Welcome to our latest gigantic yarn giveaway!
I am so excited for you to see all of these beauties. Silk and merino wool and cashmere and other luscious lovelies:
Take a look at them all below and then scroll downnnnn to enter via Rafflecopter:
Okay, to enter, here’s what ya need to do:
- Enter via Rafflecopter below.
- Comment on this blog post (scrolllll all the way down if need be) and tell me how you heard about this giveaway.
- Want more free stuff? Grab one of our free patterns here!
-Worldwide entries welcome.
-Giveaway ends June 15th, 2017 and the winner will be announced in our next giveaway.
-Last month’s winner was Samantha Tushaus. Congrats, Samantha!
-If you have trouble entering, please try another browser or device and if that still doesn’t work, please comment that you need help and we’ll make sure you’re entered. Also note that if you are already a newsletter subscriber you won’t receive any confirmation emails, since you’re already subscribed.
Best of luck!
I’m subscribed to your everything and got a notification from tumblr ♡
Wow! Got my first order of yarn and it is beautiful! One day I plan on winning this glorious give away!
Love your yarn – can’t wait to start in my next project with your yarn
I follow you on Facebook and I receive your emails. I live in Canada and the Canadian dollar really sucks or I would be purchasing some yarn from you. I love how you match your yarn to art work or to nature.
Received an email about the yarn giveaway.
I received the giveaway in the weekly email
Heard about this one on Twitter!
I saw the giveaway on facebook! Love your yarn <3
I heard about the contest by following you on Facebook
I found you on FaceBook. I <3 your yarn and patterns!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
I follow the blog every month. I also saw the post on Facebook!
Saw your giveaway on your facebook page. A fab prize for oodles of creativity!
i heard because i have been entering sense the beginning of the year after following you because i used a video of yours to help teach me how to knit
I was just casually scrolling through Facebook, seen a post about yarn so naturally I read t and here I am! Enterting the contest
I follow the EFA Facebook feed, and saw the announcement!
I heard about this fromantic twitter
Thanks for the giveaway! I heard about it on Facebook. The yarns look so lovely!
Your colorways are gorgeous! I love love love the edits you put on instagram! The pictures are beautiful, but not as much a the yarn!
I’ve been following Expression Fiber Arts for a few years now, eagerly watching the new colorways come out on Facebook. That’s where I heard about this giveaway!
Thanks so much! I saw the giveaway on Twitter.
I found out through Facebook!
I heard about your giveaway on Facebook!
I follow you on Facebook!!
Have ordered your beautiful yarn and have seen the giveaway on your site
I heard about this giveaway by following you on Facebook.
I found out about this giveaway via Twitter. Love your work, and would love to win this yarn. Keep up the good work.
I heard about this giveaway because I’m am an ardent lover of all things EFA!!! Since I first found you on Facebook, A WHILE ago I’ve been a faithful follower of all things Chandi. I’ve never felt or seen such gorgeousness anywhere else. I am now a lifetime addict of All The Squishy Yarnie Goodness. ???
I first saw this giveaway mentioned on Facebook today.
I love all the bright colors in this batch! 
I love your yarn and patterns, and heard about the giveaway from your Facebook page! ?????
Absolutely beautiful colors and yarn!
Saw it on Facebook!
I heard about this giveaway through your email and Facebook posts! ?
I was scrolling through IG and seen your post for the give away. I haven’t had a chance to purchase one of your yarns, but hoping I do it really soon
I was scrolling through IG and seen your post for the give away. I love all the colors
I was scrolling through IG and seen your post for the give away.
I heard about the giveaway on Facebook
I heard about the giveaway in your email and on facebook
I enter via FB.
Learnt about this free givaway on FaceBook!! Beautiful yarn! Love all the colours!!
Entered. Love your yarn!
I saw this post on your Facebook page
I just saw this on Facebook and I am so excited!
I enter every month!
these colours are amazing for spring and summer and in winter when you need a pick me up
I heard about this giveaway by following your FB page and receiving a notification!
Facebook feed
I saw contest on Facebook, I have bought from them before, beautiful yard.
I usually hear about it from the newsletter, but this time I caught the update on Twitter.
Love all the colors of your yarns!
I love hearing about your great giveaways on Facebook! The yarn all looks so lovely!
Such gorgeous colours!!
I saw the Facebook notification that the new giveaway had begun!
I heard about this give away on Facebook because I’m a follower!
Showed up in my Pinterest feed and my FB feed!
I heard about this giveaway on Facebook.
Just something about yarn and adding to my stash that makes me get excited!
The giveaway came up in my Facebook feed
What beautiful color !! I heard about the giveaway on Facebook and newsletter.
I heard about this giveaway on Facebook! Am already a newsletter subscriber!
I heard about your giveaway because I follow you on facebook
I had entered previously as I am a client of yours . Love your yarns. There should be an option for those that had participated before as one has completed all or most of the activities to earn points.
Found you on Facebook. Lovely yarns and patterns.
On Facebook!
I learned of the giveaway on Instagram and through the always- anticipated emails you send! Thank you for the opportunity!
Saw it on Facebook!
I read about this on Instagram.
Someday I will win some of your gorgeous yarn. Until then thanks again for the chance.
I follow you on FB! Mostly I just get to drool over the pictures of your yarn, but every now and again, I can order. Love your stuff!
Found this on facebook! Hope I win some amazing yarn!
I am working with the black onyx pearlescent yarn now. It is so soft and crocheting up so beautifully the Sweet Pea Shawl. I skulk around the website frequently and see the posts on Facebook, which is where I saw the post about the giveaway.
I saw this giveaway on my facebook feed.
I discovered this blog a while ago and I love all of the pretty patterns! (And the giveaways :-D)
I heard about the giveaway from your Facebook page.
I AM REALLY TRYING to win this just one time! I love the yarn! I usually order once a month, but with my budget I usually can’t order more than 1 or 2 skeins at a time……. I guess I am greedy – I want more!!!
I just happened to look on your blog at this moment, and found it.
I follow the web site thur my RSS feed, that is where I saw it.
‘Heard’ on facebook
from facebook post.
I absolutely love your patterns and yarn! Would love to win!
I found the giveaway on Facebook.
Found out about last month’s give away 2 weeks ago. Came back for a second try! Also, saw the post on Facebook.
From your facebook page. But from Expression Fiber Arts, heard from an ex (Hungarian) classmate who lives in Canada and loves crocheting
i usually see these giveaways on Facebook, but today it was Twitter
I first heard about your yarn giveaways through one of your YouTube videos. All the colors this giveaway are beautiful. Thank you for giving everyone a chance to win them.
Another beautiful bundle of yarn
Saw it on Facebook. Love yarn just got into crocheting and can’t seem to stop
I found out about this giveaway on Facebook
This month I saw it first on Pinterest.
I hope I win this yarn. I could go for something happy in my life right now
I heard about this giveaway on instagram!
I found out about this post from a friend!
Beautiful looking yarn. I’m glad I follow you on Facebook and that I saw this giveaway.
I follow you on FaceBook and the colors called out to me!
I saw the contest on Facebook
I follow you on Facebook and saw your post about the contest! So excited to enter. I love your yarns!
I found out about the May/June giveaway on Facebook. Thank you for your generous giveaway!
I saw the giveaway notice on Instagram!
Through facebook.
I would love, love, love to win this! All of your yarns and colors are sooo beautiful!
I heard about your giveaway in my fb feed! I love your yarn!
I heard about the giveway on facebook.
I heard about this giveaway on Instagram. I have been following your Instagram account for a while.
I hope to win these yarns someday soon! I’m only a 2 year knitter, but I love it and knit constantly now.
I follow you on Twitter, so I found this giveaway when you linked to it there.
Beautiful yarn as always. I heard this giveaway started from your Facebook page.
I found this giveaway on bloglovin.
Another stunning giveaway, thanks Chandi. I heard about this via your email newsletter x
Through a friend!
I heard about this giveaway from Facebook. I would love the opportunity to try out your yarns!
Could I really have an entry to good to be true.
Thanks for giving us a chance to win!
I saw this giveaway on Facebook.
Heard about the giveaway on Instagram
Hi Chandi! I heard about this giveaway through Facebook. Although, I patiently wait every month to hear who the lucky winner was for the last giveaway, and then enter for the next month. Thanks for being awesome!
I saw it on Facebook. Love your yarn and colours. Keep them coming. Thank you
I found out about the giveaway while scrolling through your Instagram page.
I would love to win such lovely yarn. It is so beautiful. Good luck everyone.
Your yarn is beautiful and so inspiring, I look forward to seeing what yarn you are going to post each day.
I heard about the contest from Facebook
I follow you on Facebook ? saw the giveaway post, love your yarns, they are absolutely beautiful
If I keep trying, one of these days following you on Facebook may pay off!
I heard about the raffle on Facebook!
Found this giveaway on Facebook because I follow your page!
I enter every month! I first found it through a google search and haven’t stopped trying to win since
Ahhh!! they are all so so beautiful!!! I hope I win because this would be an amazing birthday present!! as always nice work on the yarn so so amazing!
Learned about the giveaway on Facebook.
I know you love me and this would be an awesome Birthday present!! (hint, hint) You forgot? It’s the 28th.
Found out about the giveaway via Instagram!
I follow you everywhere! (Wow, that sounds bad!) This time I saw the giveaway on Instagram.
One of these days I’ll have the money to order all the yarns. Because every post of yours I see makes me drool and turn green with envy. Truly beautiful colors and yarns. I hear about the give away every time and I keep entering and crossing my fingers.
I follow your Facebook and love your shop.
I heard about the giveaway on your Facebook page.
This popped up in my newsfeed today. So. Much. Yarn!????
Thanks for having such a great raffle with your luxurious yarn!
I heard about this from your fb page.
Saw this on Instagram
I heard about this in my email, and on Facebook. My hopes are up again to winning all this gorgeous yarn!
I keep a close eye on your Facebook posts. I LOVE all the pictures! !
Would love to have it! I learned about the entry on Facebook.
I follow you on Facebook and saw the giveaway there. I love absolutely everything that’s been picked! (Not to mention everything you come up with, patterns included.)
I just love your color ways. So vibrant and beautiful.
I first saw your yarn on Pinterest, probably saw the contest first on Facebook.
Saw the giveaway on Facebook, one of the crochet groups I’m in.
LOVE your yarn!
Your Facebook post
My niece told me about this giveaway! What an opportunity!
I heard about your giveaway from Facebook.
Saw the giveaway on Facebook!
I got the notification from following my sister in law on Twitter
I heard about it because I recently signed up for the newsletter and downloaded some free patterns. I’m saving money to be able to buy one of those gorgeous skeins I see coming by on FB. I’m drooling. How great would it be to make something out of all this ya n f of the give-away! Not only finally something for myself, but also for my best friend! Let’s keep our fingers crossed( yeah I can knit and crochet with the fingers of 1 hand crossed!)
I heard about the giveaway of Facebook, as always ?
Saw the post on my Facebook feed. Told everyone I know so if I don’t win maybe they will
I’ve seen it on fb.
Saw it on Facebook
First saw your yarn on Facebook. Have purchased your yarn and love it. Please enter my name in the May/June 2017 giveaway–have trouble entering as noted above. Thank you.
I follow your Facebook page! I love taking advantage of your free patterns
This would be such a nice thing to win. A Dr diagnosis for my Beautiful Husband has shocked us to the core, Feeling rather overwhelmed with it all.
Follow Expression Fiber Rts on fadebook, saw it there. Looovvve your yarns!
I saw the giveaway and found you on Facebook
Facebook is how I learned about this… then your blog and website of course!
Everything is sooooo pretty! I heard about the giveaway on Facebook
You make the prettiest yarn!!!
Instagram and Facebook. Love your yarn and pictures. New to weaving. Old knitter.
Saw the giveaway on Instagram. Love the colors of the yarn
I saw the contest on Twitter. I would love the chance to crochet with your beautiful yarn
Your Facebook posts!
I follow your blog, youtube and twitter, so I never miss anything.
I follow you on Twitter & Facebook. I saw the giveaway on Twitter. Beautiful yarn!
Saw the giveaway on facebook. Love the yarns.
I absolutely adore EFA yarns! I have subscribed to everything and referred through both FB and Twitter.
I first saw this one on Facebook.
I saw this in my Facebook feed! I love that you do this!
Follow you EVERYWHERE!!! My bank account will attest
Love, LOVE, LOVE your yarns, and your colors are amazing!
I watch for the give aways every other month on Facebook and in my emails! I never win, but I’m hopeful that one of these days I will!
I heard about the giveaway on Facebook! Thanks! Beautiful yarn!
On instagram
I heard about it because I follow you on twitter.
Beautiful yarn! Saw your yarn on Pinterest.
Saw this posted on Facebook – but want to say think also saw an email about it.
Thanks for sharing these beauties every month – one day ?
Your Facebook post.
Found you on Facebook!! Love your yarn! Have been following since I found you! I actually actively look for the giveaway so I can enter! I would love to win cause I love yarn!!
I love your yarn and patterns so very much. I saw this giveaway via twitter. Hoping for the best. And keeping my fingers crossed.
Found from following you on FB!
Facebook post popped up
I found you on pinterest months ago and now ive subscribed to basically everything.
Heard about this on FB – been following your lovely yarn for a while now but finally entered one of these!
I follow you on Facebook and heard about the give away there.
Commented (again
) on Facebook. Got my eye candy for the day!
I saw it first on Facebook ?
I think i saw it on facebook! I enter each month! lol! Maybe one day I’ll win!!
I saw the giveaway on Facebook. Your yarn is beautiful!
I floow you on facebook and pinterest. I saw this pin!! ???
I see your posts on Facebook. Love your gorgeous yarn
Love your yarns and all the free patterns! Keep up the good work.
Pick me! Pick me!
Heard about the giveaway through the newsletter.
Fingers crossed!
Facebook post. Love your gorgeous yarn!
Saw this posted on Facebook. Such pretty colors! I would love to see this on my front porch! ???
Look at all the goodies! I read of this giveaway on Facebook.
On Facebook
I saw your giveaway on Instagram. I like the orange & teal and the pink & orange best of those you have listed. I love so many of the colorways you post, just beautiful!
I’ve entered some of your previous give-aways but I saw this one on Facebook.
I saw this comp on Facebook
I saw the post for your May/June contest on Facebook. I love your yarns as well as your patterns! Winning would enable me to purchasel some of your patterns that I’ve had my eye on. Keeping my fingers crossed. In the mean time, thanks for making such beautiful yarns and inspiring us with your emense talent.?
Such wonderful colours ?
I saw this on Facebook.
I follow your website and receive your emails. Your yarn is simply beautiful and amazing!!!! Love, love, love it!!!
I saw the giveaway from instagram! Hope I win
I learned about the website and the giveaway by watching several videos on YouTube. Thanks for teaching.
I follow you on all platforms so I’m alerted each month of this giveaway. I learned about it originally through these same channels after I made a purchase from you last year.
I found out about this give away on Facebook. I seen the gorgeous colours and just knew I had to enter. I am new to knitting and crocheting. I started my first knitted blanket while my grandfather was in palliative care and used the blanket he was using as inspiration…it took me three years to finish! I am now teaching myself via YouTube how to crochet and have just started a c2c square blanket. I joined Pinterest and have since become addicted, saving hundreds of crochet and knitting ideas for future projects. Most are bright and colourful which with these yarn colours would look amazing. I am 31 and sadly I don’t know anyone other than my grandmother and mother on occasion that knits or crochets, so I am always embarrassed when people find out as to what they would think. I have joined lovely communities online that are so wonderful with their guidance and inspiration, I am looking forward to being a lifelong hooker!
Wow!!! Wool loveliness!! Amazing giveaway
please pick me #drolling @_@
i always checking this web and join giveaway for 3rd time now, i found 1st time from google, i was searching for yarn giveaway, since yarn is very expensive in my country
I heard about the giveaway in your newsletter! Awesome giveaway; thank you!!
Facebook, Love the colours of your yarn!!
Your facebook post!
I saw your giveaway on Facebook
Heard about this lovely contest on Twitter!
Saw your Facebook post shared by my sister Mandy Luhn in her yarn group.
Saw it on Facebook. Really love the yarns.
I’ve been entering your giveaways for more than a year but I don’t remember where I found out originally (probably Pinterest). I follow your blog and twitter so I never miss them!
I actually got recommended this post by Google Now, which has a tenuous grasp on my interests at best but finally seems to be picking up that I like knitting blogs.
I love this blog so much♡, I check it quite frequently, like almost EVERYDAY. I really admire the beautiful colourways of each and everyone of your hand-dyed goodness. By chance, I managed to stumble across this post and I just got myself entered. I really do hope that I will be the lucky winner! This month’s giveaway really looks like pure heaven!;)
winning would be awesome!
Your colors are amazing! Love them! Thank you! Saw your notification about the giveaway on your Instagram post. :o)
I follow you every month and sign up for your giveaway every day!!! Love your stuff, I have bought some of your yarn and it is exquisite!
Lovely yarn as always.
Thanks for a great giveaway! Beautiful colours(
I follow you on instagram. Love to see the lovely yarn.
I saw the giveaway on Google Now!
Heard about it through Facebook
Saw this giveaway on Facebook.
I check your blog regularly.
Saw on FB! Love the yarn. Doesn’t every knitter need more beautiful yarn?
Chandi, your yarn is so beautiful!!!!! Thank you for giving us these contests! ?
I heard about this giveaway from Pinterest!
Oh this would be awesome to win!
Love all the colour and texture
I had a friend send me the picture on Instagram!
I saw it on Facebook
So excited at the thought of winning such beautiful yarns!
I might have heard about this from you folks, but I’m not sure that’s the case.
I saw the giveway in a crochet group on facebook.
I follow you on Facebook and Bloglovin!
I saw giveaway on pinterest
Saw it on Facebook!!
I heard about this Giveaway through Instagram, where I first found you!
So beautiful.
On facebook.
I heard about you on Facebook!
I get notifications on Facebook! Your yarns are the best!
Hullo! I heard about this giveaway via EFA’s informative store emails.
I saw it on your FB page which I subscribe to!
I heard it through my e-mail, I think….I DEFINITELY saw it on facebook. I have forgotten to check other social media outlets because I’ve been fiddling with my first project using fingering yarn!
Hi Chandi,
I saw your post about this on Instagram and what you pinned on Pinterest!
I saw a pattern on facebook and then was hooked
Yarn looks amazing, I saw this post on your website blog.
I heard about the giveaway through Facebook! Love these yarns?
Saw the post on Facebook.
Had the giveaway shared by a friend on Facebook via our crochet group ? These yarns look beautiful ?
I first saw the giveaway on Facebook but entered from you blog.
Thank you for the opportunity!
From Facebook
Via facebook.
Saw this on web and fell into your site. Sigh ?
I found you on youtube when searching for knitting tutorial, I like the way you show left handed knitting, it helped a lot, thanks.
I subscribe and read it in the email
I get your Instagram updates thru my tumblr. Thank you for the giveaways…good luck to all
I think I got an email about the giveaway, or I may have just seen it while enjoying the site.
I heard about the giveaway from Pinterest
I’m not sure which notification I got first…IG, FB, or email lol…but it was one of them…follow on all. ? thanks for the chance!! This would be incredible! ?
Hi Chandi,
You taught me how to knit on Youtube. Then I found your website, fell in love with your yarn coloring and am currently saving up to buy some yarn. I browse your site all the time which is how I found out about his Giveaway. It would make my YEAR to win. Either way, I will be getting my hands on some yarn soon.
*Fingers crossed* for the win though.
I get the newsletters and follow the blog regularly. Your patterns are wonderful and these giveaways are fantastic!
I saw the giveAway on Facebook. I have purchased several of your yarms and love working with them all!
I learned about this giveaway on Facebook group. These are such beautiful collection of colors! I have never tried natural fibers, so this would be new for me to try out. Thanks for being so generous!
I follow you on Facebook and have shared your website with my knitting group!
Huge fan! Check your site nearly every day to see what lovelies have been listed. Would LOVE to win a giveaway!
Searched yarn and knit giveaways. ?
I check your blog regularly and also get alerted by new posts by the email newsletters.
I found your site on the internet when I was looking for yarn. You have beautiful colour blends!
I think this itime I saw it on Instagram first!
Love this site. So glad my mom introduced me to it
I saw the notification for this giveaway on FB. I love seeing your posts come across my news feed.
I honestly can’t remember if I saw this giveaway in your email or if I saw it posted on a giveaway site. I wish I could.
I noticed the giveaway while browsing this beautiful site!
Beautiful colors. Saw this on twitter and had to enter!
Saw this giveaway on facebook
I’ve just recently started looking into crochet and fiber blogs and stumbled across yours! Loving it so far! Just subscribed
Saw it on your website
I saw the post on Facebook. I love the colors of the yarn and your patterns are wonderful!
Your yarns are so scrumptious! I saw the Facebook post, and of course jumped right over!!
I saw the post on Facebook and your website about the contest. I’m having my first baby this year and was searching your patterns for baby items I can knit.
I started watching your YouTube videos and links to your website from there
I saw it on Facebook. Hope I win some of your lovely yarn!
I follow you everywhere! Heard about it first in the newsletter ?
On Facebook!
Heard about this on Facebook. Delicious colors!
I heard about the giveaway on Facebook.
Popped up on my FB page. Looks like fun and beautiful yarn
Clicked the link on Facebook this time! I enter every month.
I am so glad my daughter told me about this giveaway. I haven’t been online in a while because of pain, but I’m really hoping that I win this, to give me something to work on while down.
A friend told me about your site and I saw the post on fb about this giveaway
I saw the giveaway on my Pinterest feed
My sister shared your post on Facebook. Beautiful fiber!
Love your patterns. Can’t wait to try your yarn.
Heard about this through facebook timeline ad!
I saw it on facebook. I love the beautiful yarn photos and the patterns too!
I love yarn and love the colors you offer!
I enter every month, but saw it on your Facebook page!
I receive your emails and follow you on facebook.
I saw it on Facebook.
I saw this giveaway on Facebook and in my email. I’m in love with your yarns! I find it hard to give away the items I make with them, but there is always a new gorgeous color to bring me to the next project!
Hello! I heard about the giveaway from your Facebook post. I’ve been following you for quite awhile now. Beautiful yarn?. Thank you for the opportunity and have a wonderful day!
I enter every month. I see the fb posts. And LOVE LOVE LOVE your yarn- and patterns. They were made for each other! LOVE your yarn!
I saw an ad on my fb nrws fed! I sure would live to win this!!!! Oh all the beautiful things i could make!!!
This is the kind of squishy mail I’d love to get! ?
Email and Facebook! I try to enter every month.
Thank you for offering giveaways!
I follow on youtube (where you taught me to knit & crochet – THANK YOU!!) as well as Facebook and Pintrest. I saw the giveaway on FB. Thanks Chandi!
I follow you on Facebook and receive emails. I love everything about your website, your beautiful way and, of course, the free patterns you offer so generously. I am currently working on the Misty Morning Triangle Shawl and loving the ease of reading the pattern.
I seen this on fb and I can’t wait to see who is winning all this beautiful yarn!!! I have and live some of your patterns!
I heard about this on Facebook
I learned to crochet with your youtube channel. I heard you mention your giveaways!
Hoping I win!!!
I enter the giveaway every month! Thanks for the Facebook posts as reminders!
Heart hook and home
Checked your website to see if the new giveaway was up yet.:)
I found expression fiber arts through instagram. I love all the patterns & types of yarn you have!
Love your yarn so much! I enter every month and first found out about the giveaways on Facebook. Fingers crossed that this will be my month.
I saw this on Facebook and couldn’t resist entering the contest as all the yarn is so lovely and beautiful. I think it would make beautiful shawls.
I found out through facebook!
A friend on Facebook liked your site and giveaway which is how I heard of it.
I saw your Facebook post about the giveaway. Your yarns are so beautiful!
I follow Expression Fiber Arts’ blog. I love the giveaways!! Thanks!!
I would love to win! I found out about the giveaway from facebook.
Hears about you and liked you on face book.
I heard about this from your instagram account. I have absolutely fallen in love with your yarn. I keep dropping hints to all my friends that your yarn is what I want for my birthday or xmas. I can’t afford it normally but I ogle. And go maybe one day. Being a teacher doesn’t always support my yarn habit!! ?
I believe I followed the link from facebook this time. I love your beautiful yarns!
I get Chandi’s emails and I follow her on Facebook and Pinterest
I follow your Facebook page and saw this giveaway in my feed.
I absolutely love your yarn colors. Awesome give away. Thanks
I saw it on facebook.
On facebook, such beautiful yarn, colors! Love to win!
I enter every month and follow on Facebook. Love the yarns! They absolutely beautiful.
I heard about this months give away on Facebook as usual.
Google told me about this giveaway
I heard about this giveaway on facebook.
Popped up on my Facebook needed.
Follow on facebook!
Facebook. I love your yarn and patterns!
I always see your giveaways on Facebook ,thank you for the chance
I saw this on Facebook and subscribe to your free patterns. ♡♡♡♡
I love your yarn and patterns. My next shipment is on its way and I can’t wait. I have started the first pattern and the yarn is just luscious and so beautiful. I have just started to learn to spin and you are my spinning idol. I am in my mid 40’s, but I want to be you when I “grow up” hee hee. I would just die to win yarn from you. Chandi, even if I don’t win I will still buy from your site, follow you on Facebook and Pinterest and be a member of your Revelry group. God Bless, Heather.
Got the email and saw it on Facebook. ?
Found out about it in Facebook
I follow you both on Instagram and Facebook! Gorgeous fiber!
I heard about this through Instagram
Follow you on Facebook, love your colorways!
Saw the giveaway on Facebook.
I saw the giveaway on Facebook! ?
I heard about the giveaway on Facebook. Thanks!
I love your yarn and your passion for people. Keep up the good work and thanks for the opportunity!
I found out about this giveaway via Facebook.
Your facebook page. Thank you
I love your yarn. So soft and lovely colors.
hi i saw this on your blog .. thanks!
I saw your post on Instagram! Your posts are always beautiful!
I saw this giveaway via Facebook.
Hi Chandi, Saw this announcement on Facebook! These beaded yarns are so pretty!
Heard about this beautiful giveaway through your Facebook page.
Heard about contest on Facebook
Heard about contest on Facebook.
Watched one of your Youtube videos today and rerouted to your blog and saw this give-away on the blog. Also receive your newsletter through e-mail. I especially enjoy all the lovely yarny photos on your blog. Have a lovely day.
I get your newsletter and follow you on the social medias, and heard about the giveaway in many places
I first saw your ads on Facebook several months ago. I ordered some yarn a few months ago for a project I’m hoping to start very soon!! (The pattern is from your site, too.) I can’t wait to start, the yarn looks and feels amazing!
I saw your giveaway on your Facebook page
What I wouldn’t give to win a stash of your yarns! They are so beautiful and soft! Seriously this would be a dream!!! Thank you for the wonderful inspiration to keep trying and creating!
This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love your work and your attitude.
Such beautiful yarns! I saw the giveaway in my Facebook feed.
I was searching yarn giveaways on Google.
I heard about your giveaway on Facebook.
I love the yarn. I subscribe to the newsletter and follow on Facebook. I clicked the link on Facebook.
I saw this one on Facebook!
I saw the contest on Instagram and Facebook, per usual!
Just now venturing into the nicer yarns. Would love the chance to make something with more than one skein. Received the email for the giveaway.
I’ve been following your Twitter and see your giveaways there
I found out about the giveaway on FB! Thanks for the chance to win!
I heard about this via my friend Nicole Terrel!! I hope either she wins it or I win it so I can share it with her!
Love your yarns so much!
I heard about the giveaway from your rmail about it.
I received on Facebook! Love it!
A co-worker/friend recommended your yarn to me. Love your website: very inspiring! I heard about the giveaway from her.
As I’ve been subscribed to your mail list and YouTube channel for a while now I knew it was time to check for another giveaway. However, I usually hear it through Instagram or the mailing list
Good luck to all!
Of course, I saw it on Facebook, lol. Love!
I first found you through Ravelry and crocheting, then by signing up for your emails months ago, and of course I’ve got you on Facebook- love the colorways you come up with and the great patterns to go along with them!
Facebook… beautiful.
I saw this on Facebook
I REALLY would love to win the gorgeous skeins. The colors are Mesmerizing!
Btw, I saw news of the giveaway on Facebook and shared it!
I heard about this from the FB page!!
I’ve heard about this through another website. I’m always looking for interesting new yarn and the colours here are always AMAZING!
Found out on Facebook and email
I saw this giveaway on Facebook and my sister is obsessed with your yarn.
I follow you on Facebook.
A friend messaged me a link to this glorious giveaway!
Saw this on Facebook!
I am subscribed to the mailing list. I follow you on Facebook and YouTube. ???
I heard about it on Facebook.
I saw this on Facebook
I hear about your give away on Facebook.
I’ve entered previous giveaways.
I saw the giveaway on Facebook.
Your yarns are beautiful! <3
Saw this on FB!
I receive your emails. Enjoy reading your blog, great patterns and beautiful yarn.
I saw the giveaway post on Facebook!
It came across my Facebook feed ?
Thank you so much for the chance. Your yarn is beautiful
Saw this on Facebook! Would love to win this, have a great-grandson on the way so could knit up a storm!!!!
I seen give away on FB. I totally in LOVE with your yarns!!!
Is that possible???
Yes I say YES!!!
Subscribed and I seen this on Facebook! Good luck everybody!
FB & IG!
I swoon over your yarn everyday and dream of winning the lottery so I can buy it all!!!
Saw the giveaway on FB.
I heard about the giveaway by following the blog. The yarns are stunning! Such beautiful colorways.
I saw the giveaway on Facebook!
A friend told me about it!
I heard about your giveaway on Facebook!
I follow you on instagram and Facebook- love seeing all the beautiful color inspiration pictures!
I saw it on Facebook. I’m always checking out your page.
I follow you on Facebook, Instagram, You Tube & Twitter, I think it was Facebook that I saw the announcement earlier today
Got seriously distracted by your amazing yarn selection (the best ever!!!) and was looking around for some inspiring knitting patterns that you always have to pick up on my next project, and suddenly … WOW! A YARN GIVEAWAY! So here I am. Not everybody has Facebook, not everybody spends countless hours on social media, but that doesn’t mean you have to be left out …there are so many other ways to get involved. Chandi, thankyou so much for all this, it really does bring smiles to peoples faces and I’ll be hunting for more yarn soon.
Found this via one of your Youtube videos, thank you.
I found this through a google search! Fantastic!!
Found on Loom (CinDWoods) knitting Facebook group!!
I found your fantastic site through an internet search. I have never won anything in my life, and can only pray maybe that will change soon? So many beautiful yarns, It would be like Christmas in June to whomever is the lucky winner!
I heard through facebook!!
I saw it on Facebo
My computer froze and sent before I finished I saw the contest on Facebook.
Found this giveaway on Google (but I also follow you on Facebook!). Thanks for the chance to win such superb yarn.
I found out about this from your facebook. *Love*
I need this!!!
I found you on a random google search… thanks!
I saw this giveaway on Facebook.
I heard about the give away on Facebook!
I got the email and probably saw a post about it on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest
I follow you on various social media platforms and read the post about the may/june giveaway on facebook!
I learned about the May-June Giveaway while browsing the website.
I saw this on facebook – beautiful yarns!
I saw this giveaway on your Facebook page.
I heard about the contest through Facebook.?
I heard about the giveaway through your page on Facebook
Follow you on IG. Beautiful!!
Thank you for the opportunity to win your giveaway. It would make a wonderful birthday gift for me . I follow on Facebook and email. Love the products I have purchased from you ?
I saw this on Facebook and your yarn looks incredible!!
I saw this giveaway on FB. Thanks!
I saw this on your post on Facebook!
Found this giveaway while browsing your blog!
I found it about the giveaway through my family! Thanks for the chance to win!
Facebook, ????
I saw about the giveaway on Instagram. ?
I love seeing your posts on facebook. The colors you come up with are always amazing!
I’m constantly watching your site for new stuff! I have an obsession with yarn and your yarn always has the BEST colors.
I saw this give away on ur blog that i check offten.
Heard about the giveaway on Facebook.
I Love the Colors of your Beautiful Yarns! They are STUNNING! I follow your Blog& Instagram.
Madw aware of this raffle via email.
I saw this on your blog, but was reminded about it on Facebook.
Heard about this on Facebook.
Long way to scroll! Saw this on Facebook, have been admiring your yarn for some time. They are all gorgeous
I just happened to stumble across your giveaway while I was looking for yarn! It looks so wonderful!
Love the colors of the yarn in the picture. Especially that Royal blue and aqua. Signed up all over for the give away so excited.
Am a subscriber and follower and learned about the give-away on Facebook! Now eagerly waiting till 6-15! A girl can dream, can’t she?
I heard about your giveaways on facebook or a blog post a little while back, and I have entered every period since! So grateful for the opportunity – you have beautiful yarns and a lovely way of displaying them. Expression Fiber Arts is aptly named! Thank you!
Heard about this on instagram! You’re yarn is all beautiful!
I found you first on Facebook, and I loved the yarns. I’m dying to find the extra money to order enough to make my sister something special for Christmas!
I just want to touch it all
I saw this on Facebook when shared by a friend
Beautiful colors
I saw this giveaway on your blog post. They all look so beautiful. My mind is spinning with what I could make, if I win! Thank you for the offer.
I love the look of your yarns! I recently found your website and I’m having a very real struggle to “be good” and not buy everything. Your presentation and product are just beautiful.
Saw the giveaway on you Facebook page.
Juat saw the website and decided to enter! I love fiber art
It came up on my Facebook and in my email.
I saw the giveaway on Facebook! Hopefully I’ll have a little good luck with this one
Came up as a google result
On IG and on FB
Facebook!! Good luck to everyone!!
I found your website, just today and I ordered some paterns and I´ve seen this in the mail.
I saw this giveaway on Facebook! I don’t often buy yarn, especially really nice expensive yarn, so I’m hoping all my entries will help give me a boost in this giveaway!
I found you on facebook thank you !!!
I saw the giveaway on Facebook
I saw your yarn giveaway on Facebook.
This was emailed to me.
I found out about the giveaway through Facebook some time ago! I’ve been following ever since.
I saw the giveaway on Facebook.
I saw the give away on Facebook!
I heard about the giveaway on FB. I am also a subscriber.
I found you on a search ingine
I saw your giveway notice on Facebook.
I love the Facebook reminders
Facebook ^_^ I’ve been entering for a while now!
I heard about your giveaways from you on your YouTube page. Put saw the link for this on Facebook. I’ve been watching your videos learning the basics for both knitting andcrocheting the very easy to follow.
I heard about your giveaway via Facebook. I love your yarn!
I saw this giveaway on Facebook. Would love to win!
I have heard about it through friends that saw it on FB. Tonight I saw it on FB so I posted this comment.
I saw it on FB.
I heard about this giveaway on FB.
I heard about the giveaway on facebook and pinterest.
I received an email tonight from Expression Fibers telling me about this giveaway. I am glad you let me know!
I see the news from you everywhere. I follow and am a huge fan. I clicked the link here this time on Facebook.
Love this month selection FaceBook.Love your yarn.
It was on my Facebook feed!
Reminds me of yummy ice cream flavors!
Hi I’v seen you on your website.i check it every day sometimes several times a day.I love your yarn.it makes me happy happy happy.
Just received my first yarn order and it is so inspiring. It is on the swift to get it ready to wind. Will be ordering the next months Yarn Club probably before I even finish this one. I can’t resist. If I won the giveaway, my head would be spinning so fast
I follow Expression Fiber Arts on FB.
I heard about the giveaway on facebook.
Saw your post on Face Book. I have some of your yarns and love them!!
I am always excited to see your giveaways on Facebook.
I fallow you on Facebook and Pinterest…saw the Facebook post ….Lovenyour yarn!!
I follow you on facebook plus I am on your email list. I LOVE your yarn and I love you!!!!
Gorgeous yarn! I am so glad my friend shared this on Facebook!
I found about your fabulous yarns through your YouTube channel. I love all you colorful, unique yarns, especially your silk yarns , thank you for making such beautiful high quality products.
I saw it on Facebook! Love the yarns!
Wow! I would love to win this!
I saw this on facebook.
either from Facebook or an email. good luck everyone
via Reddit.
I heard about it from your e-mail!
I found out about this on Facebook. I used to get emails about the giveaways but now I don’t
I head about this giveaway on facebook! I love all the pretty yarn you dye!
I am subscribed to you and heard about this on Facebook.I am a huge huge huge fan of yarn and crochet and knitting!!!!!!!!

I’ve entered your giveaways many times before i just hope i win this time!!!!Love you loads!!!!??
I’m subscribed to most of your social media and i saw this one on Facebook !I’m a huuuuuuuge fan and i just hope i win this!!!just looking at yarn makes me so happy!! All the best!<3
Hello Chandi,
I saw about this give away on Facebook. I always see your beautiful colors of yarns there.
Saw it on Facebook
Love your yarns and patterns, Follow you on Facebook. Happy Summer!
Saw it on Facebook! Love the colors
Saw it on Facebook! I love knitting with your yarn – incredible color and softness — and seeing the new colors you create.
Wow!! I love the yellow of this yarn!! and the pattern you used is like a sunburst!
I enjoy receiving your emails filled with sunshine and the offer of your patterns. I realize winning this prize a million to one for me, but just letting you know you are read and admired.
Have a great weekend!
Saw it on my Facebook feed! Love your colors!
Would love all those colors
I saw it both on Facebook and Instagram that the monthly giveaway was available.
Facebook…love your yarn club!
Your yarn is absolutely stunning! I would love to have the opportunity to try it. Thank you for allowing me to enter into this giveaway!
I heard about this giveaway from reading your Facebook page. Gorgeous yarn!!!
I heard about this giveaway on a crochet group on facebook!
I found this on instagram
I found you on Facebook. I am a stroke survivor who learned to crochet when I was 7 and couldn’t bear, after having the stroke at 50, not to ever crochet again. My right arm is still unusable. With perseverance, struggles, many mistakes, and a few swear words in frustration, I slowly relearned how to crochet with my left hand. I make beautiful shawls, wraps, hats, scarves, fingerless mittens, and stoles now! I may not be able to do all the stitches like before, but being able to create once again is my salvation. Your yarn makes things even more amazing! Thank you!
I learned about this opportunity because I follow you on Facebook. I also follow you on Pinterest. And now YouTube! A fiber enthusiast can never have too much inspiration.
And, congratulations to Samantha on winning last month!
Friend posted it
I found you when my friend and I were seeking outstanding dyed yarn on google. Been in love with your site since. My husband has been laid off and is only working part time at this time but when he gets a full time position again….I’m going so crazy on your site. I love your yarn VERY much. I have three skeins of it so far and was lucky to get one of the lovely yak sport you had. Can’t wait to make gloves for my friend for her October birthday. She’ll love them.
I heard about this giveaway on instagram ?
Heard about this on Instagram!
I heard about the giveaway on your blog.
Woo! All that pretty yarn needs a home?! I recently started crocheting in March and am mostly using budget friendly Red heart super saver and Bernat. Found this page while googling mystery boxes and giveaways. I don’t who doesn’t love receiving awesome yarn surprises in the mail.
I saw the giveaway on FB and already receive your newsletter. I love your yarn!
Heard about this giveaway by visiting your website!
follow on Facebook. pin you on pinterst, get your e-mails, purchased your yarn!
I saw it on your Facebook page.
Love your Yarns! Follow you on Facebook
I usually see the facebook post first, sometimes Pinterest.
My fellow yarn lover, Paula shared this with me! I’d love to win but I’d be just as happy if she did! I know she’ll bring them for show and tell!
This was posted on my PM Crafting group on Facebook. The yarn looks gorgeous… I wish the internet had a “touch it” feature.
Yup… facebook.
Facebook, wish there where more email reminders about it though.
subscribed again
Love soft and squishy yarn! needing something awesome for a few shawls for weddings.
I was tagged by a friend on Facebook! Love how pretty all the yarn is!
I subscribe to your newsletter. Such lovely yarn all of the time.
I found this via Pinterest!!
I learned about this contest on Facebook.
I learned about this on instagram ♡
As usual, I saw a post on Facebook. I just love your yarn. Just finished the Goldfish Memory KAL and used your resiliant superwash merino for the Pink in my shawl: colorway Anna !♥!♥♥
It was on my facebook feed since I follow you .
Saw this on Facebook, love your yarn!!!
Facebook. I love your colorways.
I have recived notification that the give-away will end soon – therefore I give it a shot
I found out about the giveaway because I subscribe to your email newsletters. I love your patterns!!! Thanks, Amanda
I saw this in an email messge. I look forward to your email every day!
I have seen your yarns and they are gorgeous! I receive your emails and I saw the giveaway via them and the Facebook page.
Got an email about the giveaway hope if to win and waiting on my preordered yarn
I saw it on fb. I love your yarns! I am using one now:-). Beautiful colorways!!
I try to enter every giveaway but got the email reminding me!
I get the newsletter – here’s hoping I’m lucky this month.
I heard about this from your newsletter.
I saw your giveaway through Facebook. Thank you so much for the opportunity to receive some of your beautiful yarn.
I love your yarn. Will have to stop in at your store someday!
I heard about the giveaway through Facebook and my email ?
I get your emails, and drool each and every time!!
I’m subscribed to just about everything I can be! This particular giveaway was brought to my attention via email
I love your yarn. I heard about your giveaway because I’m smart enough to be on your email list.
Your yarn is just so beautiful! As a new knitter, I look forward to learning about all of the amazing different types of yarns that are out there, and I can’t wait to create beautiful things with it!
I just pre-ordered the Ephemera Pearlescent Fingering. I *love* that you have a charity like that. I’m just getting back into knitting and this bundle would be a *huge* benefit for me, since I’m retired and money is a bit tight.
I got an email reminder to sign up for the giveaway — here I am !!!
I heard about the giveaway on the email newsletter you send out almost daily.
Today’s reminded me I hadn’t entered the giveaway yet.
I found out from the email.
Beautiful skeins!
Heard about the giveaway through the email newsletter.
Heard about the giveaway on Facebook! I love, love your yarn. Definitely a huge fan!!!
I’m on your email list. Your yarn is amazingly beautiful!
I receive your email newsletter!
This was in my email.
would love to win
I found out through my newsletter! Love all your beautiful colors! I’m hoping you pick me so I can make gifts for my family and friends!
on facebook!
Love your colors!
So much gorgeousness – it would be a dream come true to win all of it – or even just a small part!
I heard about this on the newsletter!
Heard about this give away through your e-mail newsletter. I have been ordering and using your yarns for awhile now and I love them. The colors are great and the yarn is so soft. Keep up the good work
I keeping hoping to win. Your yarns are so soft and the colors are bright & vibrant. I love your yarns and patterns. You’re always offering sales and specials. What’s not to love?
I heard about this by email! I also put the wrong Instagram username in my entry. My new username is rageaholic21. Sorry for the inconvenience! And thank you for the chance!
I heard about this giveaway through the newsletter. My birthday is coming up soon, so this would be a great surprise!
I responded to the email today.
I got a remainder through your newsletter. Love this month’s selection!
I found out about this AMAZING giveaway thru an email that was sent to me!! Good Luck EVERYONE!!
Love the gorgeous yummy colors of your yarn! I learned of the giveaway many months ago from a Facebook post, then joined your mailing list.
I would love to win this giveaway! I learned about it from an email.
I made my first Expression Fiber Arts purchase probably back in November 2016 and I haven’t looked back! I was introduced to the brand by a friend on facebook and heard about the giveaways there and through Chandi’s newsletters!
I heard about the giveaway from one of your e-mails. Gorgeous yarn, as always!
My daughter told me about the giveaway.
When I first started knitting I looked for videos on youtube to help me figure things out. Chandi is so spontaneous and fun. Finding her videos led to me subscribing to her newsletter (and ultimately referred me to this giveaway)
In today’s email…thanks for letting me know I WON! ?
Heard about it via email
Got an e-mail
I heard about this contest via your email.
Such beautiful yarn! Read about this in the newsletter and had to come see.
I heard about this from an email. Your yarn is always so beautiful
Love looking at your yarn. I receive your emails and enjoy what is offered. Would love to try your yarn some day.
I get your emails!
Your colors are just the best!
I seen this on Facebook
So many enticing yarns! Saw this in an email.
Would love to play with this yarn!!
I read about the give away in your newsletter.
Heard about this from your email! Not sure if it actually entered me?
It came as an email alert.
I commented and heard about this via your email newsletter!
I got your email just now! Delicious and delightful colors and yarns!
Thank you so much for following your passion and creating these amazing yarns
so that we can benefit!!!!
I heard about this giveaway from your email!
Another yummy batch of goodies. Hope to be the lucky winner. Thanks for the opportunity.
I heard about your giveaway because I subscribe to your email newsletter. Thank you for having such a great giveaway!
I love Expression Fiber Arts!
got my email about all the yarn love, just looking at the lovely pics brightens my day, wish the yarn itself would arrive on my doorstep !
I love everything about EFA!!
And I’m a subscriber, so I heard about it via my email!!
I received the notice by newsletter. BEAUTIFUL colors!
Blazing Hooks and Needles
I learned about the giveaway via the email newsletter. I’m glad to see that It is available to worldwide entrants.
I heard about your giveaway via email
I saw the giveaway on the email newsletter and on FB.
I heard about your giveaway from your email… they’re beautiful yarns, I’d feel so lucky if I won
I got an email to get my buns over here and sign up!
I came by your site via a link to a free pattern on FB group “Crochet Addicted”.
I heard about this thru email and facebook
I got your email. It’s exciting to get them there are always good news and beautiful yarn
I follow on Facebook and get your emails!
I subscribe to the email communications and follow on Facebook. I have purchased several yarns and love them!! I wish I could crochet more!!!
Email news letter.
I saw this on the newsletter
I got a lovely reminder from one of your emails.
Thank you!
Your yarns are beautiful <3
I was reminded about it in the email newsletter.
I saw the giveway on your newsletter and I would love to tey your beautiful yarn!
I love your yarn!
Heard about the giveaway via your news letter!
So many enticing yarns! Saw this in an email.
I received a notice in my email. All of your yarn is so beautiful.
I heard about this giveaway in the email newsletter and on facebook.
I heard about this giveaway by an email I received from your blog and I’m very excited about possibly winning some beautiful yarn!
I heard about your amazing yarn giveaway from your email. Love your colours!
I am already a subscriber of your newsletter, so I heard about the give away via the newsletter. I absolutely love your yarns and winning would be the icing on my crocheting cake.
I learned about the give away from my email feed
I’m subscribed to your Everything Newsletter!
What a fantastic giveaway! All the yarn is beautiful. Thank you!
I subscribe to your email newsletter! <3
I heard about the giveaway in an email. This is my first time to enter, and I am hoping for beginner’s luck.
I’m subscribed to your e-mail and follow you on Facebook lest I miss your beautiful colors. I’m knitting a leaf lace pattern cardigan with your emerald merino silk at the moment.
I heard about this through an email from Expression Fiber Arts.
Heard through an email you sent me :]
Got an e-mail
I hope I get it! These colors are beautiful!
I get your newsletter and I love seeing all your new colours. The Orange Gemini colour is my fave so far!
This looks absolutely gorgeous! I heard about this through your email newsletter.
It was emailed to me. I love getting your newsletters with the FREE Friday pattern download and all the wonderful yarns you create! I look forward to it all the time.
Love your patterns and yarn, receivef an e-mail frim you. Blessings
I received this via my email. Also I follow you on Instagram. I love your yarn. The colors are so stunning!!! I’m a crocheter but would eventually like to learn how to knit. Hopefully someday soon.
I knew about this giveaway from a friend!
I found out about this from the email list. Your yarn is beautiful!!
I heard about the giveaway through the fiber arts newsletter
I saw the giveaway in my email box.
Hi found you on Facebook
I get your updates in my email. I love the colors of your yarn!!
Received enail. Saturday received your yarn and I’m in awe. Thank you fir all you do.
I get your newsletter and read it! LOL!
Received an email
I heard about the give away in my email! Your yarns are just lovely. I have ordered some and am excited to make some gifts for others,. Thank You!
These yarns are beautiful! Would make a great addition to my stash!
This time was through e-mail.
I’m on your email list and got your email notify.
Love your yarns.
I found out about the giveawy because I am a subscriber – and I love your eye for color!
It was on email. I have to read every single one that you send, or I miss some of the awesome things you have available.
Found out about you giveaway via email updates!
I subscribe to your newsletter. Such beautifully colored yarn.
Your yarns looks so beautiful – and “squeezable”! I would so love to win this bundle….
I’m one of those that never wins anything….though heaven knows, I keep on trying.
One of these days…..
I’d cross my fingers, but then I can’t do any crochet!
Thank you for the opportunity!
I heard about this giveaway from your email! I LOVE your yarn!
I saw this in an e-mail from you and since I love your yarns and patterns, I thought…..wow,I just might have a chance!
I subscribing to your most colorful and interesting newsletter, which is how I heard about the giveaway
Heard by your awesome emails
I saw this on one of your emails–I am always looking in your shop–so many beautiful colors! I bought the fired herbs package recently for a Find Your Fade–luscious stuff!
I heard about this giveaway through my email. Your generous giveaways are always amazing, Chandi- beautiful variety, as always!
I subscribe to your newsletter, so I found out about your giveaway by email!
Facebook feed and daily emails!
OMG!!!! Caught this one in my email. So excited!!!!!
i follow you on FB, and saw your post about the monthly giveaways. your yarns are so beautiful. wish i could afford them all
I’m a big fan of your beautiful work! and a subscriber too
I found out about the giveaway through an email you sent me.
I got an email reminder.
There was a message in my email! And this yarn is gorgeous!
E-mail newsletter from You!
Love the fine yarns, in stunning colorways, always tempted to add to my stash. Next up is some yak yarn I purchased several years ago
Heard about giveaway in an email
I heard about the giveaway via your newsletter and Facebook.
Lots of gorgeousness!!
Wow! Amazing selection of fabulous yarns. Thank you for offering these incredible giveaway opportunities…and thank you for the email telling me about this one.
I heard about the giveaway through one of your emails.
I heard about the yarn giveaway in an email from you ..everything here is magnificent and I would be so lucky to win any of them
I get email notification directly from you! I just love your yarns and the colors are all just yummy!!!
Beautiful website!
Saw the giveaway in an email
Looks like a lovely bundle!
I found Chandi and Expression FIber Arts when my mother died and I wanted to learn to knit and finish her projects. I love the yarns and wish I could do more knitting just so I could buy more yarns!
I subscribe to your blog.
I’ve been watching your videos on YouTube and been subscribed for a while now! Your tutorials were so easy to understand and have helped my knitting come along way
Thanks and keep up the good work! I’ll get around to ordering some yarn eventually!
I found you on Pintrest, but heard about this giveaway in your newsletter. I love the June birthstone, Alexandrite, yarn. The cool side of the color wheel is my favorite.
I would love to win this! I adore your yarns and colors…And sooo soft to work with!
I love these yarns. They are incredible!
Love your yarn and your patterns. Would be amazing to win some yarn!
what a beautiful stack of yarn!
I saw the giveaway on your email newsletter. Your yarns are gorgeous and would love to win some.
From your newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous awesomeness. One of these times I’m going to win!
Heard via Facebook and your newsletter
I got the reminder in my email cause I’m a subscriber.
i recieved an email about this awesome giveaway!
I heard about the giveaway through email. Love this yarn!
This is an awesome giveaway. Saw it on the newsletter.
Beautiful summer colors. A great harbinger of the season.
I love seeing all the inspiration pictures and how the yarn reflects them so perfectly. I’d buy the lot if I could just win the lottery.
These giveaways blow me away–so generous. Thanks, Chandi!
Saw this through my email!!! Love this yarn!!!
I’m subscribed to everything of yours, but I saw this first through email. These colors look marvelous. <3
I get your newsletter email. I love the color combinations. I can see socks(first time) and shawls. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Facebook and email!
I follow you on all the forms of social media that I use,and I recieved
an email from you reminding me to enter.
Saw it on FB. Completed all except Instagram…no account!!
Thanks for the email reminder about this giveaway. Here’s hoping!
Such an amazing giveaway thank you for giving me the chance to enter. Lots of ideas for lovelies to make with all this yarn!
Facebook post ?
I would love to win some of your gorgeous yarn in any of the beautiful color ways. I subscribe to your newsletter blog and saw the giveaway there. I think I first found out about Expression Fibers by a link on an affiliated website but I don’t remember which one.
oops, I subscribe to the newsletter so that is where I heard about the giveaway!
Learned through Facebook post and I think email. However I also see this every other month lol
I am subscribed to every page/site you have a page I got his giveway through My email subscribtion.
I could make so many beautiful things with these!!!!
Hi, received email. Thanks for sending notice. Color, color and even more color…OH MY!!!!
One of my friends shared to my Facebook timeline.
How exciting for a chance to win all of your yarn!! I can use it all to crochet for my granddaughter!
I watched your YouTube videos Chandi! I am fairly new to knitting but I absolutely enjoy it!!
Love these yarns!!
Love how you use the colors from objects to color your yarn.
I found out about the giveaway via email, I love all your giveaways, patterns and posts!
I got it in my email! Your colorways are so vibrant and beautiful. I’m subscribed to everything and pull every free Friday pattern that I can! U do understand the undertaking of such a business but at this point I have been unable to buy any of your yarn. Much to my dismay even with discounts you send in email I cannot afford such luxurious yarn. I hope to be able to purchase some soon!
I heard about the giveaway through the newsletter!
I received your email about the yarn giveaway.
I heard about this giveaway through your email newsletter.
I have been viewing your news letter for a few years and then the new yarns in bold colors appeared. Oh those colors and the fact you have so many different textures too so many presents are possible. I will attempt to locate your new store and your channel in the world of electronic mediums. I also has happen to love earth tones blends too. I love your pattern designs too.
I love your work and follow you through Facebook, pininterest and emails.
I love all your wonderful colors. I will keep entering to see if I can win your gorgeous yarn.
I get your newsletter. I love your stuff!!
I heard about this giveaway in my Expression Fiber Arts newsletter. Thank you for the chance to win this amazing yarn prize!
I heard about this through my email, Facebook, and I think I saw something on instagram, too.
I heard about you via emai.
I love your yarns and patterns. I look forward to being able to sign up for yarn subscriptions.
How can you POSSIBLY bear to give away such armloads of beauty???! I read about this giveaway on your newsletter- no antisocial media for me. I keep watching and hoping to be the possessor of some of this yarn that I can’t afford to buy…and waiting…and waiting…
Oh the yarns are gorgeous.
Lovely, lovely yarn.
sae the giveaway on gmail.
love your yarn
I’ve been following you since you started your blog. Thanks for the all the beautiful shawls patterns.
Recently started following you on Facebook. Watched your Skydiving video, loved it, you are so brave!!
Signed up to you lovely emails
I heard about this contest through your your emails. Your yarns are beautiful and I would love to try a project with one of them.
Thank you for the opportunity. I just love the colours you have. They look amazing.
I heard about the giveaway from the email!
Beautiful yarn, as always!
TH and newsletter.
I found out about the give away through my email and I really enjoy the wonderful patterns you post also.
I get an email about your giveaways, thanks so much for all you and your team do!
Heard about this giveaway via email. Would love to get my needles tangled into all this luscious yarn, I love knitting shawls and these would be fantastic
I really do hope I am lucky enough to find these a home….
Thanks for the email reminder this morning… ran right over to enter the giveaway.
I love the fibers you use for your yarns – so soft, especially for folks like me who are sensitive to too much wool!
I really just want to win. I love your patterns and hope to get the chance to use this yarn on some of them. Thanks.
I learned about you and this give away on Facebook!
i found your website due to google searching crochet patterns and I really love your website and have signed up for your newsletter. I really like your patterns and have gotten a couple of the already, just need to get the yarn and start crocheting or knitting
I subscribe to your FB page and I also got an email notification
I saw the giveaway on Facebook.
I have always loved your yarn and your patterns. I get your newsletter regularly and look forward to it, so I saw the giveaway today.
Thanks so much for a chance at your generous giveaway!?
Chandi, I love your yarns AND your personality! I always eagerly look forward to receiving your emails and looking at the new colors of your yarn,. Unfortunately, I am retired and must limit my spending but that doesn’t stop me from drooling over all the fab colors. Oh yes, and I do so enjoy the free pattern Fridays! You make yarn shopping fun! I heard about the giveaway from your wonderful email.
I so love getting your emails regarding new colors. How you match your colors to the colors in your inspiration photo is just amazing. My daughter wants to see the emails as well. She’s not a knitter or crocheter; she just admired the yarn colors against the photos. They are just beautiful.
Facebook and email!
I heard about this lovely giveaway by email.
I hope I win. I would love to try some handmade yarns.
I heard about the giveaway in your email cause I can’t wait to open them and see all the yarny cushiness!
Thanks for this awesome chance ???
I saw this in your newsletter. Thanks, Chandi!
I get your newsletter, follow you on FB, and am knitting a sweater currently with you Succulent colorway. If I could figure out how to paste a picture of it, I would.
I saw it in my inbox!
I just love your yarn! Did I tell you that I LOVE YOUR YARN?! ?
I heard about your yarn giveaway via your newsletter email!
This yarn looks great and my wife would love it, I heard about it on facebook
What a gorgeous selection this month!! I get the Expression Fiber Arts emails, and one came in today reminding me to get my buns entered- so I did. LOL!! I’m excited for this one!
I originally heard about your giveaways from my daughter but was reminded for this month from a Facebook knitting group I am in
I just started knitting last Fall and your videos have been a huge help! Love the yarns that I have ordered!
I don’t righfully remember where I found you…I want to say Facebook, but it could have been twitter, or instagram.
I found out about the yarn give away by being a subscriber to your newsletter and by liking your page on Facebook., and, On Instagram. ? Love the colors of your yarn. And the pictures of inspiration. Eye candy!!!
Your email.
Thank you
I heard of this giveaway through the emails I receive. I LOVE the colors and luxury of your yarn lines. Your free patterns are always a treat as well!!
I saw your giveaway on Facebook, shared by a friend. But I’m subscribed to your emails anyway, so it was a reminder that I still hadn’t entered!
I heard about this on Facebook and in an email.
Email and on facebook feed.
I got an email about the giveaway.
I get your newsletters and follow you on Instagram ?
Wow. Just wow. Think of the shawls, the wraps, the hats . . . the gifts that could be made with this beautiful yarn. So appreciative of the Expressions Fiber Arts email newsletter that told me of the giveaway!
I subscribe to almost everything and I have purchased some of your yarn. Love the colors too!
I found out about the giveaway through your newsletter. I’ve ordered the June colorway in pearlescent and can’t wait till June 22nd!!!!! I love your colors and wish I could buy them all!!!!
Hello there! You sent me an email, so thanks for that.
I just signed up for this giveaway. I learned about it because I’m on your mailing list and got your email. Love all the colors and would make amiguri pets for my soon to be here grandbaby. Got all the blankets, sweater sets done. Ready for more projects, need more yarn. YEAH!!!!
I saw the post on Pinterest Lovely yarn, omg!
I love you yarn colors. I was really impressed by the fact that proceeds from your new yarn will help support a good cause.
Subscribed to everything got the notification from my e-mail. I’m also so excited and satisfied with my orders. <3
Saw the contest in an email. Love your photo-inspired yarn colors.
Got an email to get my buns entered!!
I subscribed to your mailing list through email your yarn is beautiful.
Good luck to every one.
I found out about the giveaway through the newsletter!
I saw the give away in my e-mail. Love all the colours. Am now retired and have endless hours to enjoy my favourite hobby, knitting.
Facebook. If I had unlimited money I would only use your yarn!!
Thanks for emailing me about this!
Chandi, You sent an e-mail to me. I do also follow you on Face book.
Got email from Expressions fiber arts
Would make some beautiful prayer shawls! Would bring great comfort to someone in need.
I heard about your giveaway in my email!
Received an email regarding the giveaway. Thanks
I just found out about your giveaway and i just signed up and waiting for an email to confirm! I am so excited to hear about your group giveaway.
Thanks for the chance to win this fab prize. I’ve just started to crochet, when my little girl asked me to do a 12 pointed star blanket that she saw, so I have been following a YouTube tutorial to self teach myself so I can make her one. This would be a great start
I heard about this giveaway from one of your emails
Sorry forgot to add, I received your newsletter telling me about this great completion after I subscribed a few months ago
An email told me about your wonderful giveaway. It would be great to win. But then, if I had plenty of new yarn, I couldn’t convince my husband I need more.
Your yarns are fabulous.
I heard about the giveaway in my email and on Facebook. Your yarns are gorgeous and I can’t wait to knit with them.
I’m subscribed to your newsletter!
I learn about all give aways from the newsletter
Drooling over the yarn in the prize package! I subscribe to your blog and get notifications both by email and through the Book of Face. <3 I also like the free patterns and love the yarn I've gotten from you in the past.
I follow you everywhere and subscribe to your email list. I saw the giveaway in my emails.
I have been a subscriber for a while and am lucky enough to get the announcements.
I love your posts. I am anxiously awaiting my order of June Alexandrite in celebration of my birthday.
Exquisite yarn! Your give away comes direct to my email address from your website. The knitting world is so lucky to have such a creative yarn maker. Thank you! ?
I saw this through the newsletter and on Facebook
Gorgeous yarn! I learned about the giveaway via my email.
My PayPal account and you are very close friends!
I heard about this on Facebook. Since I have ordered a lot of your yarn, I know what a fabulous treasure the winner will receive.
I learned through my email newsletter and Facebook about this giveaway
Through email.
Your yarn colors are gorgeous! i learned of the give-a-way via a message at my personal email address.
I heard about the raffle through your newsletter. I was trying to find the tool to enter but was unable to.
I received my first year. Give away email today and I’m glad I did as I visit your website and daydream about the many different items I could make with your yarn every day!
On your Facebook page. Everything I’ve ordered from you is Luscious!!!
Your yarn colorways are gorgeous! I am looking forward to using it in a new project. I learned of the give-a-way throug an email message.
I heard about the giveaway on Chandi-Expression Fiber Arts.
I love your email postings!! The colors of yarn are just fantastic!
I heard about this giveaway by typing “free yarn” into google. I am learning how to crochet!
I have been subscribed to you for a while because I simply delight in the various colors you have!
And the products you create are amazing! I would love to win this collection of stunning yarn! What fun I could have with this! Blessings to you Chandi
I heard about this giveaway on Facebook.
I heard via email. Thanks for letting me know, LOVE your yarn!!!
I love your yarn. It’s a rare month when I don’t order something from you. Your newsletter reminded me to enter
I get your emails!
I was browsing and did a Google search for “yarn giveaway”. I love your yarns – they are scrumptious! Thank you.
I heard about this giveaway by following you and receiving your emails.
Heard about through email! What a glorious stash of yarn you’re giving away!
I heard about this particular giveaway by email as I am on your mailing list.
Love that new charity color way, by the way…..
I saw a pin on pintrest and now I enter every giveaway.
Follow on Facebook and email. Love your goodies!
I saw this giveaway on Facebook. Receiving this yarn would be a beautiful blessing. I know that anyone who receives it will enjoy it.
I received an e-mail about it. The colors were so vibrant, they blew me away!!
I heard through the email newsletter! I’m so excited!
I love your sock love yarn!
i heard about this via the email list.
I get your newsletter and that’s how I heard about the giveaway. You produce some gorgeous colors!
I saw the remote need email but have entered before. Need to pull my gemstone blanket project back out and make a little progress on it — love your yarns!
I saw the reminder email but have entered before. Need to pull my gemstone blanket project back out and make a little progress on it — love your yarns!
I never win anything so I can’t imagine winning something this wonderful! Thank you!
I heard about this super nice giveaway thru my email. Lovely yarn.
I got an email reminding me to enter.
I heard about it from the newsletter. I love all the pretty colors.
I recently received an email
I love your yarn and got an email about this wonderful contest! Thanks
I just wish I could win the lotto and buy all of your special colours of yarn and just relax and craft all day!
So keep your fingers crossed for me! ;o)
I heard about this giveaway from your newsletter I am subscribed to. Your yarns are absolutely gorgeous.
Heard about this from your email. I love , love, love your yarn.
Instagram, Facebook, e-mail
I love your yarn and would be egstatically happy if I won! Thank you for the opportunity.
This popped up on Facebook. My head is spinning of all the things I could make. Beautiful colored yarn.
I heard about this giveaway via your mailing list. Love your stuff!!
I heard about it through your email.
Got on the mailing list because of a Ravelry pattern (knitting) so that’s how I found out about the giveaway and such.
I had gotten an email about the giveaway and got excited because i love yarn!!!!!
Great give away. Sure would be nice to win this.
Waving hello from sunny and windy Las Vegas! Thank you for all the freebies and giveaways that you do! Found this on my facebook feed and in my email! FB Tracy Walters Brimhall!
You are as beautiful as your yarn….thank you for sharing your patterns….they are AWESOME. ….as we wait on the winner of the yarn giveaway….patience….patience
I tweeted twice. Ur won’t copy. Commenting, referred to friends now off to Pinterest as my yarn stash is almost depleted.
Your yarn is absolutely beautiful!!
Looking forward for my order to come in and start my socks.
Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I learn about it reading your newsletter.
I’ve recently become a subscriber because I saw a free pattern of yours published on Ravelry. I must have missed your first email about, but I read your reminder today. Who doesn’t love a yarn giveaway?!
Count me in!
I had gotten an email reminder!! Thank you for such beautiful and generous giveaways!! ~~Blessings~~
found out about giveaway by email, and facebook.
I am a subscriber to the newsletter & you tube. I love all the beautiful yarn colors. Keep them coming ?
I received an email and I am always intrigued by your beautiful colours
Got an email about the giveaway! Thank for always keeping me in the know!
I heard about this giveaway via your email list.
I saw this via email, already a subscriber. Such beautiful colours! Squishy goodness!!
Such gorgeous yarns. I have some yak/silk in Persephone which is lovely
Follow your blog, Ravelry and FB. Received an email about the new yarns. So many lovely colors, you are such an artist.
I found out about your yarn give away through an email from Expression Fibers!
Saw giveaway on my email, love the yummy colors! ??
It would be absolutely amazing to win one of these giveaways! I’m an eighth grade english teacher, and while I love my job to pieces, it doesn’t make for a big paycheck. I save up and buy yarn when I can, but it would be amazing to win a stash of this beautiful yarn made with love and creativity. Thank you so much for all that you do, and thank you so much for the opportunity! <3 <3
I learned about this giveaway through the newsletter this evening. I’m glad for the reminder. The sparkly, beaded yarn is GORGEOUS!!! It would be awesome to win this month or any month’s giveaway. Thank you for the giveaway, and the amazing yarns.
I saw the notice on Facebook– thanks!
Such beautiful yarn all the time!!!! ?
I found out through email and very excited about your yarn!
I heard about your giveaway from my email!
Love your yarn!
I heard about the giveaway through an email.
I love getting emails about all the new dyed yarn! The colorways are gorgeous always! My last email sent me a link to enter the yarn giveaway and I almost lost my breath! Always looking for new yarn! <3.
I received a newsletter informing me of the giveaway.
I heard about it from the newsletter.
Awsome giveaway! Love your yarn and patterns and yarn… Like I need more stash… LOL!
Read your email! Fabulous yarn!!
The pictures of the yarn you’re giving away are lovely! I heard about this give away via an email from you!
I found your competition through your newsletter =D
I heard about this giveaway in your newsletter.
I received an email. I love yarn and have no local resource of getting decent yarn other than mailorder/online. Thank you!
I subscribe to your newsletter. Beautiful colours
I’ve been a long time fan. So long I don’t remember how I first was introduced to Chandi’s Web page.
I get your e-mails! Would love to play with all of the scrumptious prizes!!
I heard about the yarn giveaway via an email announcement from Expression Fiber Arts. I absolutely LOVE the yarns that Chandi creates, though many are out of my price range. I’m an avid knitter, and a sometime crocheter, and wait excitedly to see the newest offering, wishing I could see and feel these amazing yarns in person, and hoping I can scrape up enough to purchase at least one skein.
Adore the yarns and patterns you provide..
I’m loving your yarns. The colors are fantastic and bright. I look forward to more of your yarn in my PO Box.
Hi i received an email from you about this Absolutely amazing give away. The colors arte Just gorgeous, Just the right colors for spring and summer projects!
I learned about your site by watching utube to teach myself how to knit.
I saw it on email and Facebook.
Beautiful yarn. So many I want to try!
I love your beautiful patterns. I would be so happy to win this yarn!
I have been trying to enter for months, yeah!. I found expression fiber arts through FB, so very happy I did.
I am subscribed to your newsletter.
Hi! I get your emails. Would love to win!
I signed up for the newsletter and I found out from the email.
I got notice in one of your emails!
Thank you for this giveaway! I heard about it through your newsletter. You all rock!
I entered. I didn’t get any kind of notification like some. However, you know I am your biggest fan!
I heard about this giveaway from my two, yes two email addresses. I have two to make sure I don’t miss anything, lol. I love the photos of your yarn I see on Facebook and Instagram as well.
Saw it on Facebook!
OOoo! I love these giveaways! I heard about it in a newsletter.
Love love love your site and patterns. It was your youtube channel that I used to teach myself how to knit in the first place! Thank you!
I would Scream if i wont his yarn
I sure hope the yarn is chosen randomly because if I was standing in front of all these beautiful, colourful yarn I wouldn’t be able to make a decision.
oops haha I meant I would scream if I won this yarn lol
So purty!
Oops I forgot to mention where I heard of this contest. I’m on the emailing list. And thank goodness because I frequently covet the colours and perceived texture of the yarns Chandi profiles.
I heard about this giveaway from a friend on facebook… crossing my fingers!
Saw this in my email. I just love your colors.
I heard about this via your email newsletter!
I’m an email subscriber and heard about this fantastic giveaway in the newsletter.
Hi Chandi, I saw the contest through my email subscription. Love the vibrant colors and the creative way you mix them. I would never have considered be so daring. But, seeing your combinations, I am inspired to be more bold in my choices. Your patterns are also gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your creativity!
I get the e-mails and have to wipe up the drool on my iPad!
I receive your emails and am always amazed at your beautiful yarn.
I follow you on Instagram and I get your email newsletter. I think the newsletter was what prompted me to enter the giveaway.
Your yarn colorways are too tempting. I am afraid to open your posts because I know I will be tempted.
I’ve been subscribed to your newsletter for over a year. Love, love, love your yarn and patterns!
I saw the latest post about the giveaway on the Facebook page ?
I heard about this one via e-mail
I subscribe to your emails and I saw the giveaway in an email! I want to win so bad!! I LOVE your yarn!
I saw the giveaway via an email! Love your stuff!
Im a newsletter subscriber and read it in the newsletter
I heard about your wonderful give away via your newsletter, which I look forward to receiving!
Hi Chandi!
I heard about the giveaway from the email I just received from you! I hope you are having a great day and I hope I can finally win this yarn giveaway!
God bless
I got an email and saw it on Facebook.
I follow you on Instagram and Facebook. But I also got the email reminding me to sign up for the contest!
I heard about this giveaway in the newsletter. Maybe this is my month! Fingers crossed.
I heard about this in an email.
Gorgeous colorways!!! I follow you on Facebook and get emails from you too!
I heard about the give away through email
I hear it through email!
These yarns are so beautiful, I’m already dreaming of what I can make!
Hello Chandi, I heard about your giveaway through email subscription of your blog. Thank you for all the great things you share and the wonderful opportunity to win some excellent yarn. I would be ecstatic to use the yarn for many items.
Wow! It’s all so beautiful. It would be wonderful to win!
I heard about this giveaway on both Facebook and my e-mail.
I heard about the giveaway in your email and on facebook
I got notified through the email subscription!
I got an email reminder from you.
Love your yarn!
I subscribe to your newsletter and found out about the contest in my email.
That is some beautiful yarn. I would love to create some masterpieces with it. Thanks for the chance to win it.
Good Luck to everyone.
Through email
Saw the giveaway on facebook. What a fantastic opportunity!
Heard about your yarn giveaway via Facebook. ?Thank you for the opportunity to maybe try out so much of your yarn! It looks so lovely and luscious!
I heard about your giveaway in your newsletter thanks for the chance to win.
I heard about this contest in email
I saw it in your weekly mailings
Love the selections of yarn! I subscribe to you on social media: FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. (everything except Twitter)!
I learned yo knit and crochet aborto a trae ago and when I was looking for some ideas I found yogur blog and subscribed. I recieved an email about your giant yarn giveaway. Crossing fingers!
I heard about the giveaway from an email that I received from y’all
Heard about the drawing via email.
I heard about this giveaway through your email newsletter. Lovely yarns, indeed.
I heard about giveaway through your newsletter ,,subscriber.
Lovely yarn! I heard about the giveaway via the email newsletter
Beautiful yarn!
I saw it in your newsletter. Drooling over the yarn that would be happy in my house.
I received a email to let me know of this fabulous giveaway. It must be fate as this ends on my birthday!! Love your yarn colours and patterns. Good luck everyone ?
Found out about the giveaway via email subscription newsletter
I’m subscribed via email. I’m in love with your patterns!
I am subscribed on almost everything you send out. I adore your yarns and I would LOVE to win this month’s giveaway!
Hey I saw this giveaway in the latest email I received from fibrearts
I get your newsletter!
My sister told me about it!
It came in an email
in my emails…..and I really really hope you will consider posting all the way to New Zealand
I was subscribed to get emails and this was in my inbox!
I heard about this give-away through the e-mail you sent out! As I am not a lot on the social media sites you get promoted on often (like Facebook), this is basically the only way I can hear about it!
Hi, what a great giveaway! I received the information about the giveaway from your email newsletter.
Subscriber. Love your scrumptious yarn.
I subscribed to your newsletter when a friend posted a link to your website in our local FB knitting / Crochet page and I am glad I did the yarn is fabulous and I can’t wait to make up one of your patterns
I read about the giveaway through email. Beautiful yarn! So, who’s the nice arms holding the yarn?
Ooo. Yarn giveaway! I’m in! Love your color ways. Big fan!
I received an email, but also enjoy your lovely instagram posts!
I heard about it through an email
I love your yarn and the colors you create. They are so soft and my friends love the gifts I make them with the yarn. Good Luck Everyone!!!
I’m subscribed to your mailing list.
Thank you for the giveaway.
I see your facebook posts and read your emails too.
Following your FaceBook page. Thank you so much for the patterns and for a chance to win some premium yarns!!!!
I love your yarn and heard about this through an email and my fb newsfeed!
I heard about the giveaway via your email newsletter.
I heard about this giveaway though Facebook!
I am a subscriber. You name it. I’m subscribed =) But this particular reminder was sent via email. Yay! Love all the pretty colors!
HI chandiii, I hope to win the giveaway. Will, I heard about it from an email you sent. I am already following you on Youtube, pinterest, and other social media.
Wish me good luck ♡
Found the link here from your email. However I don’t see any reference to rafflecopter here, so don’t see how to join the giveaway.
I love your yarns!
I saw this giveaway on my email.
I found out about the giveaway in an email. I’m an avid crocheter who is just learning to knit. I’ve made two pairs of your barefoot sandals now, thanks to your Youtube video!
I heard about this giveaway through the lovely emails you send. I love reading what you have to say, your way with words just brings sunshine to the cold days we’re having here in Australia
I got an email about this contest. Love your yarn and would love more!
Looks great! I heard about in in my mailbox.
I subscribed to your newsletter and it told me about the chance for free pretties
Heard about the giveaway by email & Pinterest.
I got notified on your mailing list, but I follow you everywhere!
Thanks for the beautiful free patterns and the crazy giveaways!
Love! Love! Love!
Heard about the giveaway from email
I heard because I am already subscribed on Instagram and email/blog. Looks beautiful as always
I love her yarn!
Heard of it via Facebook!
I first found you on Facebook and boy I’m I glad I did. I’ve enjoyed watching your videos, reading your posts, and seeing your fabulous yarn creations!
i heard about the give-away via e-mail..
the yarn is pretty…! what wt, is it…?
Through an email
I saw a party on Facebook. Your yarns are beautiful.
I heard about this giveaway in an email. I’ve only just discovered this site recently and absolutely Adore the wool. The patterns are gorgeous and I can’t wait to start knitting them.
Heard about the giveaway through your emails. Love to look at your yarns they are so beautiful.
I just got an email telling me to enter. Thank you! I would love to win!
Rec’d my very first order, and absolutely love the yarn. Can now have dessert anytime I want. Received an email about the giveaway.
You emailed me about this contest. Yippee!
Love your colors! Heard about this giveaway first in my email.
Just received your email about it
Heard about it in email
I heard of the contest through email
Found out through your email…but I found you originally via youtube…you taught me how to spin on a wheel.
I can’t enter because the “helicopter” is very slow then doesn’t bring up the entry information, and it very early this morning 5:24 AM.
My fur babies woke me early today:)
Please manually enter me in the free yarn giveaway.
Thank you.
I’m subscribed to your emails ? I somehow missed this on Facebook ??
Beautiful selection this month :). Totally love your yarns
I get your emails! Absolutely LOVE your yarns!
I follow your blog so got an email notification.
A friend forwarded your newsletter to me ?
I found out about the giveaway from your newsletter.
I found out about the giveaway via the subscription emails I get from expression fiber arts x
I heard about the giveaway by email.
Though I have subscribed to your channel via different avenues. I noticed the free giveaway yarns through e-mail notifications though.
Read about giveaway in your newsletter. Thanks Chandi!
Such beautiful yarns and patterns!!
I subscribe via email and saw the giveaway info plus I saw it on FB. My favorite thing about knitting is the YARN!
I get regular emails about new patterns etc–love all the colors!!
It would be an awesome birthday gift!!
I am dreaming of a mountain of yarn from Expression Fiber arts…those colors, the feel and the texture.
i love the mountains of yarn, soft, beautiful, a sumptuous feast for the eyes (and the hands, too!)
I received the information from your newsletter. I love working with your yarns. The colours are gorgeous and the yarn is out of this world!
I signed up recently to your newsletter and just got the reminder email to enter this month’s yarn haul! I also just received my Rose Gold yarn and I am OBSESSED. It’s totally gorgeous and I think I’m going to use the first pattern I dl’d from this site (the name escapes me) with it. I also found you on YouTube when I was struggling to figure out a triple crochet (still pretty new to crocheting) and your video was a great help!
Oh I see a few lovely find your fades and maybe a Statting Point or two in that bundle. Subscriber and customer, so that is how I heard!
I heard about this competition through your email and just had to enter!
I heard about the giveaway from the email that was sent out
I saw the giveaway in an email from you.
I heard about this via email!
I received your newsletter.
I heard about this from a friend on Facebook. Have been admiring the Russian blue for months
I am following you on Facebook and with the subscription via maillist
Your fibers are THE most beautiful!
Every email that arrives, I can think of a project for the featured yarn. My problem is time…..
Lovely colors! Saw this pretty picture in my email this morning, with a gentle reminder that time is running out! Thanks for the reminder and the chance to win such a bundle of yarny goodness.
I saw this post on Facebook, but then again with a “last chance” email. Beautiful colorways and always wonderful yarns! Keeping my fingers crossed!!
I heard about this giveaway on Facebook.
Learned about the give a way from your newsletter.
I heard about it in your newsletter.
Through your newsletter.
I just ot he email this morning and in the knick of time, just 2 days left to enter. This has got to be one of the of the best colorway giveaways yet! Love every one of them!
I get Chandi’s emails and I follow her on Facebook and Instagram. I love how you are inspired to create your yarn colors from our environment and surroundings.
Heard about the giveaway through the email list. Beautiful colors!
Saw the contest on my e-mail
Email. Love your lush yarn and colorways.
Good morning, I heard about it via my email. But thats only because I check email first thing, I am sure i’ll see it in pintrest and several times on Facebook since a few friends and family love your work and we can’t help but share,??
Email- beautiful yarn!
I found out about this giveaway because I am obsessed with your yarn. You are breaking my bank here, Chandi!
This is beautiful yarn! I would love to win it!
I heard about it in my email
I received an email.
I heard about this giveaway through my email subscription with you. I wanted a chance to use your yarn, and also support your site.
Wow!! Another Amazing giveaway!!! Thank you for the opportunity Chandi!!! I heard about this giveaway from your newsletter!!!
I love it when you have these giveaways! I heard about it in your newsletter!
Your give away looks awesome…..hope it ends up in my mailbox!!!
Heard about it through your regular email. Thank you!
I’ve always loved this yarn. Being unemployed, I can’t really afford to get any so I just look at all the lovely pics on instagram! I’d be super happy if I won this!!!
I saw this in an email from yourselves.
I’m happily subscribed to your emails and Facebook. Your yarn is gorgeous!!
Beautiful yarns!
I saw this on Facebook. ?
I absolutely love your yarn! I got a notification in my email, through your newsletter.
I received and email notification. The yarn looks amazing and I would love to win!!
I heard about this giveaway from my email, but found you via Facebook. Thanks for the opportunity to get some amazing yarns!
I saw the reminder on Facebook. I’ve entered many past times. Hope this time is the lucky one!
Just got an email about this fabulous giveaway!
I would love to be able to try your yarn. It looks so beautiful. Thank you for the chance to win some.
I received an email from you telling me the contest was ending soon.
I saw this giveaway in my email this morning!
I heard about this via email. I love your yarn and patterns!
I’ve been getting your newsletter for sometime and enjoy looking at all the beautiful and yarn and patterns you have created.
I have been receiving your emails for a few years. I just love your yarn! The toddler hats I knit from them are well loved and so comfortable!
I got your email this morning!
Still can’t find rafflcopter to enter May/June contest?
Saw it on Facebook. Thank you.
I heard about the giveaway from email & Facebook!!
Found you on Pinterest & instantly feel in love with your yarns/colorways & patterns.
I’ve been knitting for over 20 years now. I also crochet but it’s never been my favorite. I am looking at your crochet designs and I am changing my mind! Thank you
I heard about this giveaway from your newsletter
I seen this giveaway in my email. All of this yarn look so yummy!!!!!
Heard about it from your emails
Get all the emails. Yarn is luscious. Would so like to win!
i follow you on all social media outlets and saw all of your posts for the giveaway!
I heard about the giveaway from the monthly newsletter! Gorgeous colorways!
I heard about the giveaway through your newsletter, Facebook and Instagram.
Can’t wait to see the June colorway in person…..watches the mailbox! Thanks for the giveaway opp as well! Love your color ways.
I love you yarn!
OMG, that’s such an awesome giveaway!
I get your newsletters. Such beautiful yarn!
I got an email from th newsletter telling me about it!
I saw this in my email and on FaceBook
So many colors – so many great projects – I’m on knitting overload!!!
Your yarn is beautiful. I wish I lived near you. When you were looking for people to work for you and learn yarn dying, I would have applied. I would love to lean how to make the gorgeous yarn you make.
From your newsletter. As a long time customer…I KNOW ow great your yarns are. Someday, perhaps, I will win one of these monthly give aways!
I subscribe to your website. I have never crocheted with yarn this exotic. I would just love to win the giveaway so I can experience working with these beautiful yarns.
Through your emails. Love your colors!
Hi! I leanered about this great giveaway on Feb!
I think your yarns are exceptional and I subscribed your newsletter.
That’s how I found out about the giveaway.
I found out about this giveaway via the newsletter.
I get notifications and emails from every where from you I love your yarn your blogs and your patterns I just cant get enough
I receive your emails & saw your yarn giveaway. Haven’t tried your yarns but sure would love if you picked me!
I heard about the giveaway via your email!
Received an email about the yarn giveaway.
email and facebook
I’m on your e-mail list.
I subscribe to all. E mail, Facebook,instagram,blog. Love your yarn and your patterns.
oh what a load of beauties! I heard about this giveaway by an email I recived from you.
You have such beautiful yarn! I would be so thrilled to win! Thanks.
I absolutely love all your colors! I found you through facebook
I found out about your giveaway through the newsletter. Thanks!
I am knitting a messy bun hat from an oopsy skein. The yarn is wonderful — color is beautiful, great to work with. I surely would put this to good use should I win it.
email and facebook.
I follow you on Facebook and Instagram, plus looking at your site weekly — it’s my wish site.
Got an email.
I was tagged in a Facebook post by my sister in law of your site. Love knitting this looks like an amazing giveaway!
I got an email about it!
I get your email newsletter. Love your yarn colors!
Love love love your yarn – your sense of color is amazing! I received my first skein in a yarn swap and have been hooked since. That knitting friend told me about your yarn giveaway
I’ve been following EFA for a couple of years and follow Chandi faithfully on Facebook. I never miss an opportunity to enter, even though I haven’t won – YET! Good luck everyone!
I am subscribed to your website and got a notice in my email.
With the newsletter !
Thanks for the opportunity!
I got an email…. letting me know about the give away
I saw this in my fault emails!! Love seeing the patterns and yarns every time I open an email!!!
I found out through email
I am on your mailing list. Love your yarn,
I received a reminder by email.
Beautiful yarn. My mind is already thinking
Email reminder from subscription :-).. Saw the yummie giveaway and couldnt resist. Love your yarn and designs!
I received an email
Beautiful yarn. My mind is already thinking
Beautiful Yarn! Love seeing the new colors in my newsletters.
You were a sweetheart and sent me an email for your last two giveaways…for which I am very grateful
I love the colors of your yarns.
Such beautiful yarns! I’d love to play with these!!
Heard though a knitting group on FB! Beautiful yarn!!!!
Love our yarns!!!
Saw the giveaway on Facebook and in my email…
I love your colors!!!
I get your emails(:
I heard about the give away from an email. Love your yarns and patterns. Always get lots of compliments on projects made with your amazing fibers!
Hi Chandi. I heard about this giveaway in my email. I love your yarns and patterns. Keep doing what you do!!!!
I saw your giveaway on Facebook as well as in your email. Your yarn positively makes me swoon!
Hi Chandi, I am an avid follower on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram, as well as your website. I saw this giveaway through all those channels but finally remembered to enter thanks to your email this morning!
Wow, love all the vibrant colours. Already thinking about what I want to make.
Just got your last chance email.
Please let it be me! let it be me!
So beautiful… as usual
I just received my latest order from you and it is fabulous! You have outdone yourself. Alex it’s my first Luster yarn! Can’t wait to create with it! I’d love to share your yarn with my crochet ministry- Hooked on God. Blessings! ?
Hi! You sent me a nice email about the giveaway with your mailing list. Thank you! The yarn looks amazing!
I subscribe and read your newsletter when it comes in and I have to say your yarn is gorgeous! Hubby finds a yarn stash funny….thought it was a mustache made out of yarn…ha!
I love all your yarns, they are so beautiful. You can almost feel the luxury. Thanks for letting me enter the giveway!!!
I heard about the giveaway on Facebook!
Awesome giveaway again. Thank you so much
got the notification on Facebook and per email from you.
I heard about the giveaway via email.
Love your stuff! Someone gets soe.thing from here almost every Christmas or birthday!
Heard about this one in your newsletter – always enjoy seeing the lovely colorways
Got the email about the giveaway – thanks for reminding me
your alpaca yarn is fabulous!!!!
I heard about the giveaway in the newsletter
I saw this on Facebook and my email. You have the most gorgeous yarn!! Would love to win some of your beautiful yarn!
I heard about this through the newsletter!!!! Love the pretty colors!!!!
I heard about the giveaway through my email! I love your yarn <3
Your email reminded me of the yarn give away! I have several skeins of your yarn at home, but I’m not letting that stop me from entering because I need more, more, more!!
I received an Email and signed up.
I saw this in my email!
I just got an email from Chandi this morning about the giveaway. Thank you for the heads up! The way you have the photos of the yarn arranged gets the imagination going… so lovely.
I love your yarn, especially those deep, shimmering colors!!
I see your beautiful colors every day via facebook and your newsletters.
I found out about the giveaway from my email and instagram
I love your yarn. I just wish I had more time to crochet.
I heard about this contest through my email! I love reading the email sand checking in on the blog as well as facebook lol.
I heard about the giveaway through the email newsletter. And I love the beautiful bright colours in this collection.
Learn of this giveaway on the newsletter
Heard about it from your email newsletter. Thanks!!
Got the email reminder to enter.
I saw your give away in the email you sent me.
Love your yarns.
I’m on your email mail list and Facebook page! What lovely yarn!
Such yummy yummy yarn! Thanks for the email about the giveaway Chandi
I get emails telling me of the contest.
I heard about it from the newletter email!
Your newsletter
Awesome giveaway!
Heard about this in an email from you
gorgeous yarns!
Heard about this on Facebook
I was checking emails this morning, and there it was!!!
Love your fibers. The colors are amazing. Every skein I purchased is a delight, both in color and texture. Yum!
These amazing skeins inspire me to knit for my daughters and grandchildren (now up to 6 as of 5/31/16) as well as a new grand baby of a dear friend, who also deserves something.
I love your yarn, and I heard about the giveaway from your email.
I received an email from Chandi – Expression Fiber Arts! Love receiving your notifications and the pics accompanying your colorways.
From your Instagram ! Thank you Again Chandi – so generous and gracious !
Notified in an email from you. And I’m loving the yarn I got in my latest order – the free pattern is super easy to follow.
So happy to have found you!! I love your yarns. Found this drawing in my email
Thank you so much!!!!
I love all the beautiful colors of these yarns!!! I received an email notification about this fabulous give away!
Saw giveaway on Facebook. Would love to try new colors!
I receive your newsletters and emails. Love drooling over all of your beautiful color schemes.
My relatives and my pup will benefit greatly if I win this..facebook, email and your newsletter made me aware of this giveaway. Would live it, but I love all the yarn I have received from you…
I follow you on facebook, I Pinterest you, i buy your lovely yarn. Enchanting colours, a dream for the eyes and so nice to the touch. Thank you for your magic!
These yarns are gorgeous! But everything EFA produces is gorgeous!
I heard about your give away through a letter in my email from you. I have four children and unfortunately cannot often afford your yarns, but your neverending love baby blanket was the first blanket i ever knit and gave it to my daughter’s special ed teacher for her new baby boy and she loved it and it made me feel so awesome. I love so many of your patterns and look longingly at your yarns every month
I am an e-mail subscriber! Thanks for the reminder!
I learned of the giveaway from email. Thank you!!!
I found you on Facebook.
Love your yarn and patterns, Chandi. Thank you for the giveaway!
I got an email about the giveaway!
I heard about this giveaway through your email!
I heard about the contest through subscribing to your emails.
I heard about the giveaway in your email updates. Thanks for the reminder!
I received the email and believe I also saw a post for the giveaway on Facebook
Love your beautiful yarn
Thanks for sending out an email about this. Hope I get it, all of the yarn is GORGEOUS
I heard about the giveaway through my email. I love all of the colors! Beautiful!
Heard about this giveaway through email and on instagram
I follow EFA and absolutely LOVE your yarns!!!!!
I found out about you via Facebook, and so glad that I did. I love all things yarn and am excited to see all the different varieties and colors that you feature on your site.
I heard about it through your email newsletter. Your yarn is so beautiful!
I reciepes an email about this exciting giveaway?
Heard about giveaway from your email newsletter ?
I love your email newsletter! So much information!
On my FB feed. Love the orange ones!
I saw it on Facebook
It was from an email, as I am a subscriber. Love the yarns, the colors are amazing.
Wow, seeing how many people are ahead of me in this comment section makes me realize why I’ve not won before! You have tons of followers. Good job.
I’m already a subscriber, so got it in my mail. Hoping to win. Cross fingers
I heard about the giveaway through emailing
In a newsletter
Beautiful yarns. Heard about this from email
I love doing business with this website, great service!
I heard about it through your email news feed and Facebook page.
I received an email about the awesome giveaway! I am signed up to receive everything from Expression Fibers! I absolutely LOVE your yarn. The colors are simply delicious!!!!!! Thank you for all you do!!!
Heard about this through my email. Beautiful yarn!
I hear about the giveaways through the newsletter and facebook.
Hey Chandi! I got the email that there were only a few days left to enter. I also follow you on Pinterest and Instagram.
I heard about this amazing give away by email. Love your yarn and designs.
on my email. I love the tonal yellow yarn. Yummy.
I adore your yarns, so I always keep my eye out for the giveaways! I saw the FB post about this one
I learned about this contest from your newsletter. Your yarns are gorgeous.
I just placed an order and saw the link to follow you on Pinterest. Followed on Pinterest and one of your first pins was about this giveaway. All of your yarns are beautiful. I’m so excited about my first order!
E-mail and on Facebook…..I really NEED to win!!!!!
LOVE your yarns and colors! (wish I could afford more!)
I find this website fun and inspirational
Heard about this giveaway from email. Come on Mama needs some new yarn.
I heard about the giveaway through email, hope to win love ur pattern and yarn
I learned about the giveaway through the email newsletter!
I follow you on Facebook and subscribe to your newsletter. I love your interpretation of the photographs in your yarn. So beautiful! I’d be so excited to win that yarn and see what I could do with it! the story of how you business came to be is very inspiring! Thanks for sharing!
I heard from your newsletter. It’s great!
I am on every list you have and love all your stuff. Working on a wedding shawl right now out of merino/ silk fingering in eggshell – it is divine. And I saw on FB .
Received an email (smiled when I saw the encouraging hug!) Happy Tuesday!
Wow! love this page, images are a perfect size, can see the yarn so nicely. Layout is excellent and easy to navigate. Well done, you have become an absolute pro at your work. Congratulations and many blessings!
Would love to win, my crafting ladies would love to share this gorgeous stash!
Got an email about the giveaway! Love your emails too
I heard about giveaway via email.
I’m subscribed to your newsletter and got the email to tell me
Love your yarn the new sage looks amazing.
WOW!!!!! Fabulous!!!
Got the messy in my email. Thanks!!
I got an email about your giveaway! Your yarns are gorgeous!
I heard about the giveaway 2 ways! Via email (I’m on your list) and I saw it on Facebook. I love your colorways ?
I got an email and decided to enter. I lover your crochet patterns!
Saw this everywhere! FB,email, and Instagram are the ones I check daily!
I heard about it through email
I found this drawing in my email from you. I really appreciate the generosity you show to your customers.
heard about this giveaway from your email!! beautiful colours!!
I heard about it because of the email list!
I get all of your notices on FB and email. Love your yarn.
SO Beautiful! I’m drooling!
What beautiful colors! Love your yarn.
How did I find out about this giveaway? YOU told me in your email to me. Every month you tell me. Now it’s time for me to return the favor and WIN.
Heard about the give away through an email.
From your newsletter!
Heard about it through the email. Soo much yarn!!!! yay!
I recently made a baby blanket with a green from you and for the life of me I can not remember the name. I love the quality and the color! I hope my little niece does too. I have dried herbs from you and I have yet to make something. And secretly I am saving it for me….hehe. but I Love all the colors and quality. cant wait to order more.
I receive your emails. Exciting colors and textures.
I received my email with all the wonderful yarns. Keep up the beautiful work
I look forward to emails from Chandi. Love the colours in all the yarns. Beautiful stuff!
I found this through your email and would love to get such an amazingly beautiful collection of yarn to play with!
Love love LOVE this yarn!!! I subscribe to the email alerts and heard about the giveaway. This yarn is a dream to work with
I received the email
Came to me in an e-mail. I get all her e-mails so I can torture myself over not being able to buy everything!!!
Oh, the many beautiful things I could make with this yarn: hats, scarves, fingerless mitts, shawls, where would it end? Gifts for everyone!!! I follow you on everything but Twitter.
I receive your newsletters and that is how I heard about the giveaway!
I heard about this giveaway in the newsletter I received this morning.
Ooooohhh! Look at all the gorgeous colors!!! Soo exciting!!
I get your emails and follow you on Facebook. Love all your beautiful color ways and the great photos that show the specific colors that are included in the skein.
I heard in my email as usual. Thanks!
You sent me an email reminding me of this. Thank you!
I receive your emails. Your yarn is gorgeous.
my email
I subscribe to your email letter and love the beautiful yarn
First comment would be it be so much easier if the leave a comment section was at the top of the comments as opposed to the bottom.
I love your yarn and I heard about the giveaway via email and Facebook. (Twitter too but I don’t check it daily).
Thanks, Chandi.
I heard from your email.
I have a Birthday coming up sure would be nice to win something for a change lol. I heard about this give away via email from Expression’s Fibre Arts.
Got an email about this! Love your yarn!
Learned about this from your email.
I heard from your lovely newsletter!
I read about this giveaway from the newsletter.
I heard about the giveaway through your emails, and on Facebook!
While I am still very new to knitting, I find your yarn so stunningly beautiful!! My skill level wouldn’t do it justice yet, but I’m doing a lot of practicing!
Your beautiful newsletter is where I found out about this. I usually stop by the blog before this, but end of the school year meant lots of commotion around the house! Thanks again for hosting such a beautiful giveaway!
Been signed up for a while and was reminded via email~~
Great colors! Thanks!
I subscribe to your newsletter. And I gotta say, of all the contests in all of the realm of the internets, this is the one I would love to win the most. Omg, can you imagine all of that lucious yarn? Yikes.
I found out about the giveaway from your newsletter! Thanks so much!
Through the email that you sent out.
From your email.
I heard about the giveaway from the email newsletter.
Got here from your newsletter! ^^
Yummy!!! On my FB feed AND I received an e-mail
I hadn’t scrolled down to the end of the page on the emai I received on June 12, 2017 about the yarn give-a-way ending soon to see the picture of the puppy and kitten AND what you wrote, Chandi! Which was “And hey…here’s a HUG. Just because. Have peace today and know that everything is working out for you the way it should.” I have to tell you that I have tears streaming down my face right now! I had been through a domestic violence incident in ’04 and through the divorce, he striped away our 3 children from me. Over the coarse of the last 12 years, I have been trying to get things turned around in court and get them out of his care because he was inflicting emotional and psychological abuse on them. With the older 2 grown and having nothing to do with him the past 3 years, the youngest was the only one being effected. Well, on June 12, 2017, I succeeded!! It’s court ordered that she doesn’t have to go over there anymore! EVER! Hallelujah!! Thank you for the encouraging words even though you had NO POSSIBLE WAY of knowing! WOW! God works in mysterious and wonderful ways!
I learned about the giveaway from your email newsletter!
Long time follower from North Pole, I once saw you at the post office dropping off packages but I was afraid to say hello. I get your email and follow on FB. I adore your Fiber artistry

I keep entering…hopefully one day I’ll win! I’ve bought several yarns from you, and it’s lovely.
Such pretty colors!
I received an email from you about the giveaway. I have never won anything and would absolutely love to win some amazing yarn as my first win!!!
Awesome giveaway and colors! June is my birthday, so yarn would be a nice birthday gift! Thanks for the opportunity!
I saw the giveaway in the e-newsletter. I’ve been a subscriber for a while!
I really love to crochet things for other people but being on a limited income really limits me in what I can do.I would love to win you yarn give away so I could do more. Thanks
I received my beautiful yak silk yarn and it is more luscious than you described. My wrap is coming along and is so drapey and soft. I receive your emails regularly. Thanks for all the free patterns!!!
Love your yarn, especially the fabulous colors. I receive your emails and also follow you on FB.
Your emails enchant me, I will end up broke, but with a lovely stash of yarn (cross my fingers and hope to win)
I found out about the giveaway thru my email
OMG! OMG! OMG! I love these yarns! I really hope you (or raffle copter) picks me.
Diana Simpson
I heard about your giveaway from my email subscription from getting patterns!
First heard about the giveaway on Facebook. I just loooove your yarn and colors! Amazing!!
I heard about this giveaway from your newsletter. Love your yarn, Chandi!!! ?
Oh man, there is so much gorgeous yarn to be won here! Loving all the wonderful colours <3 And I found out about this raffle via the newsletter. Good look everyone <3
Email. Hope I get lucky
Can’t remember how I found you originally, but I’ve been a subscriber and fan for a while now.
You have such beautiful yarns and I really appreciate your talent.
I received an email
Love your yarn for this giveaway.
I received the email!
I heard about the giveaway on Facebook.
I received an email telling me about this great giveaway. I’ve gifted a large portion of my stash and would love to add these beauties back in to it! Thanks for the opportunity ♥️
I get your emails
I heard about this giveaway from your newsletter that I subscribe to. Love your yarns, and this month’s giveaway!
I heard about the raffle through an e-mail. I love your yarns. I have made sweaters and dresses for my two granddaughters with your yarns. I would love to win this so I can keep knitting/crocheting gifts for everyone I love.
I learned about this giveaway from the list email. Love the yarn colors available!
I heard of the contest through your newsletter.
Beautiful colors. Facebook.
Always enjoy receiving and reading your emails. Beautiful color yarns. PRICELESS!
Your yarn is always top quality! Thank you!
I found out about this amazing giveaway through my email subscription!
I heard about the giveaway from your newsletter.
Heard about it via the email news letter!
What amazing colours! My mouth is watering and my fingers itching to get knitting. I would so love to win this month’s free giveaway. Here’s hoping.
I heard about this from the email newsletter.
i found out from your email newsletter
Love the email.
Got an email from you about the Giveaway with a link to this page.
I heard about this giveaway through email and Facebook feed. Lovely selections!
I found out about this give away via email.. Love Love Love your colorways. I have to restrain myself almost every time a get an email with a new colorway!!
i follow you and also saw on my Facebook
I learned about this giveaway from your email newsletter. Sometimes I follow the link from Facebook. I learned about your shop/website from your YouTube tutorials.
Hi Chandi, I received your reminder email – which was great because I forgot to enter this giveaway earlier in the timeline.
Got my email so I signed right up!
I learned of the give away from your email newsletter
I’m receiving your mails (and enjoy them!)
I receive the emails about the yarn giveaway!!
I get email messages about the yarn and they do have beautiful color combinations. I don’t have a website if that is required.
I heard about the giveaway via email
I got an email via your newsletter and saw a post about it on Instagram.
I read about it in the email newsletter.
I signed up for your email because this yarn is beautiful!!!!!
I receive the EFA newsletter
I heard about the giveaway through your email list just today . I really hope I win that would be amazing !!!!!!!!!?
I got an email. I love the yarns and would share them with my mother.
I saw it on my email inbox, via newsletter
Amazing selection, as always.
I heard about this giveaway because I subscribe to your emails.
Saw through facebook
I love your yarns! But I can’t keep up with all the colors and projects I want to do!! Lol!! Would love to win this so I can have some more fun!
Ooooh! Look at all the goodies!! Someone is gonna be very very lucky
I found about this giveaway through my emails
I heard about it thru your email.
I love your yarn! I learned about your giveaway from your website.
I saw you on facebook and now I get your email
I found expression fiber arts by looking threw Google for new ideas yarn and patterns. Your beautiful Chandi! The beautiful pieces you create are just breathtaking!
Saw the giveaway on Facebook. Lovely yarns!
I’m subscribed, got notified….. Thank You!
I LOVE getting your emails about what yarn you have newly available. It’s like getting candy in the mail.
Facebook! Fingers crossed!
Love your yarn and your newsletter. I want everything you have!
I received an email from your newsletter reminding me about the yarn giveaway
I heard about the giveaway through email. Lovely giveaway!
Heaed about the give-away in your newsletter and as my brother always says, if you don’t enter, you can’t win. I never Do win, but I never give up hope, LOL. So here I am with my fingers crossed – and my toes – and my eyes. It would be so great to knit with these beautiful yarns, especially at my age
PLEASE correct my e-mail address on the previous post – mesbondi is incorrect
I heard about it through your email newsletter
Glad I didn’t miss out 
heard about this giveaway through an email. Love the yarns pictured ! A knitter can never have too much yarn !
I am. Dreaming about shawls, cowls and socks using the yummies from your giveaway. I love your colors, especially the images you display to complement your colorway. I am happy that you have become so popular.
I received an email with the contest offer.
I heard about the giveaway from an email as I receive your newsletter.
Oh my gosh trying to think of all then things to make.. socks, shawl,baby items,bags.wraps..ect love all the colors.. Love love the yarn..
I follow you all the time and I totally love your yarn. Just wish I had the money to get more.:(
I read about this in my emails…it is sure worth the try, as I have used a few of your yarns over the past year and have so enjoyed working with them. Cheers to you and yours!
I saw it in your blog as I was trying to decide which of your yarns I like most!
I heard about this through your e-newsletter.
I would love to win. I heard about this giveaway through your email newsletter.
I heard about the giveaway on Facebook.
I found you through Facebook!
I always love getting reminders about this from your mailing list!
beautiful yarn. I got an email about this
I got the email newsletter!
Saw a blurb on facebook a while ago. I am a yarn addict (as distinct from a yarn hoarder) and of course yours is good stuffl
Oh my goodness! I can only dream of winning at least once in my life! Your yarns are out of this world! This time I saw the giveaway on my e-mail
I love it! I hope I win!!!
email and newsletter
I get you love letters in my email and I’ve been waiting for this opportunity; after so long and having such a love affair with your yarn <3
Love your yarn and beautiful colors!
I heard about this great giveaway in an email!
I’m on the email list and got the email about the giveaway. Beautiful colors!
I received notification through an email from your company.
I got your email and thought “OMG, I haven’t entered yet!” I don’t know what happened but thanks for the reminder!
Beautiful colors, feels like summer!! I’m on the mailing list.
I love all your colors and textures I heard about the give a way from your email
thank you would love to win its my birthday!
Heard about you on Facebook…..I absolutely love your yarn. The colors are amazing.
I first saw this giveaway on email but have seen it on fb as well
Saw the post on FB. All your yarn looks beautiful and have enjoyed the patterns!
Received an email regarding the free give a way. I love fiber
I was subscribed to the mailing list for this website and I’m so glad that I am, otherwise I wouldn’t have heard about this amazing giveaway!
Too bad this box isn’t at the top of the messages! Love the colors and choices!
Saw it on facebook. Love the yarns. Suggestions: I know you are giving it as lot, but it would give more ladies smile on their faces if raffle each hank.
I heard about the giveaway from the email you sent
I heard about giveaway threw my email! Your yarns are some of the prettiest I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately I’m a single mother of 3 with my oldest going off to college this fall and so I’ve never had the chance to purchase any so far. BUT I have a change jar that is dedicated strictly for your yarn! So 1 day here soon I will be placing my 1st order with you. It would be a godsend if out of all the giveaways I’ve entered in my life if this one was the 1st one I’d ever won! Fingers crossed!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! AND THANK YOU CHANDI FOR THE AWESOME GIVEAWAYS!
I heard about your giveaway from your email and from knitting with your lovely yarn.
I absolutely love your yarns and the wonderful colors that you produce. I would love to win one of these drawings. Thank you for making such wonderful yarns to work with and to create masterpieces
Thanks for the email telling me about the contest!
I LOVE your yarn. I heard of this give away from your email.
Thank you.
I do LOVE all of your eye candy! Heard about this from sociL networking sites and my email! Continue to do what you do….AwesomeSAUCE!
I found your page on Face Book. I adore your yarn! xo
I heard about your amazing giveaway through your newsletter! What a lovely thing you are doing! Spreading some sunshine in the world!
Subscribe to everything…saw this in an email!
Got an email.Need to just buy some of your delicious yarn….. .
Amazing looking yarns…..saw this in my emails.
I am on your mailing list and I follow you on Instagram, so I saw this a couple of times.
This is a really lovely collection of yarns.
Your email list!
I get your newsletter, and follow you on Facebook!
I found it when I was googling for free crochet patterns
An amazing email let me know about all this yummy!
got an email but I follow you on all your sites and I love your beautiful yarn!!
I love the colors and comments.
Facebook and your e-newsletter.
I heard about this giveaway on your newsletter.
Found you on Pinterest
Once again, you and Tim give us something to strive for and to anticipate.
Many thanks.
Oops, forgot to tell you how I found it-
twitter I think !~!
I’m on your newsletter and I’m glad that I am!!!
Thank you for offering this giveaway! Your work is gorgeous!
My info came by email. Love the colors of Spring.
Thank you for the opportunity, love your uarn!!! Just ordered 3 skeins of Ephemera!
I read about it in the newsletter.
I heard about this from the emails I get.
I am a long time follower of your you tube channel.
I found out about this through your newsletter
I follow you on Facebook and receive your patterns on my email,love your patterns. Your yarn is beautiful and the colors are sumptuous makes me want to bury my face in a big pile of that fabulous yarn.
I heard about the giveaway through my email. I’ve never won anything, I’m hoping to win this yarn!! Thank you for the opportunity!!
I actually found out about this giveaway from your emails.
Heard about this giveaway from the Newsletter. Awesome!
What a dreamy collection of yarn!!!
I saw this give away on the RepeatCrafterMe Facebook group
I learned about this from your email list. Super excited!!!
Thanks ?
Love, love, love your yarn. Would be amazing to win!
Found you on Facebook and the giveaway. Beautiful yarns.
I love your facebook posts!
I was reminded about the contest via an email you sent out. i’m glad you send it, because I forget to enter otherwise
I get your emails about yarn and blog postings
Facebook has made my world so much. You wonderful yarn and colors is one thing. Your contest is anothet.
Yadda queen plz plz!!! Crossing my fingers!!!
That yarn is gorgeous! Email notification. Thanks so much!!
I discovered you on Youtube by watching one of your instructional vids on knitting. Your energy is so positive and your instructions were clear, they made sense and made me enjoy crocheting and knitting. I signed up for all ofnyour newsletters immediately. Now I’m excited about the raffle! Woo hoo! ?
I heard it from the Newsletter
What a scrumptious rainbow of possibilities!
I am on your email/newsletter list – wonderful!
Your ideas for the colours are just sweet. Would love to win your yarn. From NZ.
I saw the giveaway in Instagram and in my email. Love Love LOVE your yarn colors!!!
I learned about your giveaway via Facebook. Beautiful yarns
Good luck to everyone!
I found out about the giveaway because I am on your email list
such beautiful yarn! Thanks for your generosity!
I’m on your email list. Looks like an awesome array of yarn this month. Thanks again Chandi for all your wonderful giveaways. Love your yarn!??
Such beautiful yarn!
I heard about this through your email. Love your yarn and patterns!
Unfortunately I never win no nothing…sniff.
But this would be sooo awesome to share with the knitting group I’m attending, hint, hint…
Wowie – I entered!!
I’m already a subscriber so that’s how I heard about it ?
I heard about this through your email:)
Love your yarn! I saw the giveaway on Facebook and on my email.
Heard about it in email new letter.
I get your emails and I never skip past them as I love looking at your yarns and the pictures you associate with them. I have purchased your yarns and must say, I love knitting with them, they feel great, they don’t ‘split’ on the needle, are easy to work with, and the finished products are beautiful! My purchases are limited only by how fast I can finish a project and move-on to the next one!
Considering tomorrow is my birthday, this would be an awesome gift to win!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
found you on facebook
Heard about this by surfing on the internet, really love it!!!!
Good Wednesday morning! I heard about this through email.
As a side, I received my preordered Epic Multicolor order the day before yesterday and I LOVE IT!!!! The rainbow colors are beautiful. I cannot wait to find the perfect project for it.
I heard about this giveaway from an email.
I subscribe to all updates! Love all the info and opportunity to access patterns and view the beautiful yarns. Chandi has inspired me to start crocheting again!
I saw this in my email today!
I heard from your email newsletter.
I got your email, I follow you on pinterest and FB, I love your freebie Friday and your neutrino colors and yarn, I even watch you soon on you tube.
That should say beautiful colors
I love the colors of your yarns. I am on your mailing list and you notified me of this giveaway.
As a senior citizen on a fixed income, I just can’t afford the number of skeins I would need to knit a shawl.
But I love the look of your yarns. Pick me please, please, please.
I heard about the giveaway via email. Love your yarn!!!!
I am a newsletter subscriber, so I got an email.
Thank you for this opportunity!
As usual I found out via the newsletter ?
Another great Giveaway.
I follow on Instagram but I must have missed the post but I found out via the newsletter just I time too!!
Instagram, boy am I glad I logged in lol?
I heard about this on facebook!
I saw the giveaway on Facebook
I got the notice of the contest in my email. I just HAD to enter!
I learned about the giveaway from your newsletter and on FaceBook.
I’m on your email list. That how I heard about the giveaway!
I receive your newsletter and also follow you on Facebook. I’ve ordered from you quite a few times–love your birthday month yarns. I’ve been very pleased with all of the yarns I’ve received from you-but need to knit up a few of them–I have too many ‘yarns on my plate”.
Heard about this giveaway through the mailing list!
Heard about it through the newsletter
I love how you display your yarn and the color ways you choose. Absolutely beautiful! I’ve been following you thru email
I think I may need to start watching your blog! too 
I received an email about the giveaway. I love your yarns. They are truly beautiful.
I got an email! OMG love the teal and sunset orange colors! (check my rav if you don’t believe me!) those have been my favorite colors since I was born!
Think I first saw it in one of your emails, was just reminded that I hadn’t entered via Facebook.
I got your email! I look forward to it every week!
I saw it in my FB feed
Love the colors. They’re always so dynamic, gorgeous and one of a kind! Would love love love to win some for sure!!
Email & FB!
I found out about this giveaway through my email
I follow you on facebook and I heard about your giveaway. You come up with the most amazing colorways I am sure it takes a lot of your time to sit, get inspiration and planning involved in the process and I am just in aw, May your continue to do what you love. We can see your heart in everything you put out.
It was on my facebook feed
Love your work
I saw this giveaway on your home page
found out by your newsletter and then again on FB.
saw this on my FB feed. Your yarn is addictive!
My sister!
I’ve been a subscriber to Expression Fiber Arts newsletters for awhile now. I heard about the giveaway through email. I just love the free weekly patterns and the yarns you create are just fabulous!!! This is one of my favorite websites to peruse.
Thanks for the reminder to enter the give away!
I look for new emails from Expression Fiber Arts each day, love your patterns and yarn!
Stumbled upon your info on Pinterest but found out about the give away on Facebook. Good luck to us all, and may the winner make beautiful creations!
I’ve been a customer for some time. Everything I’ve purchased turns out beautiful. Thanks you and your partner for sharing your talents with the world.
Be well
I absolutely love knitting. I would love to win this it would give me so many more project ideas. the colors are all beautiful.
I heard about the giveaway through your email newsletter!
Entered. Such gorgeous yarn!
Wow! These yarns are even more beautiful than last month’s!! I read about the giveaway in your newsletter.
I just got an email about the giveaway! I’d love to win!
I saw it on Facebook.
Heard about it via email. Great yarns!
I saw your post on Facebook and also through the emails you send.
I love your color wheels and the free patterns you offer are actually really pretty items I’d enjoy creating. Thank you for all you do for us!
I heard about the giveaway on facebook
Hello Chandi! I am such a fan now and am currently awaiting the arrival of the dried herbs hues kit I purchased – so excited for this one! Even my friends are excited about this – one of them even purchased the kit herself.
I would love to win this beautiful wonderful happy bundle
Thanks so much for these generous giveaways!
If I am ever in NC, I will definitely hope to visit
Chandi the yarns are beautiful. I would love to receive them and I could put them to great use. I am the leader of our prayer shawl ministry in which we create shawls and lapghans for those with cancer and other debilitating diseases.
Chandi I received the info on this on my feed.
The yarns are beautiful. I would love to receive them and I could put them to great use. I am the leader of our prayer shawl ministry in which we create shawls and lapghans for those with cancer and other debilitating diseases.
I receive your e mails. Thank you for giving us a chance to win your beautiful yarn.
I love all of your stuff, I follow you on FB/IG.
I found out via email. I love being on your email list! Such lovely colors and yarns!
I follow you on Facebook, Instagram and via e-mail. I clicked on the blog post through e-mail.
I heard about the giveaway from an email sent to me. Really glad I checked it out, since it’s the last day to enter!
You sent me an Email & thank you,
Hope to win!
I heard about this via your email and thanks for the chance at winning some of your yarn!
I get your emails and fb updates! ?
Via subscription e-mail.
It was in the newsletter
I’ve learned to knit watching your Youtube tutorials, and purchased some of your yarn to knit the baby blanket you demonstrate. I looked at your blog after watching the videos and learned about the giveaway.
I heard about this giveaway from your newsletter. As always simply gorgeous yarns & patterns!
I heard about it from the email newsletter. Such pretty colors!
Love your beautiful yarns
Love your personalized email updates! Your wools are lovely and the colours are fabulous!!!