Hello, Gorgeous!
Here is our November yarn giveaway!
I hope you enjoy this month’s hand-dyed yarn giveaway and if you want to go ahead and get entered check out the instructions below. ↓
TO ENTER, click here.
Also comment below and let me know one thing you LOVE about this time of year!
•You will also receive a $10 voucher to our shop just for entering!
•Last month’s giveaway winner is Zsuzsanna Horvath… Congrats!
•Worldwide entries welcome.
•Winner will be chosen at random early December and announced in the next giveaway.
•You must be still subscribed to our email list at the end of the month to be eligible to win.
I hope you enjoy this month’s giveaway!
Remember to soak up THIS day! Know you are held and loved and guided…
I love the crisp mornings and the warm afternoons — such a great combination! Living in a rural farmland area, the crops have been harvested by now so the summer greens are gone which makes the vibrant fall reds and golds very much appreciated.
Crisp nights, warm days, leaves changing, hot cider, candles and friends. Fall is the best!
Expression Fiber Arts’ Giveaway is the most favorite part of every month in every year..!
The quality and lusciousness is incredible. Absolutely the most favorite than anything else..
This giveaway is my favourite tooo….i really hope i can win this coz i dont win anything
I love the excitement and anticipation of the holidays that are right around the corner.
I also love the feeling of fall in the air. The fall colord are so beautiful!
I love the happiness that goes with the holiday….and the food,of course.
I love the warm colors and spices, and the contrast of the chill in the air to it!
During this season, I adore the colors in the trees we get in the northeast, but I also enjoy the cooler weather giving me an excuse to wear long fluffy sweaters and drink hot cocoa or apple cider. But I think the absolute best thing is my mom’s apple crisp. Or her apple pie. Anything apple, honestly. It’s just yum!
Ok, here goes… this might sound strange but living in New England I love the temperature fluctuations that we have this time of year. I love that it might be really cold when I go out to take care of my chickens in the morning but then by lunch time I am out in a t-shirt. I love watching the change in the plants outside and having all of house plants back inside! Usually I have a pile of great projects to keep my hands and mind busy in the evenings… falling behind on that this year. I may need some inspiration and I think I may have found some with this group.
Love the deep, rich colours that are everywhere. Just stepping outside is inspiring!
I love the beautiful colors and temperatures. The thing I love most though is that I get to spend time during Christmas and Thanksgiving with family, and my mother’s and my birthday’s are this month. So excited to buy some more of the yarns from this website.
Fall leaves
Fall is my favorite time of year… warm wonderful colors, crisp cool air.. amazing
You are my favorite yarn dyer, and I love your videos too. You are so cute and funny and you bring a smile to my face every time I see you…
I love breaking out all the warm clothes to bundle up in and the smell of wood fires from peoples homes in the air.
I love the crisp mornings, with some warm apple cider! Them you hit those chilly wanna cuddle up in front of a fire with a cup of hot cocoa! The pumpkin pie I make, family recipe!
We live in the valley at the end of the Smokey Mountains. Usually, this time of year my mother and I will go together and have a girl’s day out and drive to the mou tains. We have lots of laughs and enjoy all the beautiful colors. Unfortunately this year we can’t because of Coronavirus. We are hoping next year we can again.
i love the colors as well! I don’t really get the nice crisp mornings though until January or so; the joys of fall in Florida! it’s still my favorite time of year though!
I absolutely love the weather and also the festivities and holidays to indulge more into the yarn.
I love the rains…!!!
Absolutely lovely waether and Exams;)
I love that it’s cold enough to wear a sweater but not too cold that your coat is hiding your sweater!
I love the weather changes. The holidays with family and friends. The challenge to create all my holiday gifts with my crochet hooks

I love that we get to wear our beautiful winter wear finally!
I love it because it means its spring where I live! Lol
My favorite thing about this time of the year is getting summer over with!
I love the colors too, Wanda! Being in upstate NY spoils me, especially this year. What a show! I miss it already. I also love the surge of creativity I get every year. Which project is next??
I love the cool weather this time of year. I live in NW Florida,so cool weather is a nice change. It gets stifling hot here. Fall has always been my favorite time of year. Picking up pecans off the ground and use them for baking, love it. Fall decorations are my favorite along with Christmas. Can’t wait to get my Christmas stuff out.
I love time for more knitting!
It’s my turn! It’s MY turn! IT’S MY TURN!!!!! This is perhaps the most beautiful collection ever, and every collection has been very beautiful. I’d love to be able to redecorate my whole apartment based on this rich, warm palette of gorgeous colors.
My favourite colours too. Here in South eastern Spain we dont really get autumnal colours, which I do miss, just dont miss the really cold weather. So here hoping for a autumnal win. Luck to all.
Hi everyone,
I really love the colors of Autumn. It is so beautiful now when you walk outside. And of course it is the season for beautiful scarves, wraps and shawls! Lots of love from the Netherlands
One of my favorite things about fall is how the crisp fall air ushers in my need for family and the urge to nourish them all with tasty home cooked meals & treats.
Such yummy , luscious colors! Beautiful.i would so love to win this!
I love this time of year! Wonderful weather and preparing for Christmas!
Beautiful fall colors!!
Reminds me of gorgeos fall leaves and pumpkins! Fall is alwats too short! Sadly, we are in a winter storm this weekend here in Saskatchewan Canada. Brrr. But warm fureplace and a crochet project on the go.
WOW! Such gorgeous colors for November!!
The colours of autumn are so lovely. The way, the colours change from day to day is awesome
Chandi, I Love the crisp cool air, the fall smells of burning wood in the fireplace. But most of all I Love the bringing together of Loved ones and sharing a special meal prepared from our own hands and the fellowship around that THANKSGIVING TABLE
I pray you are able to have a healthy, happy WONDERFUL time with your Loved Ones as well!!

The colors look amazing and can only imagine how luxurious and soft your yarns must feel. It’s Spring season in Australia and I’m looking forward to longer, warmer sunnier days.
I Love curling up with a blanket, a hot drink and some yarn
I absolutely love the contrast of the trees on fire with color and the crisp autumn air. And I love love love the color palette of this months give away just gorgeous!
Yards and yards of gorgeous autumn yarns!
I love how the cool, crisp atmosphere effects the way light and colors look.
These are the most beautiful fall colors, Chandi, and spoiler alert also my favorite colors in general (reds, pinks, and purples)
Here in Northern California, the leaves don’t really change colors (which I miss) compared to Europe where I’m originally from. But I love how it is crips and cold in the mornings and then it heats up during the day and you can still go outside in a T-Shirt
Having my fingers crossed for this giveaway, maybe I’m lucky this time 
Best time of the year! Most wonderful time of the year! Cozy clothing, cozy life,, awesome baking… hot cocoa and apple cider, amazing weather to hike or stay home reading or knitting while watching TV, and most of all the beautiful scenery with all its majestic colors at play l

I like colours of leaves, clear air and bright sky, but rainy foggy days too – it’s more time for my knitting.

you picked such stunning colors!!
i love this time of year because it FINALLY cooling down!
The changing of the leaves and the colder temperatures make this my favorite time of year!
I love the color changes that the leaves do this time of year. Also getting to wear all the crochet and knit shawls and sweaters easily this time of year.
I absolutely love the changing of the leaves and the cooler temperature. I also totally enjoy the Holidays and festivities.
My favorite thing about autumn? It’s not summer anymore, it’s crisp and cool and the changing leaves are gorgeous – and I love all of that. But most importantly, it’s not summer anymore.
Cold frosty mornings, with porridge and a cup of tea! Snuggled up with the dogs, knitting
Beautiful colors, thank you! Hot cocoa and steaming tea.
Hey Chandi, I’ve just been introduced to your incredible world of yarns and patterns and I’m completely blown away with its awesomeness and your amazing energy!
My favourite thing about this time of year is the crispy cold sunny days when you can go for a walk and kick through all the multicoloured leaves! Looking forward to storyteller being released again!
Much love x
Hot tea and snuggling under the blankets.
I love being able to sit on my porch with tea, yarn and my cuddl dud while greeting the day and saying goodnight to the world.
Beautiful Fall leaf colors, beautiful yarn colors!
I love the crispness in the air and the subdued hues after the autumn color blast.
My favorite thing about this time of year are the colors. I live in upstate NY and the foliage is so beautiful, especially at sunset
I love to snuggle into a cosy HANDKNITTED blanket by the fire with a yummy smelling pot of tea and knit a new piece with warm and autumnal colors. Another blanket? Shlanket? Cardi? Yeah!
I love family getting together, even if only virtually
I love the colors in the trees – I wish they could all be made into yarns. Oh wait! Your store does that.
I usually lean towards cool colors, but these warm colors are stunning.
Hello! I love Autumn, the crisp cold air, the colors ( even the brown of the dried our leaves) my husband and I love driving and taking in the nature around us. This year we found a lovely waterfall close to us!
These colors remind me of fall days when we would rake leaves into huge piles and jump into them! Beautiful colors!!!
I love the cooloer temperatures and everything Pumpkin Spice!!
I love the beautiful colors and cooler weather this time of year.
I love being able to sit on my porch with tea, yarn and my cuddl dud while greeting the day and saying goodnight to the world.
Fall in Colorado is very short lived between warm weather from summer and cold winters. Fall is that brief breath in between.
I love the light of autumn- the soft filtered light. The harshness of summer behind for another year.
I love this season for the colors! I’m an artist, painter and illustrator. I look at the colors for all of the year. But the autumn is really special because of its sentimental, quiet and meditative mood.
I love the cooler weather, I enjoy knitting so much more this tine of year! And pumpkin pie!!! I love pumpkin pie!!!
These colors remind me of all the fall leaves! So gorgeous!
I love your colors and your yarns look sooo silky. I just just bought the Raven color way to make a sweater for my granddaughter Raven. Haven’t started yet but I look forward to it.
To enter the free giveaway do I need to submit my email each time? I’m already on the mailing list.
This is the most incredible collection of fall colors ever! November is my birthday month, and I cannot think of a more fantastic way to celebrate than by winning this marvelous collection. I have been working on the Adalia shawl. It’s the most lucious cotton blend I’ve ever used. I can only imagine how fabulous these yarns will be to knit or crochet up.
Here in New Zealand we are going into summer, we are still in spring. I love this time with all the new growth in the gardens , and the weather is not cold and not to hot ,perfect to sit outside after work and enjoy the end of the day
Hi…i love this season because days a longer and here in South Africa cold is gone…so as woman with number of job ..i get enough time for all my crochet work..paper weaving and fashion designing.thank you..you are doing great job
What I love about this time of year in Georgia is NO HUMIDITY,
ALL of your yarn is FANTASTIC! I want it ALL! It would be the answer to my prayers and dreams to win one of these giveaways. Keep up the good work. Love you.
Love love love all those colors for November, fall, winter stuff. Fun.
Hello Chandi. The thing I love about fall is wearing sweaters, knitting and drinking tea!!! Even better if you are doing all three together
Oh, I love the colors, the smells, fresh apples – everything about autumn. Even football!
I love making my husband happy with pumpkin pie from his grandmother’s recipe.
I love when the falling leaves blow through the air and across the pavement.
I love the crisp smell of fall air on a breezy chilly sweater day.
The colors for November are BEAUTIFUL!!!
Fall brings a lot of gatherings with family and friends. The summer weather turns from 115 degrees to the mid 80’s. That’s almost sweater weather. =)
Fantastic Fall Colors!
Salve! Di questo periodo amo i colori e le castagne, e soprattutto sedermi su un divano vicino a un camino acceso con un tazza fumante di tisana e sferruzzare, che è la mia principale passione
I appreciate the fact that the shorter days make it to where my husband comes home sooner and we can spend more time together. The shortening of days is as if the earth were settling down from the hustle, bustle, and heat of summer into a relaxed state from whence it will go into its winter sleep. The last few warm days mingled with frosty mornings and cold nights help us to say, “Good bye,” to summer and, “Hello,” to winter.
I love Fall and this collection captures my favorite part – all the fall-licious colors. Chocolates, caramels, cinnamon, nutmeg, cherries, apples, pumpkin and pumpkin spice decadence, raspberries, asian pears – oh my! Dang so pretty to look at but now I am hungry. Oh my goodness the one batch makes me think of candy apples!!!!!!!!
Fall colors, crisp weather, pumpkin and apples!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, orange is everywhere…
I love the cooler temps and the changing colors. This collection embodies all the great things of fall and contains my favorite colors.
I love the beautiful fall colors, the cooler weather, and the baking!
I live in the south where the heat finally, FINALLY, breaks. We keep our house temp low on the mornings so we can snuggle in bed with our puppy. We take extra long walks with warm coffee around the town squares. Coziness sets in without being too frigid and the relief around town is palpable.
The Fresh crisp air and beautiful fall colors
OMG!!! Such luscious fall colors! I love them all. So many things to create with this pallet!
I love getting closer to the end of the holiday rush at work, to be honest (I work retail).
It’s hard to say what I love the most about this time of year. It’s all of it the way the air smells, the way it’s crisp outside, the beauty everywhere, the amazing sun rises and sunsets. The pulling in, the more time to knit or crochet, it’s just knowing that it’s going to get snuggly. Lol This is without question my favorite time of year.
I love the colors and the crisp air!
Love the cool, crisp weather and the smell of bonfires. Baking fall treats-apple crisp, apple bread and pumpkin pie.
I love autumn – Frosty, bright mornings with the still air. Leaves changing colour, being able to run through piles of fallen leaves, kicking them up as you go! Beautiful.
I love the colours of Fall!
Cinnamon, and cranberries
You call it Fall, we call it Autumn. It’s Spring where I live right now and already warming up, but I love Autumn. It’s the birth season for me and my 3 children.
All these gorgeous colours….these are my colours.
The air is cooling off…..respite from the heat of our hot summer. I can breathe again. Walk again along the water, without the sweat dripping off me.
The temperatures are perfect for me. The ocean is smoothing off to look like a mirror.
It’s my favourite time of the year
I love to see the trees changing colors, the cool breeze in the evenings. It brings so many beautiful memories

Color! Color! Color!
I love getting out my hand knitted jumpers and socks, sitting in front of the fire knitting Christmas presents for my family!
I love the rich colors of the leaves.
I’am a fantastic!! Love your yarns and creations!
When the trees change their “clothes”, and dress in their reds, yellows, and oranges, and the air is crisp, my walks are so much more enjoyable!!!!
Love these beautiful yarn colors, Chandi!!!
I love this time of year because it’s SWEATER WEATHER!!! It’s also time to cuddle up with a hot drink and a handknit shawl.
Sweater weather, cozy blankets, fall colors
This is my favorite time of year! The colors, the harvest, the transitions. And I love pumpkins.
Sorry! Auto corrector
. I am a fan
I should write. Love your creations and beautiful color combinations!
I love being able to bring out my cute sweaters and boots and fall decor…among SO many other things!!
W Polska to mój rodzinny kraj . Tutaj jesienne dni są różne Raz są bardzo słoneczne i mówimy że jest polska złota jesień innym razem niebo jest szare . Jesienią drzewa są róznokolorowe i patrząc na nie ma się wrażenie że ploną.Takie są Twoje włóczki.
I love the cool, crisp mornings, crafts fairs with seasonal jams and jellies for sale, snuggling up in a warm quilt until the house gets warmer, watching the leaves change colors, and making new decorations for the holidays to add to those I have. Of course, a visit to the cemetery to decorate family graves is always first on my list.
The best thing about this time of year is that where we live it can snow at any moment……who doesn’t love to make a snow angel or snowman!
I love the changing of the seasons! Beautiful fall leaves, cooler temps and apple crisp! Just a few of my favorite things about fall!
These yarns are gorgeous and I would love to be this month’s winner
I just love all the wonderful colors this time of year… and how all of the colors of the trees look like beautiful paintings <3
I love fall, I spend the entire year waiting for the fall and harvest season. I absolutely live for pumpkins, anything and all things pumpkin. I make my Thanksgiving pumpkin pies out of the early harvest fresh pumpkin never that canned stuff. Now I have recipes for pumpkin soup and pumpkin casserole and stuffed pumpkin. Next I’m going to make pumpkin spice homemade yogurt. A fall evening isn’t complete without hot spiced apple cider with a cinnamon stick for a straw. It’s perfect weather for cuddling under a thick warm afghan in the rocker on the porch. That’s what I love about fall

Living in Florida, I welcome the cooler dryer air November brings. We don’t get color changes on trees and shrubs but we can turn off the a/c and open the windows.
Warm days sprinkled amongst the cooler ones perfect for knitting.
I love the freshness of the cooler air
Love the colors.
The colors, the coziness, and knitting in front of a fire.
What gorgeous colors in this giveaway! These are my best friend’s pallet, and I can see her in a cowl and hat already! I love the fall for just this reason. The abundance of beautiful colors, and fresh crisp air. Thanks for the opportunity to win this!
The bit of warmth when the heat comes on for the 1st time.
I love fall, cooler weather, the trees changing color to beautiful fiery reds and golds and most importantly apple cider doughnuts and apple cider ! Boots and sweaters and down vests. Can you tell I love Fall

Red maple leaves and cinnamon hot chocolate
Hmm fall is the shift of heat to cool fun, loads of color to satisfy the eye and soul, cooler days and nights to snuggle in and just that anticipation of end of summer and shift into the slower mode of winter. Lots to love and think on! Thanks for the giveaways!
I love the colors and the cooler temperatures of the season!
These yarns could be in a basket on my Thanksgiving table. The colors are beautiful. Thankful.
Love the fall season here in Wisconsin because we can get out all our warm cozy handmade goodies!
Memories. Memories of a lifetime of autumn seasons. I am in my 60s now, but can easily recall all my favorite autumn activities. Each year those memories just add to the beauty of the current. There is something so special about autums with your 4 year old neighborhood friends, especially when you can still jump in a leaf pile with them in your 60s.
Big, big smile!
I love the colored leaves in the sunshine
I love autumn fires, changing leaves, cozy blankets, and the chill in the air!
The cooler weather makes me want to snuggle and cuddle
I love bringing out my heavy sweaters! It’s like an instant wardrobe refresh.
I love the Fall colors and cooler temperatures!
I absolutely love the cooler weather!! It gets pretty hot here in the summer and all I want to do when it’s hot is stay indoors where the AC can keep me comfortable!!
Love the colors. Not so much the early sunsets
I love Chris morning air on my face, while I snuggle under fuzzy warm blankets
The colors are so vibrant this time of the year. I love to work with knock-out reds, rich pinks, bright orange, and luscious browns. What a great selection of yarn to offer. Someone will be so luck!
Have always absolutley loved the color changes in the trees, all the vibrant colors of the leaves mixed with the dark architecture of the tree branches & trunk. Plus the time of year we start spending more down time in a warm cozy environment with loved ones
The early fall when the sun is still warm, the colours of the leaves just before they drop, and the wearing of beautiful handmade shawls! A few of my favourite things.
I love the crisp air, getting cozy at home, and baking. It’s so much easier to craft in this weather too!
I love the beautiful fall colors, the cool fresh air, apples, and cider and donuts!
The delicate fragrance of fallen leaves, their crunchy sound when you walk on them—these are some of my favorite things about autumn
Hi Chandi, Thank you for your monthly giveaways, the lovely patterns on your site and your how-to videos. I love all colours and seasons so enter your giveaways each month
I am working on a shawl with my first order from your shop, your yarn is amazing – I love, love, love how it’s turning out. Have a beautiful day!
I have always been in love with fall weather. The changes in the leaves help us notice the beautiful world around us.
I LOVE the sound of leaves crunching underfoot!
This time of year, I love the cool crisp air, autumnal colors, and curling up with a cat, a cozy blanket, and a cup of tea.
Whaou, ces couleurs sont magnifiques le rouge est somptueux. j’adore les couleurs de l’automne.
I love the cool crisp weather and the turning leaves. So pretty!
A great time of year the fall is – the air has a hint of summer but does turn cool, crisp and refreshing. The leaves on trees change from green to vibrant yellows, reds, and oranges. Plants go dormant to rest and get ready for a new beginning in the spring. This is a great time of year, a time to rest and get ready for new things coming in the spring. It is also a time to get ready to share the love of family and friends in the coming holiday season. Have a great time this fall.
I love when all the fall colors come out. In nature and in yarn!
gorgeous autumn yarns! pumpkin Iam a Orange Girl ilove love love Orange and red and green.Fall colors, the best.. Have red hair too i breathe autumn.
It flows trough my veins It is the most beautiful time of the year Chestnuts, acorns,you name it.And i think i more than deserve it .I have a very difficult year .
But i think there are many more who are struggling . Please everyone stay safe.
Amazing colors this month – look like they were plucked straight from a tree decked out in its fall leaves! My fav thing about fall is the smell in the air – clean and crisp. Love this time of year <3
Love the crisp air after the humidity of summer. And all of the colors; fall is definitely the palette I prefer.
I love the leaves changing colors on the beautiful red oak in my yard.
I just love the colours of the fall, and all fruits and vegetables that come with them … Grapes, pumpkins, apples, plums, eggplants … I also love the weather, it’s great to snuggles in a comfy chair with a cup of tea and watch the rain
The cool, crisp mornings giving way to the warmth of the afternoons. The sound of leaves rustling. The smells from wood stoves. The Smell of the cool air. Putting sweater and flannels. The brilliant colors that the forest displays before it sheds for the winters. This is my most favorite season, time of year.
I love the colors and scents of autumn. I love the sweaters, hot cider, and fireplace roaring. It is my favorite season.
The colors always and family
Mostly the colors and the cool/chilly nights. It’s refreshing after so long in the heat!
I love the sound of the rustling leaves while walking in the woods looking for fall wildflowers,
Wow! I am in awe of the colors and collections you come up with.
At this time of year I love that the colder weather gives me a built in excuse to hunker down and knit.
I love being able to wear all of my beautiful knitwear again, especially all of the cowls and shawls that I made over the summer.
The weather is perfect in the fall. The changing leaves and football.
Gorgeous yarn. I love the colors.
I love the leaves changing colors, the cool weather (which gives me more time to knit), knitting in cool weather, using the blower on the leaves in the yard, and … not mowing grass.
ordinarily, I love the street fairs and festivals this time of year
I really missed them because of the pandemic
Having immigrated from the Middle East where the weather was mostly hot , or more hot, this is my first experience of Fall . I love it !
The colors, the crisp air, the fruits, everything !!
I love all the colors of the leaves and the crunching of the leaves when I walk through the woods.
Apple season, cool crisp air with sunshine, fall colors in the leaves, cozy sweaters and sweatshirts – if I lived where it was warm all the time, I would miss the changing of the seasons for these reasons.
Fall colors are the best. They are beautiful. These yarns give a strong fall feeling.
I like walks in the fallen leaves, a hot tea afterwards on my cosy sofa and the time I can spend crafting.
I love Fall weather – the cool to chilly nights, cooler daytime temperatures. Puts me in the mood to cook comfort food – pot roast, chili, navy beans and ham with cornbread. I wear my fuzzy socks in the evenings to keep my feet warm. My cats all turn into snuggle bugs and lap cats when it’s cooler. It’s great knitting weather too!
In South Africa it is spring. Everything is waking up after the winter.

I just love this collection of colours
I love everything about this time of year!

I’m English but currently living in South Africa where I miss our clearly defined northern seasons. What I love about autumn at home are the glorious colours of the leaves, the rustle as they fall, the cornflake crunch of fallen leaves underfoot as you walk, the windblown clouds as they race across the sky and that nip in the air that lets you know you are alive. The warmth and glow of this month’s colours really capture the essence of autumn.
I love the color changes is our trees and the hint of crisp cold in the air.
I knit/crochet all year long, but when the weather gets cooler and the breeze blows a little more the feel of the shawl or blanket wrapping over me while I’m working on it gives me great comfort, because I know whoever gets it will get the same feeling.
I love the crisp air, the color, and the feeling of autum!
Fall has always been my favorite time of the year. The cooler days, the beautiful colors, Halloween and Thanksgiving! I love cozying up with some tea and my knitting or crocheting, preparing for the winter!
I always love your yarns. They are beautiful and gorgeous. Although in my country there isn’t autumn season but I still love the autumn . I always dream of your yarns. Hug and kisses from Indonesia.
Crisp mornings & fall foliage, although mostly I miss them as I am in a southern state now.
Snuggling with my boys when I wake them up in the mornings for school
Beautiful yarns as always Chandi!!!!
I love the way the fall leaves, especially early fall yellows, filter the bright sunlight and change the atmosphere of the space. Also the smell and cool, crisp air. Kayaking in fall is amazing.
I love the crisp days, changing colours and walking outdoors.
These colors are gorgeous!!!
I love the cool mornings when the fog hangs around. The trees are turning all the pretty fall colors. Life always seems good at this time of year.
Love all the warm colours. They are my absolute favourite! Especially the pink ;D
lovely fall colours
Love the cooler weather. Get to pull out my knitwear and accessories. Love all of the holidays.
I love the turning leaves, crisp air, warm sweaters, and all the delicious apple/spice/pumpkin flavored goodies! Yum!
Crisp, cool days, and curling up in front of a fire with a hot drink. Cozy sweaters.
I love fall because the summer temps tend to drag into October and the chilly winter sets in a blink.
Fall in Colorado is a brief moment in between. If you blink, you’ll miss it.
Cool temps on my porch, yarn and tea are a blissful combination in my world.
My favorite time of year. Beautiful fall colors in the changing of the leaves. Watching the river and its changing moods often reflecting like glass. More often stormy, tossing waves with their whitecaps. Enjoying a cup of hot chocolate with plenty of marshmallows while sitting by the fire.
Love sweaters and anything with ginger or cloves!
Time to sit by the fireplace with a good cup of coffee ,and apple pie of course, and knit while watching TV and the rain falling and the wind whipping outside . Nice and cosy inside
The weather!
I love the colors and all the soups to make in the Fall.
Beautiful colors! Warm and comforting.
I love everything about fall! The colors, crisp air, fall spices, pumpkins. My favorite time of year. It all makes me so happy.
My birthday…I love my birthday XD
Love your fall colors. Its my favorite time of the year.
I love the Autumn colors and I think you’ve nailed it on the head with the colors in these yarns! Absolutely gorgeous! I also love Thanksgiving an apple crisp!
Congratulations Zsuzsanna Horvath!!!!
What a beautiful autumn colors this time, I love it!!!!!
I hope, next time they will be mine…..
Love Marga Boot from The Netherlands
Almost forget, I love al the beautiful colors from the trees in autumn!
In India we celebrate Diwali (festival of lights) around this time of year. So the air is full of positive vibes, shopping and festivities!
I love the rich colours of the autumn trees … the colours like the yarns offered in this yarn giveaway!
It means food and family for me, with Thanksgiving and all. Also, me and my knit group finally get to wear some of the stuff we’ve been working on!
The thing I LOVE about this time of year is the colors! Red, orange, yellow, and a little pink and brown too! Love, love, LOVE!
I love the smells and the colours, which you have totally captured in these yarns!
Crunchy leaves and bonfires!
I love soaking in the sunshine on warm afternoons, but not dripping in sweat like I do in the summer.
Bonjour Chandi
Quelle belles couleurs d’automne et de beaux projets à faire avec tes patrons !!!

Déjà hâte de voir cette laine dans mon salon
I love the crispness of fall. The colors, the weather, it is that time of year where you need a hat, scarf, shawl, or light jacket and everything is so vibrant before the silent beauty of winter.
I love the cool crisp weather because I get to wear all my layers! (Especially my sweaters)
I love seeing Christmas lights and decorations this time of year.
I love that cooler weather means more baking and cooking. Hearty stews, baked apples, zucchini bread… yum!
I love the changing leaves, and the sound of the fallen leaves crunching under my feet on a walk.
I love the settling-in feeling of fall – the gathering, the warmth of the hearth, the feeling of reconnection, the comfort of home, the slow-cooked warming soups and stews, the thankfulness, and the giving.
This is my favorite time of year…cooler weather, colorful leaves, and my birthday!
I love the colors in this selection and hope that I get lucky this time.
Thank you for the great giveaways.
I love the crisp air, the color of the turning leaves, and making all the soups, stews, and curries that I don’t make in the heat of summer!
Fall is my favorite season! I love opening the windows to the chill air and sleeping under a heavy comforter. I love seeing grandkids (and dogs) playing in piles of leaves. And I love that it’s cool enough to knit or crochet a BIG project, with a lap full of wool.
Such beautiful fall colors! They look like fall in the eastern Washington part of the beautiful Pacific Northwest!. I love this area because we have all 4 seasons! Cool, crisp falls, cold white winters, warm green springs and hot, dry (oh yes, sometimes too dry) summers.
Butternut squash soup, crisp mornings, wearing my knitted items, cosy fires, baking cookies, everything apple flavored!
I love the crisp, cold, bright days surrounded by gold, red, orange and green living landscpapes and the incredible pink and purple sunsets…
The return of appetite that happens with colder weather, that prompts the cooking/baking of the season, that prompts the lovely aromas emanating from the kitchen, providing the anticipation of reward while I knit or crochet with the colors of the season, or in anticipation of the snow to come, using the colder colors. “Autumn, it feels like autumn ..” Barbra Streisand.
I love that my house doesn’t get too hot for baking this time of year; I love baking!!!
I love the beginning of winter and i crochet in this month more and more as possible
One thing I love about fall is that the color orange rules! Pumpkins, leaves, and wonderful yarn. I love orange!
Beautiful colors as usual. Love your yarns. Would love a chance to share my win with others. I’ll keep the reds and pinks and share the rest with others.
I love wearing sweaters and eating all the homemade goodies and just the joy around this time.
I love the vibrant colors of the turned foliage, especially when the sun strikes it in the early part of the day. It’s breathtakingly beautiful!
I love the blue sky behind all the leave color changes. The sky colors change as well. Great inspiration!
The colors!
I enjoy the break from the hot summer. Also I love this time of year because with Thanksgiving and Christmas you get to spend more time together with family!
Hola Chandi, que colores más encantadores, aunque todos las tonalidades que hacen son espectaculares, ya sean colores fríos o cálidos todos te inspiran, los felicito por entregar tan hermosos destellos de luz.
Me encanta el otoño…aunque ahora estamos en primavera, saludos desde Chile
Love when its finally cold enough to wear the things I make!
I love the bright sun on the fall leaves and the crispness of the fall air.
Oh! My! GOODNESS!!! What gorgeous, squishiness in that pic of your yarn! Sigh…
I love November because it’s the beginning of taking extra time to be with family. It’s also my birthday month. My favorite time of year to see all the changes happening around us in nature. ♥️♥️♥️
warm, inviting, cuddly colors… that would be so perfect as a birthday surprise!
I love the cool mornings of fall!
I love the colors and crispness in the air!
No more mosquitoes!!
This yarn collection is gorgeous! I love the pretty colors of Fall that keep changing. And I get to start wrapping myself in some of my woolly creations!
I love watching the leaves turn up here in in New England!
I love a new, snuggly hoodie on a cool fall evening
I love the cooler temps and the fall colors.
Fall is so cozy! Love these colors!
I love everything about this time of year; the light, the harvest, the colors, and especially the cooler weather! Living in Texas, I live for the end of the sweltering summers and the arrival of the shifting shadows of fall!
What I love most about this time of year is getting to wear cozy sweaters, make pots of soups and stews and knitting special projects for Christmas! I love the changing leaves as well, and these yarn colours remind me of that. So gorgeous!!!
The changing colours of the vineyards.
Such saturated, rich, Fall shades!!! I dream of such beautiful Fall days, and winning this luscious yarn!!
I enjoy walking in the woods, the smell of the woods in the fall is so nice, the crunching leaves underfoot make a beautiful noise and all the brilliant red, orange, gold colors just shimmer in the sun.
My favorite aspects of the fall season are the aroma of a fall fire, the sweet smell of hot cider and the taste of a carmel apple which perfectly align with the beautiful colors of your fall yarns.
I love the cool fresh mornings and sitting by a fire all bundled up roasting marshmallows! Happy Fall!
Het maakt niet uit ik vind alles mooi en het zou een mooi verjaardag cadeau zijn ik kijk altijd naar jullie email uit wat voor mooie garens jullie hebben.
What amazing colors yet again. These are perfect fall colors and so inspiring. All the shades of the holiday season for November. My creative juices are flowing. Can’t wait to see if I win and thinking about what I will knit if I do!!! Thank you so much for another round of wonderful colors and fibers and creative energy they inspire.
I love the wonderful fall colors! Plus my birthday is in November,!
I love the cooler weather, especially at night.
I love the fall weather and all it brings! Leaves, crispy apples, and scarves!
I love how creative yarn dyers get with the fall colours on their yarns! Also I get to wear my knitted woollies
Various things in life switching back to being *cozy* instead of *too sweaty*!
My favourite thing about the autumn is shuffling through the leaves while I walk my dog, Kiska.
I love all the fall leaves, their colors are so beautiful.
Curling up to the fire with my knitting in hand, my husband by my side and the beautiful changing colours of fall….what more could you ask for?
I love all the changing colours of the leaves this time of year.
I love apples and pumpkins and all the colors of fall. And I really love your yarn. This month’s colors are gorgeous!
I love to sit in front of a fire in the fireplace (with knitting, of course!) and I love the fall colors!!!
This pile of goodness are all in my favorite color range., Oh the beauties I could make with this!
I greatly appreciate every day during this time of year. I live where it can be a long winter so these days before that time are cherished.
I love fall because that means my birthday is here, I love being a fall baby it’s one of my favorite seasons!
It’s my favourite season!! All those green, brown, yellow, red tones of the surrounding nature are just STUNNING!!! And also chestnuts, apples, pumpkins… And the crispy mornings and evenings… I just LOVE IT!!!
Ohh I love the cooler temperatures!
I love the beautiful colors on the trees and that first breath of the crisp morning air.
I love fresh apple cider from our local orchard in Michigan.
I love all the color changes and the cooler weather that comes with it makes feel all cozy and snuggly.
I love how the colours change with time, when the sun shines and when the rain makes everything sparkle
The thin I like best about Fall is that I get the opportunity to wear all my hand knit sweaters! The cool, crisp days just begging for that bulky wool cardigan or snugly pullover are a joy.
I love the cool weather. Being able to start making all those warm comforting foods. Being able to work on bigger projects that would be to hot to have in your lap during the hot summer. Blankets ,jackets etc.
As always, the colors are absolutely Gorgeous! Beautiful Fall Colors!!!
I love the crispness of the air and the change of colours. The seasonal food is also so good!
I love the weather, beautiful and cold over here in India. Also the festivities happening around during the last quarter of the year.
I love the array of colors in nature that the fall offers. The feel of the crisp coolness on my face. The chance to wear sweaters and scarves that I’ve created.
Fall colors are beautiful. These yarns look soooo gorgeous.
OMG, these are the most fabulous colors, exactly what I always gravitate to! Fall is definitely my favorite time of the year with the gorgeous color changes and crispy cool nights and mornings. Very refreshing and comforting to me. Thank you for all of your beautiful creations you bestow on us, I would be honored to win this stunning array of yarns. Thank you again for you4 generosity
Normally I love seeing family this time of year. It’s our one trip home. Sadly I don’t think we’ll be making the trip this year.
I’m happy that the days are finally cooling down here in the desert. I love the reds, Chandi. You always pick such marvelous combinations.
The new apples! Crisp and tart! Which are both descriptors of those apples and yummy things you can make with them.
I love the frosted mornings, all of the colors and watching my boys play in the leaves!
I love the colors of fall, which these yarns capture beautifully. Eons ago , before we knew how bad it was for the environment, I adored the smell of burning leaves.
Love, love, love these warm wrap you in a blanket of colors. Fall is truly the best time of the year!
Chandi, thanks so much for this wonder-full opportunity! I love this glorious time of year for its full, rich colors, the crispy, crunch of the fallen leaves we wade through, the bountiful harvests of our natural world and the promise of life’s fullness. These flamboyant shades of red energize me and fill me up with a love for the world especially here in Southern Appalachia. I cultivate this energy in our wintry resting days to renew and await springtime’s beginning of the life’s circle all over again!
I love the colors and also that it is the perfect weather for sitting with a cup of tea and knitting!
I love how autumn is a fiber artist’s showcase- everyone becomes walking mannequins for gorgeous sweaters, scarves, hats, gloves… and we get to see yarn that’s become a beloved garment.
I love the different colors of fall foliage.
Autumn is the start of cold weather which I much prefer to heat. So cool mornings and deep blue skies. My birthday month. Apple pie. Soup. And knitting in a cozy chair.
I love the fall colors, sit under a blanket with a cup of tea and light candles
The beautiful trees and all their colors. Now in CO I am missing all the reds and greens that were on the Blue Ridge mountains in VA. So all your yarn colors hit the spot.
And as it turns out Burgundy is my son in law’s favorite color. Wonder if he says that because that is the color of his nurses uniform. Quizzical emoji.
Here on Vancouver Island I love the bright fall reds, yellows and oranges made even more vibrant by the lush greenery from the fall rains.
I love how the days are still warm but the nights are cool. <3
I love these jewel tones! My favorite things about November are Thanksgiving and all things apples (Apple cider, apple pie, caramel apples, etc.).
I love to warm my cozy little mountain home by cooking and baking all kinds of scrumptious things with wonderful aromas. Oh, and these yarn colors are FALL-TASTIC!!!
Oh my goodness those colors are gorgeous!
The colors of fall are one of the things I love–the way my sugar maples ring my backyard in bright yellows, golds, and reds. So pretty!!
Also, apples. I love apple season. SO AWESOME.
There is so much to love about autumn. My favorite is the smell of fallen leaves in the crisp autumn air right after a rain.
I love the smell of cinnamon and the crisp cool fall air.
I love walking in the woods when the air is crisp and cool enough to need a hat and gloves!
I love cooking, crocheting, and creating without feeling bad for being indoors this time of year!
I love fall. The leaves in our woods are beautiful just like the Smoky Mounties
Love love love the colours.
Autumn is my favourite season. Crisp cool mornings for a walk on the beach and hot
Chocolate in the evening by the fire with my knitting.
I love the colors of the trees and enjoy taking walks breathing the fresh air.
I love the brisk air and weather that’s perfect for making s’mores!
OMG – I particularly love the coppery hues! I would definitely have to make something for myself with those skeins.
Cooler weather, fall colors, leaves on the ground, the smells, windows open, fall flowers!
Gorgeous colors in colorways that I admire from afar, but with this set, I want it- I want a sweater in all those gloriously rich and decadent fall colors! Wonderful work on this batch of colors, Chandi!
I love everything about the transition to autumn! The colors, the weather, the scents, baking pies, and of course, sitting and knitting in front of the fire.
Oh my favorite thing about this time of year- I get to wear snuggly sweaters in beautiful fall and wintery colors!!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE walking in the woods admiring the abundance of colors in the trees! I also love stomping on fallen leaves and hearing them crunch under my feet. It’s my absolute favorite thing to do!
If I only have to pick one thing, it is going to be going outside and the beauty that surrounds autumn in the NE. Fall is my favorite time of year, apples, cider, apple cider doughnuts and a big flannel shirt, what’s not to love? <3 Stay safe and be well.
Autumn has always been my favorite season. The smell of an autumn forest is like heaven to me. I feel wrapped in my parents hugs and memories of them when I was growig up. Always makes me smile and feel loved

Oh, I do hope that I win this BEAUTIFUL collection! All of my favorite colors!!!
Crisp and cool just like our apples,
Lovely colors. I love the cool days and cooler nights. Enjoying the last of the fall leaves and anticipating the coming winter.
Autumn has stunning colours. Along with the weather it really inspired those of us who love to knit and crochet to pic up the needles and hooks. Love your beautiful yarns and tutorials. Thank you for all the beautiful things you share

Oh my! I love Fall and all things pumpkin! Those gourds just have a way of making me smile in anticipation! Part of the anticipation is for my favorite season to come, which is winter!
What’s not to love about fall. It’s KNITTING time! Well, all year long is knitting time, but the fall colors just makes you want to grab your needles and knit. Preferably by a crackling fire, a few lit candles, a glass of red wine. I looked out my dining room window yesterday and saw 3 deer under my bright red maple with bright yellow leaves on the tree next to it. Wish I could insert the photo I quickly took here to show you. Just taking a drive looking at all the colors. I love the clear crisp sunny days. The pumpkins and mums on front porches. It’s just the best time of year.
Wow! This palette warms my heart! I’d love to do some seasonal projects in this ♡
This yarn has beautiful colors in it. I really hope I can win this yarn set. Thank you
Hello Chandi,

. Love Wilma. From the netherlands.
I love these warm colors! I need for My skin autumn colors, so i am verf happy with this action. I can make sweaters, keps, scarfs in many colors!
Love the brilliant gold leaves!
Love how the sky seems so much bluer this time of year. Not sure what causes this, but sometimes it is the most amazing blue. Your yarns are beautiful and this months colors are wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
I love the cool weather and beautiful leaves turning colors.
I love seeing the change in the seasons whether we are going into spring – as we are in New Zealand right now – or into autumn and the leaves are changing colours to the beautiful reds and oranges. I don’t think I would like to live anywhere, where there is no change as one season goes into another. Summer and winter have their changes too and I enjoy all of them.
Love being with my family and having more time to knit and ctochet.
This time of the year is Spring – almost Summer – where I live. And I really love the flowers! My orchid is full of new blossoms, I can’t wait to see it blow in yellow!
I love the colors of the tree leaves as they change. I also like to see what perennials will pop up around the neighborhood.
I love cranking up the wood stove for the first fire of the year and being toasty warm in the evenings. Also, sunshine on the beautiful leaves.
i love the fall foliage and the cooler temps!
Sweater weather!
I love fall foods, orange vegetables with warm spices, hot tea, sweater weather.
I love the color changes at this time of the year. It also feels so nice to have the cooler weather.
It’s Han Solo season! I get to don my boots and a vest (topped off by a lovely hand knit hat or scarf) and head out to shush through the gorgeous fall colored leaves.
This time of year I love that first frost in the morning
I don’t love one thing about Autumn, I love E V E R Y T H I N G !!!!!!
I love the colours of the fall season, and these yarns are no exception – they are gorgeous! Thank you for alll these giveaway opportunities each month!
Hot chocolate and this amazing smell, the colors of the leaves and big scarves are some of my favourite things during fall.
I love the crisp air and the beautiful color combinations of fall colors!
Fall itself. Colors of the trees. Cooler weather. The smells of the holidays and the holidays themselves!!
Fall colors, with a greater appreciation for those colors and how they relate to weaving or knitting, cooler weather for baking and the lingering smells of the spices involved, and the love and sharing with my husband as always and especially as the holidays approach.
I love this time of year for so many reasons – the aroma of warm spices, the crisp clear air, and mostly, the season of thankfulness!
My favorite part of autumn is pulling out my hand knit sweaters and feeling cozy when I wear them. I also love the way it smells outside on a clear and bright autumn day.
My favorite thing about this time of the year is Coffee and Apricot Brandy, my knitting while under the gazebo next to the outdoor fireplace, listening to the creek and maybe catching a glimpse of a salmon swimming upstream and your beautiful yarns capture all my favorite things about this season.
I love the colors and the cool temps. It’s knit weather!!!
The crisp cool air and beautiful fall colors. The smell of pumpkin spice!
All the sweaters I hope to knit – it seems so promising when the seasons change.
I love the cooler weather in Florida this time of year. I knit hats for homeless shelters and cooler weather makes it easier to do so. This months colors are gorgeous.
Sweaters! I wait all year to bundle up.
Turning off the air conditioning and opening windows and doors. No humidity and cooler weather.
I love all the beautiful colors!!
The changing leaves!
OMG that is sooooo hard… Now that we live in FL I miss all of it but MOST OF ALL.. the cool crisp air and smells of fall!!
Love your work and inspiring spirit Chandi!!!
ONE thing I love about fall?!
I Love All the things mentioned above!! I even recently discovered a nearby waterfall also! It was amazing to trek to through the fall colors, pine cones, and crunchy leaves:) I don’t have to celebrate no humidity as I live in Montana, but the cooler temps and more moisture (rain/snow) is appreciated in our fire prone state. Great joy is hoped for you All as we revel in our gifts of God’s autumn glory, and sweater weather:)
I love this time of year for the changing colours and relief from the summer heat – I don’t like that it reminds me winter is on the way…. LOL
I love the cooler temps, the beautiful colors, and looking forward to seeing family during the holidays…and of course, knitting with gorgeous EFA yarn!
Such amazing fall colors!!!!!!! and what a very generous giveaway!! Thank You Chandi

I love, love, LOVE these colors! Beautiful fall colors!
Love, love, love the crisp fallen leaves, hot chocolate, a good book and my knitting!
Snuggling into bed on a cold night with my husband.
I love seeing the leaves change color. I love seeing all the yellows, reds and oranges.

I love the crisp air and the changing colors of the leaves!
I love the tingle in the air and the anticipation of cozy nights!
I love the weather and the beautiful fall colors of the leaves.
I love this time of year because of the cooler weather and we get our hour back! Yayyy!
The best thing about fall besides relief from the oppressive summer heat is the changing colors of the leaves.
Being on the other side of the world – it’s spring here! So for me it’s all the nature coming alive after a looong lockdowned winter
I love fall weather! I am a big fan of foliage too!
I love Fall and the changing leaved here in New England. They are all dead and gone now, but I look forward to come Christmas knitting now
I love crisp early morning fall walks, and all of the fall baking- pumpkin bread, sweet potato pie, apple crisps YUM
What I love about this time of year is that it finally cools down enough to plant and grow vegetables and flowers. I live in southern Arizona, and this summer was particularly brutal.
I love the Fall colors and by now most of the insects are dormant.
Lucious colors rule the fall. Make you desire something beautiful to wrap yourself in. Get out that crochet hook, or click those needles. It’s all joy!
Beautiful, Chandi! I LOVE this time of year. My favourite thing is going for walks when the giant leaves are falling from the Western Big Leaf Maple trees on forest trails here on the West Coast of Canada <3
Wow, those colours are vibrant and beautiful ! I love fall for alot of reasons. I love looking at the trees with the changing colours. Wearing my hand knit sweaters. And the big one, Halloween
Love the changing colours of nature, and the cooler weather so that we can wear all those warm wooly stuff that we made out of your wonderful yarn!

Spring rains, sorely needed after so many years of drought here in Australia.
Loving this colourway
The sound of leaves crunching as I walk. The constellations in the fall sky.
Such exquisite colors – good enough to eat almost! I have a Q – when I click on SIGN UP for the giveaway, page does nothing, does not acknowledge was clicked, or change. Was I entered? I retired it with my uBlock turned off and still no change…thanks!
You are definitely entered!
I love the transition from a busy (short) Alaska summer to leisurely (long & cold) winter, it’s a time where you feel good you put one season behind you and you are looking forward to the next. Cotton and linen make way for flannel sheets, light jackets in exchange for down, short/no sleeves to long sleeves, sandals for boots, iced drinks for hot ones and cotton sweaters and socks changed for cashmere and wool. It’s a time of contemplation that maybe you could have done more preparation yet there are so many upcoming activities to ready for the holiday season so those thoughts are fleeting. Outdoor activities move inside; the sun is vastly different on the horizon and the insects and birds have moved on while the bears and flowers have gone off to sleep and the leaves wait to be reabsorbed into the earth. Chandi, you truly captured the fall colors with November’s yarns; I believe you have the best job on earth!
I love fall because of the colours, the cooler weather and finally being able to turn off the air conditioner and be comfortable in real fresh air. Mother nature going into rest mode so she can delight us all again in spring.
L love the autumn weather in Australia & absolutely love the colours of the leaves in autumn! I also love all the colors of your yarn, they are sooooo striking!
My favorite thing about this time of year is that it is no longer HOT. That, and you pick such beautiful colors to give away that I could possibly win. Always hope for the best. Forget that snow and ice are coming for many. Time to knit when it is bad out.
I love the Fall colors so much I start decorating my house Sept 15th. The colors you are showing are most of the colors I love so much.
I’ve always loved fall. The turning leaves, the crisp sweatshirt weather, marshmallows and cocoa by the fire. These yarn colors are absolutely perfect!
I love the cooler temps and getting the wood stove burning
I love the fall colors and the cooler temps.
I love the vibrant reds, yellows and oranges of fall leaves and the sound they make when I scuff through them. I love making hearty soups and the smell of fireplace smoke in the air.
Personally, I love the cool air, the crunchy, colorful leaves and the coziness that begins to appear in my wardrobe. Watching the kids excitement build as the holidays approach is nice also. A constant reminder to enjoy every moment. I am a teacher so a lot of my time is spent with children. Fall and winter are my favorite!!
Since it’s almost summer around here, the thing I love about this time of year is all the flowers in bloom, and all the birds and hummingbirds fluttering by. Such a gorgeous color palette for this month’s giveaway!
For me, fall is a time to draw in, enjoy the warmth and comfort of home, and knit without being overheated
I love all the fall colors and cooler temperatures.
I love the fall colors like everyone else, but even more than that I love finally being able to open the windows and let fresh air flow through my house! I get tired of the stale, conditioned air… ah, fall breezes
My favorite thing about fall is that it is cooler! Those are some scrumptious colorways in that yarn pile, Chandi!
My favorite thing about this time of year are all the colors of the season, the fall/harvest decorations, colored leaves, pumpkins and the smell of the leaves, and the cozy fires!
the apples and fresh cider
What I love most about fall is the amazing contrast and richness of colour in the sky and landscape! Everything just seems more vibrant.
Fall has always been my favorite time of year. I love the cool weather, beautiful fall leaves, pumpkins, apples and fall harvests. My favorite colors are fall colors. I recently lost my dad toi cancer , fall was his favorite time of year. So sad he didn’t get to enjoy it this year because of his illness.
The colors are my fa favorite thing. The way the trees turn into brighte bursts of yellow, orange and red makes me feel so cozy.
Love the colors, the cooler weather, starting to make all the holiday foods, family time, getting cozy with tea and blankets
Congrats to Zsuzsanne!! Hopefully I’ll get some beginners luck
OMG, these are GORGEOUS skeins! What do I love about fall? That I can wear all the scrumptious sweaters I’ve been knitting finally!
As always, Chandi, you make the world sing with such beautiful yarn. These giveaways are the cherries on top of everybody’s sweet dessert. Thank you. Currently, I am working on a unique shawl pattern for my sister-in-law. I just finished two hooded ponchos for the great nieces and an adorable hat with a scarf for the great-nephew. I love to relax with a hook and a ball of magic in my hands.
I love the gorgeous fall colours & the cooler weather!
I love how everyone really welcomes Fall. I’ve never heard anyone complain that Fall has arrived.
The beautiful colors of the trees! Just like the beautiful colors of these wonderful yarns! Yummy!!!
I love hot apple cider!
I love fall as it reminds us of the cycle of life. The beautiful leaves returning to the earth to provide food for the soil for next year’s growth.
I love the hopefulness of this season. When Nature becomes quiet and covered, and the hope of its return and renewal sparks hope for rebirth from sadness, as well.
Beautiful combo!
I used to love that family time wasn’t far off. Now I’m not sure how we’ll work it out. The time of year makes me think of warm, cozy quilts and afghans and Hot Buttered Rum by the fire!
I love the long, cozy evenings. We’ve already had snow, so it’s time to bunker down…and that means doing crafts, knitting, and making gifts for Christmas.
Oh my, those colors are just beautiful. Like I saw in a couple of responses, I would love to have one of everything you have on hand! I love this time of the year because of all the pretty leaves, the crisp cold air, apples and yummy pies, and the beauty of the fallen snow. Hey, we have had two snow storms already. And the best thing of all is Jesus came into the world in December!
My favorite thing would be apple cider and hot chocolate
I love pies!
Well, I just adore when the leaves start to change – it means precious times to be together with family. The beautiful fall colors are amazing, and when the leaves turn that deep red, my eyes drink in that color and my heart is happy!
What beautiful colors Chandi! My favorite thing this time of year is the lovely color; all my favorites, all the shades of yellow, orange, red, purple and brown. Indian summer, that magical week or so of extra warm but crisp days is upon us now, and glory be, my back is able to take the raking this year! Not my favorite activity, but the sunshine highlighting all that lovely saturated color makes it worth it! And while I soak it all in, I dream of doing some knitting, feeling the texture and softness of yarn slipping through my fingers by a yellow fire and candlelight when the bright hues are gone outside…I’ll have my memories.
These are BEAUTIFUL colors! My favorite during this time of the year is definitely the smell of foods such as apple pie
, pumpkin pie and cinnamon.thanks for the chance!
I love the trees changing colors, the crunch of leaves under my feet, and being able to wear my fuzzy slippers!
I love all the colors of fall and the cool colors crisp air. Thank you for opportunity to enter this generous give away. Be safe
I love all the seasonal food and fall colors as well
I love the crisp air outside and the cozy evenings inside – the contrast brings more joy to either experience! And all the beautiful colours (all reflected in that beautiful yarn)!
I adore the colours of autumn the way the sun plays on crisp fallen leaves and the frost covered ground
Lakes which are still and hazy fog that plays across the water and the bird song
Such a magical time of year
I love the warmth of the autumn colours.
I live in South Florida and fall is very different. We relish in a cool day (70’s) and are so happy if we reach 60 degrees! But we love the fall holiday with all the smells, good food and great family get togethers to make wonderful memories
I am in love with all of the beautiful colors of this month yarns. I love this time of the year because of all of the beautiful fall colors are everywhere. The Aspen and Maple trees are changing colors and it looks likes a Thomas Kinkade fall painting. The mornings are much cooler and by mid day it is sunny and warm. It is just the perfect time of the year!
I love the harvest months, beautiful crisp, clear days, and the first snowfalls (sweater, mitt and hat weather!).
Love the crisp, cool mornings and early afternoons. Also love, love, love the color changes of leaves and taking walks through them fallen on the ground. Fall is the time of what is probably my favorite holiday…Halloween!
What I love about autumn is how nature is readying herself for sleep. Despite all the hubbub in the human world – pandemics, elections, even the upcoming holidays – nature doesn’t stop and doesn’t pay attention. I think there might be a lesson in there for me.
I love this time of year because of all the gorgeous colors our Creator has made. Just to drive through the subdivisions, mountains or highways shows what wonderous views HE has created and that brings so much JOY to my heart. And how you have reproduced these creations in your gorgeous yarn dying takes me to those places of lustorous colors. Plus, seeing these colors reminds me of how lucky I am to be living in such a beautiful country and can’t forget how close Thanksgiving and Christmas are moving upon us … thank you Chandi and Team for all you do !!
Fall is my favorite season because I love the cooler, crisp weather and the colours of the changing leaves. And of course, sweater weather!
The very best thing about this time of year is the color explosion. It’s fleeting, almost non-existent this year because of a freakish storm. But when everything is painted in reds, gold’s, amber’s, darkened greens, burgundys…..just an endless pallette.
The family gatherings are wonderful too and even more special this year.
I LOVE sweater weather!! I also love the warm drinks, and the fall colors! And sometimes, snow!
For some reason, it is only in the beautiful Autumn weather when I look forward to taffy apples with nuts or a bowl of apple slices topped with melted caramel and chopped peanuts. Yum!
Fall sports and crisp leaves!
I love feeling cozy at home — taking time to create cozy for my friends and family —- bringing warmth to my world.
You have curated a beautiful collection. Those colors a scrumptious!
I love the cool mornings on the porch with a blanket & hot coffee watching the leaves flutter to the ground.
I love that it starts to get cooler here in Southern California.. The air seems different… fresher, the days are shorter and it’s time for soups and stews!
I love watching the leaves turn colour bit it’s sad when they fall off the trees, leaving them bare! I think you’ve outdone yourself with the colours you have chosen this month. Thank you for offering these giveaways.
I also live in South Florida where I often say that we only have about 5-10 days of cool weather that is lower than 65 degrees for the whole winter season, but I love this time of year for the Holidays and because my birthday is in November. The colors for these yarns represent this time of year perfectly.
All my life, I’ve been a “pastel person.” So it might shock you (as it did my friends) that my other favorite color combination is fall-foliage colors. I start yearning for Fall the minute Christmas is over. It makes me think of all things cozy and indoors. If I could have my way, I would go directly into another Fall season immediately after Christmas, so I could wonder at all the beautiful leaves that are the outdoor equivalent of a roaring fire on your living-room hearth. These colors make me want to snuggle up in a cabin, and knit or read to my heart’s content. And since my birthday comes smack in the middle of this glorious season, it’s just natural that it’s the time I love the most. I wish y’all a time saturated with these special colors, and the happiest of holidays!!!
I love the leaves changing colors!
I love the cooler days of fall. They inspire me to crochet more.
Pumpkin! And all the colors of fall.
Autumn is my favorite time of year, especially since I live in a very hot region. Very much a relief. We are planning on moving to New England so I am very excited to be there hopefully next autumn!
Yesterday my friend and I went for a walk in the forest and because the trees are without leaves now you can easily spot the birds which we both love
Camping & hiking are my favorite things about this time of year.
I love the cool weather, soft light, and warm earthy color the earth dresses herself in.
I love the beautiful call colours. <3
The autumn is for long walks. Even in the city! But especially in the forrest: kicking al sorts of colored leafes and enjoying the smell. Such a gift! And when its a bright day? I’m so, so happy!
I love the changing colours, a little different every day
I love being able to wear ALL the handknits at this time of year, both reacquainting myself with old friends (hello beautiful cardigan!) and being able to wear the new ones that always seem to get knitted in the wrong season to be worn! The colours of this month’s giveaway are gorrrrrgeous! Thanks for doing this Chandi!
Cider fresh from the press, crunchy leaves and eventually apple Jack/fermented cider.
i love fall leaves
I love the smells , campfires, baked goods, and a fresh pine tree . I love the colors of fall all the reds,yellows and oranges mixed with all the different shades of brown. The cool crisp mornings and watching the sunsets curled up under a soft warm lap throw watching my white Shepard enjoy the cool weather.
I love november because it’s the signal if stay insisté, grab my yarn ans knit knit knit all the way trought fall winter ans spring
I love that it’s finally boot weather to walk around on trails and look up to see gorgeous coloured leaves! Your November giveaway colour palette is the epitome of fall colours and my favourite thus far!
I love spending time with family. I’m in the Phoenix area, so not many fall colors to enjoy near home. Your yarns are simply stunning. Every single one.
I love the cooler weather and the changing leave colors.
I love the colors, of the turning leaves and foliage all around us.
Early ,cool \frosty mornings , mist hanging in the air slowly fading to reveal amazing ,crisp autumn colours . Reds and auburn mingling with orange and brown . Do you need to ask where I get my crochet inspiration from ? I love autumn more than any other season of the year .
Pumpkin pie, blankets, scarves, crisp air, fire in the fireplace, snuggly puppy and my family.
I love the colder mornings with the warmer afternoons. I’m a cold weather type of person, so I love going for morning walks at this time of year or getting coffee with friends.
Love, love, love your yarns. You are so talented. Be well.
I love the beautiful fall colors! One of my bucket list items is to travel east to view the fall foliage.
NOVEMBER is a time of cool nights and fresh air in the morning reminding me that life is a blessing even amid any chaos. A time of reflection as many plants and trees rest from their foliage and begin forging deeper roots-a grateful and thankful attitude is the most beautiful reflection I can possess

All of the fall baked goods, and wearing the knitting I worked on all summer when the temperatures drop!
I – love – these – colours
Warm sweaters, the deer roaming around. eating everything :), the birds flying overhead… Autumn is my favorite.
I absolutely LOVE all the warm projects you can make during Fall! Hats, scarves, sweaters… all in those beautiful reds and oranges.
I LOVE FALL!!! I love the colors and the cool crisp air and the fact that I can make a blanket and not die of heat. Because it gets pretty hot here in Texas. And I love the colors you chose for this months give-a-way. They are so beautiful and perfect for this time of year.
Sweater weather! ! I get to go for walks and show off all my hard work.
Primarily I live the colors of fall, but also the smells and tastes, and the crisp air. So refreshing.
I love the cooler weather and cozy clothes. I prefer layers and it’s hard to do that when it’s 90 degrees.
My favourite thing about this time of year (spring/summer in Australia) is the wildlife, the dancing birds, the croaking frogs, the baby animals poking their heads out of nests and holes and pouches, the colourful insects and the peacefulness of it all <3
The darkness in the evenings with knitting or chrochet, candlelights and fire in the fireplace <3 The autumn colors, the cold and sharp air – my favorite time of the year!
I love the colors of the fall which are suraunding us at this time , and you bring this beautiful colors in this yarns ! I wish I win this giveaway !
Wow, awesome colors and awesome giveaway as always.
I love that it is finally cooler, even though it got warm again. I am in Eastern NC.
I think one of my favorite things about this time of the year, is seeing what colorways/inspirations you come up with to tantalize us
This might be my favorite set of colors yet, and I’ve been following them for a couple of years now. Oh, right, I say that EVERY month LOL!
This yarn you have has become a total addiction. It is always so beautifully dyed and wonderful to work with. Best thing about Fall is working on gifts for Christmas for me. Sitting there all bundled up and cozy, hot cider next to me, and if cold enough a fire going to enjoy playing with yarn and a movie on a channel that makes greeting cards lol. Fall is my favorite time of year…sigh.
The first snow, fall food, and family. It being cold enough not to have sweaty hands while knitting! Lol
I love the colors and the crisp air.
My fave things about fall are the weather and the colors! Gorgeous colors! Fires in the yard, crisp mornings and warmer days, leggings and vests! I am in WI and Fall is my absolute favorite! Too many things to list.
I love everything about Fall, it’s my favorite time of year!!
Although, I wish it lasted longer.The changing leaves are so beautiful, they make my heart sing! I

I love the cooler weather! Here in NC, not feeling muggy and hot at 6 am lol
fall colors, cooler weather, and the smell of cinnamon!
I love Everything about Christmas!
I love everything about this time of year!!
Best time of the year – the colours, slight nip in the air and I can build a cozy fire in the wood stove and not get forced out of the room by the heat
Fall or Autumn is my favorite time of the year. I love all of the color change in the leaves. Living here in Michigan it’s absolutely the prettiest time. Even when you are driving on the e-ways (except in the big cities) the colorful trees are just so beautiful that I call it Gods paintings! I also love wearing sweaters so the temp is great. I just wish we could go from fall to spring and skip winter.
I like this time of year in the northern hemisphere because it is a clear sign that things can and do change. This time of year is a comforting visual reminder of that with the beauty that is fall foliage
I love the bright colors of the changing leaves, and the fresh smell in the air. I love being able to snuggle under a warm blanket at the end of the day with my knitting.
I love the cool breezes of this season, without it being too cold. It’s the perfect time for crocheting (& now knitting) larger projects that would make you hot otherwise… even though I do it no matter what…

I love the colors of of the yarn giveaway – beautiful! Thank you Chandi, for the chance to win all that yarny goodness…
I love the colours of the autumn and the smell of fallen leaves in the woods. I also love to snuggle on the couch with a book on rainy days.
The colors are so beatiful and they fit November perfectly. Your blog and everything you do is amazing Chandi. I actually got into knitting due to you. Keep spreading love and wonderful yarny goodness.
I love that it is time to get all of my handknit sweaters and other things out! I also love that the holidays are coming up so it is time to start planning and getting excited for them!
Love the cooler days this time of year!
Have beautiful hand dyed yarn. So soft.
Getting recipes together for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I love the colors in nature, the upcoming holidays, and making things for loved ones!
Blankets, chunky sweaters, hot tea and cute boots and especially the leaves changing color! Browns, reds, oranges and yellows are such a lovely color scheme
Wonderful colors, as always. I would like to try to make a colorful hooded scarf
I just love the colors of the leaves and just the overall sense of renewal and reforming of this time of year.
Szeleszczace liście pod nogami w kolorze pięknych Twoich włoczek
I love the watching the color of the leaves change and how crisp the air gets.
I love Scarfs, of course
The crisp weather and gorgeous colors that remain hidden until Autumn are some of my favorites. What a beautiful surprise- it’s like a good friend suddenly revealing a new and beautiful aspect of themselves or their personality that you hadn’t previously noticed. Oh, favorite maple tree? I had no idea you had such beautiful orangey red foliage! Thank you, fall!
I love the cooler weather. Cooler weather means I can enjoy seeing my dogs in their knitted sweaters.
I really love the chill in the air, as well as the trees turning color. There is just nothing like walking there a pile of leaves and being embraced by the earthy smell of dying leaves.
Knitting new projects to wear
It’s my favorite season, not only because of the beautiful fall colors and temps, plus all that comes along with fall, but because we finally get rain in California!
I love seeing the leaves change color and the smell of them.
Pumpkins, the leaves changing, cuddling up by the fire, hot mulled wine(for the adults of course!), and hot apple cider for the kids. The first snow. It’s so pretty with all the colors still out!
Colder weather giving me an excuse not to go outside.
Knit one, sip one (from a jumbo mug of apple cider, complete with cinnamon stick)
I love the changing colours of the trees, the crispy fresh air blowing off the moors. This is my favourite time of the year
I love the setting sun making the leaves glow gold, and the perfect cool weather.
The coolness in the air one day and then heat the next….gotta love it…LOL
I love that it finally starts to cool down in Florida. The weather is so nice this time of year
I see persimmons and cranberries and holly berries, and can almost taste them in the amazing yarn colors. We have our first winter chill here, daytime temps under 70 all week–loving it!
In Australia things are heating up as we head into spring. I love the colour of flowers as they start to fill our gardens and streets. The Jacaranda trees flower with the most amazing vivid purple that lines the streets with colour. So smile worthy!
I love how the air smells in the morning! The weather is great for cozy sweaters and late night bonfires. I love all the warm colors from the changing leaves to the earthy vegetables around harvest. Fall is my favorite season of the year!
I love all the rich colors of fall, and incorporating them into my crafting! And, it wouldn’t be fall without High School Marching Band shows and contests! I’ve been all in the past few years since my daughter in part of the school drumline!
I love the vibrant colors, the wonderful scents, the mysterious sunsets and clear starlit nights. Such cozy knitting time!
I’ve found your youtube channel two weeks ago and I’m totally inlove with your projects. I’m still looking the best yarn for wandering shawl – it’s on my wsh list but unfortunately the Covid situation in Poland force us to stay at home. Colours of november yarn giveaway are really stunning and it looks like autumn maple leaves, red and cognac colours are my favourite <3
I love the colors of fall and the spices we associate with the holidays. Chandi, I know you previously lived in Alaska and so did I. At this time of year, I am missing the snow! Happy Fall!
I love waking up to crisp fall mornings, walking through the leaves, and cuddling up with blankets at home! Fall always brings such a cozy feeling to it.
I love the warm hues of the falling leaves all around. Thank you for this giveaway!
I love the temperature, the colors, and the chance to start wearing all the knits!
LOVE the striking colors. Leaves falling, and the reminder to give thanks for the beauty of this earth.
One thing I love about this time of year is freshly roasted chestnuts.
I love this time of year because it’s starts to cool off and my birthday is this month! Oh and all the food at Thanksgiving (USA)! Yum!
Reading all of these comments has me so, so excited for fall! I love the color change, the crisp fall mornings, and most of all, the warm fuzzy holiday season feeling. It’ll be different this year without all of our big family gatherings, but we’re still happy to spend the holidays with our little family unit.
Love the leaves in the fall. All those beautiful colours outside.
Love to close my blinds when it’s getting dark, turn on my Zebra Sprinkles shimmer light with wax sprinkles in Winter smells, a large cup of tea with my Skinny Mixes Syrup for this time of the year and a great project on my needles. And in the morning hiking my 2,5 miles with my hiking buddy in the fallen leaves around the lake and enjoy the warm fall weather here in Texas!
Aussie here from down under. November is the last bit of coolness we have before summer hit,so it’s nice to enjoy that while we still can
I love the smells this time of year. Especially the smell of woodsmoke from people with their fireplaces burning. <3 such a lovely smell that brings back memories of my childhood.
also, I love my fall/winter wardrobe. Busting out all my handknits and coats and boots is the best! 
I love the fresh air. And sitting by the fire with a cup of tea and my knitting project.
I love November because it finally starts to cool down here in Texas. Plus, it’s my birthday month
The lower temps and humidity means sweater weather. I love cozy sweaters.
I love the beautiful weather. The leaves are so pretty. Then, Christmas is just around the corner.
I love walking in the woods with the crisp leaves crunching under foot. The squirrels hopping from place to place hiding their finds.
My favourite thing is carving pumpkins. This time of year can be a bit hard with allergies triggered by the weather that can’t quite make up its mind, so having something to look forward to every fall makes it a little easier to deal with.
I love the color, the temperature, the food. Fall is the best
I love the gorgeous fall leaves of North Carolina!! There’s just NOTHING like it!
At this time of the year I usually sit and enjoy nature change with all its beauty and lovingly envy ppl receiving free yarn and giveaways and wish I become one of them one day
I love the cool crisp weather and the fall baking spices. They just make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I love all seasons. Each one has a special place in my heart. I knit and crochet all year long, but in the spring and summer I am so busy outside with the garden and canning everything in sight that I so look forward to fall. Everything slows down and I have more time than just evenings to sit down and enjoy my knitting and crocheting and look at the beautiful fall colors all around me. Chandi, your yarn is amazing, your patterns are so beautiful and you sweet lady are gorgeous. You make me smile and laugh every time I watch you. You make my day brighter. Thank you for all you do!!!!!!!!
This was always my favorite time of year. My family didn’t have much but we would gather and cook delicious biscuits, cookies, and cobblers from scratch, trim the tree, hang lights, and sing hymns honoring Christ’s birth and gift to mankind. Now in my latter years my family is all gone. My husband and best friend also passed away last year. It’s still my favorite part of the year because remembering my grandmother, my father, my mother, and my husband – who also loved to cook – brings me closer to them in memories. And I am thankful for having had a small but very loving family who all loved me.
All the freshly harvested apples – for our new juicer!
I love the cooler temperatures, how crisp the air is, how the sunsets look more spectacular, and all the beautiful colors of fall in the trees and shrubs. Oh, and making hot chocolate and S’mores over a bonfire with my family!
I love the colors, the cool nights and warm days. The best time for knitting
Cozy sweaters and boot weather! The very best time of year!
Orange and gold and red in the sunlight.
The quality of light is different… more golden, especially at the end of the day, and as fall wears on, somehow bluer in the morning ….
I Love the Momentary Pause to reflect on the past year before the busy { not so much this year } Holiday Season. The changing of the seasons with Fall being one some see as the beginning of a Long Winter with Less Enthusiasm. Usually we are preparing for Thanksgiving { we’ve had ours in Canada } with Christmas right behind. And enjoying the vast colors of the leaves. Covid has change that for so many. This will be the Second Christmas not seeing my daughter whom had to move to another province for work, But I’m thankful she has found her future In-Laws with a Recent Engagement. Fall – the changing of Seasons waiting for the renewal in Spring. I think this Fall and winter will be a much more difficult one for a lot of people, I’ve decided to try an make the world a little brighter in whatever small ways I can. Opening the Door for a neighbor coming in with a Handful of bags, Not complaining of a neighbor who paces their floor at night .with a heavy foot, Try to laugh more and not be as shy with my humor. Get others laughing. You get the drift. Small kindnesses. A Smile and a Hello. Hello Fall I’m ready for you..
I love warm sweaters and scarfs! All I want to do is create with my yarn!!
The crisp feel in the air, the aromas that fill the house, the reminders to be grateful for all that I’ve learned through the journeys and adventures of the past year.
I love getting to cook and bake with my family!
I used to live in Southern California where winters were almost as sunny as summer. Now, I live where I can see picturesque fall colors splashed on trees, and finally understand this big love of Fall.
I LOVE fall colors, the days being shorter, blustery days, baking, riding bikes on the leaf covered trails, the gorgeous trees changing colors and so much more. I wish fall would never end….sigh.
It’s awesome to see how often the leaves change their colors in autum, I love it so much

Cooler temperatures!
This time of year i start to see snow pile up on the mountains in the distance by my house. The chill in the air means I can finally pull out my scarves!
I really like walking the dogs early in the dark mornings and seeing the sun just peek above the horizon and the sound of the leaves crunching under my feet. *The dogs love the cooler temps.
Earlier nightfall.
Love this time of the year for the changing of colours of the trees and leaves! Also, I can start wearing all the warm and cozy woolen stuff that I’ve been knitting and crocheting all year!
The colours of the leaves, and the crispness of the air.
Curling up with a cuppa hot chocolate, listening to a good audio book with my dogs on my lap while working on my latest project!!
I love snow! Good thing I live in northern BC, Canada.
I love the family traditions. Women in the kitchen yelling in Spanish and English about 5 different things. The abuelita is the Queen Mother in all.
I see this in the blend of yarns.
Autumn in Southern California suburbs and cities is really nonexistent. You have to hike high or travel north or east before fall colors show their wonder. But I do appreciate the cooling of the weather and the crisp mornings. By the way, the colors of the yarn giveaway are the most stunning colors ever! Gorgeous, just like you, Chandi!
Love these colors,,and I love Fall. It’s a time to spend with my family, hiking in Vermont and viewing the amazing fall colors.
Over the summer we moved into a home with a wood fire place and I love making fires on cold, rainy days!
I love the feeling of wanting to snuggle into my sweaters and quilts while nature slows her rhythm.
I love the changing colors of the leaves, crisp air, and cozy nights by the fire with a glass of wine.
The smells: fallen leaves, cloves, a fire in the fireplace
Love the holidays and spending time with family
I love the colours of the late autumn, the crispy air, the rainy days when I am comfy curled up on my couch …
The cool, crisp colorful air outside….and snuggling up inside to knit some beautiful
things for those I love!
I love all the beautiful colours of this time of the year, the colder days en night and the promis of winter coming
I love the cooler weather. I like too feel crisp air around me, and I can add a shawl or sweater off I’m too cold.
I enjoy lower humidity and being able to go for a nice walk in the park with perspiring through my clothes.
I like the colors changing on the trees and here in Florida, I like the the calmer, cooler, less humid weather.
I love the colors and snuggling up with my family under a soft blanket to watch holiday shows.
I have no clue if my entry has worked. Oh well. Things I love at this time of year – Halloween, the low sun which you can see chase across the sky so fast. Today as the light got through the trees to my window as the sun rose, it had a pin prick of light surrounded by a ring of colour like a mini rainbow. It did not last long, but it was lovely to see.
It totally worked!
I love apple cider & donuts. This time of year I love to use my grandma’s holiday food recipes. I know I can use them all year but they are more special to use during the holidays. Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Ich liebe es wenn draußen die Sonne schein und die Farben leuchten von den Bäumen.
Not only do I love the colors, the amazing smell and the cooler weather, but Fall is the season of a great reminder for my soul to slow down, grow. reflect and renew itself for coming seasons.
Such lovely, snuggle-worthy, scrumptious, gorgeous, ….. and I could go on ! Wish I had more than two hands, I want to knit with alllll this beautiful yarn!
Gorgeous fall colors! Crisp nights, cooler days
The mild temps and beautiful sunny days. Perfect gardening weather!
Giving thanks for the friends and family that we hold close during this chaotic time. The beauty of fall and the cooler temps means that we can wear our lovely knit socks!
Charity. It’s always a nice reminder to think of others less fortunate at this time of year.
I love the cooler, crisp temperatures and the colors! Also the smell of burning leaves or outdoor fires.
The cool weather, the smell in the air, and holidays to spend with family!
I live in the Caribbean and the weather is more or less constant year round. What I like about this time of year is the preparations for Christmas and the anticipation of seeing friends and family. This year will be different but we will find a way to preserve the traditions. Above all. love one another.
I like all the changing colours especially seeing the leaves change. Snuggling up on the sofa with my hubby
One thing I love about this time of year is the cooler weather.
My favorite colors are the autumn colors! Not winter yet here…
Such beautiful fall colors! Favorite thing about Fall? Usually I would say football since we tailgate with a great group but that doesn’t apply this year so grabbing a blanket and settling in on the couch with a good book or listening to a book while knitting.
My favorite season has always been summer. Fall to me means the end of long lazy days. That said, the shorter cooler days mean less outdoor time and therefore more time for knitting and that’s always inspiring and such a treat! I do love the changing scenery, the bright colors of fall, especially the reds and oranges and vivid yellows of the trees in my back yard!
I love spending time with friends, how everyone seems a bit nicer
I love the crisp days and the beautiful colors of the changing leaves. Also going for long walks with my dog, curling up on the couch to read and knit.
Snow, ice, skating, hot Chocolat, family… That is late fall to me.. winds, rain and darkness, that’s what i get here..
I love being able to wear cuddley clothes this time of year. Must be hereditary because my 6 year old daughter specifically requested “cozy” tops this year lol. So we have some ordered for her and if I win one month I can make her some of the coziest tops she will ever wear lol.
I love my family, who are forced to get along around the holidays!
I enjoy cool, crisp morning walks and the changing colors of the season
I love the excitement of the holidays!
I love the seasonal change and this time of reflection. Things seem to slow down a bit and get more relaxed. Love the fall colors and the crispness in the air.
I love taking a few days off work, extra time for baking, reading or watching a good movie with one of my precious cats on my lap, and generally feeling cozy
Love the colors and the cool crisp air and knitting with a cup of tea!
The change of seasons is wonderful. I’ve had enough of summer, heat, sun, aridness. So ready for all the marvelous, colorful, seasonal things that make us love autumn.
Thank you for all of your free pattern Friday’s! My favorite thing about fall it football; football means uninterrupted fiber time. My love for the game runs deep, everyone knows I watch as much as I can, when the Vikings play, they know I won’t even take phone calls.
Big bowls of soup and knitting projects that keep you warm while knitting them.
I love the anticipation of the holidays with all the decorations, the beautiful colours & lights.
I live in Arizona so this time of year I love the cooler weather and drinking hot beverages
I love the fall wind, crisp and cool, the feeling of it passing by. It helps me refresh my mind. I also love the warm days in Autumn, sunshine and wind, the perfect combination! I just love the temperature when autumn is here
Crisp air….I love that description because it so accurately describes the edge in the air that makes you take deep breaths and really feel alive. (Here in Canada, it is short lived because sooner or later it drops to way below 0 Celsius….not so much my favorite
I also love raking leaves and then watching our terrier happily run through them, his tongue hanging out…it is so cute and lovable….and only happens once or twice a year (or three times depending on how many leaves we’re talking!)
I love the cooler weather that brings on the wearing of woolen sweaters, cozying under an Afghan while watching British mysteries, as I knit.
I love that I get to pull out all my cozy sweaters and curl up with a hot cup of spice tea to combat the falling temperatures.
Love the time spent with family & friends!
I love being able to rock my knitwear. =D
My favorite thing about the holiday season is making my mom’s recipes of fudge and German chocolate pie. I know I can make them at any time of the year, but there’s something special to me about keeping them for the holiday season as she did.
I love this time of year because the mosquitoes are finally gone! This year is a real treat, because I am watching my new puppy discover the world! She having a blast, trying to chase ALL the leaves! Yesterday, she discovered the joy of snow. It’s a whole new life!
Well it’s sweater weather of course!
I live on an island in Alaska so the glorious fall colors of the trees and the fireweed flowers have already shared their beauty and the snow has come. This time of year fills my heart with joy and warmth because of the closeness of family, the crisp air, and the many more hours to play “yarn” when the sun sets.
Hello everyone. I love the smell of smoke wafting from a fireplace or a firepit. This is a common smell in western Maryland on cold nights and makes me appreciate the change of seasons. I am truly a summer, sun, and hot weather girl, but love the smells of fall and winter.
I love the smells of this season. The start of cinnamon and pine and all of the spices that just say HOLIDAY. Going to stores and knowing that Christmas is right around the corner is my absolute favorite thing about this time of year.
Cool crisp air and pumpkin everything!
I love waking in the morning after the first snow fall with the sun shining brightly on the snow. It’s a different kind of sunlight being reflected when everything is covered with a dusting of white.
Love the yarns and such gorgeous pigments to them. Richly colored and luxurious feels to them!
I love the scent of the damp earth with yellowed leaves damp from rain and mist. Also the sight of beautiful, but dangerous, toadstools.
I love changing of the colors on the trees. One year i had a tickets to go and take a ride on the train thru the mountains, so me and my husband took that trip and it was amazing, small trickle of water fall on the rocky banks and trees with abundant of color.
Taking a walk in the freshly fallen snow in the wee hours of the morning just as the sun is coming up. The only sound is silence with the occasional bird calling out. The frost on the trees at this time is also beautiful! Bless you and your family and please continue to stay healthy.
Walking the dog in a poncho and breaking out all of the scarves!
I love the crisp morning air and the amazing sunrises!
I Love the cooler weather so i can wear my handknit woolly sweaters and i Love the delicious food that is made during all the holiday!
I love the sense of community and togetherness that comes from this time of the year. The cooler whether is also something great since I live somewhere where winter is mostly a slightly less hot summer.
I love the focu on slowing down and interacting with other people. Going inward and being quiet.
Halloween is my favorite thing about fall!
Family, food, talk, getting together, however this year puts a strain on all that. So many phone calls to fill that need.
Love to decorate for Christmas

I love both holidays but truly LOVE the Fall season. Now in FL, I miss the colors, and the crisp cooler air. But love the anticipation of both holidays and spending time with family.
Here in the Deep South there isn’t the bright color in the trees that the more northern states have, but October means bringing out the pumpkins and fall decorations. I even brought down one of my Christmas trees and decorated it for fall. The house looks so warm and festive. Also, this time of year means cooler temps, no 90+ days like in summer. The fall and winter months are my absolute favorite!
I love Thanksgiving. I love the family getting together for a great meal and the chance to catch up with evrtyone
What I love most about this time of year is the lighter hearts and brighter spirits. You can see it in people’s eyes. And when I come across someone with a heavy spirit (sadly, there are many of these as well), I try to at least brighten their moment with a genuine smile right from my heart.
Thank you, Chandi, for this most beautiful and generous giveaway opportunity, must most of all, for your endearing spirit! <3
My favorite thing about FALL: The trees drop their colors, become backdropped by the sunset, and create the most beautiful lace in the world.
Love the smells, changing colors, getting together with family and most of all it’s a great time to knit.
So beautiful! I love the softly blending colors and the sheen. And piling them in a pyramid looks so abundant! I love the cooler days and the colored leaves of this season.
I love the cooler weather and the fact that working on larger products without being too hot. I start my christmas projects the year before I plan to give them away so I do more in the fall and winter than the rest of the year.
Autumn is always wonderful, sometimes it resembles spring with its greenery, other times summer with the golden sun, sometimes it is also often like winter – cool and lofty, but there is something that only concerns it – fog – unique, mysterious, spectacular and fabulous, like the colors of Fall -Tastic
I love the colors of the trees and sky, and the colors of the the sunrises and sunsets. I love the sound of crunching through the leaves. I love the feel of the crisper, cooler air.
I love the crispness in the air that makes me want to sit in a cozy chair with a video and some knitting or spinning in front of the fire. I love how this season reminds us to be thankful for health, family, friends, and freedom!
I love the leaves changing color, drinking warm apple cider, fires in the fireplace and spending time with family and friends.
I love to watch the trees change colors. They have been a bright spot in this kind of bleak year.
Kindness . It seems that Kindness takes center stage this time of year.
Sincere ‘ MERRY’S ‘ AND ‘ HAPPY’S ‘ greet you from strangers and loved ones alike.
The Genuine warmth is SO welcoming .
When I was a kid, we had an annual Thanksgiving nerf sword fight. Not something I do anymore but a fond memory.
I like the act that Nature herself is reminding us that all things change and for as long as this temporal realm lasts, everything will have it’s season and continue to change. While things we are so comfortable with are fading away, we still can have a joyful expectation of what is new and coming toward us; to change our perceptions, widen our expectations and provide us with a bounty of joy we have easily available, renewed to provide for others which we have in abundance of. With every garment, accessory, or whatever our yarn and fingers creates with us begins a platform for others we know/love/or just want to give to can share in our energy, compassion, joy of creation, prayers, and comfort that something soft, warm and snuggly; something tangible they can identify as a piece of ‘I am cared for…” is in their hands, around their necks, covering their heads or wrapped securely about their bodies. Nature freely gives and receives. We should do likewise.
Crisp air and crystal blue skies
now there is the rub. i’m not a fall or winter gal. but i love thanksgiving and the families getting together (a bit harder this year but still going to happen). i love the excitement of getting ready for Christmas, the decorations, the lights and of course the foods. i try to fill my fall and winter with beautiful bright colors, like all the yellows and blues, with hints of greens and reds. i love the making of new mittens for my grandkids. making scarves and other winter type things. i think i especially love the slower pace that this time of year brings. happy thanksgiving and a very merry Christmas.
Love that it’s sweater weather. And that drinking hot cocoa coffee is necessary.
This is my current daily caffeine fix. Definitely not very sweet:
In a big mug, combine:
1 scant tsp instant coffee
3 tsp good cocoa
~1/2 tsp demerara
1 row of chocolate – milk, milk with nuts. dark choc – whatever you feel like
half a handful of 59-85% cocoa solids chocolate chips.
Add a little boiling water to blend everything & melt, then top up with milk and microwave for 1.5 min.
Stir and keep heating in 1/2 to 1 minute increments until it’s a pleasingly hot temperature.
That sounds amazing!
I love the cool weather that autumn brings to the California foothills. I look forward to the rains, cozy fires, and, of course, the holidays.
The changing colors is one of my favorite things about fall!
I like when the evenings get longer as that gives me more time to knit.
In the past, I have loved Thanksgiving best because it’s when all the family gets together. This isn’t happening this year because of Covid19 – so what I am MOST thankful for is Zoom!
Getting together with my family
I also love the hot chocolate, wearing warm sweater and foggy mornings!
It’s spring here in NZ so I love that it’s getting warmer! Lots of new growth and happier people
Fall is my favorite time of year, and I feel a great affinity with all the colors that happen in nature in the month of November, which is also my birthday month.
I love the way Mother Nature sets a whole new wardrobe out for the trees, flowers and grasses. I love the way the blue sky sets off those beautiful yellows, oranges, bronzes and reds of fall.
Hi, it is my favourite time, because everything is so lush and super green. Nice warm and sunny days to take a swim or laze around the pool.
The leaves, the smell of wood smoke in the air, getting to start wearing my sweaters.
I love the food! And really getting to spend time with my family.
Thank you for the opportunity to enter!
Fall is my favorite season. Early fall, I love the still warm days and chilly evenings. Later in Fall, I love seeing my breath when I walk outside (although, not right now, masks and all!), crispy leaves, hearing the rain hit my windows, and smelling the fireplace smoke around the neighborhood.
Best part of this time of year is always the first snow fall!! Absolutely magical!
It’s my favorite season, because of the clashing coloyrs and vibrad reds. Particularly the fact that I get to roll myself in my wolly creations and hear the leafs crackle und rustle under my feet on my long walks.
It’s hot summer time here in Sydney, Australia and so I love the balmy weekend evenings spent BBQing with friends and late afternoon/ early evening time at the beach during the week when daylight savings and summer days are long and hot. i will still knit through the heat, resorting to cotton on the hottest days, taking my knitting with me to the beach.
Love those warm cinnamon tones on those beautiful skeins Chandi!
Man-Oh-Man! Am I glad I subscribed when I did?! What a generous giveaway! I’ve been watching your Youtube videos since forever & I have no idea why I never wondered over to this site till now! Better late than never, Huh?
Wow, I love the instant, warm, caring, cheerful feeling you get as soon as the weather nips at your nose; The falling leaves take your attention for a moment & you find yourself momentarily stunned by the beauty of nature; The deep, rich fall colored yarns, buried in your stash, start begging you to pick them up & make sweaters, cardigans, & cozy throws with them! It’s just such an exciting time of year for all of your senses & I can’t get enough of it! 
Here in Hungary we make hot wine with spices, It’s very delicious. What I really like is drinking hot wine in a cosy armchair knitting, or reading or watching movie.
But I also like that colors of the leaves before they drop off.
First thank you so much for a chance to win
There are so many things that I love in each season. In the Autumn season I love the changes in nature such as the changing leaves and even the sky changes and how some animals get ready for the colder months. As Christmas gets closer I find people are more friendly and kind, maybe even more so because of this year. I also find people find more reasons to be grateful; something I do every night before bed is write in my gratitude journal. I also find it’s a time to be more cozy with blankets, socks, etc. and spend evenings drinking hot chocolate, playing board games, having the fireplace on, reading, and taking time to craft. Right now I’m knitting socks for the first time to se d to my Dad
Good luck with the contest everyone 

The things I love about the season seem to change every year, but the one constant as always been family, good food and time to enjoy the tangible changes in the season. This season though, with everything going on, our family has created ways to connect & that’s a blessing.
Since retiring in SC, this time of the year is so much more precious because of the moments we can share together as a complete family. We love gathering at one of our children’s home and love on each other.

Family is the definition of ‘love in action’
I love this time of year down under as it is the beginning of new life, with lambs, calves and everything turning beautiful and green. I’m also thankful for my husband who is always there for me when I need him.
The amazing crisp peaceful starlit mornings when I’m out walking my dog at 5:30 am.
I love the cooler weather and meeting up with friends.
This time of year my cats’ fur gets all floofy and they get more cuddly, my kids want more hugs and hot cocoa, and we all just want to stay inside and get cozy. I think that’s probably my favorite part about fall… the extra cuddles!
I love the cooler weather, colorful leaves, and weenie roasts!
I love how some take the time to knit special gifts for their friends and family, in hopes to give them during the holiday time.
Love the dark evenings as house looks cozy with candles and twinkle lights
I love the colors, leaves & fall flowers, the smells, sounds of walking through leaves, and dry stalks rustling, pumpkins!!!
I love that it’s dark enough early enough, and cool enough for a nice fire in the firepit. And no mosquitos!!
I love the silhouettes of bare branches against a sunset.
I love the cool crisp outdoor temps, changing leaves, and family gatherings (although a bit different this year)!
The weather this time of year is my favorite. Most of the vibrant colors have left Minnesota, but the weather changes every day – sometimes every hour. It’s the best time to sit around with a cuppa tea (or ??) and knit or crochet. I know I’ll never finish my planned gifts in time for the mailing deadline! WHO will receive the picture(s) of their WIP(s) this year? Yes, that has become a family tradition.
I love the leaves and the cold breezes. Sitting by the fire drinking hot chocolate with my family and crocheting scarves and gloves for them!
I love that i finally get to wear my knitted items in our minnesota weather
I love seeing my son wearing my knitted gifts to school
He loves school, snow go’s, and winter!
Love how the stars seem brighter in the crisp air. Also, cuddles and snuggling after the cool weather outside. Love being able to wear my shawls.
I love to layer up this time of year. As many fuzzy socks and sweaters as possible.
Enjoy the fall and years of the Indian summer extending the season.
Fall is my favorite time of year! I love that smokey smell of a toasty fireplace!