There are worse things in life than living for a year without a washer and dryer.

In fact, I would dare say, it’s not even been a problem in the slightest.

Other than our small beloved laundromat closing and then having to be the new kids on the block all over again by joining a big, bustling laundromat, it’s been relatively pleasant.

Last Saturday morning was especially beautiful.

Look at that:

charlotte, NC sunrise

We kept marveling at it.

Then we popped over to Lowe’s. Got confused.

Chandi shopping for washers and dryers

Came home. Worked. I drank matcha tea in honor of August’s yarn clubs being based on drinks. It’s delicious! Seriously. Try some.

So…. my question for YOUUUU is… how does one pick out a washer and dryer?

Top load? Front load?

Silver? White? Red?

Large capacity? Smaller?


Holler at me. I need ya.
