certificate.
I’m so glad I discovered your yarn. This is not just yarn, it is art, and I look forward to seeing all of your current and new creations. Such an eye for color!
It becomes my cure for stress.Crocheting and looming with yarns. It’s relaxing.