Yes, it’s true!
This month, we’re giving away a $1000 gift card to our yarn shop. Hurray!
To enter, just use this form and then comment below telling me something interesting about yourself.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
•Worldwide entries welcome!
•Contest ends October 31st, 2014 at 11:59 PM
•To gain as many entries as possible, once you’ve completed the basic entries above, click SHARE THIS and for every friend that signs up, you get another entry. So share, share, share!
Thank you for entering and GOOD LUCK!
Something about myself? I can crochet, but knitting makes my eyes cross!
When Joann’s runs out of a color of yarn they call me to see if I have any in my stash! haha ( I probably will have it too!!)
im a huge halloween lover!
I learned to play the bagpipes when I was in high school.
I am Michelle. I am a knitter and crocheter. My grandma taught me to knit and I never looked back. I am a total yarn addict. I have 3 beautiful girls and am on the autism journey!
crazy for yarn crocheter
I have been crocheting since I was 7 years old, and have just recently started learning to knit. I’m so glad I found your site! Your videos have helped me in my knitting journey. And I absolutely love your yarn!!!
Thanks for the chance to win this super prize.
I’ve been crocheting since my grandma taught me at 7 years old. I’m trying to think of something you’d find interesting about me. I guess I have to say within my family I’m always right & they hate to admit it but they have to cuz I haven’t been proven wrong yet! My husband finally admitted I’m the voice in his head!!!
Love your yarn! thanks for this amazing give-away! I’ve been knitting for 6 years!
I eat ice cream with a fork. My husband makes fun of me, but I defend this practice because ICE CREAM IS A SOLID.
Okay, that was kinda defensive, lol
I could make so many Christmas gifts with all that yarn!
Even item I crochet I give away as gifts, rarely do I keep anything for me.
I taught myself to crochet and love learning new techniques.
What an awesome opportunity…..just trying to think of all the beautiful things I’d make with $1000 worth of yarn!
I love to knit to relax and sell my creations @ Farmer’s Market…hats and wristwarmers made with your yarns are ‘customer favourites’…right now, I have plenty of yarn and a pile of unfinished projects!
Love Love Love Love your yarn
I am a knitter and crocheter since the age of 12. Would love to win this. I wouldn’t have to buy yarn for a very VERY long time.
I learned to crochet after I had a stroke at 28 years old. I use it for therapy and stress relief.
I am one of only 2 people in Canada who can twist a single balloon into a bear riding a unicycle! (or at least according to Fringe Festival performers in Edmonton, AB)!
I’ve lived in eight states – no joke, from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon – without being in the military and I’m addicted to Buzzfeed quizzes.
Hi Chandi! I’m an avid fitness & nutrition enthusiast. If I could figure out how to knit and workout at the same time (& still get results from both activities, lol) life would be perfect!
I have crocheted a long time, but just learned to read patterns when I turned 30!
I am a newbie to the yarn world but have fallen in love with crochet and hopefully soon crochet! I love the rich colors of your yarn
I’ve been following you for a long time. I have my own yarn shop and a charity giving chemo hats to cancer patients.
I quite smoking over 5 years ago and decided to teach myself to knit. I have been in love with yarn and knitting ever since, and still DO NOT SMOKE.

I love fiber!
I am a geek girl and proud of it. Also crafty can’t forget that.
I love all the beautiful colors of yarn that you offer.
I was 13 and not very good at much of anything. My step-mother started me with knitting and after crocheting. I am Hooked!!! I am hooked on yarn and never can get enough although I have a budget
Chandi’s yarns are in a class all my themselves!
I have a giant hutch in my living room that is 3/4 full of yarn.
I’m Marilyn and I’m 22. I learned how to knit, spin, and dye while interning on a fiber farm, but dairy goats are my main passion.
I just purchased yarn from you for the first time this month and now I am hooked!
I bought baby alpaca yarn in Peru. So soft. I’m crocheting a sweater with some of it.
I am an Australian living in France and have had the opportunity to explore craft while here, everything from knitting jumpers to cactus, making furniture, cooking and setting up my first food based website. I would call myself an all rounder. I would love the chance to win this prize to continue crafting.
I am a huge Christmas lover and I plan all year long for the season:-D
Taught myself to crochet about 6 years ago. I enjoy challenging myself with new patterns to try
I knit scale gauntlets for my friends.
I adore your yarn. Have purchased a lot, you inspire me to make wonderful things…and actually finish them. I love old movies.
I just started doing crossfit and am loving it! Only problem now is still finding time to crochet!
I absolutely love seeing all of the new colors! I’m sure I’ll be a customer in the future. Beautiful Yarn! The thought of that chocolate yak yarn… Makes me think cozy thoughts. LOL
I absolutely love music! So much so that any vehicle that I have must have a decent subwoofer so that I can feel the music!
I love to knit and write. I am working on a science fiction novel.
I am a yarn addict! I am a mom who cannot say no to just one more committee.
i am a stay at home mom of four. I use knitting as a relaxation tool. I also enjoy seeing other people’s faces when i hand them something i have knitted. I have yet to knit something for myself
I’m Angela! I’m a new knitter that loves finding great new yarn.
Self-taught, avid crocheter for two years; am now trying to supplement my income with crafty things after having my hours at work significantly reduced!
Hooray for having a craft to fall back on in hard times!!
I enjoy knitting, crochet, and spinning my own yarn.
I have a selection of Lego action figures on my desk at work to keep me entertained
I am trying to start a business -crochet and knitting unique items.
Well one of the most interesting things about me is my husband races and I always have yarn at the track with me. I’ve had some good conversations about yarn there.
I could use some more yarn.
I learned to knit by watching your you tube videos!!
I worked full time for 37 years at one job. I now am fully retired and enjoying the art of knitting and learning something new every day.
I love your yarn!! I have multiple purchases and I’d have more if I had the money to haha! I started knitting 2 years ago and consider myself intermediate and always looking for new yarns to work with but I love yours! Thanks
I used to break and train horses.
Need to branch out and learn to follow patterns.
would be fun to win lots of grand babies to knit and crochet for
We always seem to remember one thing in life. That’s who taught us the things that stuck with us throughout our lives. I can remember when I was pregnant with my first daughter. I had to rest. Who came to my rescue? My Mom. She said, “I’m going to teach you to knit & that will keep you busy”. I knitted every day & had tons of items for my new little girl. Then came daughter # 2. I knew how to knit so my Italian grandma taught me to crochet. That got me through many sleepless nights. Knitting & crocheting have always been my “therapy”. In the past 20 yrs. I’ve learned to weave. Well, that’s another whole story that has opened another whole world. Traditional weaving, Triangle weaving, Saori weaving, rigid heddle looms, rectangle looms, tapestry, OY!! Just too much. But I learned how to stay busy now that I am retired with 5 grandkids that love whatever I make for them. And thanks to Chandi who creates the most beautiful yarns that fit into every type of creative piece I’m busy making.
Hmmm… Something interesting about me… My one and only pageant win was when I was 9 years old and won my school’s Miss Sweetheart pageant! My “talent” was poetry reading and I nailed it with Robert Frost’s “Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening”. I was a bit disappointed, though, as the runners-up got boxes of candy and all I got was a lousy tiara. I WANTED CHOCOLATE, DANG IT!
I would love to win,this .. I will be in heaven lol I can seea lot of babu blanket and prayer shawl for the church If I win
My birthday is on Hallowe’en.
I once knitted a head! I knitted it in one from the neck up out of hand spun, hand dyed wool that my mum had made and it had rough spun straight from the fleece dreadlocks!!!
I took up crochet for something to do with my hands while trying to quit smoking and while dieting.
I stumbled onto your site via Facebook and have been an avid watcher ever since. Looking forward to future projects.
I was the captain of my high school cross country team.
Oooo yarn. Never enough!!
I just had my second son, so if I won this I would have to wait a while before actually making anything.
I don’t have a favorite color. I love the whole spectrum.
What an amazing give away! I learned to crochet in high school, but was stolen to the knitting side after my daughter was born, too many cute baby outfits.
I just gave one of my shawls to a neighbor who is going through cancer treatments and can’t get warm. It was one that I had made and never worn, just wanted to try the technique.
I’m not asking for a pat on the back or a medal and a parade…I just want confirmation that this counts as a finished project…(finally on someone’s shoulders) and means I get to start 3 new ones!!!
My granny taught me to crochet when I was very young and I have loved it and yarn ever sence!
I taught myself how to spin, crochet and knit by watching YouTube videos! I use fibre arts as physical and emotional therapy for recovery from an autoimmune attack in 2011 that left me partially paralyzed. Yarn makes me happy!
I love, love, love knitting. Must knit everyday or my day is not complete. I am newly retired and have moved where the weather is very warm. I am so happy I have loved ones who live in colder climates to knit for. Have been experimenting with summer weight knitted shawls for me.
I’m often in awe of the beautiful things you make
I have retired after teaching from 1970-2008!
I love to knit and crochet and became an RN, and earned my BSN, in my 50’s.
I am going to learn to process fiber this winter! : )
I am a tax accountant who loves to crochet!
I have crocheted since the 60s. I have tried knitting many times. I am at it again.
I am also learning to weave. I guess I’m a fiber fanatic.
i love your yarn and know that I am retired I have so much more time to work on projects. Would love to win this one since the shop I used to buy yarn from closed and I found your site and it is wonderful
Completely unrelated to crochet but I was a professional tattoo artist for 6 years!
Something interesting about me? I was once addicted to drugs and alcohol. I was in a serious state of depression and they seemed to be the only things to numb me. By the grace of God, I met my husband and was saved, and crocheting became the thing that took the place of drugs and alcohol. Whenever I am feeling stressed, anxious, worried, sad, depressed, angry….I can turn to God and sit in a corner with my yarn singing and praying and creating and feel completely at peace in an instant.
I cannot think of a better gift!!!@
Wow this would be crazy fabulous TY
I am left handed and self taught knitter. I knit everything backwards
I really enjoy your daily posts and am inspired by your colors and creativity.
I love crocheting and I love yarn! Thank you for this opportunity!
I love to go for long hikes in the woods with my daughter.
Hello! I’m Amanda and while it’s obvious I enjoy yarn craft, other things I like to do with my hands include playing the ukelele and being a handbell soloist.
Crochet feels so foreign to me so I never learned it! I would love to someday though, as it looks fun! I can knit fairly well though
I’ve been knitting for about 6 years now…and I’ve only knit myself 3 things. Everything else is given away!
I love to blog and inspire others and be inspired
When I’m not knitting, I referee roller derby bouts. Derby name is Knitty Gritty
I knit, crochet, cross stitch, make jewelry, and make cards. But I hate to sew. So much that I try to never have seams in knitting or crochet.
I taught myself to knit and crochet just over a year ago…I absolutely love it and have become a little yarn obsessed! I also travel for work a fair bit and enjoy having a project on the go to keep me occupied
i love to travel
I knit and crochet. Lately I’ve been crocheting baby hats for my little boy coming in November.
I love to make kids hats!
I live in Scotland surrounded by sheep but a great wool shop in hard to find.
I was taught how to crochet and knit at such a young age that I can’t remember who taught me!
I got back into knitting over a year ago while on a trip to Seattle with my sister to visit my other sister. My two sisters ganged up on me and said I ‘had’ to knit!!!! I’m glad they did!!! With their help and encouragement, I love it and they are teaching me new things all the time!!!
I love all your colourful yarn.. what inspiration!
I dabbled with Crochet when I was a child.It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Disease in 2011 that I realized the meditative and therapeutic benefits of crocheting which has helped me cope with it.
I love to CROCHET and love natural yarns, especially hand-dyed. I’m new at it so only have learned to use single ply yarns. I’m always on the look-out for single ply yarns and would love to find some Z-twist yarns to try to crochet with it! Thanks for the giveaway!
I feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish a project that I was able to make something for myself, family, or friends with my own two hands.
I’m super useful in a zombie apocalypse! I spin, weave, knit, crochet, sew, and embroider.
Something interesting… hmm… well, how about the fact that I learned to KNIT because YOU made me want to! Between the things you make and the cool patterns you share on FB I finally decided to take the plunge and figure it out! Now I am officially a knitting junkie! And it’s all your fault!!!
I am currently in the military and one of the other ways that I decided to serve my country is by knitting and crocheting hats, scarves, and blankets for the homeless. Winning that gift card would really help me stock up my supplies to continue to make things throughout the year.
I love to crochet, cannot knit. My brain just can’t figure it out.
When I was in elementary school my parents gave me a potholder loom which I still have. I made lots of potholders. One year I sewed them together and made a bag that was used to store stuff I wanted to keep. I enjoy looking at yarn, crocheting, and knitting.
I can knit, crochet and spin and love your yarn. However, I used to do paint and bodywork on tractors and trained horses.
Hi! I can paint, sew, quilt, cross stitch, craft, and do a little bit of crochet, but my favorite hobby is knitting! I taught myself everything except painting. I also really want to learn to spin. AND I JUST GOT A COCHLEAR IMPLANT! IT WAS TURNED ON TWO WEEKS AGO AND I LOVE IT ALREADY!!!!!
I enjoy many hand crafts….but am especially addicted to knitting.
I knit because it keeps my sanity while chasing 2 boys through life
I learned to crochet 55 years ago from my little tiny Italian grandmother – she taught me how to finger crochet first because I was too little to use a hook (she thought I’d put an eye out)
Crocheting is relaxing along with working puzzles. I love to travel and the crochet you can always take it with you. The best part is that I learn to crochet from my mom.
I am a certified scuba diver
Your yarn is fantastic! I am in awe of you:-) I am teaching myself (with the help of your terrific video on You Tube) to knit socks:-)
I have to mention that I bring my knitting or crochet with me when I go fishing!
I am an all around crafter. I am the mother of twins and a singleton. I have taught my girls knitting and other crafts so it will continue on. If we don’t teach the younger generation crafts would be a lost art. I am the one my sisters look to for making things for family mbers. It is my pleasure to do it as it is appreciated.
I have been crocheting since I was 20, I am now 22. I have also taught a few friends to crochet, (one I taught lived in Australia and I taught her over skype)
19 years ago I met my husband at a Leonard Skinnard concert.
i learned to knit while recovering from a car accident.
ever since I was taught knitting at 13 y o haven’t stopped since. Loved making my daughter knitted garments ever since she was a baby.
I am obsessed with Outlander (both books and show)
I am going to Stitches East and super excited.
I have yarn ADD…can NOT resist touching it or buying it. It’s all about texture to me. If it doesn’t “feel” right, I don’t buy it! I have a dozen projects in the works. If one isn’t satisfying my senses, I change to a different project.
I really enjoy Expression Fiber Arts facebook posts. Fun fact for the contest, I usually knit with my fingers.
I don’t always crochet but when I do, I do it with passion. Plus, I’m a yarn junkie & I used to fence.
My grandmother taught me how to crochet, and I love making shawls and cowls. I am teaching myself to knit…and I love researching the history and cultural implications of fiber work (being an art historian/crocheter/knitter/cross stitcher)!
Great giveaway! Lovely yarns.
Avid crocheter, tech editor that knows to knit and is learning to drop spin.
Chandi, You taught me how to crochet 2 1/2 weeks ago on youtube. Since then, I have crocheted 6 1/2 scarves for Christmas presents. I was so happy that you made your tutorial so easy. Thank you so much for helping me get into the wonderful world of crocheting.
I wish I had more time to knit, but every week I make it a point to be at my church’s Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting.I may not get a lot of knitting done, but it fills the void!
I am left handed and I learned to knit in the 4th grade. I realized something was wrong when my knitting didn’t match the pictures so I just adapted my knitting. The patterns had to be wrong, because I wasn’t!!!! I went for several years knitting this way until I came upon a pattern I couldn’t wrap my head around. I sought help from the grandma of one of my best friends. I sat down and knitted with her and she began to laugh and laugh. I had finished a row and then started the next. She said “honey you forgot to turn your work”. No where, in the green “how to book” that I used for reference, did it say to turn your work. I would knit the row and just knit back with the other hand. I never had to purl! So at a very young age I never really followed a pattern completely, I was always making modifications.
I am in love with your YouTube posts!
Keep em coming please!
I love yarn and doing many different crafts with it. Mostly crocheting, but I am getting ready to learn how to knit as well.
I knit, handspin and weave for myself and my loved ones. I love cats and Masterpiece Theatre.
My mother taught me how to knit and my grandmother taught me how to crochet. For many years I stopped knitting then got back into it w my sister Tracy and our mom. I was working on a sweater for my daughter and was just about to the point of finishing it when our mom passed away on my daughter’s 4th birthday. I put knitting down for several years after that. My sister Tracy got me back into it again by going to local yarn stores in our area and introducing me to yarns online. Chandi, your yarn is amazing. I have made one project with your yarn so far and have a wip for my daughter but packing for a move is pushing knitting to the side once again. I would love to win this package not only as a “house warming gift” for me but I truly love your yarns. Hope I didn’t ramble.
love your colors ☼ ♥
I am a busy mom, however I try to complete at least one to two projects a week, even if they are small and simple. I also love a challenge. Would love to watch you videos as I still consider myself a beginner as I began crocheting December 2013.
I have a back injury that prevents me from working, but if I sit with my feet up I can knit for longer period of time than anything else..Knitting is a good way to keep my hands busy instead of using them to eat with…
I started to teach myself to crochet while on bed rest while pregnant with my daughter. She loves the things I make for her
I think my middle name should have been yarn.
Oh, the possibilities… Love all “needle” works, never enough time.
Something about myself– besides knitting,crochet and sewing my favorite way to relax is to curl up with a good book with my boyfriend and be able to stare out my windows and see the Blueridge mountains.
I am 4 months pregnant and could knit so much with this yarn!
My favorite is 3… I have 3 kids, 3 dogs and 3 birds
a full house indeed
I learned to knit 2 years ago and have enjoyed every minute.
I haven’t been able to knit much the past 10 months due to breast cancer treatment. I’ve had great joy seeing the beautiful yarns on Facebook and hope to return to knitting when my health recovers .
I absolutely love yarn, the feel and smell of it, and the excitement when it becomes something beautiful !!!
In addition to the more usual projects, my hula halau uses eyelash and feather yarn to make faux lei and other adornments for costuming.
Absolutely love your yarn and blog!
My bucket list includes “knitting while kayaking”. Most people I know think it is crazy.
after being a dental ceramist, making porcelain teeth for 28yrs…ive found my true love is ROVING, SILK and YARN!!!
As a 6 week old infant I survived bacterial meningitis when this was totally unheard of–I was in ICU for two weeks with and IV through the soft spot in my head—I am now 60 and been knitting since I was 12.
I’m not sure this is interesting, but it sure tells I could use the $1,000 of your fabulous yarn. I have been home on disability since 2/19/14 3AM with a head pain that feels like a spike through my head. 15 medication regimens, 3 doctors, (including 2 neurologists), tests, tests, and more tests, chiropractor, acupuncture, and have meditation appt this week. The only time I am not in pain is when I am sleeping. So I sit knitting quietly every day. Lots of holiday presents done, entrelac learned and accomplished (lion amazing), skew socks upsized and finally dominated, a few baby blankets (berroco comfort) with matching ugg-like booties (berroco ultra-suede). So until they figure out what this is, i need to re-fill my stash.
I rescue furniture/home accessories from dumpsters and yarnbomb it whenever I can
I live in a log cabin in the woods, and spend my evenings crocheting.
Yarn is my hobby now but i used to work in yarnshops growing up
My mother taught me how to crochet when I was young. I made a blanket that ended up being a very odd shape. Lol. I always wanted to learn how to knit but no one in my family knew how. So I went into cross-stitch and then counted cross-stitch. When I was around 36 I decided to teach myself to knit. I got a book and with the help of a co-worker who had been knitting for 40 years, I learned how to knit. I have not stopped since. I knew I would love it. The crocheting comes in handy sometimes for adding trim or those kinds of things. What’s funny is that even though I haven’t crocheted since I was a kid, I never forgot it.
I love to travel. I try to purchase yarn from each place I go. Then when I knit with it is a unique memento of my trip. It is great fun to google and then try to locate the shop(s). Usually try to walk, run or bike to shop. Have met some very interesting knitters this way too.
Chandi, I love everything you make, post and sell! Mostly I adore your precious personality
My Mom taught me to crochet when I was 12, so I can crochet ANYthing! I taught myself to knit while living in Australia for 4 years…how cool was that?!!
I hope I can experience some of your amazing stash!
Lisa, “fiber enthusiast”
I learned how to knit when my sister-in-law owned a yarn shop. My goal was to knit socks because they looked so cool! I have also had 5 brain surgeries and knitting really helps my hands work together.
Forgot to add that my next thing I would love to do is spin. That will be my next adventure once I can get enough money saved for a spinning wheel!
I am a grandmother of 4 and love it!
Oh what a shopping spree that would be
My head is spinning with the things I could make with your yarn!
I have 5 kids ranging from 34 to 15
I often try my in-progress crafts on my cat.
Hey! Something interesting about me, I am doing a fundraiser this year to raise money to fight human trafficking. Everything I knit in the next year I am auctioning off and donating the money to a few different organizations that are trying to make a difference. Follow my journey in Facebook at ‘Knitting for Freedom’ if fighting human trafficking is something you are interested in.
I love to knit and crochet. I also started my daughter on knitting and crochet when she was only five years old and she loves it!
I’m a teacher and I just started a knit and crochet club at my school to share the obsession/love of fibre arts!
I crochet more than I knit. I buy your yarns to knit special items.
I’m and irish bellydancer and I play a hammered dulcimer and bohdran in a celtic music band. Knitting in between music sessions and taking care of kids is the rest of my life
I learned to knit when I was a teenager but never finished anything. Finally took it back up last year and have finished a bunch of things. It goes great with having kids as I can do it upstairs where they are playing rather then hiding in my sewing room in my basement.
Hello. I am an avid crocheter and knitter. I crocheted a Bridal Ensemble (Wedding Dress, Veil, Bouquet, Bridesmaid Dress, and Mother-of-the-Bride Dress) and won a blue ribbon at our state fair.
I crochet left-handed and knit right-handed.
If I had a kid I would call it yarn
My grandmother taught me crochet about 30 years ago when I was
a young girl. Last year I started crocheting again and I ‘m having so
much fun.
I learned to crochet at age 14. It has always been the one thing i turned to to clear my head. Therapy indeed.
Hi Chandi! We are expecting our first baby Cria (Alpaca) next summer!
Oh what I could create with all the yarn and supplies I could purchase with that gift certificate plus buy lots of gifts!
I !love to knit.I do love doing socks.but will knit just about anything.
But I do have to so I love love love love yarn any kind.
I would love to win this.
I have been knitting for exactly a year (at the rate of about 2-3 projects per month lol)!
I would use this money to donate all of the yarn to the local group of women that make hats for newborn babies, blankets for people in the icu, hats and gloves for homeless people and low income families through the church, and many, many more things they participate in or volunteer for. I have a nerve disease in my hands, so when I like to help out in this way. I donated three large trash bags of yarn to the group a month ago.
My confession: I knit at work!
I hate folding laundry. I’d rather be doing something crafty instead
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
I just love to crochet make stuff and I just send it to people that I care about just because. I love the reaction I get and they have something special from me for always. So yes I make and give them away. Love to create presents for my friends and family.
I’m driving myself crazy looking for a knitting pattern to use with some discontinued yarn I have!
I love yarn & I love to crochet!
Something interesting about me? Em, I’m extremely left handed, I knit backwards to avoid purling and I like to eat chocolate and cheese together, does that count lol. I’d love to win this, I adore your colours
I didn’t speak English until I was 6!
I have 10 grandchildren that I knit for : )!
I love fiber art. I especially love freeform crochet! I have an awesome son named Anakin. I enjoy reading just about as much as crocheting and am inspired by a lot of what I read. This would be a dream come true!
My Story….. I’m a self-taught, jewelry designer with beads and fibers, for over 25 years. I’ve taught beadwork in Idaho to the young and old. I’m so exited about this contest~ How much fun! To have these wonderful fibers from Chandie. She has inspired me to start crocheting again. See my OOAK designs that I create to sell on my FB page I’ve posted pictures of some of the caps, cowls and scarfs I’ve created with the wonderful fibers from Expression Fiber Arts. Thanks Chandie…..from one business woman to another “a positive Twist on Yarn” how true!
I have 7 children and 5 grandchildren that I love to knit for. I’ve taught 2 daughters and 2 grand daughters to knit as well! Would love to share some gorgeous yarns with them!
Something interesting…. Hmmm…. I guess I’ve had to drop out of school (university then college) twice to look after family members but have finally decided to so something for me and start selling my crochet goods!
I am a professional musician…avid crocheter (hooker) who dabbles at being a knitwit.
In addition to crochet I like to do needle point.
I’m a first time stay at home mom to a 7 month old little boy who happens to have Downs Syndrome. When i was younger my grandmother tried to teach me how to crochet. But it wasnt until last year that i really picked up the hooks when i decided to make my son a baby blanket. I cant seem to stop crocheting now. And have been put on a yarn buying ban from my fiance since money is tight.
I spend most of my days dressed like I’m from another century (I’m a museum educator!)
I am a grandmother of one with another due in January. My grandmother and mother taught me to crochet when I was young, and I hope to teach my grandchildren when they are old enough. They are boys, but I don’t think that matters. Besides crocheting, my passion is photography. Mostly nature and landscape, but I have been known to point my camera at my grandson a few times, HaHa!!
I am a disabled veteran and have opened my own small craft store. The knitting and crochet also helps tremendously with the PTSD. Thank you!
I love your yarn! Maybe luck will smile on me this time.
I learned how to knit with my oldest daughter because her hubby told her she needed a hobby….she passed away from a rare cancer 18 months ago and I could not knit for almost a year, she was my best friend and best knitting buddy…..
Something interesting about me would be that I taught myself to knit while deployed to Afghanistan last summer.
Thanks for your service, Laura.
I sell my knitted items and send the money to Uganda where it supports a program to improve natural springs to provide safe drinking water in the countryside. Each spring benefits hundreds of villagers and incidentally allows girls to go to school rather than gathering water. Each spring costs $1200 for materials and I am just finishing up enough funds for my fifth.
I have 10 projects going right now.
Hello :0)

It’s hard to find something interesting , but I’ll try ! I’m a mother of 5, and I live in the north of Norway
Knitting has helped me thru my trauma therapy , I had a childhood filled with violence and abuse, and I can honestly say I’ve knitted me thru hell and into life.
I’ve fought the battle for life for my self, and I’ve won !
I’m so proud of what I’ve accomplished
I learned to knit watching your youtube videos! I love it more than crochet
I am retired and love to crochet and make jewelry.
I’ve been crocheting forever. Finally taught myself to knit about 3 years ago. Circular needles made all the difference!
Something interesting about myself is I’ve donated my hair to Locks of Love
I’m a knitter and crocheter. Right now I’m on a huge sock knitting bender! An interesting fact about me: I once had 12 pet rats
Addicted to yarn! Especially the good stuff. I have been crocheting for less than a year and I’m already a yarn snob. Lol
I can crochet and knit, and! I’m also from Alaska and made a trip to move down south! Currently in Utah.
I started knitting as a young child, my grandmother knitted extremely well. I’ve picked up the needles again a few years ago and working hard to get better at this art of knitting. I have a great group that are wonderful and great help.
I love love love chocolate, but I don’t like chocolate pudding.
Halloween is my favorite ‘holiday’. So much that I had a Halloween costume wedding that required everyone to dress in costume including the bride and groom. Everyone had a blast! I also have three very large Maine Coon kitties, Hagrid, Crookshanks and Voldemort.
I have been crocheting and knitting for over 50 years and would really like to have the certificate for some of your yarn. Glad you made your move successfully.
A little bit about myself. I’m 42, I live in Charlotte, NC, and I’m sad I was sick and had to miss the Yarn Crawl! Knitting helps me to relax and soothes that creative itch I get from time to time.
I’m a geeky knitting designer who is going to college for a politics degree right now.
Hello! I’m from france and i absolutly love your yarn and your work!
I run 3 home based businesses!
I learned to loom knit via utube but I did it because I have arthritis and the motion for me is like exercise. It keeps my hands active so that I don’t have to pry my hands open in the mornings. I love it! I try to donate as many items as I can to local charities and individuals.
I would love to win, I’m currently knitting hats for the hospital.
I would love to win your beautiful yarns!
I have a rare genetic disease that affects my joints and ligaments, making me prone to sublexations and hyperextention, as well as depleting the collagen around my heart, increasing the chance for heart problems. On the upside, it’s also rare that I was diagnosed this early, which means better preventative measures can be taken!
I run a group for geeks on ravelry!
I have found my calling once I took up Knitting again about 8 years ago and now with 4 grandbabies I can tell you that I always have something to be working on from sweaters, to booties, to toys and socks. <3 Knitting
I crochet and find knitting really hard! lol
Very exciting.
Chandi, you are SO generous to give a gift certificate in this amount! Thank you so much!!
I’ve been knitting since I was 6 years old. My mom taught me, and I still remember being a tiny girl, making a mistake in my knitting and walking almost a mile to where my mom was working to get her to fix it for me. And then, she would let me sit in the employee area and knit away until I got tired, then I would walk back home. I’m 52 years old now
I am a color junky and you play to my weakness. Your enthusiasm it contagious! I’ve really enjoyed following you (and using your merchandise!) (I have a couple of WIPs that I will have to share when they are done! (It took a while to decide what they needed to become!)
I started crocheting at the beginning of the year and I love it. I needed a hobby, something to take my mind off of things as well as an outlet for the creativity bubbling in side of me that I didn’t really know what to do with LOL. I love, love, LOVE crochet. I can’t believe how good it makes me feel and in every way–mentally, emotionally, and physically. I mostly crochet smaller projects.
I am also a preachers wife, mother to 2 boys, owner to one neurotic chaweenie named Monkey, and a lover of chocolate.
I taught myself how to crochet about 2 years ago and love it. I really enjoy amigurumi and want to delve into that genre of crochet.
I am an artist, painter/printmaker and I adore your yarn colorways! I am getting married in June and am teaching myself to knit beaded lace by knitting accessory silk shawls for me (instead of a veil), and my brideswomen to wear for the wedding. It will be a more casual, outdoor wedding, and I’m matching up yarn colors with the tropical flower pattern on my groom’s Hawaiian shirt. The ladies will all wear white dresses, with the shawls to bring color, rather than saddling them with yet another bridesmaid dress they’ll never wear again. I am a happy customer so far, and the gift card would help trmendously with our clothing and attendant gift budget….thanks so much! Kristine
I took up knitting again after a 30 year break to help me stop smoking, I have been smoke free for 3 and a half years now.
I love to crochet and I’m self taught. I would also like to learn to knit as well. Huge fan of your yarn!
My Mom tried to teach me how to knit and crochet but I could never see it because I am a lefty and she was a right handed. So when I was an adult and was determined to learn how I used youtube to teach me how. It is a wealth of knowledge and I love learning from different people.
I went to college for Comedy Writing and Performance…I performed stand-up and was a member of a comdey troupe, and I had my third child 2 weeks ago
I am so excited to see this!! I flipped! The girl I work with is over at her desk laughing at me… <3 yarn!!
I have a yarn addiction…. love the color, texture, and the potential of a skein of yarn…. starting lots of new gifts this fall.
I make my mom and her friends jealous with my mad reverse knitting skills.
I love yarn I am not that good at crocheting and even worse at Knitting, but I’m getting better everyday.
I want to try so many of your colorways so badly! I would LOVE to win this.
I have three albino bullfrogs as pets. Unfortunately, they are more interested in bugs and swimming than yarn or knitting.
Something about myself, enjoy crochet, beautiful yarn and my wonderful family (not necessarily in that order).
I am a single mom of two young boys. I am teaching them how to knit. This would be a great treat for then 3 of us, so I could make them hats mittens n gloves.
I am left handed but because I teach knitting, I can knit left handed or right handed.
I am a 64 year old grandma who has a burning desire to travel through Europe for a year, crocheting as I go.
Something interesting about myself; well I guess …helping others by creating a community page on Pinterest where everyone can pin their etsy items, and i re-pin their items to other community boards is kind of interesting..
(if you’re a Pinterest fan and an etsy shop owner you’ll know there’s a lot of community boards who don’t allow you to self advertise your shop, so I thot I could do something different and help others) 
My husband and I love to camp. We take our trailer everywhere so he can prospect and find gold. I knit! And read my Kindle, and embroider.
Thank you for the opportunity to win YARN. Yay.
Im a 35 yr old mom of two girls. They LOVE your yarns and so do I. We are learninv together how to crochet and some vibrant colors might make them more excited and apt to keep learning. Btw LOVE love love your works
interesting? I wrote a poem one time and it got published in a poetry book. Not many know that…
I word for a specialty food company that sells spices and seasonings – and anything I wear there sells like spices!
I want to learn it all!!! Just moved to Hawaii, military, and I plan to use the next 3 years to do nothing but learn, so I can go back and be one of those ladies that get paid to travel and teach!!!
I once won a hula hoop contest at a car show and still have the trophy. My husband won a trophy for his 4×4 truck at the same car show. That was 6 years before we met and got married
I do bead weaving and now I incorporate my beadwork into knitted projects!
I learned to knit at age 9 by my grandmother and taught myself to crochet from a book at age 18. I entered my work in the California State Fair for 14 years. I’m very proud of how well I did during those years
I learned how to scuba dive at age 50! Knitting since I was 5
Happy to say that I am a 75 year old greatgrandmother who is a yarn addict! Have quite a stash, but love your colorways and gorgeous yarn–would love to win some and make more scarves, cowls, mittens, wristies and caps. Those are my goals for Christmas presents. I am also a cat rescuer and have had many foster (and foster failures!) cats and kittens –they love yarn too!!
I’m a veterinarian, and I recently saved a tiny African dwarf frog by doing an abdominocentesis (belly tap)!
[…] Click here to enter the $1000 Yarn Gift Certificate Giveaway! […]
i was the first Caucasian woman to live in Gnulaghe, Solomon Islands while my spouse was doing anthropology research. This is a very remote Melanesian island. One of the best years
I learned to knit to help my daughter on her projects! My mom taught her to knit and she would bring her projects to me to fix. I had never touched knitting needles (or crochet hooks for that matter) in my life. So I took a lesson and have been totally obsessed ever since!
I can wiggle my ears! and…
I kill spiders with my bare hands….. Unless its bigger than a penny. Then I gasp and grab anything within my reach to smoosh it.
Just won Vcon39 art show best 3D art. (Crochet monsters) so I need more yarn
I really would like to win. I would give the yarn a good home
I’m working towards my CPA and CFE; I want to be a forensic accountant but hope to retire early to pursue hobbies as a career.
What an amazing giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love yarn! .. well you already knew that.. I love to go caving!
I am a fiberholic. There I said it. Lol. I love to knit, crochet, and spin. The most relaxing hobbies ever.
I’ve just picked up my knitting needles after years of not knitting. Now I’m attempting to learn to knit Continental style and it is not as easy as it looks.
Hi! This is a wonderful contest! Thanks! I am Kelly and I live in Wasilla, Alaska. I love to knit! Your yarns are gorgeous!
I am a serial starter. I love to cast on things but loathe to finish anything.
I am a knitter, & do a little bit of crocheting when necessary! I fundraise for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society by putting up my knitted items for donations.
Monday night football & knitting, an unbeatable combination. Tonite starting some fingerless gloves with Chandi’s Chocolate Yak yarn. Will be adding a few turquoise ceramic beads. Winter us coming.
Hi, my name is Laura. I’m a Canadian but I currently live in Denmark. How I got here is definitely something interesting. I met a Danish man online, Facebook actually, and he came to visit me in Canada. We got in a terrible car crash on the day we met, on the way home from the airport. He broke his back, and I had little more than scratches. We had fallen in love as much as you can without seeing one another, but the three days we spent in the hospital changed that to something very real. He healed as fast as only an 18 year old will, and fast forward 6 years, we just celebrated our 6th anniversary in Denmark, where I’ve been living with him for the past 5 years!
Interesting enough?
For the past 6 years i have been moving every 9 months and travel to Europe for the summer.
I love contests of any kind, but yarn contests are the best
I’ve lived on sail and powerboats. I’ve knit all over Puget Sound and Canada.
I was a biker who had to give up my Harley because of arthritis . I have now had my hips replaced and life is wonderful even though I am not a rider. I learned to knit and then crochet about 47 years ago. Now these skills help me deal with the arthritis in my hands .
My name is Kristen and a flamingo ate out of my hand today!! So fun!
I can crochet like nobody’s business and recently started designing patterns – ask me to knit, though, and I crumble. Can’t handle two [or more] needles simultaneously.
Oh the pretty things I could make with this, including my first pair of socks!
I love everything fiber. My first love is crochet. I also knit, spin, cross stitch, small weaving. I have more patterns than I’ll ever be able to complete.
I’m a new SAHM who loves to knit, crochet, and spin… when I can find the time!
I recently realized I know about 30 different crafts well enough to make something, even if it is something simple. All this and I still can’t draw a realistic person.
Hi, I’m Janet and I lived in the Northwest Territories of Canada for 22 years. I have 6 children but only gave birth to the third. I have 8 granddaughters and 1 grandson but only 6 of the granddaughters are part of the family (another story). I knit for them all and dabble in crochet occasionally. I knit for relaxation and to keep my hands busy.
I always like to have a stuffie (toy) on the needles throughout the year. I find them fun and motivating since they are portable and a quick knit.
Love working with your yarn. My only complaint is that I don’t have enough!! I really need to try some yak silk
About me… I am a bit obsessed with knitting. I always have 1-3 projects going year around. I design my own patterns and sell my work on etsy. I have been knitting for 14+ years and don’t plan to stop. Thus would be a wonderful opportunity to work with your beautiful fibers.
So excited!
I have been knitting and crocheting since a was a teanager and I’m 70 now so that’s a long long time. I don’t sit and watch tv without something in my hands to work on.
interesting? Well, that’s a stretch! I live in Saskatchewan and I love all things fibre. I am a quilter as well as a knitter and crocheter (is that a word? Autocorrect didn’t like it!). I would love to win this awesome prize. Thanks for the opportunity, Chandi.
Hi my name is Robin, and I am addicted to REALLY REALLY REALLY wonderful yarn/fiber! (Especially from Expression Fiber Arts!)
I learned to knit on the sofa with my Grandma when I was a child. I now do lace spinning and knitting, teach knitting through the local high school and give demos at fibre farms and historic sites. There is nothing better
I am retired and love to crochet. I love wool yarn as well as other blends. I have MS, which as taught me a lot about patience. My husband and I have a Bernese Mt. dog named Floyd. I studied art in college. I also paint and sew. I love your yarn.
I used to work at a woolen mill in the 70’s. They bought the wool from the local farmers, cleaned, died, spun and wove the wool. I worked in the finishing room. My late mother in law was a weaver. It was called Paris woolen mill. Stayton, Oregon. The entire mill is now gone. Thank you.
I am also an actor and love knitting when I am backstage waiting to go on!
My wedding anniversary is October 31…because I love Halloween so much!
I love your yarn and envy your creativity!
I just started knitting a year ago. I love it! I especially love hand dyed yarn! I try to challenge myself with each new project.
Wow!! This one I will go for. You are so generous!!!!
Probably the most interesting thing about me is that I have what’s called Cogan’s Syndrome, and it made me go deaf, completely, in 4 days when I was 27 years old. I had to wait 8 months for a cochlear implant and that’s when I got serious about knitting. I now have my implant, and “almost” normal, though artificial, hearing but I still am a VERY avid knitter. =)
I am halfway through my college degree in Office Administration since I can’t work in my previous field with my hearing impairment.
I also moved from New England to North Carolina after going completely deaf and will probably move to the coast of NC or SC in 5 years or so. It’s just so beautiful out there, why not live in paradise? Especially when it’s only 3 hours from where you already live?
I love your yarn and your site!
Hello, I found your site through youtube, when I was looking for videos about yarn spinning. I was fascinated how your tutorial videos were so easy and delicate, a pleasure to watch. I love knitting, I also know how to crochet, but I feel that knitting gives me more flexibility. I’m thinking about making my own drop spindle to make some yarn myself and knit mittens or socks of it
that would be some fun project for me.
I just became an Air Force wife and I love crocheting earwarmers
We just moved to New Jersey from California and I already need to buy more yarn to keep this East Coast coldness at bay for me and my daughter. 
I learned to crochet when I was five. My grandma taught me after I kept bugging her. Now she calls !r up when she needs help with a pattern lol
I’m like a kid at Christmas every time I receive a package from you….just can’t get it opened fast enough. Just recently got my Russian Blue order…..I’m in love!!!!
I started off knitting when I developed fibromyalgia at 14, now I raise fiber goats, I spin, dye, knit, crochet, weave, and pretty much anything else I can find the time and energy for
I have knit since I was a little girl of 10 and was taught by a Grandma. I love to knit, and my biggest obsession is wool. It keeps me sane to knit, and I love to give home made , hand made treasures of love.
Your site is a refreshing place for me to check out fellow knitters, wool and colour!!
and free patterns
Hi! My name is Crystal and I have been knitting avidly for over 10 years now. I love your yarn!! I’m about to get my first shipment of it tomorrow, and I am soooo excited!!!! I will take a picture of what I make with it and send it to your FB page… can’t wait!!
Happy knitting all!!!
I wish I had a job!!!
I love to knit/crochet and just found out I am pregnant. I am looking forward to making some amazing baby things!
I learned to crochet when I was very young from both my mother and an old Norwegian woman who was legally blind, yet could crochet lace by feel. She would tell me stories of the land of the midnight sun while instructing me in the stitches. I loved that woman so much!! I crochet now because of the love she instilled in me for the craft of love.
Something about myself is i love art, running, and i taught myself how to crochet and knit because i was inspired by my grandmother who was always crocheting but i never asked her to teach me how.
i taught myself to knit, crochet, sew and cook. I love to make items and give them to the needy and homeless. I have fibromyalgia and crochet helps me relax.
I am learning how to knit. I am also into quilling.
I’m an avid reader and I crochet and knit for therapy.
I LOVE all things crafty! I knit, crochet, cross-stitch, sew, and quilt. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish all that I’d like.
I have been an avid crocheter since my grandmother taught me at the age of 10. I am now trying my hand at knitting again after I gave it up. I would so love to win the yarn sweepstake. I love all your yarns and am always dreaming of what I can make with them.
love your yarn! I sometimes
barter with knitting. Once I knitted a huge afghan in exchange for a piece of bronze sculpture. Money isn’t everything.
I first tried to learn to knit when I was about 10. My parents hired a lady from our church to give me lessons. But I kept losing stitches! I could never quite understand what I was doing and how the needles were creating the stitches. It was when my tutor commented that I’d need to know crochet in order to fix an error I’d made that the light bulb went off in my head. Lessons stopped shortly after, and the following year I found my mom’s old G hook and 1970’s beginner’s crochet books. I taught myself how to crochet and have been happily creating beautiful pieces in the more than 20 years since.
Awesome yarn…so want to win!
I love winning yarn! I’ve always done fiber arts!
taught myself to knit at around eight years of age
I love sock yarn, but I’ve never made a pair of socks!
My mom not only taught me to knit and crochet but also tatting. I’m learning how to spin but I’m afraid short of winning the lottery there will never be enough time for all of the crafts I love!!
I learned to crochet first, then taught myself to knit (all my knitting relatives insist i do it “backwards”, but could never manage it their way, LOL). So I’m a backwards knitter, with an insatiable yarn addiction. I took a spinning class a year ago, that led to another, and another…They re-inforce each other, spinning has renewed my knitting passion, and taken it to a whole new level (even if it’s backwards!)
I love making dishclothes at the moment
I’ve crocheted for 30+ years and I’ve never made a pair of socks. Tried to make baby booties once and couldn’t make sense of the directions and never tried to make booties or socks ever again. I prefer stitch diagrams to written directions because they are so easy to read.
I may be just a beginner, and have only made a few projects but I already consider myself a Yarner, and I absolutely love it. I’m a crocheter but I’m trying to become a knitter too. Happy yarning everyone
One thing interesting? I learned to crochet and knit on pencils and fingers using scrap yarn my mom had left over from knitting us kids sweaters and cozy slippers to keep warm in. The knit/crochet Barbie clothes my sister and I made may not have been fancy-smancy, but Barbie and friends sure had some wild times in those crazy 70s knit outfits!
My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was 4 and even though she passed away several years ago i still feel connected to her every time I pick up a hook. I am currently pregnant with my first child look forward to continuing the tradition teaching them the same skill.
I am working on the master knitters program and winning this would be a great break.
Both of my grandmothers taught me to knit and crochet when I was about six or seven years old.
Hi! I love to knit and crochet. Right now, since the weather is getting chilly again, I am back to making scarves and hats for our local homeless shelter and blankets for gifts. I have 4 kids and 4 gkidlets that I love very much!
My hobbies are knitting, crochet, yoga, and binge watching shows on Netflix.
My grandkids inspire me to crochet
Hello Chandi,
Telling about myself is a thing I rather not like to do…..
I’m a shy person and sometimes find it very difficult to keep up with the challanges this life brings me. But I try to make the most of it. When it concerns my children I’m a fighter and all I wish for is that I was able raise them believing in themselfs; being openminded towards the world and the peoples they (will) meet . But most of all that they will treat the peoples with respect and will be respected likewise.
In my sparetime I’m playing music in the local band, do some gardening but mostly a lot of knitting, crochet, sewing and making bobbinlace.
Always more than one project at hand ! Addiction ??? At least never a dull moment…..
Thanks to internet I surf a lot lately and find so many beautiful sites about yarns and designs. Getting in touch with new techniques is awesome. As we say overhere (The Netherlands) “Your’re never to old to learn” !
I’ve got a whishingbasket full of designs and beautiful yarns ( never enough of course ) and realy think a day should have more hours …..
I am a member of a handbell choir and love to play handbells. I also really like to knit.
I love to knit while watching sci-fi on television, dvr or dvd’s.
I learned to knit over 10 years ago, but didn’t knit much more than scarves for several years – moved and met a wonderful new friend who also knit and we now challenge each other to try new techniques and more ambitious project!
I’m an avid knitter and I’m now working on my first knitting designs. I have spent the last few years traveling Europe, spending much of the time in Italy and Greece. I love going to yarn shops in different parts of the world and seeing how other people knit differently than me. One of my favourite comments from a knitter in Denmark was, “Watching you knit is like watching someone on t.v.!” This because I’m an English knitter, which looks very strange to knitters in Denmark.
Love your stuff…. I recently went back to school to become a occupational therapy assistant. Which for now means no money for yarn
winning would be great!
I love knitting more than ever because I now live somewhere that has four seasons so I can actually wear my creations.
I love yarn!
I was taught to crochet by my gram and I have a hook in my hand everyday – today is to crochet a hello kitty hat for my girl (yesterday was a ninja turtle hat for my son).
I am terrified of moose.
found your site through my 11 y.o., Shannon. We’re going to learn to crochet together!
I love yarn and knitting and I love my dog. When I’m not knitting, I’m training my dog.
I taught myself to knit when I was pregnant with my son, over ten years ago, and I can’t get enough of this craft!
Oooooh Chandi, you know how much I love your yarn! And I love giving it away to people who knit Hats for Sailors!
I knit, crochet, spin and weave!! I also used to do a lot of sewing, but not so much anymore.
I love knitting for so many reasons – seeing the pattern and colors unfold, making gifts for those I care about, and it just plain makes me happy!! It’s what I do with my coffee in hand each morning, and usually what I do to wind down at night. But I really hold my craft closest to my heart because it is what pulled me through and out of a very sad marriage. When I was lonely, it was my friend – the one I spent hours with as I worked over in my mind how I and my 2 girls could get out. Today, I’m remarried and my girls are thriving. They have a positive male role model who shows them daily what a true husband is. He supports my knitting, and has even dabbled in it himself by knitting leather cord. Knitting helped me to make a plan and keep my sanity to find a new and happy life!
Something interesting about myself. Hmm. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
When I travel on family vacations, I find a local yarn store and drag the family along with me to check it out.
I found you on Facebook and am absolutely delighted by my first order of your yarn!
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis when I was 10 years old. I am 53 years old now. Crafting (cross-stitch, Hardanger, beading, and knitting) has always been a way for me to cope with the pain of the disease. When the disease spread to my feet and hands about 9 years ago, I thought my crafting days were over, but caring and creative hand therapists made special hand splints so I can still do all my crafts! Knitting, especially, has been a life saver for me. It keeps me occupied while waiting at doctor appointments. It wards off bouts of depression and distracts me from my pain. And in the last 2 years, I have found a bunch people who are as fiber freaky as I am. They all are survivors in their own right with generous souls and who love to laugh. They have brought me out of my hermit shell…for which I am eternally grateful. <3
All of my crafty hobbies involve crazy amounts of color
I have been knitting for 5 years and have never made a sweater or socks, though I really want to I am too afraid.
I have 4 afghans in progress at this moment, 3 need to be done before Christmas.
When asked where I am from I state “I’m from Canada” because I have been all across the country and until I was an adult I never stayed in one place for more than 4 years. I have been to every province as well as one of the 3 territories, so my goal is to get to the other two. The most time I have spent outside of Canada was a weekend trip several hours south of the border in the U.S.
I love to knit for my adorable grandchildren. I have taught one DIL how to knit and hope to teach my grandchildren soon. Hope to retire soon, so I could be with my grandkids and knit all day. Would be in 7th heaven.
I never thought I would learn to knit, but thanks to an awesome friend I can knit pretty good now. Learned cables a little over a month ago.
I’m an addicted crocheted, but am taking my first knitting class next week. I’m excited.
I’ve been crocheting for the last ten years but still haven’t made a single thing for myself.
I am a yarnaholic!!!
Something interesting about me is I love to spend my weekends birding with my boyfriend. We drive all over to wildlife refuges and enjoy beautiful hikes while looking for unusual birds. I bring my knitting projects along in the car and retreat there if it gets too hot/cold/windy/rainy.
I love to crochet. I taught myself 2 years ago and I have a serious yarn addiction! Oh and I can wiggle my ears i think thats interesting?!?!
I’m so very new to crochet and I’m teaching myself (with the help of the internet). I love all your yarns, oh my the colors are beautiful.
I can sing the frog song in Japanese
Hi – I always struggle with these types of questions, pretty sure I’m average and rather uninteresting on the whole. But here goes – I would love to be able to get full-sleeve tattoos on both arms – flowers, butterflies, geometrics, you name it. But! I work as an RN and the hospital I work for frowns on inked employees. So my arms remain naked.
Interesting? Hmmm… Like most here, my grandma taught me knitting and crochet…made mittens on double pointers when I was 8. I’ve loved yarn ever since. I’m fascinated with patterns because I love math. Crazy!! Get to mix both and end up with a fantastic gift for someone (and sometimes myself!).
I love crocheting. Knitting just isn’t quite for me, I’ve tried. I admire your work, your passion, your zest and your creativity and although I’ve never won one of your contests, it doesn’t stop me from entering again! I hope this one’s the charm!
What an awesome contest….
I just retired !
I have NINE grandchildren! Soon to be TEN … Shhhh! It’s still a secret!
Hi Chandi,
Love all the beautiful yarns you do! I have two cats, a simese male and a calico female. They are 16 yrs and 14 yrs old. Thanks for the opportunity to win some of your lovely yarns, just thinking of all the wonderful things I could make! Thank You!
My 2nd and 3rd child are 21 years apart
Thanks for the opportunity to win — your yarn is gorgeous!
I’m a native southern Californian, but I want to live in Wyoming or western Montana.
One interesting thing about me is:
I absolutely love to be simple… Simply fun… Simply loving… Simply me!
About me? Well, originally from the Bronx, NY, relocated to Arizona about 4 1/2 years ago. I am was a legal secretary and I do medical transcription from home. I am left-handed, but was taught how to crochet right-handed when I was about 12. years old. I learned how to convert it back to left-handed on my own. About 8 years ago, I taught myself to knit. I love being able to create something beautiful,especially with the yarn bases and colors you provide!
I love all of your yarn and your Youtube tutorials for beginning knitting have really helped me finally branch out of crochet only projects. Thanks, Chandi!
Hi! I’ve always wanted to learn to knit and crochet…and thanks to u’r fabulous YouTube videos, I recently learned how
I’m an entirely self-taught knitter! YouTube was my best friend when I started
I am an obsessive butterfly collector. Jewelry, cups, clothes, table cloths, magnets, wall art, clocks,shower curtain,mirrors… Even a toilet seat. Its so bad that all my friends and family are trained to spot butterflies anywhere they go. My children call our home “The Butterfly House” and before anyone visits for the first time we have to ask them if they have a butterfly phobia.
I am an engineer, but I love to create. So I paint, crochet, make jewelry, and cook.
I know the Hawaiian alphabet and lived in Hawaii for 8 years; I can’t sleep if my feet are cold (and keep a pair of my hand-knitted pair of socks nearby); I’m pet therapy dog handler; and I love 80s music (as well as yarn, Expression Fiber Arts, knitting and crocheting)!
I taught myself how to knit about a year ago, and my next goal is to teach myself how to crochet!
I taught myself to crochet & knit.
My first knitting project had lace and my second had cables. Talk about diving in.
Practicing gratitude & paying it forward this year !
One can never have enough yarn
Knitting is good for my soul!
I would love to donate yarn for preemies beanies & chemo caps.
Nursing homes LOVE to receive lap blankets & prayer shawls.
I am my own worst critic…….. And still a work in progress !
Chandi, thanks for expressing your philosophy & sharing with us all.
Wow what an awesome giveaway. I’m just grandma Debbie and would love to win
After being laid off from a job that I have loved for the past 18 years in May, I taught myself to crochet. Creating with exquisite yarns, such as yours, is pure bliss!!
I am a flag instructor for our high school marching band
I love to knit and create. I am a yarn snob and like only the nice yarn
I am a wool stashing ,knitting fiend ! I love doing all types of crafts. The rule I live by is “learn something NEW every year . This year I am going to master lace knitting. And improve my crochet skill level . I just am in love with the color ways Chandi dreams up and wish I could buy it all ! I will get it bit by bit .
I host a Stitch n Bitch at my little pub in West Virginia and moved here from NYC.
I love your yarn. As soon as I can get more yarn, I will order from you. You have a brown yarn that I am in love with.
I just ordered 30 skeins of yarn from England, so I must wait.
Five years ago I sold nearly everything I owned and moved to Australia to be with my boyfriend. It was terrifying but totally worth it
Something interesting about myself is that I work as a barista but I don’t drink coffee!
I am starting to think I am more of a yarn collector than a knitter. It doesn’t matter how much I have, if it’s beautiful it’s coming home with me
I love knitting, crocheting, skin sewing, making all sorts of arts and crafts with my hands, and sharing them with friends,and family.
I finally went back to school to fulfill my dream of becoming an RN. I work in the newborn nursery & absolutely love it!!! I also love to knit in my spare time. I mostly knit baby hats & blankets for my friends that have babies & grandbabies.
love, love, love the colors from EFA. I crochet, can’t knit!
Hi, my name is Sarah and I’m addicted to fibre! LOL
I’m a spinner, a knitter and I recently taught myself to crochet. I love everything fibre related. My 6 year old son is learning to spin and I think I’ll be teaching him to either knit or weave soon.
I love to keep busy with embroidery , bear making, knitting and crochet! Always have several projects on the go!
I love your yarn so much, that I gave away all my inexpensive acrylic yarns to other family members. I decided I only want to knit and crochet with the best, and I love natural fibers. Oh, and that yak silk yarn I got last week is soooooooo soft and you are right, it is buttery. Love it. I love your yarns, can’t say enough wonderful things about it.
I’m really excited because I have not one, but two club colors coming my way. lol I was so sad to only see kid packages in my mailbox today and not my wool yet.
I’m a German gal living in Alabama (whole story in itself…) and for the first time in my life, I found a knitting group!!!
I am not a very interesting person but I do love to knit and crochet
I find both to very relaxing while dealing with lives stresses
I am a soon to be mother of three. I love all things yarn. I crochet and knit. I also have been starting weaving and spinning on a drop spindle.
I have a collection of unique musical instruments that I don’t know how to play. Including, but not limited to, penny whistle, recorder, guitar, and mbira (thumb piano). It has been a lifelong dream of mine to learn to play the hammered dulcimer, so I made a goal to begin lessons before I turned 31 and have been doing so since April.
What is interesting?
I am a single mom of 3, run a nonprofit, teach sped.
I love knitting as a means of relaxing.
Something interesting? Hmmmm……. I love to crochet & knit. My mother taught me as a girl & in the years since her death I have taught myself different stitches of both. Thank goodness for the craft section of our town’s library!!
I knit and crochet constantly, but I can not do either on a couch because as I stitch I get more and more relaxed and find myself almost lying on my side on the couch. I have to stitch in my rocker so I sit up straight!
Awesome this giveaway!!! Thanks for the opportunity! Something anout me… One of my dream is to write a book!
Something about me:: I ve been to 40 of the 50 states, including Alaska and Hawaii. I will get to sll of them before I die…hopefully not anytime soon, at least the dieing part. Lol Love your yarns.
I make and sell jewelry although the store has been down for a bit because I was busy running another summer of Camp Grandma with our granddaughters. I have no question that I was put on this earth to be the grandmother of these children I love more than my next breath!
I love knitting and I love free yarn.
I finally learned how to ply on a handspindle this weekend. I found your site via your Beginning Spinning video on YouTube. When it’s in my budget I might just splurge on a spinning wheel!
I’m currently in a cast and am dying to be able to pick up a hook again!
My cat, Thomas, jumped on my ipad and hit “submit” before I got to mention that it was one of my granddaughters whose interest in knitting brought me back to a craft I love!
i love to knit and can knit in the dark at movie theaters.
Stacy is my name. Makin stuff is my game. I make websites, print designs, logos etc… But my real passion is knitting and sewing and figuring out how stuff is made.
I taught myself to crochet while in middle school but I could never get a handle on knitting…but I never gave up! After at least five times trying to learn I finally got it in my late 30’s. I love it and am so glad I never gave up!
Before I gave birth to my daughter during my senior year of college, I was planning a graduate education in cognitive neuroscience. But, after my daughter was born, I decided to become a stay-at-home mom so I could watch her grow instead of living inside of a research lab for several years. I will go to grad school in the future so I have no regrets.
Hi. I’m Terri. I am a private duty LPN that loves to knit. One of my patients taught me 1 1/2 years ago. My patient enjoys seeing me knit things. She can no longer knit but likes coaching me. Very rewarding for both of us.
I lived in Brasil for 4 years and although I’m not terribly outgoing, I always approach people when I hear them speaking Portuguese and ask where they’re from. It’s so fun to see their faces light up when they hear Portuguese from someone unexpected!
My grandma taught me to crochet when I was 7, and I taught myself how to knit the next year, using books from the library. I tell businesses when their signs are misspelled and straighten crooked pictures in offices. One of my favorite ways to relax is reading knitting patterns. Other than those three things, I’m pretty normal.
I just found your blog and enjoy it.
Oooh lve your yarn. Having trouble pining the link to my post on pinterest for whatever reason it won’t copy. Interesting about me? Hmmm I have MS & after 5 years of jot being able to knit on needles ( I’ve been loom knitting about 2 yrs now) I am finally able to kbit on needles again, & my second project on them was a shawl out of magic mushrooms silk
I’m from Australia, married to a Southern American boy who I met online
I convinced him with my Aussie charm to move over here lol! Totally true story, but a lot more dramatic than that 
I don’t consider myself a knitter, but I have taught myself right handed…yes I am left handed. My main project right now is an Aran cable sweater for myself. So, when that is completed…I will be a knitter. I love keeping a project going in the fall and winter, sitting by the fireplace.
I just had a full shoulder replacement a week ago today so I could continue my knitting journey. I have 20 weeks therapy but can’t wait until I get the ok to start knitting again!
Learned to crochet when I was pregnant with my first child 40 years ago.
would love to win
My birthday is on GroundHogs Day.
I keep chickens like people keep cats, they’re toilet trained and live inside the house, they cuddle up on the couch with me and watch movies, and they like to sleep on whatever knitting project I’m working on
I started to crochet when my first grand daughter was born. Now I have 4 grand babies and crochet for everyone. I am addicted.
Interesting? Not sure there’s much, but I am an AVID OWL LOVER, and yarn makes me HAPPY!!!!!
For me Knit in public day is every day! Seriously – I always have a project with me and will knit anywhere I am!
goodluck everyone!!
I’m pretty horrible at knitting but I’m still learning so it’s ok! I learned from chandis YouTube channel since I couldnt learn from my mom. So far I’ve made a very simple scarf but I loved the satisfaction that came afterwards! I plan on asking my mom if she can teach me how to knit again and maybe even crocheting and hopefully this time I’ll be able keep up. I love all things crafty and artistic so… knitting is fun!!
I’m passionate about anything ‘Textiley’ & have been knitting, crocheting & spinning since I was 4 years old, thanks to my Textiley Mother & Grandmother sharing their passion & skills with me!
Hi mother of 5 and I can fix or make just about anything you show me, need a sink fixed, u got it! Need a cake baked and specially decorated, no problem! Need a costume crocheted I am on it lol, I any money I make goes towards a well needed vacation for my hubby and me my we haven’t gotten away in 15yrs so everything helps, thanks for this opportunity!!
I am an off-grid homesteader who crochets and knits as part of our lifestyle… Clothing for our family and items to sell from home
I tend to have more projects in my que than time. I have three adorable grandchildren that I love to crochet and knit for as well as family and friends. My passion is fiber arts. I love to crochet and knit but I also love the patterns, stitches and of course the lovely yarns that are available.
I knit blankets for the Humane Society and crochet toys for the ferret rescue
I taught myself to knit back in Sept 2010. I went from a scarf in seed stitch to 1/2 fingered gloves. For some reason things just clicked with me after I figured out my tension and how to read a pattern. I have sold some of my hand knit items, but have been knitting for fun as of late. I never had anyone in the family to teach me home ec. I pretty much taught myself how to cook, sew by hand and with a machine, knit, and crochet. I feel like I came on the scene a little late being in my 30s, but I also feel very proud of myself for being self taught and learning these trades by researching and just trial and error. My hope and dream is to be able to use my talents and skills to startup my own business someday. I follow your blog and countless others to gather information and try to glean what I can. I am enjoying watching everyone’s journey, and looking forward to joining in sometime in the near future.
Usually my interesting thing is that I love all things fiber – knitting, crochet, spinning, dyeing. Not so different in this crowd so I’ll throw out that I have been collecting smashed pennies for 20 years.
I am a yarn geek, comic book geek, gaming geek,book geek, nerd TV geek…if you can be a geek about it, I probably am.
My grandmother taught me to bake bread and I bake fresh bread 2-3 times a week.
I’m trying to stock up on yarn so I can continue to knit into retirement!
Amazing yarn! I made a decision to learn to crochet in 2014 and I have loved it! I was going to also teach myself knitting in 2015, but I might just stick with crochet. I love crocheting things for my niece
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I’m new to the whole yarn thing but I absolutely love it! Winning this could help me give the amazing lady teaching me a gift to match her greatness! She loves your yarn.
I love any fiber craft, but knitting is my zen.
Especially this weekend when there was a 4 letter word on top of the mountain range to the East of Anchorage. Eeeeeks!
I love to knit and crochet. I enjoy making things for others especially my three children.
I loooooove yarn and I have purple hair. Any guess what my fav color is? LOL
I would spend this in 1 month!!!
I am an avid crocheter. I’m a total hobbyist and do this every day. My friends and family all support me, and I’m happiest when I have yarn. I’m nutty, silly, and all around happy person in my element.
I keep my yarn on a shelf across the room from my bed, so that my yarn is the first thing that I see when I wake up!
I started knitting a few years ago and just knit my first sweater a month ago!
I made 5 crocheted afghans in college and gave 4 of them away as wedding presents.
I am absolutly in love with all of your yarn. Sadly i do not own any yet. I love to crochet and have been crocheting since i was about 4 when my grandma taught me.
I enjoy knitting because of the sound the needles make when they move. I started knitting to aid in the stress relief of work.
Crocheting is my stress reliever.
I knit and crochet. I also do lots of other things with my hands.
Something interesting… I once held Bill Clinton’s cat, Socks!
Something interesting about me is that I laugh a lot at at the silliest things.
I’m love cats and yarn, but not together.
The most interesting thing at the moment is that I am going to be a grandma!! So I have a lot of knitting to do :))
I love to go off road in my jeep and there is always a knitting project with me.
i teach sophomores, and knitting is my sanity keeper.
i have two grand babies due 2 weeks apart at Xmas/new year!
I lived in the UK for 11years!
My chihuahua sits by my side when I knit and acts like a cat….won’t find any cool knitting things with that….
I am a proud mother and wife who counts yarn as one of my children lol
I learned to crochet from my aunt when I was 7 and learned to knit about 8 years ago and to spin about 3 years ago. I recently mentioned the idea of learning to weave and my sister mentioned an intervention LOL! I am also a yarnaholic with a serious addiction to your yarns, Chandi!
Hi! My name’s Delaney and I’m 16 years old. I am the fourth of eight kids; six girls and two boys! I’ve only recently gotten into crochet, but I used to knit a little bit when I was younger! I’m a rower, and I’m hoping to get good enough that soon I’ll be able to make me and my crew-mates some gloves to keep our hands warm in the winter!
I’ve been knitting and crocheting for over 45 years, my Grandmother taught me. I’ve knit for my Children and Grandchildren and now have a new puppy to knit and crochet for! I’ve never knit/crocheted for a dog, but am having so much fun with this!
Love your yarn
I made my career decision based on making a fan website for Pirates of the Caribbean.
How generous you are :)!!
Since my great-aunt taught me to knit, I’ve loved making up my own patterns. People keep telling me I should sell my creations, but I get joy from giving them away.
I knit on the bus so no one will want to sit with me (and ’cause I love to knit but the extra elbow room is really nice on public transport)
I love yarn….interesting only to others who feel the same way:)
Followed you on your cross country travel from Alaska to your new home south of the border. Suggested LYS in Edmonton when you were driving through my beautiful city.
I love to crochet and knit. I’ve been knitting for almost a year now and am totally addicted. I’ve been crocheting for going on 2 years. Not a day passes that I’m not with a hook or needle in my hand.
I became a grandma this year
Something interesting….. I love horror flicks as long as they’re not occult based.
Finding your product introduced me to the Fine yarns! It also introduced me to roving and spinning!
I learned to knit while unemployed and now I want to be self-employed so I can knit all day! I’m saving up to open my own LYS!
I’ve just learned how to knit in my intermediate 3D art class! We made our own knitting needles and needle toppers with FIMO clay, and then we learned how to knit and do simple crocheting. I also like to write in my spare time ^u^
Ug! My last comment was neither interesting nor grammatically corrext! I love cats, yarn, and now I’ll add grammar!
I love crochet, learning to knit. have a spinning wheel i am trying to learn to use…Your youtube video is going to help me there! I have a yarn addiction…closets full of yarn. I can’t resist them!
I never went to “real” school until college. Then didn’t quit till the other side of medical school! Nowadays, knitting and crochet keep me focused during the conference lectures and meetings that have become blissfully rare. My three year old daughter is racking up a list of project requests that will keep me busy for the next 2 years!
I love knitting and quilting. I really enjoy making items for my grandchildren. They are so appreciative.
I learned to knit when I was 3, decided I liked to crochet better as a teen, only recently started knitting. I can’t get enough time to knit!
what an amazing giveaway!!!! Thank you!!!!
I’m a cast member at the largest Renaissance festival in America, and I play roller derby.
It is a UNESCO heritage sight, and is truly beautiful.
The Mossad were looking for him but he wasn’t taking a loww profile.
However, just one or two words can open herts or sound a call to arms (like the word “arrested” did).
I have been crocheting since I was 10 years old and I taught myself how to knit when I turned 30. I now do a lot of both between my graduate studies.
I have a tattoo on my foot of a crab eating a piece of cake.
I live on a farm in rural Metchosin, British Columbia, outside Victoria. I raise chickens and other birds. I sell heritage breed chickens, eggs and teach courses in Urban Chicken Farming.
I attended Kootenay School of Art and the University of Victoria and have more than one degree in the arts. My artistic pursuits are/have been photography, ceramics, fibre arts and restoration of heritage buildings.
I’m not suree where you are getting your information, but good topic.
I needs to pend some time learning much more or undedrstanding more.
Thanks for excelolent info I was looking for this info for my mission.
I am an Irish Step Dancer! As of this November, I will have been dancing for 20 years.
I started when I was 8 years old, took a break from competing for about 8 years and started competing again shortly after my son was born. It’s such a fun thing to do, and I love that I can celebrate my Irish heritage through this art form!
Wow what an awesome wedding gift this would be as this giveaway closes on my wedding day! I’m a yarn collector and avid knitter, who occasionally crochets. I teach people of all ages to knit through my community association and I’m in the works of starting a knitting club at my local school where I will teach kids to knit. My aim with the club is to make blankets that the school can auction, and hats, mitts and scraps for anyone in the school to grab if they forgot theirs or lost theirs.
I am an RN and Attorney. I learned to crochet from my grandmother but quit once in college. Did not have time to pick back up until last year. I am part of my church prayer shawl ministry. I do afghans for the elderly in nursing homes that have no family or whose family doesn’t visit. I also do pet pads for the local humane shelter so the fur babies can have their own “security blanket” to use in the shelter cages and then take with them when adopted.
I have been crocheting for over 15 years!
Im so happy your back up n running and all settled in
my interests r crocheting and singing and in feb im going to learn to knit!!!
I have three boys that make it so difficult to crochet, but I keep trying. I give away most of my projects and would rather give it than sell it even if a few extra dollars would be nice.
My name is Stacey. And I’m a yarn junkie.
In my family, I’m the Crazy, Crocheting, Cat Lady.
I’m an identical twin! Sadly, my twin doesn’t crochet (imagine double the crochet power!!)
My grandmother taught my twin sister and I to crochet when we were in elementary school. My twin taught herself to knit and got me to start knitting a little over a year ago. It’s one of the best things that she has encouraged me to do. I can’t wait until I am good enough to try patterns that she has written.
Hi! Big fan! I try to go to a yarn store at every place I visit. Like a souvenir. “I got this lovely yarn from my most recent trip from ……(fill in blank)”
I’m a clinical psychology PhD student (is that interesting?). Knitting and crochet keep me sane =)
Hi, Chandi,
I love your yarns! My Grandmother taught me to crochet when I was about 7 years-old. I wish I had asked her to teach me how to knit as well. As it turned out I taught myself in my early twenty’s. Was I surprised to find out that I am a left-handed (English, not continental) knitter! Crazy, huh?
I would so dearly love to win this giveaway, I can’t tell you. I hope you have an easy time settling in to your new home and community.
Thank you for the giveaway. I love crocheting. Want to knit, but learning isn’t going so well.
I would love to win this. Then we (my parrot, my two cats and myself) have something to play with. Im from germany and i just moved 700 kilometers away from my family because of work. So i need a big yarn pile which helps me to knit all the stuff for my family.
I have 25 grandchildren age from 18 – 2 months and I love crocheting for them.
I love your YouTube videos. I have been thinking. About trying to learn for a while now but the a few days ago I sat down and watched your YouTube videos until I got the single crochet down. In your video you just make a little square to practice with but I was so pleased with myself I just kept going until it was long enough to make a head band out of. I was so happy with it I wore it to work today and I got a lot of complements. I am hoping you post more videos cause I really want to learn more!
I like to watch really bad tv while I crochet. I can just listen and never have to look up.
I learnt to knit when I was 4. I made Barbie clothes. I havent stopped knitting since. Im now 54.
I have worked as an electrical engineer.
I’m Samantha, 23, and I love craft beer (almost as much as yarn!). I love microbrews and consider myself lucky to live in Oregon where there are so many amazing local breweries! I love trying them all as well as sipping on a pint while working on some knitting.
I love your site and cannot wait to be purchase some yarn for a special project for my grandmother! I am a newbie to crocheting however I have a long time love/obsession with all art forms that allows you to create with your hands, heart and soul and share your love with others. I am addicted to crocheting and am not interested in rehab;-) This yarn would come in handy for several projects I have lined up to complete before the end of the year to give to others as my expression of love and celebration of life.
On another note, your site says it is a $1000 yarn giveaway, however Pinterest says it is $100 giveaway yarn…which one is the typo? Just thought you should know!
I knit,crochet, cross stitch, quilt, and sew.Crocheting is still my favorite.
I finally opened crochet etsy shop yesterday-Def Girl Crochet! I can’t wait to make some items with Expresion Fiber Arts yarn for the shop. Thanks for the chance to win!
Chandi… are awesome….love your style!!!! And you keep us on our toes!!!!!!
I have two kids who love everything I make
I have my own afterschool program at an inner city high school. We knit, crochet , and have conversations! Most of my group are from Thailand and Nepal….such interesting places. The program is not funded so i buy all of the supplies. Many of them do community projects where they donate their handknit treasures! I love doing this even though it is tough for me financially. Makes me so happy! I would love to send you some pictures!
My Grandson and Grandaughter are my most favorite little people in the world!!! : )
Something interesting about myself….that is a tough one as I don’t think I am all that interesting………..So all I can think of is I collect old photographs, handmade doilies and handmade items from the thrift shops because it makes me sad that someone would discard “family” and items someone worked so hard to create.
I love to drink pickle juice. I can’t snap my fingers, adding people immediately try to teach me when they find out.
Well this is Domestic Violence Prevention Month and let me tell u my survivor story. First of all I have a Master Degree in Education but was battered while disabled after a car accident. I became useless to himso he left me for dead then used the courts and a for hire counselor to lie in court despite numerous phd level testimony based in facts. Im a battered non custodial mother. Every time I try to get a court order enforced he uses his extensive monetory resources to batter me with the Texas courts which are not known for being just. My two children have tried to tell they are being abused but are not allowed and threatened. My eldest was horribly mentally abused that at 18 AFTER 6 YEARS OF NEVER being allowed to see me she attempted suicide many times while in his care. He disowned her at 18 and she married the first man she met at age 19. Her father never even offer to help her with college even though he is wealthy. She is lost and alienated. My youngest us not alienated but nad at me. She also has begged the local domestic violence organizations to help and has even attempted as suicide at his prompting. There us a court order he got signed without a trial or my signature that is so wacked it is unconstitutional but then this is Texas. He doesnt follow it but I cant tell the court unless I pay his attorney $5000 first. I was on disability and told I would never walk again but after being levied ch oink ld support at 45 percent of my $1000 income without a trial I spent years reabilitating myself and going back to work slowly. Many people and organizations have helped me but there us no help for using a Texas court to batter women and children. I am would use the yarn to use my talents as ann artist and the crochet my Grandmother taught me to make beautiful wearable peices I can sell and pay off his lawyer so I can go to court and rescue my ither daughter. Although I have since gone back to work full time he devastated me finacially and have been enduring this court ordered abuse for 8 years after 13 years of high end abuse im still here serving children in my profession but unable to talk to or hug my own. My story can be confirmed and I am writing a book but er right now I could use the yarn to generate money. My youngest thinks I dont see her because I dont love her anymore because that us what she us being told. He us dening me access and in contempt if a court irder even if it is unjust and unconstitutional. I am a survivor.
I’m an advocate for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Child Abuse victims and I LOVE my job! Knitting and Crocheting are my stress relief!
I am a retired Brewmaster.
Interesting? Hmmm…. I crochet, knit, and spin, listed in order of proficiency. I have an addiction to beautiful yarn and a terrible case of compulsion to buy said beautiful yarn! Would love to win this to purchase some of the beautiful yarn from Expressions!
Fighting breast cancer with herbs – for now. Probably have surgery in November. Just as long I can keep knitting! So many lovely things to make. Just starting on my second lace shawl
Oh my what I would make with so much yarn and make people happy
Oh what I could make with so much yarn. And make people happy with handmade gifts
I’m a huge nerd, and finished nearly all my knitted Christmas presents in 2013 while streaming “Battlestar Galactica”. This year, I’m knitting and watching “Doctor Who”.
I am an Accountant and I live in Bahrain.
Yarn, yarn, yarn!! Love it!! Can’t ever have too much yarn!!
My Grandmother taught me to crochet, and my buddy in the Army taught me to knit. I also love to cook and bake and would love to have my own bakery some day.
Something about myself, I am a fairly recent fiber-a-holic and love to spin but my passion is raising dairy goats and making soap (sometimes the two cross the lines – felted soap!)
I am a fairly recent Fiber-a-holic (only 8 years into the addiction) and love to spin but my passion is raising dairy goats and making soap – the two loves sometimes cross over – Felted Soap bars!
I am the mother of two beautiful (inside and out) girls! I’ve been married to my sweetheart of 23 years for 15 years! I was taught to crochet by my grandmother when I was a small child and re-taught myself 2 years ago by watching youtube videos.
Your yarns are so yummy. I would love to have some of all.
I have been knitting a total of 2 weeks and I am already addicted!
Hello, I started to crochet in 2012 at the age of 27. I took 1 basic Crochet Class in Michael’s (that taught the slip knot, chain and single crochet) and learned the rest through YOUTUBE. I took an interest in this art as a relaxer for the stress of full time working single parenting. IT WORKED!!!!!! My oldest is Autistic and I use the money I earn for my projects to donate to his school. I also have the talent to sing and I use it to Praise and Worship my Lord and Savior.
I have allergies.My allergies are: school, homework and tuition classes. D: ikr. (I am a student :PPP)
Something interesting? Not yarn or crochet/knit related…. I collect vintage cameras!
I have a degree in zoology that I don’t really use but it was in college getting that degree that I learned to crochet, which I use all the time!
Hi, I am new to your site and saw your contest through Knitty Gritty… but I do not use Facebook. Is there an alternate way to enter. I just despise Facebook, but would love to be able to enter the contest. About myself, hmmmm, I am a dedicated- daily, (intricate- patterns -only) knitter, who loves crafts of all kinds, and cooking and taking care of rescued furry friends.
Something about myself? I just learned to knit and crochet via youtube a couple of months ago, in May or June. I much prefer knitting. I was addicted IMMEDIATELY!!! Funny how that works!
Whenever I need to tell a trivia fact about myself, I tell my blood type. I like telling people that I’m an A+!
Hi Chandi…. I hope you are enjoying your new home and surroundings – I guess winter won’t be much at all in NC. I live in a log home in the woods, surrounded by birds, various little critters like chipmunks etc., and deer, wild turkeys, and snowshoe hares. I love to sit on my front porch and knit, and the chickadees fly in and land on my hands while I knit. How can you beat that!
Not sure if I have anything interesting about me, but I’ll give it a go. I am a massive geek/nerd who plays Dungeons and Dragons. I snort when I start laughing really hard and I couldn’t stop the last D&D session. One of my friends laughed so hard he was crying, I think he was crying in the end cause it hurt to laugh. lol I would love to crochet some geeky things eventually and I would love to learn how to knit. Your videos helped me learn to crochet, so hopefully one day you can teach me to knit too.
So great! I hope to be the happy winner!
I learned to crochet in January! I would like to learn how to knit, also (that’s how I found this blog)
An interesting thing about me? I think Jeff Goldblum is sexy.
I am a crocheter and I love the colors of your yarn.
I have been crocheting for 3 years. I have 2 boys: my oldest is 5 and in Kindergarten this year and my youngest will be 10 months on October 11th. I’ve been married for 5 years. Lastly, I would be beyond THRILLED if I won any amount of money to use in your shop!!! Thank you for the chance!!
I learned to crochet about three years ago and I find myself imagining the stitches in my head when I have trouble falling asleep.
I’m a llama and alpaca rescuer, a spinner or yarn, a beginning weaver, a painter of barn quilt squares and zentangle inspired art. My day job is executive secretary to a corporate CEO.
I am a self taught fiber artist. I crochet, knit and loom knit.
OH i would love to win this!! I am slowly carving out more crafting time andI love it, Learning to spin now!!
Hiya – Aussie mum of 4, I’m totally addicted to your Yak Yarn!! Hmmmm something interesting about me . . . . . . I have no idea PMSL
I have a hard time NOT buying yarn. If it has color and is squishy I must get it
Something interesting about me ? I would say that how I use my love and passion for knitting to help me get through college. It’s something that I try very hard to do everyday, because it relaxes me at nighttime. It also gives me a chance to be creative after a long day’s worth of schoolwork. I hope one day to get my masters in Psychology!
I am learning how to spin. I want to learn how to start with fleece and do the whole process and I think that this fiber world is one of the funnest worlds I have experienced.
interesting about me….as I was recovering from a brain aneurysm & stroke , the first thing I did was a giant granny square throw for the therapy dogs to lie on !!
This would be amazing to win! I love your yarns
I work with severely autistic children all day and find crocheting in the evening very relaxing. I am looking for someone going to Nairobi before Xmas to take my daughter a shawl I am making for her.
Apparently I didn’t read the instructions properly haha! Too excited over the thought of all that yarn I guess! Something interesting…. I love anything with owls, cats or pigs! I also like to use a spoon to drink chocolate milk
My husband would kill me if I won, but it would save so much money and I WOULD love to try your yarn!
I learned to knit and crochet when I was 10!
I am a stay at home mom of 2 that picked up crocheting again. My grandmother taught me when I was about 7yrs old. I try and sell some items to help one daughter in college and the other a senior in high school. Limited funds and chronic migraines disable me from holding down a job. Besides we can not afford a 3rd car and I still drive them to school. Thank God for crocheting!!! I feel like I help somewhat and your yarn and colors are so delicious and beautiful … Thank for this contest
I am a mom of two beautiful boys. They are my life. I had a great career but had a stroke and now I don’t work. I love yarn and knitting. Just recently learned. Had a tough time because of my left had but I manage. Thank you.
I am a self taught crocheter. I watched a girl do it at work one day, went to the yarn shop tried and failed lots until one day it just became second nature. It has gotten me through some ruff periods in my life. Crocheting has a meditative effect and I’m truly at peace when creating something new. I love making baby blankets for my kids and my friends and family.
I was a total tomboy with horses, goats, chickens, etc. etc. until my favourite goat in the world (Myrtle) and I had an accident and one of her horns went through my right (dominant) hand. My Mom (now deceased) came to stay to help….kinda fun but….anyways, my Physio said that the biggest thing to do was exercise that hand. After 30 years of never having a clue, my Mom taught me to knit and cross stitch. My hand fully recovered due to this wonderful therapy – I taught myself to crochet – and have never, ever given knitting or crocheting up. I’m a complete yarn hogger and everyday, I say thank you to my Mom – she made me!!
I have been to yarn shops in Germany, Belgium and Italy.
Interestingly, I can’t get the link for my Pinterest pin. Sad.
I was the Chicken Flying Champion of Round Rock, TX in the early 90s.
I like to watch the bears at Katmai on webcam while I knit.
Im a man and yes i crochet LOL.
I love to learn new things….
right now I’m outside watching the moon. Would be crocheting but a little too dark.
I homeschool♡
I love all the crafts that I do and I like mixing them together! I bead, crochet, and knit!
I am a ham radio operator who loves to crochet! I met my first husband on the CB radio when we were teenagers. That is when I learned to crochet, too!
I’m a zookeeper!
I am a terrible at crochet, which is why my best friend rocks and makes all my props..
My new puppy refuses to let me crochet in the morning…
I taught myself how to crochet by watching videos and I’m in the process of teaching myself to knit the same way.
Something about me? I LOVE yarn! All sorts! I love to find the perfect knitting pattern and match it with the perfect yarn…which I usually order from Chandi!
I love expressionfiberarts, and most of my “extra” money goes to her for my lovely yarn purchases. My little granddaughter enjoys petting the new yarn arrivals!
I only started crocheting a few summers ago and am hte only person in my family who does. They all think I’m crazy.
I am a knitter who has been learning to crochet by watching expression fiber arts YouTube videos and they have helped tremendously. Thank you for thisopportunity
Hi! I’m Krysta. I’m a knitter and a crocheter. My best friend taught me to crochet about a year ago after I asked her. And I just recently taught my self to knit. I actuLly taught myself in a day with the help of your videoes Chandi! I absolutely adore knitting now. I’m currently working on making myself a very big colorful blanket.
I have a degree in Biology; my favorite color is purple and I was first chair viola in high school!:))
I’m a Globe hopping yarn addict from Germany who recently
landed in the US of A.
Now, sadly the region I live in, is a bit of a yarn wasteland.
Let’s change this
I’ve been crocheting since I was 7/8 years old but I don’t keep anything I make for myself….
I play the harp and mess around on the ukelele. And I play piano, but that’s not very unique :-). Also, I LOVE knitting and it would be amazing to get some more yarn!
A little over a year ago, a raggedy little hen strayed into our yard. After a couple days of feeding her, she decided she was one of the family. Whenever I went on the porch, she would sit in one rocking chair and I’d be in the other, and she’d just jabber away while I was crocheting or drawing. I’d respond like someone would to a baby, but if I stopped talking, she’d saunter off. I think I was her best friend.
Hi, my name is Agatha and I’m a fiber addict. I knit, spin, dye, crochet, felt (occasionally) and if I had the space, I would probably weave, sew and raise fiber animals. I’ve been trying to save money for my first rigid heddle loom, but I just keep buying more fiber
Whenever I run out of yarn it makes me want to cry. And I can’t go a day with out picking up my crochet hook.
I have taken over all the closet space in the house with fiber! (Shhh its a secret!)Thank goodness for vacuum bags! If I’m not weaving spinning or knitting – something is wrong
After 4 yrs of hesitation I finally opened an Etsy shop. My friends all tell me how great I am…….but I’ve seen too much to fall for it! Wow, there are some awesomely talented people out there and I’m jealous of them all!
(Thank God for their inspiration!)
I start a million projects and only finish a small amount.
I can crochet and I’m learning to knit.
I love goats : )
My grandmother taught me to knit when I was 9 because I had asthma and could not go outside to play with the other children.
My life has been lived freakishly in the 1st percentile. From running 2 marathons, to giving birth at home twice and a rare autoimmune disorder. Among other things. I’ve been crocheting for 22 years but have yet to tackle knitting.
Something interesting about myself? My German grandmother is the one who taught me the needle arts and started me at the ripe, young age of about 6.
I taught myself to knit and crochet when I was 8 years old…. So I guess I’ve been loving yarn for 53 years.
I’ve been knitting for 5 years.
Almost 3 years ago my hubs picked up a “learn to crochet ” kit from walmart as a last minute cheap, “gee wiz that would be cool to do” gift… it was the best gift ever because I’ve been able to make so many wonderful hand made gifts for friends and family. The only bad thing is that I have so many projects lined up that I can’t make anything for myself… lol! #yarnproblems
i’m in love with your purple colours and would buy every one if i could
maybe one day i will be able to afford one of them, being on a very low, low fixed budget it’s not easy
Something interesting about myself? I want to raise alpacas and sheep. =)
I started knitting when I was 20 and haven’t quit. I am totally addicted to fibers (and books). I always have to choose between reading and knitting. Wish I could do both at the same time.
I’m a lefty but crochet/knit right handed
My grandma taught me to knit when I was 9 and in the last year I taught myself to crochet so I could give my father a refresher. Love making things for my family and friends.
When my youngest moved to college, I turned her room into MY craft room. It is my happy spot!
For my second wedding, we invited our parents out to dinner because they hadn’t met each other yet. Then we told them we needed some help with a bit of paperwork. We handed out the certificates, got some pictures of their shock, then had a friend marry us at the table at the restaurant. The whole thing cost $300 and we got to wear our own clothes. It was amazing.
I did a degree in textiles for fashion and specialized in knit and tought myself to felt and crochet while looking after a family
I love, love, love popcorn. It’s my favorite snack. But, in an effort to avoid diaceytl, I make it on the stove and haven’t had microwaved popcorn in about a decade.
I love learning new things, especially in crafting. Often, before I learn techniques in depth, I try another one or another fiber craft. Once I learned knitting, I went from washcloths to socks!
I volunteer at an exotic animal sanctuary and love to find yarns that produce animal-like patterns.
I’m expecting my first child on Nov 24. Its a little boy and I’m naming him Niles. Hoping to win this gift card to purchase all kinds of yarn to knit him his first Christmas sweater!
I bought one of your yarn club’s for my birthday, but I’m trying to decide if I should keep the scarf I made from it or give it to my sister for Christmas…decisions, decisions…
I have a number of tattoos that involve knitting and crochet!
I’m tri craftual – I can knit, crochet and spin! Although I’ve been knitting far longer then crocheting or spinning!
I have been a lover of all fiber crafts for many, many years now (sewing, knitting, crochet, spinning, weaving, etc.) but somehow, for the love of me, I can never remember how to do a provisional cast on! I always have to look it up on YouTube, no matter how many times I do it :/
I’ve been knitting since I could hold the needles.
im addicted to all things called “crafts”
I am an old Army vet who is very much addicted to fiber. Especially YARN!!!!!!
Shopping for yarn gets me giddy, I enjoy it more than eating! Which is really strange, but if I could shop for yarn all the time then I would be in way better shape
I can play the harp!
Fall is my favorite season! I love all of the beautiful colors our trees turn here in Minnesota.
I love to travel and visit LYS along the way, buying local sock yarn. The socks made from this yarn make great memories of my many trips. Today I’m wearing my Portland, Maine socks.
I have just started knitting and I find it a great way to de-stress. I love Christmas and making homemade gifts.
I drove a school bus for 20 years and I’m now a stay at home mom and homeschool our 2 boys.
I love knitting and have an absolute yarn obsession. I had a room for my yarn until we needed to sublet it to a new roommate. Someday again I will have a yarn room!
I’m getting ready to teach my women’s connect group from church how to knit and I’m very excited to share this gift with others!
I love anything crafty. I sew, knit, crochet, bake, cook, photography. I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor in everyday life.
I knit and crochet since I was 5 and learned it by growing up at Grandma’s.This summer I got oll the leftover yarns from my mom in Europe and was made little hats and baby blankets for the NICU in the hospital that I work at in NY.
I suffer from depression, and playing with yarn always helps me feel better!
i can knit. However, I have never been able to crochet. Thank you for the opportunity to enter this give away.
I am a retired roller girl who loves all things knitting!
I just set up my very own blog by myself about my journeys in knitting and life. If felt awesome to do it myself, now I get share my adventures with others. This is a wonderful gift give away. I love your yarn.
What’s interesting about me is that none of the yarn that I order is for me, it’s for my lovely life partner.
i love your business strategy of comparing yarn to edited images. It inspires me and gives me a bunch of ideas for when I open my own weaving business when I graduate from college.
you are such a talented woman!
While I really love your yarn, I also really appreciate the person behind it all. You are an excellent role-model for young and enterprising women everywhere.
This was meant to be about me and it is really. It’s about my support for you and women like you.
Love yarn, colors and textures….And all you do in sharing with us!…
I am left handed and my mom taught me to knit and crochet by doing the mirror image of what she was doing.
I am left handed but thought myself to knit from a book and so do it right handed, must look very awkward to anyone watching as I hold the knitting needle under my right arm! One day I am going to learn to knit left handed as am sure I would be s lot quicker!!!
And something about me…I carry my crochet nearly everywhere I go and have met many people because of their interest in my hobby…:)
I’m a retired quilt shop owner turned rabid knitter!
I just took up crocheting again, after many years away from this hobby. I love making things for my granddaughter. I am making her several Christmas gifts this year, in addition to store- bought gifts. Since I just picked it back up, I don’t have a yarn stash but would love one!
I am in the processing of originating a blog sharing information I have found to help me with daily chores as well as sharing my love for crafting and other hobbies. I am very excited. As the mother of 3 twenty-somethings, I am reinventing myself.
I’m 60 and just now learning how to knit. It’s very hard but I love to crochet.
I just came back from a two week visit at home where I got to see my grandparents who I haven’t seen in three years
I cannot stand the noise of people chewing or crunching or chewing gum. SO annoying!
My favorite color is green yet I have very little of it in my life.
Love the yarn, reminds me so much of doing hand dyeing with plants with my grandma as a kid
I consider knitting to be a gateway drug. I now spin, quilt, dye, and sew.
I knit, crichet, and quilt and my husband is learning to crochet now!
Your beginner knitting videos on youtube are what inspired me to pick up knitting needles, and now I’m obsessed
I am what my husband calls a “crazy knitter” and I love. I plan to keep on knitting the rest of my life. I guess the one interesting thing about would be that I don’t use shampoo on my hair, just baking soda and vinegar. I guess that isn’t super interesting but there you go
I just started learning how to knit this year, and I’m in love!! My family thinks I’m nuts lol But it’s an amazing art form!
It has kept me interested from my first cast on… I’ve taken my needles to South Africa and back!!
I’m majoring in civil engineering and should graduate in spring! I also work craft shows!
i want to learn to do hair pin lace
I learned to knit first but I was AWFUL at it! Instead of giving up on yarn forever, I picked up a hook to give crochet a try. It clicked instantly! Although sometimes I see a knitted pattern I wish I could make, I love crochet and everything about it!
I’m self-taught and have been crocheting 2-1/2 years.
I just started knitting in January 2013. I’m currently finishing my first sweater! I love knitting – and love your yarns.
My name is Susan and oh how I wished I lived near a great yarn shop to further my abilities. Until then, I will keep plugging away and learning on the internet. I have ordered some of your yarn and cannot wait to get it and make something beautiful with it. Looking forward to being a fan of Expression Fiber Arts!!
I have knitted since I was 5 and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE yarn! This will be my first winter of making my own yarn from my own sheep! So very excited to finally get to spinning yarn.
My husband calls me artsey-fartsey because I have so many craft hobbies. He said he hadn’t met anyone who could knit besides his grandmother. Every year I hand make all my christmas gifts.
A couple of years ago at our club’s All-American Bonspiel, I achieved one of the most rare sports accolades in curling. It’s called an 8-ender – when all 8 rocks count for points. It’s statistically rarer than a no-hitter in baseball and a hole-in-one in golf. My team won the game 16 – 0 and we stole ALL of the points including the 8-ender, which makes it even more rare. We are the first team from the Bowling Green Curling Club to have an 8-ender. To put it in perspective, an acquaintance at another club got an 8-ender in his rookie year. His skip (the team leader) had been curling for 50 years and had never seen one, let alone scored one. My team and I from the bonspiel are in the Curling Hall of Fame.
Interesting? hmmmmmm…..I own my own chainsaw and was the first woman in my family to purchase my own home on my own. Hence, the reason for the chainsaw….lol Cut down and trimmed up a lot of trees, rebuilt my back deck and yes, cut the main stairs off of it with my chain saw! Refurbished the stairs into shorter steps for off the side of the deck, added brand new railing and made corner wood benches for the deck. This led to resurfacing the concrete basement on the outside, and many other things a lot of women wouldn’t like to tackle on their own….LOL I also crawled under the crawl space of my older/new home and put in insulation…..THAT was NOT FUN!!!! LOL OH….did I mention I also LOVE LOVE LOVE to KNIT (self taught) and CROCHET, and QUILT, and GARDEN!!!! HUGS!
Hi, I would love to win this gift certificate. I teach knit and crochet classes and have my own shop for homemade items on etsy. Would love to add more yarn to my stash to make more things.
i would love to work with some of your yarn. It is so beautiful!
ive purchased your yarn in the past, it is the best, I love using it. I had bilateral total knee replacements just over two weeks ago and spinning is part of my physical therapy. Knitting finishes off the mental therapy !
My boyfriends mom knits and crochets, and I have been wanting to learn from her because she makes some amazing things!
I started crocheting a year ago and am hopelessly addicted like all the others! lol! I started following you when I read your blog post about your hat you had just made and your handsome man was modeling it for you =) I hope to learn to knit someday too!!! You are soooo talented in so many ways ~ thanks for sharing your gifts//talents with us! =)
When I was 5 and my sister was 10, Our mother crocheted all 3 of us matching dresses in the hideous colors of orange and brown ( the fashion colors of the 1970’s ) . My sister and I were not thrilled. lol but looking back on that picture 35+ years later The dresses were really cute. and I crochet now following my mothers footsteps. I couldn’t be more proud of those dresses that my mom spent hours on making for us. Its funny how our perspective changes over time.
I miss my friends from my former knitting group at The Nest in Bridgeport, WV, but glad to have found a great group at the Milton Library in Milton, WV.
I am the most yarn addicted crafter I know and I just can’t wait to get my hands on Expression Fiber Arts yarn! I am an absolute admirer!!!
I love crocheting. Thanks for the chance to win.
My dream job is yours! I would live to have a life of yarn and anything yarn so I could crochet and make stuff and sell it.
I love to knit but am terribly slow at it. I wish I could knit the yarn as fast as I can spin it.
i knit and crochet and am designing my own line of knitwear for little ones!
Something about me? Ok, well I do my best to make a positive influence on someone’s life every day!
I love to crochet&make jewelry! Thanks for the chance to win. I love your yarn!
I am a huge fan of Dr Who. I love to crochet while watching it. It is my happy time.
cows are my fav animal. pink is my fav color and i love anything with stars on it
I was once tied up with duct tape during a robbery!
I have loved yarn since I was a little girl and all the wonderful colors and possibilities!!!! My stash could always use more friend and have 1 yr old twin granddaughters that would love some new soft colorful clothes!!
Im a twin
and I have an amazing daughter !!
My mother was always knitting, reading or quilting. All three of her girls now do something similar. I crochet, my oldest sister does counted cross stitch and the middle sister knits.
I can’t stand to sit with nothing to do. So crocheting serves a great purpose.
I love to knit or those I love. I have 10 kids – that’s a lot to knit for!
Something interesting about me…
I knit, crochet, loom knit, weave, make jewellery, sew, cross-stitch… I love crafts! I recently developed a lust for nicer yarns… alpaca, silks, bamboo, nice cottons… Don’t tell hubby!
I have been crocheting for several years but have never kept any of the projects for myself. They are all given away or donated.
Crocheting runs in our family. I have pieces crocheted seemingly out of gossamer fine thread by my great grandmother. Both grandmothers, my mom and aunts crochet beautiful work. I’m the rebel knitter. Taught myself when I was a kid and have been a dedicated winter knitter ever since. For some reason I turn to crochet in the warmer months, but must knit when it starts to turn cool. Several years ago I discovered hand dyed and spun yarns and have been hooked ever since. Your colorways make me drool! My daughter and her teenage daughter are also great fans. We’re glad we found you!
I have learned to knit and crochet when I was around 7 and never stopped since. I am now almost 52, grandma of three, mother of three, so a lot of people to knit for and also doing a lot of charity knitting for less fortunate people. It would be my dream to win and my husband nightmare!
I’ve taught myself to crochet, knit, and spin. My grandma crocheted, but we weren’t very close for her to teach me at all…I do have her hooks though.
I’m addicted to knitting and crochet and interested in becoming newly addicted to anything involving yarn!
I’ve knitted for years. Both our daughters knit too, and one granddaughter. I love the silk fingering yarn. So beautiful.
Hello, I just learned how to spin and your site always inspires me to try mew things :).
I learned to knit and crochet, sew at age 10. It was a passion for years! In my 30-40’s i was preoccupied with life. Then I had a life threatening experience, was laid up for months. I thought I would go crazy. I took up knitting again. It literally saved my mind! Going strong still!
I learned how to crochet in first grade, a friend of my grandmother’s taught me. But I didn’t learn how to knit until last December. In 9 months, it has completely taken over my life, not to mention my bank account.
Just learned to knit a month ago.. I love crafting all sorts of things rather it be knitted items, sugar skull cubes, baking something, or painting.. but what most dont know or wouldnt think I do is play Star Wars the Old Republic online and am a gamer( almost 4 maxed lvl characters).
I love all the photos that you post that are the inspirations for your yarn colors. Thanks for the give away!
Knitting and crocheting is my most calming therapy, especially after a stressful day at work!
I’m a crochet nut and used to knit. Now it hurts my hands to knit a lot. I love your yarns.
I am a 39 year old wife, mom of 2, cancer survivor and knitting helped me through many tough times. Even now being cancer- free, knitting helps to keep me grounded.
Hmmmm … I’m a Gemini
I learned to crochet at age 6 from a kindly elderly neighbor.
I want to win the prize!
Something interesting about myself…well, I don’t know. I used to work for WWE. I guess that’s about it. I’m not very exciting lol.
I like to crochet and needlepoint.
Been crocheting for about one and a half years and absolutely love making and giving crocheted gifts to people. I am also a clogger and fiddle player. Lover of arts, music and crafts. Thanks for the opportunity to enter for this awesome giveaway!
Hiii! I love your yarn and would be over the moon to win the giveaway.
I am a painter, weaver + writer in Ohio. I’m obsessed with color and am a strong supporter of random, spontaneous dancing. I married my best friend earlier this year and this summer we took a two week cross country grand adventure/ honeymoon by train from the midwest to the west coast. I play the ukulele and I enjoy drinking coffee with my cat, Kitty by my side.
I spent so much on yarn this past month-month and half (we just had a Pat Catan’s open up in town) that I had two disconnect notices on my utilities! Extremely shameful!!! (YARN OBSESS RESPONSIBLY, EVERYONE!!) No worries though, nothing is getting disconnected. I decided this year that I was going to get serious about improving my crochet skills. I have purchased yarn for the first time through a Yarn Club (from your most wonderful site) and am disappointed that I cannot (most likely) get some of the colorways you have this month. The agony!! (Though I’m sure my horrible skills would shame your fantabulous fibers) I even…IMPORTED some recycled wool from across the pond. (England, baby!) I even take projects to work so that I can work on them during my lunch break and have a very small ball of yarn and a hook on my desk for when I’m on hold for long periods of time, TRYING to retrain myself to hold my yarn correctly. It’s not really working.
I also started knitting on September 7th at my local library and met some fantastic ladies and gentlemen. Someday, I’d like to start a crochet/knitting mission at my church to make scarves, mittens or prayer shawls for those in need.
I always wind up in tropical climates where crocheted sweaters and scarves are impractical, but I still hook em anyway, and ship them north.
I just bought an African Pygmy Hedgehog! !!!!
I have about 10 WIP’s (give or take) in my cabinet begging to be completed… I wish I could get more time to finish them.
I can’t sit without knitting or crocheting.. I can’t watch tv, go to the movies or sit in a waiting room without something in my hands.
I learned to crochet at the age of 9 from my Austrian immigrant grandmother. I am now trying to teach my own granddaughters. What a beautiful art to pass along from generation to generation.
Wonderful give-away. Hope all is well in the settling into new home.
I am a serial WIP procrastinator. Most projects get started, then left for up to or over a year, before I finally buckle down and get it done
Interesting fact about me… I come from a long line of crafty women. I crochet a sew, my mom quilts and sews, her mom was an interior decorator and seamstress, and her mother also crocheted and sewed and quilted.
My grandmother taught me to crochet when i was about 12 but i didn’t learn to read a pattern until a couple years ago.
Thank you for such a fun giveaway!
I loved in 14 places by the time I turned 14 years old.
That’s about all I can think of that is really interesting or slightly unusual…lol.
I can relate. I lived in 22 places by the time I was 18.My father just liked to move.
I sometimes see random matrixing in the photos you share.
Hi there love! What an amazing giveaway! I LOVE YARN! And your story is SO inspiring to me. I have lost my nursing career and photography career due to medical issues so I am at the point like you were years ago ‘it’s now or never’. I am learning to dye at the moment and trying to save for supplies to start up just like you. I feel like we are kindred souls as I scan through all the images I have taken over the years looking for color inspiration from our greatest artist, the master of art Himself. Sending prayers your way to bless your venture beyond measure. Thanks again for this chance! Hugs!
i have been crocheting knitting and doing crewel and cross stitch since i was 6 yrs old…my husband says i was definitely a needlewoman in olden days!!!
I love my dogs but not as much as I love my husband!
I lived in Japan for 7 years, and taught English there, and learned to speak (a little) Japanese by singing karaoke!
I’m leaving the bounds of yarn from my local hobby store and an stepping into the pool of beautiful, hand-dyed, artisanal yarns! Your colors and yarns make my heart race! Something about me… I’m sort of famous among my friends and colleagues for my ‘Smack yo’ mamma’ chicken noodle soup…. so good, it makes you wanna smack yo’ mamma! All in fun! : )
I was married in an icu two weeks before my father pasted away. I think that is the most interesting thing from my past.
I’m a certified Cho Dan Black Belt in Tang Soo Do and I love yarn!
I love to crochet baby hats and scarves.
I’m a mom of an incredible one and a half year old that never lets me craft….So I met a photographer that has become my best friend, loves my son (and loves to watch him), buys me yarn, and lets me crochet (even if they are props for her business :P)
I’m a self taught fiber artist–and I recently taught myself how to spin, too. I make neat little sweaters for my dog, and hats for my fiance, and occasionally a pair of vanilla socks for me.
I have seven children.
Something about myself: I am currently in graduate school, working full time, and knitting/crocheting is my relaxation and sanity maintaining pasttime!
Today is I Love Yarn Day!!! I am so excited!!!
I belong to Jobs Peak Fiber Arts. We have a different learning program every week and our group is so diverse that I learn something every time we get together.
I spend a lot of time in pool halls, but I’m rarely always playing pool. Given that I really can’t stand missing out on quality knitting time, I bring my knitting with me wherever I go. I get a lot of weird looks and even odder pick up lines, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I crochet better than I knit, but I love to knit anyway.
My grandma showed us all how to knit when we were 5 or so. She was a wonderful knitter, and would allow us to help her wind the wool into balls. Then she would give us some needles and yarn, I remember mine was red and we would sit and she would tell stories about her growing up. The family history that was passed on…priceless. She would always say there are only two stitches in knitting, you know them both, so there is no pattern you cant do. When I get stuck on something I can still hear her in my head!!
I love to make homemade old fashioned candy. My 2nd favorite thing to do after crocheting
I became a grandma 4 days ago
My latest obsession is freeform crochet. Go to Pinterest and you’ll see why!
I am a nontraditional adult student who returned to college, I am majoring in biochemistry. My goal is to attend medical school and become either a forensic or surgical pathologist. I started knitting to relax when I’m not studying. I also picked up knitting to help my Rheumatoid Arthritis. Since knitting, my ability to pick up small objects such as pins, pieces of paper and bristles from my broom has increased greatly!
Im a VERY impatient person……and a little OCD. This sure makes a frustrating combination. I want things done yesterday, but it has to be perfect:). Lol
My oldest started JK last month. Being the paranoid type, I taught him to say “oh for the love of wool” in the hopes of avoiding the use of more colourful language (which he has also learned from me)!
Something interesting: I have 5 cats who love to cuddle, but I can’t knit in the same room with them! So when I’m knitting, they paw at the closed craft room door and meow sadly.
Hmmmm. Not alot to say really. Love to crochet. Im a kidney dialysis patient and it helps me pass the time while making things for friends and family. Including two grandkids!!!
I’ve been unemployed for 4 years but still manage to find a budget for yarn
I’m a left handed knitter and totally obsessed with yarn
Love to crochet, my dad taught me when I was about 6. My mom taught me how to read a pattern when I was 8. I have crocheted ever since, I am 70 now and I have gone through lots of yarn/fiber.
I both knit and crochet. My dream is to make my own custom clothing using these arts. I came to expressions because they offered a range of cashmere and silk yarns of all sizes. It’s pricey but worth it. I have sensitive skin so most store-bought yarn is too scratchy and uncomfortable for me to wear. My job is in he digital visual arts editing product photos for space management and ecommerce and some advertising purposes as well. I’m 5’2.5, red curly hair in the Merida style, curvy, 175lbs and working to get it lower. I took up running this summer and I’m almost running 3 miles. I really want to win this because I have some yarn club silk and it’s amazing but I don’t make enough to buy it regularly. Id love the opportunity to stock up to make myself some truely unique and wearable items!
The most interesting thing about me is my well traveled childhood. My Dad was in the military so long ago that I remember living on an American military base in France. I have lived in both France and Germany, and in 10 US states.
i love FALL-sweater weather!!
Peanut Butter is my all time FAVORITE food!!!
I love love love knitting. I hope to own a yarn shop someday soon! Sock knitting is my favorite. Happy knitting to u all out there
I can knit in the dark or with my eyes closed.
I had a (false) glaucoma scare several years ago while I was immersed in reading Dianna Gabaldon’s “Outlander” series, and the Aunt Jocasta character inspired me to learn to knit that way, so just in case I totally lost my vision, I could still be creative and productive.
Thankfully the glaucoma was a misdiagnosis, but the skill still comes in handy when camping or at the movie theater — I can crank out a whole hat during a good movie and not miss a single frame of the flick!
I’m enjoying knitting shawls right now. The big step is to learn how to work shawls from charts.
I just can’t get enough yarn!
My name is Kate and I go my Miss Anthropy Knits on the interwebz. I knit, spin, crochet and weave and I’m obsessed with one skein lace shawls.
About me…. I think I like yarn best when it’s in the skein than after I’ve worked it up into something – there’s something so artistic and beautiful about yarn in it’s “raw” form.
I am a Renaissance faire performer.
I am a self taught and a South-Paw knitter. I continue to try and learn more everyday. I can’t seem to learn to knit faster though ughh, and Christmas is right around the corner YIKES!!!!!
eep, I have such a hard time with this question! My first 2 children were born almost exactly 2 years apart! on my oldest’s 2nd birthday I was starting labour,
About me: I have crocheted for 41 years, and love it!
I love to cruise….and finding finery things in the various ports….some are better than others. Always an adventure…just like receiving mystery club yarn.
I’m obsessed with colour, eat sunflower seeds like there is no tomorrow and can’t stand to have idle hands.
Thanks for the giveaway, I love seeing all your pretty colours.
I can sound like a frog or cricket when I whistle!
I LOVE to crochet!! I can knit, but crocheting is my favorite!
I learned to knit 4 years ago and became so addicted, I now teach knitting at my LYS.
I’m working on crocheting a TARDIS scarf for a birthday present for my sister.
Chandi, I love your colors of yarn! I have not purchased any yet, but plan to in the future.
Something about myself, I am trying to live a self-sustainable lifestyle and really enjoy making homemade projects.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Something about me – I’m about to be a grandma!!
I learned to knit when I was 10. I have 10 brothers and sisters and the following winter I knitted mittens for all of them.
I really like to wake up in the morning with a cup of coffee or tea and knit on my back porch, especially in autumn weather. October is my favorite month of the year, and I hope you can make it to the south eastern annual fiber fest in Asheville NC since you are in the area! It’s so much fun every year!!
I love to knit. I am from Montana and live in Alabama and was taught by my grandmother and mom to knit.
I love to spin and knit and have since high school, and I have been lactating for 6.5 years without a break needless to say there has been way less time in the past 7 years for yarn :-(I hope i win so i can refill the creative coffers. Thanks for the giveaway
I spend my days looking at patterns and yarn, imagining that I have the skill to knit all the things I see!
My husband said yesterday, that between now and Christmas, he knows he will not see or hear little from me. I will be too busy crafting Christmas presents. Sewing. Knitting, Crocheting
I am a knitter and am teaching myself to crochet, slow and when I get fed up I return to my knitting……can not pass a knitting shop without going in to investigate ‘you can never have too much yarn’!
love this site
I love crocheting, my family and snow!!!
my 1st crochet hooks were given to me by a dear friend who was sadly murder before she could give to me in person. she had made the promise to teach me the next time we meet. now I give the same hook numbers away to anybody who asks me to show them what I’m doing in Lorraine remembrance.
Hi Im Roxanne,
I started knitting/crochet/felt about 15 years ago. My mom taught me to sew and embroider when I was about 7 years old and I love all thing fabric and fiber ;D
In addition to knitting, I love to bake. I spend most of my weekends over a mixer.
I love to crochet. Hoping to eventually learn to knit. My oldest daughter has been crocheting since she was 12. My youngest is now wanting to learn to crochet, and she is 8.
I can wiggle my ears.
My mom tried to teach me to crochet when I was 10. I never got the hang of it. The half made burgundy snake is still on the closet shelf in my childhood bedroom. 6 years ago, a friend taught me to cast me and let me borrow her her book Stitch and Bitch. I’ve been knitting ever since.
I have been knitting for over 45 years, but still can’t get the hang of crochet. Last year I also took up bobbin lace making.
Love your site … I just turned 60 … been knitting since I was 7 … started crocheting at 19 and have never stopped ! Would love to try making a floor rug so I’m praying I win this cause I want to make a BIG one ! Have a blessed day !
I have been trained in Bunraku puppetry (Japanese puppet theatre) and love everything puppet related especially The Muppets. As a child my dream was to work with Jim Henson.
About me? Hmm. I have a degree in music, but my fantasy has always to be a designer. Fiber is my thing.
I started off crocheting, but now I mainly knit, plus I read Tarot Cards!
I am an Australian living in the US and the one American word I am willing to adopt is “yarn”, because it is much more descriptive and less misleading than calling it “wool”.
Taught myself to knit when I was a teen, learned to crochet when I was pregnant with my first child (my only girl) and took up dyeing and spinning this year. I love yarn!!! Anything and everything about it…. but coming into the world of hand spun/ hand painted ‘fancy pants’ yarn, I can not shop shop retail anymore. It’s gotta be amazing!!!
My name is Mandy
I am a stay at home mom of 4, and i make hats and spin yarn to pay the bills. Winning 1000$ worth of yarn would help me out and would literally be life changing! It would allow me to make lots of beautiful things!
I have been crocheting and knitting for 3 years, and spinning yarn for about 1 year! thanks for the opportunity to win something so fabulous and luxurious! 
I teach a weekly knitting/crochet class at our local retirement home.
I love your work. I’m a cancer awareness driven person and love to create for people battling this disease my sister died of cancer this August she was only 43
I’m teaching a group of 6th graders how to knit in May…really excited about it!
I’ve always wanted to try your yarn; it looks so beautiful! I can’t afford it though, so winning this would be amazing!
I am just learning to Crochet!!!
I was an avid knitter for years and then got sick and lost a lot of the use of my hands. Over a year ago I took up loom knitting and now I am able to create beautiful things again which definitely keeps my spirits up. I love yarn, any kind, any colour.
My grandma taught me to knit when I was 5 years old in he fee, but had forgotten quickly. I have re learned again, but I’m terrible at it. However, I won’t give up!
What an awesome prize!!!! Love all the yarns you make! Absolutely beautiful!
I’m a professional published comicbook artist, freelance illustrator, webdesigner, advid manga(japanese comic books) reader, beader/jewelry maker (as a hobby!) and of course, crocheter of amigurumi and many other fantastic items!
I use crocheting as a means to relax and de-stress at the beginning and end of the day. and I LOVE being able to create something 3 dimensional out of a simple skein/ball of yarn using merely a hook and my imagination! ^_^
About me… My mom taught me to crochet by the time I was 7 and I’ve been loving it every since. A couple years ago I decided I wanted to learn to knit! So after about a week and constantly watching YouTube, I nailed it! I always have a project going and love all things yarn! I have now passed this obsession onto my daughter, 13. I taught her to crochet when she was 8 and we learned to knit together! My latest finished project was a knit dress for my daughter!
Gram taught me to knit when I was 5. I hated it. No it’s my go to thing when depression hits. Too bad my kids and grands don’t appreciate the knitted things I used to give them. Now I only knit for close friends
I am a knitter/sewer/lover-of-all-things-fiber who lives in North Carolina (Greensboro, only 90 minutes away!), and I am so glad to have you and your business in our beautiful state. Welcome!
I knit, crochet, and spin… and I love robotics, too!
I enjoy crocheting, knitting, and loom knitting.
I love to crochet! but my stash is sad
After years of not being able to find someone to teach me how to knit, being left handed and all…someone finally taught me. From there I feel in love with yarn, so much so, I think I’m addicted! I have since taught myself how to crochet and I couldn’t be happier. Xoxo
I have several projects going on at the same time – love to try new stitches and new yarns and colorways. never bored when the needles are clicking
I am studying to be a certified aromatherapist!!!
Currently getting certified to teach Crochet.
I volunteer at my local Humane Society and help adopt out cats! I also have a flock of chickens in my back yard, the eggs are great!
something interesting? I’m giving Louie, my left kidney to a friend who has end stage renal disease. I need something to keep me busy during recovery!
I have been crocheting for over 40 years, but just recently started learning to knit.
Mom taught me the basics as a 7yr kid. I have been self taught ever since. I’m not sure I do anything “correctly” but it works and I enjoy what I do. I have taught my daughter, and now 2 granddaughters. They all seem to love what they do. Trying to keep the craft alive!
Something interesting – Learned to crochet at 9 from my grandmother and have now taught my 9 year old daughter to crochet. Keeping the family crafty!
I love to knit and crochet. I know how to cross-stitch and needlepoint. I love all crafts and have delved at one time or another at almost everything.
I love Chandi’s colorways! They are so beautiful!
mortiz52 on Ravelry
mortiz9122 on Instagram
I am a passionate swing dancer. I perform on a swing dance team called the Swingsters, won 3rd in an international competition, and love teaching ppl to dance! Lindy Hop is my favorite style but I love east coast, west coast, Charleston, and shag as well.
I am a square dancer and I am trained as a square dance caller. I also round dance (like ballroom dance with a cuer calling out the moves for a specific dance.) I knit and crochet and sew, as my mother and grandmother taught me, and I do some quilting, which I learned later.
I just moved to the great north west and I’m looking forward to crochet warm gloves, hats, scarfs and cowls for my family of four. Got to stay warm this winter
I could spend $1000 on yarn so very quickly!
I like to see the yarns come together. I am amazed at the coloring you show in your yarns and how apt the names are. I am rather timid in my skills but my children are great encouragers and are all over the again of eighteen so are not in the age group that will wear anything!
Hi Chandi…….Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway, it would put me in seventh heaven if I was the one chosen! I’ve always loved yarn as far back as I can remember. If I wasn’t adding it to some of my paintings (Grade 1), I was sitting beside my Mom learning how to knit. I was not fond of knitting, but found out later, in my 30’s, that I was knitting right-handed and purling left-handed. So I decided to stay with crochet. It has been my healer for a number of years now, has kept me sane when Life threw me curve balls, and has been a comforting friend too. I do have a binny full of yarn, but it’s not as nice as yours, with all the colours of the rainbow and luscious fibers. It would be wonderful just to have a few skeins to cuddle up to. Well, now that I’ve been so wordy, I’ll wish you a good day.
I love to crochet, knit, cross stitch, needlepoint. Anything with yarn or thread I will try at least.
After watching Twin Peaks when I was younger, I spent days and days and days teaching myself how to tie a knot in a cherry stem with just my tongue.
Something about myself? Love to crochet and knit. Joined several charities to give away the things I make
Something interesting… I have 3 sisters. One of which I met when I was 13, and another I still have never met. My little brother is 13 years younger than me and I helped raise him after his father was killed in a car accident.
Hi I’m Rachel! ! Something fun about me is that I will experiment with just about everything when it comes to dyeing! Weeds in my yard, fruit, anything!!
I’m not a great knitter but I keep learning & trying new things
I don’t like cold ketchup.
Crocheting is my therapy. It truly helps me…
Just imagine how man charity blankets i could make with all that yarn!
I’ve knitted for over 50 years but since retiring 3 years ago I’ve learnt to crochet, draw/paint, bead, dry and wet felting, weave and pottery ( i’m not an expert and any but at least i keep trying). Next on my to learn list is spinning with a spindle. T
I used to work on a buffalo ranch. I’m wishing now I’d kept the fur I had since I’m learning how to spin.
I have been crocheting for about 5 years and just started selling my stuff…something interesting about me is that I have twins every generation in my family five generations straight…my mom is a twin, I’m a twin, and I have twins!
I’ve been a mum since I was 14yrs, I have 5 children 29yrs-10yrs and 5 grandchildren and another on the way. I love being a mummy and a Nannie.
I am the oldest child of 13 children. I now am a Great grandmother. And I want to knit or crochet for everyone!! I have a closet and room full of yarn but just can’t stop buying more. Wish there were more hours to the days. But I always have a WIP or at least a few.
I’m a mother of 2 sets of twins
I yarn. My husband is never sure what word to use, I change too often. Now he just says I’m yearning. Am currently using tension to make squares. Classifying simple, beginner designs on them. Will then stitch the squares together. Am starting with a crib size blanket. Donating it to the local hospital for their yearly raffle. Will take a picture for my scrapbook. Have learned to take pictures of finished projects. I look back for inspiration for next one.
I took up knitting when I lived on our sailboat and had no room for weaving loom or other crafting supplies. I am a yarn addict! I admit it. I love the feel, the colors and the anticipation of what a project will look like when I finish. Your color photos and yarn have inspired me to view nature with a different eye.
I am a knitting racewalker.
I love yarn so much that I buy knitting and crochet yarns but I don’t do either.. I weave so i would need 2-5 skeins to make a piece= large stash of yarn eek
I love to knit and crochet! I would live in a yarn shop if I could!
I am the youngest of 5 children, I was taught to knit when I was 5 by my grandmother. I have 2 children of my own, a boy and a girl. I also have 3 grandchildren 2 girls 3 and 6, and my grandson is 17 months. Oh did I say I love to knit, I knit everyday.
Thanks TerryLee
I’ve got a not so secret obsession with owls. And my daughter-in-law is to blame for my yarn up session which started two years ago.
So glad you’re enjoying the East Coast!
I learned to crochet in France!:)
The first “how to” knitting video I ever watched was yours! My husband had bought me knitting needles thinking they had something to do with crochet, and one day I decided to youtube what to do with them. You taught me how to cast on and knit my first ever stitches.
Your yarns are soooo beautiful!!! My grandma taught me to crochet when I was 6, and I have not turned it into a passion…I would love to buy your yarn to make her a beautiful project all these years later
Hi, I knit and try a bit of crochet. I am 69 years old, and knitting is a BIG, BIG part of my life. I have 3 children, all grown up, and 5 grand children : They are Maude, 22- Judith, 21- Olivier 17, this month (24)- Sarah, 15- and my baby Laurence, 12. Don’t need to tell you that I love them to death. I am married, 49 years this june, and we still love each other. I have 2 wonderful sisters for whom I knit every New Year’s day. Well I guess that now you know almost everything to know about me. And by the way, I’ve never baught your beautiful wool, to expensive for me, but boy do I admire them, the ccolors…..ah well I have no words. Thank you for this contest.
I am dying to make your roving carpet!!! Do you think you could use the same process to make this?
I am obsessed with crocheting silly outfits for my Chihuahua.
I am Merilyn, nicknamed Mel. My mom taught me to knit dish cloths when I was 4. I figured out purling myself and since then I have advanced to lace, cables and other intricate knitting. When I was 18, I taught myself to crochet. Out of all that, I absolutely LOVE fiber!! Especially expensive fiber like silk, cashmere and anything soft and beautiful. I especially love YOUR yarns!! They are SO gorgeous!!
Wish with all my heart, that I could win this contest.
I have repetitive stress in both wrists, but knit and crochet anyway because I love it too much.
I have 4 parrots, 1 cat, and 2 dogs and they all get along with each other famously. Call me Dr. Doolittle!
if it werent for crochet i would probably go stir crazy
I’ve been married for 32 years. I have 6 children and 16 grandchildren. I was an army brat, army wife, and army mom. I am a Gold Star Mo
For those that don’t know what that means, my youngest son was killed while serving in Iraq, and I miss him every single day.
I love knitting and crocheting, I also quilt and do needle art not as much as I used to mostly stick to anything to do with yarn nowadays. I love your yarn and all your color ways.
I crochet, but I now also like to spin my own yarn
I love seeing all of the yarn you create!! Now about me, I am a mother of 3 (2 with special need) and knitting and crochet has been my only escape from homeschool work, house work, girlscouts, cooking, and taking care of melt downs and children.
Christmas is my favorite day of the year, and my favorite thing to knit and crochet for!
I learned, from my Grandma, how to knit and crochet at 5 years of age. Grandma told me I had better control with crochet, so I have stayed with it. There was a period of time that I put the hook down…life got so busy. Then, I lost my daughter to end stage kidney disease. If it hadn’t been for crochet, I don’t think I would have healed. It has been 4 1/2 years, and crocheting has helped me move forward. Love the colorways you create! They make me feel good:)
I am a mother of 7. I only learned to crochet about a year ago and it has taken over my life.
I have tried knitting but struggled and haven’t tried again.
Nothing unusual, a Mom, a grandma of three handsome toddler grandsons and love crocheting and knitting!
Something interesting about myself? Hmm … I love colors and artistry, but have almost no talent for anything creative – unlike nearly all of my (immediate and extended) family. I live vicariously through them!
i have a gold medal in shotput and a bronze in discus throwing
Besides knitting/crocheting I am also very into photography. I have had several contest winning images and numerous others showcased in exhibitions around the United States. Check out my website for a small sample of my work.
True confession – when I’m feeling blue, I head for my local yarn shop and put my face in the mohair. Works every time.
I am the Branch Head of a Public Library, but I want to own a yarn shop!
I love to sit here in Denmark and admire all the creativity… Personally I crochet, but am relatively new to it…
I first learned to knit when I was 18 years old in Thurso Scotland. I would walk over to a little stone building near my home, several times a day sometimes to fix, or learn new things. I love knitting there are so many positives about it and not one negative. You can knit at any age or stage in your life!
My grandma taught me to crochet when I was 9 or 10 yrs old. I’ve made baby blankets, afghans, Christmas tree decorations, etc for years. Now that I’m not working and have our first great-grandchild on the way, there’s lots of crocheting to do!
My Mom taught me to crochet at 10 and I am now 54!!!! I’ve been crocheting for a LOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG time lol….Love it!!!! gifts and for me
I have been knitting as long as I can remember. I take knitting everywhere and knit on my lunch hour at work. Almost everything I have to do is just another minute I have to be away from my needles. I talk about your yarn to everyone. I want to buy it all. I am working on a scarf with some of your Lost in a Daydream DK mulberry silk right now.
Thank you for a chance to win this fabulous giveaway!!!
I’ve been a knitter and crocheter for years, having learned from my grandma who immigrated from Ireland in the early 1900’s. I also gained a wonderful appreciation for wool fabrics from my sewing teacher in high school, and enjoy tailoring with wools. In recent years, I’ve added spinning and weaving to my fiber crafting repertoire. I may be “empty nest” of our 5 kids, but with 9 grandkids (& counting) I’m not empty of ideas for fiber crafting!
I spend more time thinking about knitting and crocheting than I get to actually do it…sigh
I read and review christian fiction, I also influence for authors…
I would love to review your book on business someday.
I have two wonderful sons, a daughter-in-law, a wonderful grandson and a granddaughter on the way – due in December. All of the above have been recipients of my knit and crochet talents and, mostly, they’ve been glad to receive the gifts!
guilty of being a crochet aholic !
Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month I will share that I am a survivor! I couldn’t have made it through without my knitting friends who were there at every treatment. We got lots of knitting done!
I am the reason my brother is afraid of ducks. Give me the certificate and I’ll tell you the story of how I did it
About me.. I’ve been knitting since I was 7. I have 13 siblings.
And tomorrow (10-11-14) I’m opening an Etsy shop called PurlsByGrace selling hank knit items!
I’m a knitting addict and run a knit/crochet group for our local LGBT community. (Of which I am a proud member!)
I am a very loving and giving person.
If I won a thousand dollars in yarn .. I would use it to make items for others. As of yet have I made something for myself. EVER.
Ps could not get form to work on my iPhone 5
I am addicted to yarn. I am also addicted to kite flying!
Hi, I taught myself to crochet 4 and 1/2 years ago, and am wanting to try my hand at knitting also! Yarn is literally a life saver!
i am new to crochet, still trying to teach myself, but i have recently finished four blankets to sell, two blankets as christmas gifts, two scarves as christmas gifts, a hat for a gift, and 15 mug cozy/rug sets to sell. i think i am officially “hooked” on crocheting and can NEVER have enough yarn already!
i learned to knit as a small child from my grandmother,just the basics.i did a little knitting growing up,while i was in 4-H,but only more basic stuff.i was well into my 20’s when i picked up the needles again,moving right into sweaters.i didn’t wind up knitting again until i was 40 something,making a whole outfit for my 2nd grandson, the winter baby.i haven’t put the needles down since,and i’m trying to make up for all those lost knitting years–i now often rewrite patterns or design my own.
I was taught to knit by my grandmother when I was 8 years old.
I am allergic to dogs and cats but rescue both.
When I was a kid I could program my own computer games, now all I want to do is play with yarn.
Something interesting about myself? I enjoy knitting and crocheting I am also a web programmer
My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was 6. I taught myself to knit several years later and I’ve been “hooked” ever since!
I work full time to pay my bills & buy more yarn to feed my obsession! I am working on a pile of Christmas presents, determined to crochet something for everyone on my list. Oh, and I taught myself to knit 2 years ago at 48. Forget that ‘old dog, new trick’ junk!
Interesting thing, huh? I leaned to knit when I was about 7. The first thing I made was a scarf for my father that was much too short because I got bored of just knitting back and forth!
Something interesting about me? I love bugs and creepy-crawlies of all kinds, and I’m the designated critter wrangler when insects, spiders, and snakes need to be relocated!
Hi!! I’m a crochet newbie I am addicted to it… I am a mom of 6 sons…. Nope no girls! Lol I hope I’m a winner I can just imagine all the yarn projects I could do.. I already made a crochet sock monkey and some crochet hand warmers and an infinity scarf… Soooo exciting!! Thanks for the giveaway!! Cool!
I love to crochet but have an overly eager appetite to learn anything artsy like drawing, knitting or even teaching myself guitar. Just love to be creative and try new things
I love your yarns! I only learned how to crochet Dec of 2011.
Just now learning to knit. The first couple of days it was all out war. But it seems better now and I am about to finish my first project. Fingers crossed.
Thanks for the great contest.
I won’t go anywhere I can’t take my yarn with…
I am a industrial engineering major that likes to crochet and just recently taught myself how to knit.
(i like doing really weird crochet projects, like weapons from anime and cartoon shows…and crochet cosplay outfits)
I am a fiber fanatic with a doctorate in paleobiology and a stay-at-home mom to three adopted children.
I am a Christian, a knitter, crocheter& and although I am 28; I love watching cartoons!
If it involves needles I can probably do it! Love to create! I learned to knit from my grandmother at age 8, 50 yrs ago. She also gave me my first sewing machine that year. Learned Crochet from an elderly woman at Church that winter. She wanted company and I wanted to learn crochet so went to her house every Sat afternoon for homemade doughnuts and cider. We remained friends until she passed. Nana to 5 beautiful kids. My youngest daughter was just married last Sat on a beach in FL. Full time 24/7 caretaker of Mother-in-Law with stage 7 Alzhemiers so knitting keeps me balanced. Hope something was interesting! LOL
I worked as a Penny Carnival Clown named Dipsy the first two summers of high school for my city’s Park & Rec Department. I also dressed up as Chuck E Cheese for our Rodeo Parade and back then the costume was a one piece made ENTIRELY of fake fur ( and I lived in Southern AZ at the time)
Fun fact: I learned how to knit to earn a Girl Scouts badge!
I have quickly grown to love the yarns at Expression Fiber Arts. I am retired, and in addition to being a crocheter for ~ 8 years I have recently relearned to knit. I have lots of time on my hands and feel no guilt when I knit or crochet for long parts of the day and night. The garments I have made with your yarn have always gotten raves from my crochet/knit groups, in addition to being comfortable, warm and delightful. My two cats also seem to love your yarns, but that is another story.
I’ve been crocheting since I was 12, but I just taught myself to knit in 2010. I’ll be 49 this November.
I am a knitter and a sewer. I am also an accountant and a mom to two beautiful young kids.
I met my husband over 30 years ago in high school and he’s still fascinated by how I make all those loops of yarn stay together.
I have 9 children who I love to knit for.
I love yarn! Grandma taught me to crochet
When I was 6! Knitting is not as enjoyable.
Hmmmm. Something interesting about myself. Well, I designed a pair of socks and the pattern ended up being published in “American Sock Knitting” and were on the cover. I also knit the display pair.
Thanks for the chance!
I Love crocheting and would love some colorful yarn. I want to make a shawl for a friend. Thanks
I don’t know where my last message went. I am a newbie and am finishing up my first project. It is a cowl inspired from the series Outlander.
I taught myself to knit when I was 10, I am now 60. I have an addiction to yarn, having 24 bins filled with yarn, and not the kind you buy at a craft store, but I order most of it on line, with you included in my stash. Never can have enough yarn, and probably won’t live long enough to use it all, but do love looking at it all
I Am training for a 1/2 marathon for the first time at the age of 40!!! Just starting running and so far not liking it too much.. Hopefully the longer I do it the more I like it
I’ve been crocheting since I was very little and picked it up again just under a year ago! Now I’ve adventured into jewelry making and cross-stitching/embroidery!
Love the yarn from the September club and am anxiously awaiting the October club yarn!
A little something about me…
I love rabbits… like realllly love them. They are the absolute cutest thing on the planet to me. I used to volunteer with The House Rabbit Society and I advocate for bunnies as best I can. I have had rabbits my whole life just about and my last bunny, Thumper, was a rescue bunny who stole my heart for 8 years before I had to let her go due to health problems. Bunnies make my world go round <3
I love to knit, as long as it’s fairly simple but, cannot master the art of crocheting and not for the lack of trying.
I’d rather buy yarn than eat chocolate!
I enjoy knitting & crocheting and your yarns are yummy!
I am an avid knitter. My grandma taught me when I was eight and I love seeing the joy on her face when I give her a knitted gift because I’m using a skill she taught me so long ago.
Retired Army vet that loves crocheting baby gifts would love the yarn Happy yarn day
I have been crocheting since I was about 6 and was taught by my grandmother and mother. My mother is still with me at 85 and still going strong crocheting every day. I collect patterns like crazy to the point that I have trouble finding what I am looking for at times! LOL But in my library of patterns I can always find something new to make!
I learned to knit from my great grandmother when I was 6 years old. I was the only great grandchild to be taught by her and I will always knit as a way of keeping her memory alive <3
I love knitting. It is exercise for my arthritic fingers and keeps the stiffness and swelling at bay!
Love guinea pigs and dogs, and yarn. You can never have too many. The animals all like snuggling things in colorful yarn to show off their personalities.
Like the Dogs.. “Ants in the Pants” Jezebel (Orange verigated),– or Regal Jack Henry (Green Plaids)–Pixel the Snuggling Schnoodle” (Pink) and Bossy Bree”.(Coal Black). Pigs: Coral sunrise (coral ,peach), Talking Color (multi), Black Flower (Grey), and Mango Margarita (Lime)….oh, yes I have more, and more yarn..
When my husband was very ill with cancer we spent many hours in doctors’ offices and the hospital. I found that knitting was my stress reliever at this very critical time. I started making children’s and baby’s hats, and after he died, I gave the over 55 hats to the Pediatric Oncology unit at the hospital.
Just started back knitting after ten years off, love, love love it!
I love your yarn colors combinations!
I love yarn and the crafts around it….not only can I create awesome items I am also a decent artist with pencil and pen, as well I’ve been told some of the stories I’ve written are pretty good.
Just started knitting again after ten year break, so glad to be knitting again, love it
Hmm… My mom has tried NO LESS than 10 times to teach me to knit… and FAILED.
So I crochet!
I am a Crochet and Math geek .
Something unusual that you don’t know and so very appropriate….my birthday is today! It is “I love yarn day!”
Love your yarn Chandi.
Good luck to all who have entered.
Maybe I will get lucky.
C-A Drummond
I love all things yarn and yarn related. I crochet, knit, macrame, weave, and am learning to spin. I love your colors and am very glad you are in the world!
I have been crocheting for about 40 years. I love making things for other people. I would and could use the yarn thanks
I learned to crochet when I was 5 years old. For years and years I crocheted and swore, did you hear me? SWORE I’d never pick up a pair of knitting needles. Well, guess what? About 2 years ago I got bored crocheting and taught myself to knit. I’m loving it!! Thanks for making such beautiful yarn available.
I love my husband, my sons, my family and my pets….
Hello! I am a knit and crochet designer and I can never have enough yarn!
I randomly dye my hair bright colors, this time it is purple
Such an exciting opportunity!
Learned to crochet when I was about 7, learned to knit when I was about 23 and also cross-stitch, needlepoint, review books ands quilt. And work!
I’ve never been able to try your yarns, but I’d love to one day.
I am a stay at home mom and grandma (Gigi). My hobbies are crocheting, working out, and most important spending time with family!
Finally after working forever and being a single mom…I can do the things I have wanted to do …..knitting, crocheting and quilting…I even have joined groups….I have made things that I never thought I could….and I love…and I mean love fine yarns….
I have a crochet tattoo!
I’m a weaver and a knitter, not much into crochet. I’m also a quilter. Have a wonderful day.
I love yarn! <3 And purple. And my family. <3
My family means the most to me. I love them all. My friends are next!
I love to use M&M lollies as row counters. Although sometimes i need to eat a few.
I learned to knit when I was eight years old and have knitted off and on since, over 50 years! I have been knitting very seriously for the last 15 years! And, oh yes, I love yarn!!!
My father was a cowboy and I grew up barrel racing. It wasn’t till I was a little older that I transferred my passion from horses to fiber.
Hi Chandi! I love your yarns! Interesting factoid about me, I am a professional sheep shearer and have competed in the Calgary Stampede International Sheep Shearing Competition. I have placed 2nd, 3rd and 5th!
I started knitting about 10 years ago and just recently learned to crochet. I thought I was never going to get the hang of crocheting, it seemed too strange just having the one hook!
I find looking at what others are creating and investing themselves in encouraging to me as I explore new fiber and other creative interests…Sort of, Say if She/He can do this, I’ll give it a try too thought process…Always exciting to challenge myself….etc. etc. etc…
I can’t live without yarn! I knit or crochet every day and wish I can do it ALL DAY EVERY DAY!
Thank you for all inspiration!
I have so many ideas for your yarns!
I am perfectionist and have been known to frog a completed project because of 1 stitch dropped or 1 crochet stitch left a hole. Just ask my husband, he can attest to me ripping out a completed shawl or scarf or teddy bear because of a little mistake
I love to crochet and I love your yarn!
I play the oboe.
I LOVE to crochet and oh my, what I would do with $1000 in yarn!!?!?! That’d have me set for a long time!
I rescue pigs, have a sanctuary for them and am a hand spinner / knitter.
I learned to knit from my aunt, who could actually knit in the dark! she used to take me to the movies, and knit during the whole thing, without making a sound!
My mom was in the navy, my dad was Air Force, I have a twin brother, and two younger brothers, three of us were born in Hawaii and we lived in Europe for almost ten years
Hmmm something about moi!! Well I love to crochet…. I don’t really knit… at leastnot yet but I do plan to learn eeventually!
I married my husband on Halloween. I wanted to dress up in costumes but he didn’t.
One interesting fact about me is that I am a “low vision” knitter! I have myopic degeneration – diagnosed 10 years ago — but at at 46 I was NOT going to let my diminishing vision stop my love of knitting!
I knit daily — sweaters, socks, afgans, hats, necklaces, mittens, everything! I was just recently asked to set up a table at The Woodbury Moms Holiday Boutique here in Woodbury MN. That will be an exciting day.
I love your colorways! I loved following your trip!
Knit On!
I love yarn ,I crochet all my free time ,cant knit but I am learning .would love to be able to knit like I crochet.I would surley put this beautiful yarn to good use
I have been crocheting for 42 years
My hubby calls me a feeler. I can spend hours in a yarn shop feeling, hugging, and squeezing the beautiful yarns. I just love fiber!! Thank you for offering a chance to win some of your gorgeous yarns.
I knit every day, when one project is finished, I immediately start something else. I have so much stash, I’m beginning to hide it. I sometimes receive a package of yarn in the mail and don’t remember ordering it. I have a problem.
Thank you for that giveaway!
I lived in a big city, but my high school was an actual working farm.
I love crafting, sewing and knitting for my family. My mother passed in February and I miss showing her all I do.
I love to crochet during my free time, mostly things for my 3 little ones and sometimes for my animals too. I do make some things for me but not that often I am picky about yarn colors and only like certain types of yarn.
I love to crochet and have just learned to knit. My WIP is an afghan for one of my nieces
I have loved knitting and crocheting for as long as I can remember. My usual gift for new babies or newlyweds is an afghan. So far everyone seems to love them.
I love reading about your new yarns, Chandi, and the fabulous things you make with them. I would love to be able to afford to buy some of the exotic yarns that you sell.
Carol Koenig
Years ago, a friend gave me a knitting kit with written instructions. I tried to use it once and gave up out of frustration. Not long ago, I found the kit again and tried. The instructions were no help so I went to YouTube and found your video on how to knit. You’re video was wonderful and it made me feel I could totally learn this craft. In one night, I knitted half of a cowl and I’ve not turned back.
Just last week, I was able to give a friend a baby blanket I knitted and it was one of the best feelings. Im knowing that I made something with my own hands for a new life was incredible.
Thank you for the how to video. Maybe I’ll try crocheting next.
I was named after an aunt, & a friend named her daughter after me.
I am a massive caffeine junkie.
I learned to crochet first, but found knitting to be easier.
I have a photographic memory. And I would LOVE to win!
I love your yarn. Most of the items I knit and crochet are toys that are donated to the local homeless shelter at Christmas and Easter.
When I’m not knitting, I direct two choruses (children and teens), read incessantly, and blog about books. But the thing about me that people always find surprising is that I’m a freelance indexer – which means I create back-of-the-book indexes for soon-to-be-published books. (To answer the question 9 out of 10 people ask: Nope, computers can’t do that yet! Like word-processing software, indexing software makes it easier for me – it lets me arrange the formatting and does the alphabetizing. But the human indexer – me – is responsible for reading and analyzing the text and deciding what needs to be in the index, and where a reader is likely to look for it.)
Oh if I were so lucky to win this I would knit or crochet the days away at our cosy cabin in the mountains of BC !!!
Today is National Yarn Day. Myself and my fellow knitters lost a dear friend last month. Her husband asked us to come today to go through all her yarn and supplies. We will be taking and selling her stuff to fellow knitter friends. A very hard thing , yet a small way to help out. Found a penny in her tote. Her way of saying thank you for being a friend. We had coffee and shared memories during and after this very difficult morning. Reminded us when it happens to us we promise to be there to sort our stashes. I love your yarn and had shared some with Jeanine for a gift for her granddaughter.
I think I learned to crochet by osmosis. I never wanted to do it when I was young, but I’d seen my mother do it for years. When I decided to learn it, she told me she’d never seen anyone pick it up so fast.
Oh, and you’re teaching me how to knit on YouTube.
I am just learning to crochet. I made your warm beverage koozie as my first project and my two year old daughter thinks it’s her “bracelet”!
My name is Leslie and I have a severe chronic pain disease called rsd/crps. It’s often called the suicide disease because over 40% of people with crps commit suicide. I use crochet as a tool to help me control my pain, stress and anxiety. If I won this gift card it would be a blessing as I am on disability an DC can’t afford the yarn I crave. I crochet every day and try to challenge myself every day.
My sister taught me to knit when I was a kid but I didn’t want to be compared to her so I taught myself to crochet.
I taught myself to crochet as a kid and knit 7years ago now. I don’t crochet much anymore…hurts my wrists. I also conquered every stitch I could find. I never worry about new things in a pattern…the more new things the better! I love a challenge! This is how I’ve taught myself over the years.
Good morning. My name is Shelley and ive been crocheting for many many years now and love it. I just recently got into designing baby clothes for my friends Baby Girl and seem to have a nack at it. I watched your utube video on how to knit cuz I thought I would expand my skills, but even though you have the greatest video (spent most of my time giggling at you) I just cant seem to get it right. Oh well. LoL also wanted to thank you for an amazing site and great tips and patterns. TC
An interesting thing about myself? I have a tattoo of the floral pattern from my great-grandma’s wedding china!
I have a stressful job – I love to crochet to center myself, quiet my mind and make cool stuff all at the same time.
I have 10 grand children!
I love knitting (never learnt crochet), sewing, quilting, embroidery and I start too many projects that I have trouble to finish.
Thanks for this amazing giveaway!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
My life is a fascinating Sea of Synchronicity, which is my guidance!
I need deadlines in place to accomplish most things.
I am an avid knitter and have been off and on over most of my life. My current journey has taken me through healing from the loss of my first husband into a new marriage. I love to knit for my grandchildren!
My mom got me hooked and needled on yarn last year, at 37 years old, and I’m never going back!
I am the mother of five, grandmother of seven, an avid knitter and jewelry maker. Also a sometime maker of Kumihimo braid and crocheter. I’ve been busy knitting Christmas and birthday gifts for my friends and training to hike the Grand Canyon with my husband. I love the fabulous colors of your yarns and cannot wait ’til I’ve used up my stash so that I can indulge myself.
I have four children…a 22 year old daughter, an 18 year old daughter, a 6 year old son, and a 3 year old daughter.
I love all the bright beautiful yarn. Something interesting…. I’ve always wanted to do professional photography but I’m too nervous to take the plunge.
I am a high school history teacher, mother of 2 amazing children, and an avid cocheter and gardener. Your yarns have inspired me to make more and more for friends and family.
I have been knitting & crocheting for 50 years. I love making things for friends and family. Love to make afghans, scarves, hats, cowls, mittens, dishcloths. Currently working on prayer shawls for a couple of friends who are undergoing cancer treatment.
I like to knit while watching video lectures from my coursera classes

I learn alot about academics and knitting simultaneously
I love to knit, crochet, cross stitch, macrame (lawn chairs) and I just learned to crochet by number. Love all these things………. and my dog Koko.
I learned how to knit last Christmas! My brother-in-law taught me! It was a very nice Christmas gift
Umm something interesting about me is that I love math!
I would love to live in a lighthouse.
I live tucked away deep in the heartwoods of southern Indiana, in a cob house built by hand. I find it amazing that I can peek out into your world from my green retreat. It has been really interesting watching your business develop and your big move into your next dream space. You inspire so many! Hope I inspire a few to follow their dream and do what they love.
I’m a twin!
I own my own small business, but I’m terrible at time management and bookkeeping! Wait…that’s an admission, not necessarily interesting…
Thanks for the wonderful contest. Hope I win, your yarns are amazing!
A crazy knitting women ….it´s me …….
I hate winding yarn into balls. If it weren’t necessary in order to knit afterwards, I would never do it. I tried knitting straight from a hank once, but let’s just say I ended up with a bigger mess than a kitten playing with a ball of yarn.
I run an in-home daycare and am currently caring for five 2 and 3 yr olds. I crochet during nap time as a way to relax and unwind from the busy morning, and prepare myself for the chaos of my afternoons. I love what I do, and crocheting keeps me same, which makes it possible for me to continue doing what I love!
I am a yarn addict and a knitaholic. The softer the fiber the better and I love your amazing colorways!
I learned to crochet from my grandma when I was about 8 yrs.
Besides knitting, my other passion is being an ice hockey goalie.
What can I say? I love yarn…to me, every day should be International I Love Yarn Day
I do mostly knit hats for Headstart, children in protective services and the homeless. I have been knitting and crocheting since I was 8. I really love knitting for people in need. I usually use yarn that is either leftover from other projects or yarn that is given to me
I love knitting and I love yarn. Especially Expressions yarn. I am always in awe and amazement over the beautiful yarn that you dye! Can’t wait for my most recent order to arrive
Hello! My name is Brittany! My interesting fact is that I can crochet with my eyes closed! I know it seems silly, but it took lots of practice!
Hmmm…Interesting about me…I crochet left handed, taught to my by my great grandmother by sitting across from me…but I knit right handed….
I love to travel and have lived in six states. I knit and crochet to keep busy on flights and in the car.
My gran is my inspiration for crocheting, I have some blankets that she made when my mum was little and they mean so much to me, I thought I would try to follow in her footsteps.
Can’t get to grips with knitting though, crochet seems to progress faster!
My fiancé says I’m 20 going on 60 because I crochet! Cheeky git haha
I love to start projects, but finishing them is hard.
I love crocheting hats, slippers, and scarves for charity. Love yarn of all varieties!
I have been an on and off knitter for almost 50 years. I have to have a pattern with no graphs to work through. I love knitting for de-stressing as well as to make gifts for my family and friends. I have a almost 3 year old grand-daughter and she is the recipient of my knitting projects lately. My goal is to make her at least one or more hand-knit items every year!
I crochet and knit dishcloths to give out at work for Christmas
I crocheted my wedding dress – 3 weeks after I learned to crochet!!
Fall is my absolute favourite season because it is finally cool enough to knit again…it’s just too hot in the summer!
I have been crafting since I was a kid. One year for Christmas, I handmade gifts for every family member (stuffed animals for my youngest siblings, tote bags for a couple of sisters and other items). I got really good at repurposing/recycling materials.
BTW-my siblings all still have them, too. I also love to cook and create new recipes. I have cooked since I was younger and I read cookbooks like they were novels. I have even won some recipe contests, even without testing them before submitting them. 
I’m a test knitter for a designer and have aspirations of becoming a designer myself someday.
I am a school librarian, but also an aerial acrobat and marathon runner. In between all that, I knit and crochet!
I have been the only one in the world who spells my name this way, according to some websites! (Which means I never got the really neat things that have your name already engraved on them!)
i have recently returned to knitting after having learned as a young child and then given it up for most of my life.
I love your yarn and the color palettes you create. I can imagine the things I can make for myself.
I still have my very first teddy bear & my blankie hidden in my nightstand. And yes, I am waaaayyy past 40 years old.
My grandchildren call me Nanabug. My nickname since I was a little girl has been ladybug.
I have been crocheting 46 years but in earnest the last 15-20 years. Now into really mixing colours. Imagine the freedom of choice in yarn this prize could give me:-)
My name is Judy,
I have crocheted off and on for a many years, and now has become a 2 year daily hobby of mine. I have learned to read patterns in this time and love the challenges and outcome of what I have made and so do my 9 grandchildren lol
I can knit and crochet and enjoy both, I hardly ever make anything for myself.
Hi, I guess the most interesting thing about me right now is where I live, Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada on Baffin Island in the north artic. It is very hard to get any unique product here without paying high freight or bringing back in with you as the only way we receive product is by air or summer sealift. I miss the ability to just walk into a wool or craft store whenever the mood strikes. I envy all those on fb who can. So here’s hoping you pick me.
I have purchased so much yarn the last year that I was told that I have to use it all before I can buy more, so I’ve been making everyone I know a blanket so I can buy more yarn!
Hi, I’m Amelia, and I taught myself how to knit, crochet, tatting, cross-stitch and I want to learn how to spin, sew, dye yarn, embroidery, and much more!
My new hobby is painting wine glasses. My daughter crochets wine bottle covers and we pair them together as gifts.
Love your yarn colors! Interesting thing about me – I live on the shores of Lake Superior, the largest fresh water lake in the world. It is beautiful here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Also peaceful, relaxing and the perfect place to crochet!
I’m a left handed knitter & I haven’t cut my hair since 1968.
And I love your color sense.
I have always admired how well my wife crochets, but she can’t seem to get the hang of knitting. So, I decided to try my hand at it. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I haven’t been able to stop. And I love the looks I get, and the conversations it starts. Lol.
I am a yarnaholic. I have more yarn than I could knit and crochet in a lifetime but I can’t stop buying more! It’s just all so beautiful.
I taught myself to crochet, but for years I couldn’t get the hang of knitting. Finally my mom showed me a super simple cast on and I learned to knit from there. After I got used to knitting I was able to finally get the hang of the other cast on methods. Now I love everything about kniiting, crochet, and yarn!
I am a 40-something mom, enrolled in college trying to get my Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting! Scary thought to go back to school after almost 25 years!
I try very hard to be positive and encouraging to all I meet even when I am down.
I’m narcoleptic, so I spend most of my days alternating between napping and playing with yarn.
Something interesting…I can pick up just about anything with my toes and so can my son who is 7.
can even pick up a tennis ball with one foot 
I love to crochet and knit and have been doing both too many years to count. Thank you for the chance to win your yarn. Your colorways are beautiful.
I moved from Georgia to Minnesota almost a year ago & I still CAN’T FIND ALL MY YARN!!!
You are back stronger than ever now that you are settling. Such a YARN Vixen! I almost have to put a towel by my keyboard every time I log on because of the drooling over your yarns.
I taught myself to crochet and now learning to knit. I am obsessed with all things realtrd to fiber. Learning to dye yarn right now as well and hopefully will move forward with spinning and weaving soon
I am a two time cancer survivor. I have severe fibromyalgia and arthritis. My therapy is crocheting, sewing and other crafty things. I enjoy making things for my family and friends to give them back what they give me in love and this is a way to show them how much I appreciate them and love them by making a afghan or some other little craft to show my appreciation. I also love to bake, cook, fish, ride motorcycles and go to Clydesdale horse shows and the drag races.
My puppy Bailey is, and will always be, my first love.
I taught myself how to crochet by looking at a granny square blanket and figuring out how it was done. No one could show me more than a basic chain.I also taught myself to knitas i really love that look. I guess learning to spin may be my next venture lol.
I was a tank commander fighting in Afganistan for the Canadian army in 2010, and now I’m a mommy who loves to crochet!
I’ve been vegetarian for 8 years and I’m currently transitioning to being vegan
Thanks so much for the giveaway! I love all your yarns!
I just turned the big 3-0 this year and taught myself how to crochet in the last six months! Now, I am hooked
Great to have something to do when I get hospitalized all the time now!
Love the colors on your yarns.
I knit strange little creatures using fingering yarn and tiny needles. I’m currently working on version 2 of a small, sitting dragon.
Hey Chandi ! Guess what I did 2 weeks ago? I broke my foot!!!! Since I cannot walk, I am getting caught up on some crochet projects! Still learning new things all the time! Just learned to do the “Magic Circle” YAY!!!! Take Care- Sharon
I’m a dog groomer and save hair for spinning. I would love to win the 1,000. Gift card
My favorite colors are blue, purple, and emerald green, and I love mythology!
I need yarn intervention!
I have been knitting for 10+ years, but ever since I got sick two years ago and was diagnosed with multiple chronic diseases, I pretty much lost the ability to do anything. It was a very happy day indeed when I finally could knit again! Itade this 22 year old feel normal again.
I love anything yarn related.I have been spinning for 18 years.I prefer roving to spin from,but have used braids and brats.I crochet,knit,embroider, and would love to weave.I also make my greeting cards. So I would put this give away to good use .Thank you Martie
I live in central British Columbia on a pristine lake that is approx. 11 km long and 1.5 km wide. We don’t do fast boats but have a lovely party barge that we float around on – taking pictures of the wildlife, knitting, crocheting, dreaming….you get the picture. I have been blessed!
I’m a nurse by night, sleeper by day & crocheter every free moment I have. I’ve never been able to buy luxurious yarns before and am so excited by the possibility!! I love following along with the amazing yarns that you show us!!
My mom is an internationally published lace knitting designer but in all honesty I prefer socks. Not as big of a commitment. Toe up is the only way to go.
I love to crochet and enjoy learning new techniques. I would love to learn how to knit but have not set aside time to do so yet. A quirky fact about me: Though I really like plain M&Ms and my hubby and children the peanut, if he or one of my four kids come upon a perfectly round/spherical peanut M&M, they give it to me. Those are my favorite ones!!!!!
My mom taught me to crochet when I was younger and I would be grateful to give this to her as a gift. Thank you
I did 20 years active duty in the U.S. Navy and retired in September 2001. I have only been knitting since 2009 but learned in 8th grade.
I do most everything that is related to fiber arts. Knit, Spin, Weave, Dye…. even raised llamas and bunnies for their fiber.
Besides the obvious (that I LOVE yarn lol) I’m a big science nerd and if I had it to do all over again I would have been an astrophysicist. Then I could crochet in space lol
I once knitted an entire blanket while watching the $10,000 prize hole for a Golf Tournament. No boby own, but I did get that blanket done in one day!
I’m Sonya, the owner of Blackstone Designs and I am a crochet junkie with a major crush on your yarn!!!!
Something about me….I was born in Romania and I first learned how to knit and crochet in Romania in 3rd grade! I’m also the 2nd older out of 11 children!
Mom taught me to crochet as a child and its second hand nature to me. Knitting has become a new passion of mine and I love all thiings yarn. My favorite time of year is fall and I looovvve chocolate.
I took knitting up when I was suffering from severe depression, its one of the best tonics you can have xxx
I am a complete sci-fi junkie!
Hmmmm, something interesting about myself. Well, I’ve been crocheting for 25 years, since I was 14. I just revealed my age, I realize that. When I was 28 I was widowed while 9 months pregnant and crocheting helped keep me somewhat sane. Now my child, who will be 12 in a couple weeks, has to wear tons of crocheted stuff whether she wants to or not. Most of the time she’s fine with it, but those times she doesn’t like it makes me giggle like a schoolgirl. That’s normal parenting, right?
I knit by age 9, thanks to my grandmother, and taught myself crochet by 16… in my 20’s and 30’s I was teaching 17 different arts programs in community college, doing curriculum development for 11 of them – spinning, hand and machine knitting, quilting, cake decorating, articulated teddy bears, serging and more. I’m a yarn junkie, currently delighting in using sacred geometry to create prayer shawls.
I started a small group of knitters and crocheters who for five years have been donating our talents to well deserving charities both locally and nationally. We have made over 100 chemo caps, 70 premie and baby hats and leggings for our local hospital, hats and mittens and scarves for those in need following Hurricane Irene, and squares/blankets for the homeless. In addition we’ve made scarves for the winter Special Olympics. We are always in need of yarn. Even when we deplete our stashes, somehow there is always enough to finish our projects.
I am an “only child” and yes, I admit, I’m spoiled!!
Something interesting. ….I live yarn, have more than I will probably ever knit, so I bought a weaving loom to use more yarn. But then I have yet to use my stash!!
My birthday is October 30th, fall is my favorite season and October is my favorite month – so I have decided that October is MY month and I celebrate from beginning to end!
I am learning to teach students with disabilities how to knit, crochet and sew. Trying to figure out the best way to teach knitting. It appears that only one needle can move at a time. The other needs to be held stationary. I need a little luck!
I love to crochet! Interesting fact: my favorite color is yellow!
I taught myself to crochet last year abd am going to teach myself how to knit
On a lark, I applied for a scholarship to study in Japan in high school. I won and it changed my life forever. I ended up graduating from a Japanese university and worked/lived there for years. Go figure!
I started crocheting this past Feb and LOVE it!!
I am a disabled mother of 4 my daughter is learning to crochet so i thought i would too soo many cute things out there. maybe it will keep the athritis out of my hands. and my mind busy..I love to make homemade presents for loved ones.this will be great. My daughter is already so good at it!
Thank you for such a fun giveaway!
I would like to learn how to knit the Interlac stitch. I like unusual scarf patterns.
I spend my days with a classroom of bright little sparks, and my leisure time involved in community theatre. This year I have a chance to play Mrs. Lovatt from Sweeny Todd–way too much fun!
LOVE this – but this comment email and name is not the same as my fb join name – that’d be a good ‘something about myself’.. too bad it also disqualifies this particular entry point LOL <3
I can figure out measurements, alternations, and adjustments to any pattern but I can’t “do” regular math. Don’t even get me started on how I can figure out yardage to the tee but can’t balance a checkbook… lol.
Hi ! Something interesting… crochetting and knitting are regular hobbies for me, but I’m actually a student in animated film making ! I plan on making a stop motion movie with puppets & backgrounds made of yarn, too.
a lifetime fiberholic, this yarn would be enjoyed by many as most of my knitting is charity work; enjoyed by me and enjoyed by the receiver
OMG! I would probably have a heart attack if I won this.
I become totally addicted to hobbies. I wrote poetry in my 20s and was published in many different literary magazines/books. Was even nominated for a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. I couldn’t go a day without writing. I then turned my attention to games (WoW) and became obsessed with that (and Farmville) for a couple of years and now I’m yarn and crochet crazy!
I just had to do a major destash due to a cross country move…a thousand dollars in yarn would keep me busy at our new place.
My name is Julie, and I enjoy challenging myself with new yarns and projects that enhance my knitting skils. Plus, knitting relaxes me!!
Hi Chandi
Love your yarns so much! Have to restrain myself with each of your offerings!
My grandmother taught me how to knit and crochet when I was a little girl. Now it’s one of my most precious memories.
I would go insane if I won. I just opened a Etsy shop and could use all the yarn I can get! So many cool yarns out there!
I love creating, but I love giving my items away more than if I kept them!
Thanks for your sweet giveaway! 
I absolutely love your yarn. I’ve finally decided what pattern I want to make with the April, June and July Yarn Clubs. I have been knitting and crocheting for 40 years.
6 years ago, I started a Prayer Shawl ministry in my church. We have 7 ladies who crochet, knit and quilt prayer shawls. So far, we have given over 200 shawls. Many have been sent across country.
I love yarn. All things you can make with it. I love the colors and completing projects.
What a wonderful gift that would be!!!!!!!! I love to look at and re-arrange my yarn stash, and listen carefully until something tells me what it wants to be.
I need to win! It’s my turn!! Lol
I am a beginner knitter. I am also already a “stasher” because I love all the beautiful colors and types of yarn.
I taught myself to knit, and my first project was a Fair Isle sweater…nothing like jumping in with both feet. I also knit sweaters for most of the football team while in college.
I only just found out about your yarns and boy am I in trouble! Everything is so beautiful
I do costume design for our Community Theater, and I have an antique booth at a local shop. I make bags out of repurposed felted wool. Oh, and I knit and crochet.
Merci pour ces très belles couleurs et matières. Personnellement, je pratique : tricot, crochet, couture, broderie, confection de bijoux, le tout généralement en modèle unique suivant l’inspiration qui me vient des matériaux.
I’m addicted to yarn ……. !!
When I was a kid, I remember my mom crocheting afghans every free moment she had (especially waiting for me while I was in ballet class!), and finally I asked her to teach me how to crochet as well a few years ago (I’m apparently her only child interested in yarn).
Last year, I asked my fiance’s mother to teach me how to knit (I’m still practicing and not very good yet). I like knowing both, and I like even more that I feel like I brought our two families together in an unusual way. :3
My birthday is tomorrow… That can be the perfect gift
I’m hoping I win this!!
My mom tried for years to teach me to crochet unsuccessfully. I’m left handed. Later in life I learned to crochet right handed. It’s the only thing I can do right handed, I miss my mom
I own a motorcycle rentals company.
I teach second grade and I LOVE it! Yarn crafts help me relax in the evenings.
I could make a lot of gifts with the yarn!
I learned to crochet from a book bought by my mom for lefties as she is right handed and couldn’t teach me. I learned at 10 years old because I wanted to do what my “mommy was doing.” When I crochet I feel close to my mom who passed away 10 years ago. She is/was my hero…my inspiration.
I love to crochet and have to crochet everyday.
My husband has banned me from buying yarn until I use more of my stash. Crochet ALL THE THINGS!!!!
Something about me? Hmmmmm, I am a military wife & mother of 3. I taught myself to crochet 2 years agoto help take my mind off of the daily pain that goes with having rhuematoid arthritis. & even though I have alot to learn , I love it
Love your yarn colour names and the pictures that go with them!
Yes, I am a guy who crochets, taught by my late mother-in-law, but I can’t knit a stitch. I also embroider.
I’m a knitted and weaver and have a room full of yarn for weaving.
I like to travel around my state ( South eastern Virginia) to visit different yarn shops, North Carolina is on my to do list. I even visit one while I am on vacation in Hatteras, NC and buy yarn from her every year. I would love to open my own yarn shop one day!
Something abt myself well I taught myself how to crochet and knit by just watching my mom and grandmother’s when I was 7 I love crochet more then knitting
My two favorite pass times are knitting and boxing. People always tell me that’s a weird combination haha
I’m a Navy wife from Arkansas and we’re currently in Maine for a couple years! I’m knitting and crocheting like crazy just to keep warm!!
I am currently studying to become a veterinary assistant and I love to knit sweaters for my dogs.
I have been crocheting for 42 years, knitting for 18 and I love all things sewing, craft, jewelry, needle point, cross stitch, glass, pottery and costume, etc. If I can paint it or decorate it in anyway I will, even my car. Currently making and selling shawls.
I knit and crochet. I am totally self-taught (with the aid of books and magazines) when it comes to knitting. Learning crochet was a combination of self-teaching, and guidance from my mother-in-law. I am also the only one I know who is passionate about yarn and these two arts. (My mother-in-law likes to crochet, but isn’t passionate about it, and it quite content not learning new techniques.)
I keep a stash of baby blankets for gifts
Unusual? I can wiggle my ears… together and individually!
I just joined & love all the yarns I see. i can’t make up my mind which I want to order!
My grandmother taught me to knit when I was about 7, and I kept at it until I had kids. Now my 28 year old daughter has been knitting for a few years and she introduced me to this site and I am hooked again. I am a college student and I find that knitting is the perfect soother after a long day of hitting the books. My only problem is keeping myself in check when I browse yarn selections!
My yarn stash has become SABLE.
I’m a young crocheter! Under 25 and I love it! I get called a weirdo old lady all the time :p
I once won a contest for reading the most pages in 24 hours.
I love to knit and crochet.I am busy making a baby blanket and sarf,and dressfor american doll..I love your yarn and colors you choose wish I had extra money toget some as most of my hings I givve away to friends who appreciate it or to charities.hope I win this prize.thanks for the offer to try.
I had to leave an abusive relationship and left with two had my knitting and crochet needles, yarn and a few knitting books and the other my clothes!!!
born in Germany, became an Australian citizen when i was 21, in 1973
I am a relatively new knitter, having only really started
knitting about 3 years ago. I love it so much and I adore
your yarn!
I’m a whovian…. and never got over the tenth doctor…
The older I get, the more colour I am craving in my life! Guess this is why I love your site and your wonderful shades of yarn. Thankyou.
I taught my sister to knit while she was recouping from her first child’s birth.
I’m new to crocheting and I’m in love!!! It’s so much fun to create such beautiful things.
I’ve been knitting for 55 years and am blessed to be able to design and teach to share the joy.
I’m doing this for my grandmother. She loves to make things with yarn and I thought if I could enter and go for a shot to win she would LOVE it. She wants to make something for everyone in her family before she ifs unable to do so anymore.
Hi I’m Janicka full time mom and yarn lover. I knit and crochet but crochet has my heart.
I’ve been crocheting since I was about 10
I knit, bake, work, sew, knit some more and can crochet edgings when forced to. I am a compulsive knitter and reader. Which just means that given a spare minute I”ll either be knitting or reading or reading about knitting.
Oh, and I LOVED the video of you making that beautiful rug!
I am sad that I didn’t get to your shop before you moved. I have just moved to Kotzebue and took two suitcases and 4 tubs of yarn! I have knitted three hats, one out of the chocolate colored yak! Love it! I have referred several friends. They can’t believe the colors you create. Thanks so much.
I’ve been knitting since I was 5 years old.
I usually have 3 or 4 WIP at the same time. Crochet and some knitting helped me survive a year of being home due to a leg fracture that required a second surgery. So thankful I had this hobby to turn to.
the first time I met my boyfriend cat I told her sit and she did…ever since he has accused me of having some sort of cat mind control. lol
I’ve been driving a Vespa for 8 years… but I don’t have a license for a car! I guess it limits my haul when visiting my local yarn shop….
thank you for the opportunity to win!
Hi Chandi,
I prefer to be called Jenn. I love life and crochet every day.
I learned to crochet in high school but it was later in life that I developed a passion for it I taught myself how to read a pattern and sometimes I still get confused. I love all kind of yarn.
Something interesting about myself, mmm!
I asked my mom to teach me to knit when I was 8, but she said no that she had learned incorrectly and she wanted me to learn the right way. So, she told me to ride my bike to the library and ask the librarian to help me get a book on knitting. I took my library book and headed to the five and dime to pick up some yarn and needles. It was 1970 and the yarn choices at the five and dime were very limited. My first project was a rather hideous yellow polyester knitted scarf, and I lived in Southern California.
I now work in a library and over the years I have taught hundreds of adults and children to knit. I even take them to the yarn store to help them shop for yarn.
Itaught myself to ctochet.
Yarn is my happy place and your positivity has brightened my day on many occasions! Thank you!
I almost peed myself laughing when my son asked me “What are you doing mom? Crotch-it-ing?” I still laugh when Iaugh when I think about it
didn’t mean to put “laugh when” twice
I taught myself to crochet, then my aunt taught me to crochet beads about 40 years ago, then I learned to knit, now I am learning to weave!
My crocheting abilities helped me snag my husband when I made him a hat for winter three years ago.
I teach knitting, crocheting and jewelry making.
I’m a 3rd generation crocheter & have been crocheting for over 50 years. My mother taught me to crochet when I was 5 years old, sitting on a stool beside the stove while my mother cooked.
I translate Japanese patterns for fun! Half my family lives in Japan so I’m halfway to fluency.
while in college, I tried out to be Donald Duck at Disneyland. I was 1″ too tall and at the time, I was 5′ 1″.
I’m working on learning as many stitches as I can so that I can do justice to your yarn. I love, love, love to crochet. Friends remark that I constantly crochet. And, I always respond that if I’m not crocheting I’m either sleeping or dead.
Something about me.
I am a mum of 4 children , 3 of which together with my hubby all have chronic illnesses, at times it’s life and death we play with, so things here can get stressful and I’m up during the night every few hour, every night . I have suffered from sever depression, I think due to the stress, also home school my kids. Never want to go into that depression ever again, so when things here get a little stressed and I feel down, I pick up my wool and needles or crochet hook and get lost in creating something special for someone…so in a way yarn is a life saver in this house, because if mum is happy so is everyone else
It just works.
I have participated in 10 sheep to shawl demonstrations or competitions where a sheep is sheared,the yarn is spun and a shawl is woven in about 3 hours or less. I was on a winning team seven times.
I learned to knit when is was in my teens but only just learned how to crochet in this last year now I’m crazy for crocheting. I love competitions….but never win
I love crocheting! i can knit but i really prefer crochet! I make all kinds of things like amigurumi, scarves, afghans and such. I am a new subscriber, cannot wait to see what you have in store!
Something interesting about me is I met my husband whilst chain sawing locusts in video games!!
I am addicted to sparkly yarn!
I love decorating for the seasons and am very happy it’s fall, although it still feels like summer here in California! Oh, and I’ve NEVER knit a pair of socks… I promise to learn if I win the yarn;)
Yay! A dream come true!
I have been crocheting since I was 26 years old on and off and now all the time. I am now 62. When I was 26, I said I wanted to learn how so I could have something to do when I got old. lol
I got one of your colorways once on the monthly yarns special. I made a clutch, cell phone case, coin purse and have just a little left to find one small thing to make to go with the other three.
This year is my 53rd Anniversary of loving the YARN CRAFT INDUSTRY. I began to learned this appreciation at 10 years old watching my Mom.
I enjoy learning new crochet stitches. Crocheting has been a great comfort – very relaxing – and it’s a creative outlet that allows me to bless others.
My beautiful mother taught me how to crochet when i was little. Since she has passed everyday i crochet i think of her and the artistry she had gifted me with.
Really enjoy your newsletters & seeing all of the beautiful yarns & colors! Must admit I’m a bit intimidated by them.
My Dad taught me how to knit and I taught myself how to crochet however,I wish I had more time to knit and crochet. There are so many patterns out there and so little time. Work gets in the way of relaxing with a pair of needles!
I’m a self-taught knitter who lives in Montreal, Québec, so yes, I speak french!
I’m a completely self taught yarnie. Everything I know about knit and crochet stitches I taught myself. No one else in my family knits or crochets.
I learned to crochet at a very early age , then 1-1/2 years ago I took a knitting class and fell in love with knitting and yarn…can not get enough of it…I made my 1st scarf and against my teachers advice I made my new grandson and sweater,,,,,,,,,she was so surprised that it turned out so good……………after the lessons the teacher and I have become great friends ( best buds) even though she has moved to Ireland…….I am always on a knitting high anymore
I am a yarn snob and your yarn is the crème de la crème! Thanks for the giveaway.
I hold a fourth-Dan Black Belt ranking in Jujutsu, my students find it disturbing that I crochet cute amigurumi critters, it’s probably the closest to girly I get
I sew and crochet. To put it simple iam STITCH HAPPY!!!And LOVE every minute of it.sometimes just not enough hours in a day.
No matter what time I end my day, I make time to crochet, even if it’s jus for 15 minutes…which we all know turns into a minimum of 1 hour haha
I have two beautiful children that I love to make little crochet gifts for. Just this past week I’ve started crocheting to earn a little extra money to help with Christmas.
I am an RN by calling, and an artist by gifting. I love yarn and one can never have too much yarn. I recently started needle felting and find it very therapeutic. My favorite things to crochet are Amigurumi’s. I also make jewelry and have a shop on etsy. Have a blessed day Chandi and thank you for the opportunity to enter a contest to purchase from your shop. Sal
Going to a yarn hop in Kansas. Can’t get enough yarn!!!
Something interesting about me…I’m a vegan!
Hmm something interesting….well when I was a young teenager my parents and I played characters in a village for “Pioneer Days”. It was this time if year is why I thought of it! My father was the gunsmith, mother the soap lady, and when I wasn’t helping her, I carded wool for the spinner! Guess my love of yarn and fiber started at a young age!
I learned to spin last year and am now completely addicted. I even own 2 spinning wheels. I consider myself very, very lucky to have such an understanding and supportive husband.
Hi, I am fairly new to knitting and crocheting, but it was something I always wanted to learn.
I recently learned how to crochet! I absolutely love it! Needing a good yarn stash though
I love crochet and yarn but I never get to buy specialty yarns due to being in a very low fixed income.
I taught myself to crochet when I was 4 while watching my mother teach someone else. I was “bothering” them and so my mom gave me yarn and a needle and told me to be quiet. I haven’t stopped since. And now I knit as well.
i volunteer at an exotic cat sanctuary near my house; we feed the cats raw meat, which we get frozen, and then thaw it, so there’s a lot of blood that we have left over. Some of the cats like it as a treat. I once looked in the refrigerator and squealed with glee “look at all that BLOOD!”
I raise suri alpacas. I learned to do everything from shearing to shawl.
A little about me would be that I’m a care aide by profession and I love to assist some of my residents with their yarn projects. I donated a ‘huge’ supply of yarn to my last facility to assist with their projects
I love yarn art!!!!
I’ve been crocheting and knitting since I was around 14 yrs old. My mom taught me to knit. My Mom tried to teach me to crochet by I could not catch on so she had her friend teach me. I have been crocheting ever since. I also knit when I have a project that I find very interesting.
I’m a more of 3 beautiful children 2 handsome boys 8 and 5 and a beautiful happy lil girl who is 16 months…. I taught myself how to crochet shortly after she was born cuz I wanted to make this cute headband I seen on pinterest lol…. I’ve since made countless head bands, Mohawk earflap hats for my boys, a beautiful c2c baby blanket for a friend’s new baby I’m not very fast but I can still get the work done…. I’d love to win this I can’t afford much yarn and spend more time making wish lists..
My great grandmother taught me to knit when I was in the 3rd grade at school. She had an old set of steel knitting pins (I still have them today) and we used a ball of twine. I will never forget what fun that was for me. Then, my grandmother taught me to crochet so I had the best of both worlds. Throughout the years I have never stopped crafting using these two skills. I love needlework. It has served me well.
I am a brand new grandmother and have been knitting for my granddaughter the past week. It would be wonderful to have beautiful yarn to make more baby items.
I have finally started crocheting again after a long period of time without crocheting or crafting of any kind due to illness, so it is wonderful to have the want, inspiration and creativity back
And your yarn really spike the inspiration, they are wonderful 
I love to crochet and have recently discovered there are more yarns than wool, cotton and acrylic. If only my budget would allow me to try them all.
I am 61, a great grand mother and a cancer survivor who loves to work with yarn! I recently made my great grandson a minion doll.
I watch subtitled Korean dramas regularly, even when I am knitting.
I love fiber arts, from weaving to felting, to knitting and crocheting!
I’m an avid knitter who likes long walks on the beach… No no no… long colorful skeins of yarn, many wips in my knitting bag, a sock on the needles at all times, and knitting gifts for my family.
Hello my name is Nicole and I am a yarnaholic ^_^ I been crocheting for quite a few years and started dyeing my own yarn at the beginning of this year. About a month ago I started to use a drop spindle. I love it!!
Hi! I’m Christine and I knit many years, with some extended pauses. I learn how to crochet at March of ’13, but I have done many patterns since then! I have two daughters, the elder is a student and the younger is still at school. Oh, and I’m from Greece! Looking forward to hear good news from you! xxx
I’ve very involved in dog and cat rescue and it can be very stressful. To relax, I love working on crafts, sewing, etc., plus I can donate items I make to rescues to raise money for the animals.
I love to crochet and I rescue animals. I have 4 rescues (1 dog and 3 cats) in my house now.
I read some super interesting comments below on things people are working on! Keep up the good work! I try to spend a day a week making donations to be sent to be sent on base to the military to either be sent overseas or to the military children. I wish everyone luck with contest!
I love to spin and do naalbinding and knit. I try to support my local yarn stores, prefering to buy from them first and only going to the “big box” stores if I can not find what I need. The Zoom Loom is really fun and maybe someday I’ll move up to a Cricket! I have two spinning wheel and several drop spindles and I’m willing to teach anyone who wants to learn the basics.
I have ASD, knitting and crochet are a type of stim for me, to the point where I was knitting socks at a theme park when it got overwhelming.
Something about me. . . I love to crochet! I love your beautiful yarn! I work like crazy during the night so I could be home with my little dude all day. Crochet is my therapy, I used to think it was cheaper than therapy but my addiction has grown! Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a mother, foster mother and a grandmother and I love it!
I recently learned to crochet, and I love it! (I can no longer knit because of an RSI/tendonitis in my wrist/arm.)
Something about me … I ‘m not fan of talking about me
That’s the reason why i’m not à blogger !
Taught myself to crochet 25 years ago and the grown baby still has the outfit…
I used to be a yarn sales rep and got paid to go to all the yarn shops in seven states. What a dream job!
I was a professional drummer when I was younger. Now I knit for a living. Guess I was always destined to play with sticks.
This is a diffucult question! Something interesting about me? Well, I live in Finland, Europe and my American friend lived in Finland, MN
This is the most amazing give away ever! I just absolutely love your yarn! Thank you so much for offering this opportunity!
So, I forgot to leave the one thing comment, got so excited about the give away! I was taught by my mother to crochet. I quit in my young 20’s and didn’t pick it up again until about 2 years ago. I have not stopped crocheting since I retired two years ago and now have enough supply complete to start selling at the local craft sales. I am considering starting my own blog about crochet because I don’t really have anyone here that wishes to hear about my WIPs, completions and complete failures. I’m so glad I found the Internet Crochet Crowd!
Hi, l am a disability pensioner because of a chronic pain illness, l got my mum into Expression Fiber Arts, as she has gotten into knitting, crochet, she has been buying alot from you guys. So l am hoping to win to give to my mum as a present for all her hard work in caring for me with my chronic illness.
Every day and every evening I dream in color of fluffy clouds made of yarns rising in the sky with my whole being carried away into my own creative life. Not one person I know really know believes it’s there, I know it is.
I carry a notepad with me and quickly sketch a design for my future endeavors.
Greetings from the Kenai Chandi! Hope you are getting settled in your new locale, and thank you for continuing to make beautifully colored yarn wherever you are. I used to think I would see you in Alaska one day, but since that isn’t as likely with you moving out of state. But I will still be visiting your site to see your lovely work! Thank you for providing such a generous giveaway, it will certainly help someone with all their holiday gift making budget! Best if luck everyone!
I crochet, and use yarn in my plastic canvas projects and also in some of my embroidery. I make scarves, hats, finger puppets, dolls, slippers, and anything else I can think of.
My greatest accomplishment in life is being a mother!
I am new to crocheting and am self taught, going on 2 years now. I just adore creating beautiful and unique crocheted things for others and for myself, my home is slowly looking like the 70’s. I love the feeling my home gives me surrounded in wonderful wool.
I just recently began crocheting again. Forgot how relaxing it was. I sure need to stock my yarn stash!
I’m a scientist by day and crocheter by night!
nice prize love it
I am a Granny of six biological children as well as other children of which I am not related. I love them all. I learn to ride a motorcycle at age 47 and logged 52,000 miles in 12 years. At age 65 I still love the wind in my face and the rumble of the engine.
I have been doing handiwork since I was about 6 or 7 years old. My mom used to crochet doilies and I followed her lead. I love embroidery, quilling, card making, drawing, crocheting and especially knitting! I love to knit! My house would be full of yarn if I had my way!!!!
Hm, something interesting about myself. I have too many hobbies and not enough money, haha! I mostly buy cheap yarn for my crochet lcurrently I’m making a blanket for in my new room
Oh and I’m learning how to knit, but at the moment I like crochet more.
I started knitting and crocheting at seven years old. That now makes it 58 years of yarncraft. I so love your exquisite yarns and inspirations.
I am mostly self-taught when it comes to knitting. My aunt taught me the knit stitch when I was 11, and I had to use library books and (eventually) the internet to learn everything else. It’s been an interesting and educational 32 years!
Love your yarn. I am a mum of 4 and live in New Zealand
I am 38 years young and I fight rheumatoid arthritis everyday and I crotchet as as a physcal therapy
I’ve been knitting and crocheting for 54 years, Taught by my Grandmother. Loved that lady. <3
I stared a knitting club in school, to pay it forward
I learned to crochet and knit 3 years ago and love it. I’d love to add to my wall of yarn!
I love crocheting, knitting and cooking for my family!
I love all the colors you make.I love to crochet would love to learn knit.
I learned to crochet about four years ago and love making gifts for my family and friends! Your yarns are absolutely gorgeous!!! I can’t wait to make something for myself with them soon!
I learned at a very young age to knit and crochet. Its something I’ve shared with my children.
I am a breast cancer survivor and love helping other’s get through the journey. A lot of people don’t realize men can get breast cancer too and need support. Knitting is therapeutic. If I start a project I’m not crazy about I stop and find something else to work on.
I learned to crochet from my grandma a long time ago.
I’m crazy about yarn and shoes! I sell all my knitting on my Etsy store ToOurMoonAndBack with my daughters adorable bottle charms! I have two extraordinarily talented children and two adorable granddaughters! I’m extremely excited about the chance to win $1000 worth of yarn!
My great grandmother taught me to crochet in high school. She was left handed so I was taught left handed. Everything I crochet ends up wonky because I use my right hand.
Crocheting helped me to quit smoking.
I would love to win so I could do a lot of knitting with quality yarn for my loved ones.
I have convinced my husband to get cashmere goats so I can have my own fiber supply!
I’m new to knitting and crocheting, but I can do both. I’m hoping to make some fantastic holiday gifts this year, so winning this would be super!
I was a smoker for 30 years. with the help of the steps patch and my crocheting i quit smoking. its been 4 years now smoke free and still crocheting. I’m. getting requests for different crochet items now and i love every minute of it!
Something about myself? Lynn Kurland is one of my favorite authors (knitters and spinners as heroines, oh my!)
The things one could make with all that yarn…….
Something interesting, hmmmmm. Well, I’m afraid of clowns! Does that count? Funny story, one day me and a friend of mine brung our kids to a carnival; and I, being quite disinterested in the whole thing, had taken my knitting along for additional company. We’re walking down this row of concession and game stands when a clown jumps out and scares the crap out of me. Needless to say my knitting went one way and I went the other. Never went back for my project either. Luckily my friend was nice enough to get luck it up for me. Lol.
If I’m not working with yarn I’m thinking about it, reading about it, wishing for it… Can’t imagine $1000 worth, what a treasure!
My fiancé will hate if I win because we don’t have the room for more yarn. He has threatened to throw yarn out if I buy more. That said I’ve been sewing since I could hold a needle. My first project was plastic canvas blocks. My mom sewed the letters and I filled in the background then she taught me how to sew them together.
Apparently, my first comment didn’t come through, so here’s another one
An interesting fact about myself is, and many friends know it, that I have too much hobbies and not that much money. Say at ease, no money at all besides 20 euro’s each month from my parents (Yes, I still live with my parents, I’m only 16 years old ya know?). The hobby I work on the most is doing crochet, with the cheap yarn I buy at local stores.
Hope this is an interesting fact or thing or whatever-you-want-to-call-it for you, haha
I love crocheting, but I always have at least three projects going at once and I work on whatever one has a color that suits my mood for the day…almost like the yarn that’s “calling to me” is the one I work on
my family runs to twins, Mom was one I am one and my twin brother has two sets of twins
I am a yarnaholic as you are, Chandi ! I crochet all the time, and recently began to learn embroidery. My following projects are tapestry and circular weaving… I would love to live seven lives !!!
Ooo…what I could do with $1000 of yarn…oh the possibilities.
I took voice lessons for 10 years and was in the chorus of an opera.
I love crochet and will be learning to knit soon.
After years attempting to learn to crochet from my grandmother, mother, aunt and even my grandfather, I could never pick it up by watching them.
Then I moved away from home to be with my long time boyfriend and while he was at work one day, learned in about an hour by watching youtube videos.
Never give up on learning something you really want to do. There will be a way for you to learn, you just have to find it.
Interesting fact about myself: Babies love me beyond imagination. Mothers are taken aback when their Little Ones crawl into my lap after meeting me for the first time; the babies know that my oxytocin level runs high and I will love them beyond their wildest dreams, amazing their parents and care providers who frequently make sweet comments about it.
Thank you for asking a personal question this early morning; I love talking about the Littles who inhabit my world.
I have been knitting over 50 years and my passion is to make lapghans for our local veterans facility as Christmas gifts. As several others have said, I rarely make anything for myself and give away most things as gifts for family and friends, hats and scarves for the homeless shelters and of course the vets.
My Grandmother taught me to knit to keep me quiet, didn’t help
nothing very interesting about me, Iove craft, knit ,sew, papercrafts, will try most things, most of all I love colour and variety.
I started knitting in University to relieve the stress of my final year… grandma was a big knitter – loved complex patterns and cables – I’m the same!!!! Love knitting aran patterns…..I love knitting for others… other love is Australian Shepherds….I breed, show, train and thoroughly enjoy their company……they also help to relieve stress!!!
I am avid knitter and crochet! I have 2 beautiful granddaughters that I love to make things for them hats, sweaters etc!
The first time I tried to learn how to crochet (I had already known how to knit, but hadn’t done it for several months), I failed miserably. It was a few years before I picked up the hook again and on my 2nd attempt to learn, it finally clicked. I have been crocheting for 3.5 years now and I recently found a new love for knitting as well.
I’m a loving wife, mother, and grandmother, and I’m a yarn lover!
As a little girl II taught myself how to crochet. I happily crocheted for about 45 years ago and loved creating items. I always had something on my hook, everything from great big afghans to delicate wraps, not to mention beautiful little doilies. Then Rheumatoid Arthritis struck and I thought my creating days were over. That is until I found loom knitting. Now I’ve got something always hanging from my looms! From socks to delicate wraps to afghans, I’m happily creating again!
Thank-you for giving me a chance to fill up my yarn stash again!
And good luck everybody!
I love to crochet and create. My family is adopting a special needs infant who needs MUCH of my time. I have discovered the joy of working on crochet projects with her sitting on my lap. Recently I crocheted her a beautiful little dress. Much of it was done WHILE she was wearing it!
Something interesting about me, I only have one lung.
I can’t start a new project until I’ve finished the current one. Weird, huh?
I am a mom and I work with my husband and his brothers driving for AAA Roadside Assistance through their dad’s garage. I crochet, make jewelry, sculpt, and have started learning to knit. I also love learning new crafts.
I love to crochet!! I currently have 2 large trash bags full of items that I have made! Want one?
love yarn and the possibilities with love creating love arts and nature
My sister makes the most beautiful projects and I want to win for her.
My family and I entered and won a “Sing ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ contest in 2013; we still get together once a week to have supper, rehearse (not just the National Anthem now), and laugh a lot. I love crochet, and sewing; and I enjoy starting, but have to practice on the completion part of, all projects!
I’m Danielle. I got into crocheting after a bad break up, but it’s something all of the women in my family have passed to each other. I got into knitting recently with my best friend and it is my most favorite thing. I have an anxiety disorder and have a bad habit of getting really tense, and working with yarn has just… Completely changed my life and helped a lot. I want to, someday, be able to open a yarn store (or invest in some kind of knit-therapy situation) and sell yarn from local artists or people not unlike yourself.
That is a far off dream though.
I learned to crochet when I was 9 and I love it. I also paint on wood and gourds.
I love to crochet but have a hard time knitting. My very first youtube video to try and learn knitting was yours! Keep going back because i love your personality!!
Yarn is my passion. I love all your yarn.
In addition to fiber arts, I am also a life long student of herbs and herbal medicine.
I raise a breed of sheep called the Finnish Landrace or Finnsheep as they are called here in the states. I got into them because I love to knit, crochet and spin. They have an excellent wool that’s easy to spin and can be next to skin soft. I love my sheep!
something interesting … I am about to do something most adults would run screaming from … spend an entire day with 3000 teenagers! I’m the advisor for our Key Club
NJ Fall Rally here we come!
I love to crochet. Self taught about 3 years ago now and wow, what a journey. My goal is to someday be able to do the free form crochet. Also would like to learn to knit, but so far my attempt have not been very sucessfull
I am currently crocheting my very first baby blanket for my soon to be born first grandchild!
i love to create thngs with yarn, and am making a new rug for my son’s room now.
I am a kidney transplant recipient. We have a hereditary disease that runs in our family, Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Even though each child has a 50/50 chance of inheriting the disease, all 3 of us kids have it and all 3 have had successful transplants. We are such a lucky family.
I love to make yarn and yarn creations!
I am now the dog wound expert at the kennel I work at. Mostly because my dog has had every skin, wound issue imaginable and he’s only 3 years old.
How exciting! I need a 12 step yarn addiction program. Yarn and chickens. And jelly bellies.
My name is Susie and I am a yarn addict…and I don’t want help!
I’m new to knitting and crocheting and so far have only made a couple of slightly odd shaped hats (that my little girl won’t let me throw away) lol. But I found your site and am inspired by all the wonderful colors of yarn! I am now determined to refine my skill and make something beautiful.
Something interesting about me: Being connected to the military all my life I’ve moved around a bit and I’ve had all sorts of jobs from childcare to baking, from dismantling submarines to customer service, but there is no harder or better job than being a mom.
I learned to knit and crochet in 3rd grade as an elective class. Still have my poncho that I knitted. Started crocheting again when my boys were in school as gifts for teachers. Now I’m about to he an empty nester. So my latest passion is knitting blankets. There’s so many I’d like to make. I’d also love to start making lap blankets for the nursing home in our neighborhood.
I am 41 years old and recently discovered that I have an older sister that I never knew anything about! I self-taught myself to crochet (because I loved the creations my grandmother made) in my early 20s. Now, I want to make a beautiful crocheted afghan to welcome my older sister into the family. This GC would be so great to be able to buy some really beautiful yarn for that project. :0)
i love coconut icecream, I hate blue toothpaste and every time I go sledding with my husband I get a scar.
thanks for a fun giveaway!
I knit and crochet,live in Charlotte, NC and am very glad you moved to Charlotte.
I make my own wines and meads. Many of my friends are sensitive to the sulfites they use in commercial wines, and wanted a safe alternative.
I love love LOVE expression fiber arts. I have learned so much with the videos and blogs. Thank you for the chance to win yarn.
Learned to know when i was 5 and really never stopped…. plus i am a yarnaholic and really need a 12 step program and I have no more space to put any yarn
amazing contest.. I too love fiber!
i have experimented with new fibers and cowels thanks to expression fiber arts. am also thinking about knitting gloves and fingerless mitts
Hi, Chandi. I love you yarns, but I don’t use Facebook. I stay off by choice. Is there no other way to get more entries if I don’t use Facebook?
We’ll make sure you’re entered. : )
I crochet for fun and relaxation!!! My grandmother taught me when I was 4, and I have been crocheting ever since!!! I always gift my creations for family and friends, or I donate them to some of my favorite charities!!! I just love to crochet!!!!
I used to be a technical designer and got to travel to places like Hong Kong, Shanghai, Bangkok, and Portugal. My favorite trip was to a spinning mill and knitting manufacturer in Glasgow, Scotland
I am a wife and mother to 6. We are a blended family and I enjoy making new things for them. I love knit and crochet, sew & garden. Through your site I found a whole new world of Fiber artists, designers & friends.
My mother taught herself to knit and crochet out of books when I was a pre-teen. Her mother in law, my grandmother tried to teach me to knit when I was little but I had no patience. She was German and did it the backwards way to what my mother did. but when I was in grade five we learned to knit at school and we knitted squares for the Red Cross.I assume someone made them into quilts. So I never knitted again till I had kids and thought I would try and use the wool I inherited from my mum when she died to make Barbie clothes. Discovered I couldn’t remember how to cast on. I could cast off though. Gave up, till my youngest was in junior high and then we went to a library program and learned to make dishcloths. I made dishcloths for a couple of years and found it relaxing and enjoyable and then I took off, learning new stitches, making baby clothes. I am currently into making monster nursery items for my grandson who is six months old. I am also making a yoda type hat at the request of my daughter. They live in Florida but will be home in winter so I figure I can finally make him a hat! I don’t think that is all very interesting about me, but there you have it. I took it up so I would stop eating when watching tv.
My life as a nurse has been filled with caring for others. I have worked in many areas of nursing and am so humbled to this day by my patients. I have learned so much from them over the years. One of my most memorable moments came from an elderly woman caring for her dying daughter. She said to me, “I have always told my sweet daughter that this (meaning life) is no dress rehearsal”.
I dream in yarn! And then when I wake up, I’m disappointed that I can’t find the yarn.
I am originally from Hawaii and most of my family still lives there so they don’t actually get any of my crochet creations. It’s too warm there.
I’m Sharon. I have terminal cancer. The way I choose to spend my time is making things. I crochet hats, scarves, boots, blankets, etc and donate it to the Stephenson Cancer Center where I am also a patient. The kids go crazy over the mohawk and owl hats. The nurses, pa’s, etc really enjoy the fingerless gloves. I believe it’s never too late or too little to touch another person’s life in a possitive way. And that is how I choose to spend my remaining time.
I’m fascinated by Russian culture, and visited the country the first time a couple years ago. So I was in love when I saw your Russian-themed colorway!
I live in a small rural town in Ontario Canada. I also live on our family farm that has been in our family for over 100 years.
I ran a marathon before I turned 40, and have the tattoo to prove it!
I love yarn! I am learning to spin my own yarn and I’m saving up to buy my own wheel. I recently took a spinning class at the local Guild and now I attend their Thursday night study groups so I can continue to use their spinning wheels.
I love yarn!
My grandmother taught me to crochet at age 8. Crocheting is so soothing and relaxing for me. Thank you for doing this giveaway.
Diagnosed with stage 1-2 Invasive Breast Cancer May of 2014….had my double mastectomy June of 2014 and awaiting reconstructive surgery…..crafting….crocheting & knitting have been my therapy in a sense to keep me going when I just didn’t feel like I could
Thank you for this fun giveaway…IF I were to win….I know a place where this can be put to some good use
To make chemo caps and scarfs for those that could use them 
I taught myself to crochet and I now write patterns. I love finding pictures of knit items and seeing if I can make something similar in crochet.
I’ve only gotten back in to crocheting about 5 years ago. But now I have just become a grandmother to 4 (3 boys and a girl) within the last 4 months! So happy to be a grandma and of course want to make as much as possible for these new grandbabies!
I began crocheting a year and a half ago when I became pregnant with my little boy
I have been crocheting for almost 40 years, and I do not think I have ever crocheted something for myself. I’ve started to many times, but someone always says they really like that and wish I could make them one, so… lol
I adore yarn and have been crocheting for over 40 years!!!
I am a mom of 5, grandmother of 7 beautiful granddaughters, I taught myself to first macrame at age 12 to stop biting my nails, that got boring so soon after I taught myself how to make granny squares, and I have evolved over the past 35+ yrs to I will try to make anything once, lol. Have a great day =)
I’ve been crocheting for about 27 years, but I did learn when I was about 9 from my Grandma. I got back into in when my I had knee surgery and my Mom got me going again when I was about 20. Love fun projects for my family.
I learned to crochet in high school while I was very ill with Crohn’s disease – helped me through long lonely days. I won a third place award from Woman’s Day mag in a “tell us how you make your granny squares” contest because I crocheted while IN all of my classes in college and grad school. I have crocheted while square dancing (took a lot of cooperation from the other dancers!) and it helps me manage the pain of the Crohn’s.
This is an amazing giveaway!
I have been crocheting for 46years. Finally have new grand babies on the way, in January and February. Lots of baby WIPs!
Oh, something about myself. My grandmother taught me to crochet to keep me from being bored when I was staying at her house. I don’t think I ever finished the granny square that she started me on. It was made with thread and I gravitated to yarn.
I have been crocheting for 50+ years. I am not like most people…I do not buy yarn just to be buying it. I tend to buy when I decide on a project. I have 7 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren so I am always crocheting. I just will no quit.
I think about knitting, yarns, and future projects frequently throughout the day! Thanks for the giveaway!
Hello, I live in Leipzig, Germany and I’m totally hooked with crocheting. I studied Philosophy at the University here in town and after those 7 years of studies, I now enjoy doing things, create lovely items with my hands, rather than thinking beautiful theories of mind and all. Hope, this was interesting enough? I really love yarn and would love love love to win!
I love working with yarn!
I’ve been a Maternity, Nursery and Labor & Delivery nurse for over 28 years!
I used to study the biochemistry of phytoplankton (microscopic algae). Now I’m a SAHM of 4 who is obsessed with yarn, knitting, chickens and yellow! I also love to garden.
just learned to crochet last year and am totally addicted!
I love to crochet but would like to learn to knit.
I sang the National Anthem at a St. Louis Cardinals vs. Atlanta Braves game!
I would like to win because it is so cold in denmark
I lived on a military base in the Aleutian Islands for a short time when I was very young. One memory of that place is watching my mom wind a ball of yarn from a skein my dad was holding after her afghan kit ordered from Lee Wards arrived!
I love to crochet and have an obsession with yarn. My stash is pretty great!
I am a spinner and crocheter and rug hooker and weaver. Just a plain old hooker I am!!
Just learned the linen stitch. It’awesome and addicting. New scarf got loads og admiring comments. Try it.
Crocheting keeps me from going insane! Lol it is my therapy.
I now vacation with some of the ladies in my knitting group, we’ve become so close!
I learned to crochet almost 2 years ago an loom knit. Love making stuff for family an friends. I’m not great at it but practice makes perfect!!
Yarn! The most beautiful four letter word in the world! Followed closely by ‘Sale’ and ‘Free’! I have been blessed by the yarn spirits of the gift of yarn sight! I love yarn! I touch it, and can see the vision of the finished item in my hands.
I simply need more hours in the day and more hands to crochet!
My husband and I have been married for 11 years, we’ve been transferred with his job 6 times, we have two boys, and have lived in 11 different houses so far! Hopefully the journey will be worth it in the long run. My crafts are one thing that stay the same no matter what new place I’m in, my family and my crafts are my home!
I am a disabled veteran who was radiated, radiated, hit by a car and put out. But I go Forward always. I help others who are less fortunate than I and teach anyone who desires to learn yarn craft so they too might love yarn as much as I as if that were possible. I have no income and rely totally upon donations. I am quite ill and mostly house bound, bedridden and in need of many medical appointments, tests, exams and hospitalizations. I just had major surgery to remove a large tumor in my throat, larger than a large lemon, and half my thyroid. I take my crochet everywhere, even to all my doctors appointments and hospitalizations too and still crochet for those less fortunate than I. I donate to anyone where i find a need as long as I have the yarn or can acquire then yarn to do so. If their is a need, there is me! I should win because I know beauty and find you are one of the most beautiful women I have seen on here in yarn craft land where all the beautiful people hang out. lol and I would so love to enjoy playing in all your yarn. I am actually addicted to yarn and some women nick named me YarnAddict I added the 411 on the end.Thanks and I hope to be using your yarn very very soon. if not it shall be a pleasure just to hang out with all you here on your site and to read your updates too. Thanks and have a wonderful day. Sincerely Joe L aka YarnAddict411 Kathryn Vercillo’s written review of me if you are interested. I never think of me as inspiring.
I’m a new Grandmother to 2 beautiful boys (Sept 9th and Oct 5th), an accountant (CPA, CGA) and married to my best friend. It took me 13 schools to graduate Grade 12, and I never failed a grade – no, Dad was not in the military, but sales means moving a lot too!
Something interesting about myself is…I learned to make beautiful, hand painted chocolates at one of my previous jobs.
I am knitting my first Xmas Stocking!
I learned to crochet when I was eight years old. My Bubba taught me. I have never looked back. I can knit…a little, but give me a crochet hook any day. My favorite hook is the I. Susan Bates if my favorite brand, but I have both Boye and Susan Bates hooks. Plastic, bamboo and metal hooks. Doesn’t matter, but every time I use a plastic hook, I break it. LOL. I want to win this stash cause you can never have too much yarn.
I learned how to knit at age 8. I used to teach Hardanger (mom taught me when I was in grade school) and I took Norwegian in college.
Can you tell I have Norwegian heritage?
I LOVE the Seattle Seahawks and I share my birthday with the great Steve Largent; )
I met my husband-to-be in Fort Yukon Alaska (relatively close to where you used to live) about 30 years ago. I teach wild land fire classes and have taken my knitting to many classrooms (for when I am NOT teaching and someone else is teaching), meetings, and a few fire assignments.
Thanks for having this contest. You have wonderful yarn that I have enjoyed knitting with.
I love knitting, i knit about 4-6hrs everyday.
I mainly knit stuff for other people and i honor my grandmother, who taught me the basics of knitting, by donating the kid’s scarves i knit to the charity she loved the most
I’m a knitter and avid photographer. My next project will be to knit 8 pairs of Photographer’s Mittens for friends in my “Chicks That Click” photography group!
I love knitting!
I’m a mom to 2 wonderful kids (42 & 39), grandma to 3 (18, 7 & 4). I have crocheted since I was about 9 or 10 and knitted since I was about 13. I generally knit because I do it better. I have a 3 drawer chest filled with gifts I have made & when my kids need knitted gifts, they come to “shop” at my house. I was the director of adoptions at the local greyhound race track here until it closed. I have owned 12 greyhounds over the past 20 years & have 2 now.
sometimes I think I like all the nerdy parts of crafting as much as the creating
(calculating material costs and usage, taking inventory, etc)
I’m a knitter & avid photographer. My next project is to knit 9 pairs of “Photographer’s Mittens” for friends in the “Chicks That Click” photography group!
I tried to learn to crochet in my mid 20’s. Never stuck. Twenty years later I learned to knit and then crochet. Something finally clicked! And I’m addicted to both now!
You have been reading all these awesome entries, this give away is HOLY MOLY outta this world!!! ..and here is name is Janis, I am stay at home Mother of 7yr old boy/girl twins and really most of my time I knit/crochet, Really I do… I get a lot of inspiration for my knitting from a lot of your posts, both on Facebook and Instagram.. Making something for someone is what I love to do, it makes me feel amazing. Please keep up the inspirational color combos and your craft room is looking great!!! I went out a got a smaller box shelving unit for mine.
have fun reading the entries !! 
I think your colorways are some of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen! I have been knitting for approximately eight years and I can’t adequately express the joy it brings to my life. I take my knitting everywhere, even camping with my
Boy Scouts. I’m truly proud to be part of the fiber community, to be able to make something real and valuable and lasting with my own hands.
Nothing interesting about me except for it’s my birthday today & I’m hoping I win something.
I taught myself to crochet 3 years ago
I was in the Marines and played the French horn in the band. That was actually my job in the Marines, and yes I did have to go through all that boot camp and hand to hand combat training in order to play for the band.
I like chips in my sandwich!
I am a social worker involved in the child abuse system. Knitting is calming and relaxing and reduces my stress level. I’ve been knitting purple baby hats for the Period of Purple Crying Project for Kansas. It is an educational program for new parents to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Love your yarn and would love to win!!
I love to crochet hats, scarves, blankets etc. Every hat I crochet I donate to Seattle Childrens hospital or the homeless shelter here in Alaska where I live. I could make msny wonderful things with this yarn
I love to knit or crochet both, I’ve made a few hats for my sister lately she’s going through chemo for breast cancer, and this helps me to cope with it. I know that I’ll continue to make hats and donate them to different hospitals for cancer patients. It’s one thing to make things for yourself but to make these hats has some how brought me peace in a time of trouble.
Would love to win this. I love your yarn!
I love crafts of all sorts
I am a mom to 3 awesome kids and a grandma to 2 awesome granddaughters who wore combat boots 30 +yrs ago. While i was in those combat boots i met the man of my dreams and married him in denmark far from my family and friends. In just a few weeks we will celebrate 33 years of the most precious years of our lives. My husband retired from the military in 98 and we made calif our home which is where I’m from. He is from the east coast. Knitting and crochet are my therapy from an anxiety disorder i have had for years since leaving the service. Not combat related but still there. I love to knit and crochet and see someting develope from a hook or needles and yarn.
Ps my bday is oct 31. Hint hint
Well, I love crocheting! (I’m working on a project right now, as a mater of fact!) I also love to draw, write and read. So I have many hobbies, and am rarely bored.
I love love love yarn! I love the colors, textures, and the projects i can make with it.
I have eight dogs and six chickens and I love them all.
I am a self taught crocheter. I was a graphic artist for 30 years until I had to have a total of 4 surgeries on both my arms. Now I am an office manager for a forensic psychologist. I am married and I have 2 boys, ages 13 and 11, who keep me extremely busy.
I’m not a very good “waiter”, so I always take my crocheting with me to medical appointments. This way, I get projects done a lot faster, and I’m not so aggravated/irritated about having to wait so long for my name to be called.
I used to knit. Rusty now. Am inspired by your FB, though, and getting ready to start up again. Have a granddaughter who wants to learn. LOVE LOVE LOVE your yarn and projects. Colors are so inspiring.
I learned to crochet when I was about 10 years old and am relearning now in my 40s as a stop smoking aid and to make things for my grandchildren.
Hi! I’m a happy yarnie from Portland, OR where I enjoy knitting and crocheting with my fellow roller derby moms on Sunday afternoons outside the hangar where our kids skate. I have five teenagers (three are daughters) and am a three time cancer survivor. Yarn keeps me sane
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I am the youngest survivor of a rare form of cancer that usually strikes much older people and was even written up in medical journals. I do needlework as therapy and to share my blessed life with others.
I have loved to crochet since the age of 10 when my grandma taught me….I enjoy helping others so I make items to donate to Veterans, Cancer Centers, Hospital Nursery’s….and gifts for others. I have thought about making items to sell, but just have not yet done that…still learning the ins and outs of selling my hobby.
Something interesting about me: When I was a teenager in the 60s, I played drums with a garage band named The Delphic Oracle.
I love yarn! That’s probably the most interesting thing about me. Lol!
I have been crocheting for as long as I can remember! My grandma taught me and I’ve loved it ever since. I’m slowly learning to knit, as well.
I am known as The Sick Chick because I have more diseases than fingers & toes and I believe about being out & public about illnesses to fight against stigma. I also run a very small charity providing art, craft & other creative supplies to chronically ill adults to pay it forward because crafting/creating is the only way I can keep body & soul together any more and I want to share that coping mechanism.
I have been learning to knit and crochet to help with my arthritis, It has become my solace and I am loving doing both!!
I am an owner of shop – cool natural handmade usefull things for mom’s and babies
I am a sci-fi and fantasy geek. I’ve used crochet to make fan art.
I’ve been crocheting for years and years, knitting has always scared me! Haven’t been able to do it until I found your videos on YouTube (thank you!!) I can’t remember the last time I made something for myself, everytime I go looking for a pattern for myself, my kids add to their wishlist!! Thank you for the wonderful tutorials and gorgeous and inspiring yarns!!!
I’m so proud and happy that my grandma taught me to knit.
Thank you for the giveaway.
Everything I have learned to do craft/art wise I taught myself through books, videos or just sheer determination. I dye, sew, clay, spin, and knit.
i am a great grandma, I have been known to knit myself to sleep and wake up knitting. Indeed knitting is an addiction. Lol
I have been crocheting for five years now, learning while I was pregnant with my daughter. I had tried to learn multiple times before with no success, but picked it up like second nature this last time. Now I am giving knitting another chance. It usually ends very badly, bug with the help of your videos I am finding success.
I started a knitting club in school, to pay it forward
I am a high school dance teacher who knits to relax
I love to knit!!! All the girls in my family are getting EFA scarves or hat, for Christmas!!! Maybe, some of the guys. Oh, and my expert knitting helper, my kitty, is getting a new “blankie” for all his hard work.
I’m a self taught knitter and a classical ballet dancer.
i knit to keep my sanity!
My paternal grandmother teached me to crochet after a skullsurgery 2011, since them I´m hooked and addicted by it. I am terrible at knitting but getting better at crocheting day by day
Interesting thing hmmm I’m the only girl of four kids, the youngest, and all my brothers were born on the 22 of the month and I was born on the 26th and my children one girl and one boy were born 9/19 and 7/17.
i love to crochet
At 58, I became an Aunty for the 1st time (my brother & his wife are late bloomers!) and I am going to be an Grandma for the 1st time, any day now! So excited!
Hmm something interesting about me. :/
I love starting more than finishing. Although I do understand that finishing is a way bigger high and thrill than starting. And that can go beyond the fiber crafting world.
Hello, my name is Wendy and I’m a yarnaholic.
Love to knit, crochet, spin and try out new yarns.
My yarn stash is enormous now….but I don’t know how to say no….
My mother and grandmother both tried to teach me to knit and crochet at different times, but the only way I could learn was to take classes at a local craft store! Since then, I think I’ve made at least a dozen afghans, and probably a few hundred scarves! Love crocheting – don’t have to count as much as with knitting!
I love to do crafts to give as gifts to special friends and family. I spent 27 years in Fairbanks, AK before moving to Oregon.
My very first knitting project was a fair isle sweater.
What’s interesting about me … by day, I work for an oil company, drilling wells. By night, I have two facets: I skate with one of our local roller derby teams, and I’m on cast at the biggest Renaissance festival in the country.
I just learned to crochet and I’m “hooked”!
I can never have enough yarn……… though I already have a room-full.
I love to knit and crochet for babies whose families are less fortunate and want to start doing prayer shawls for those with illnesses who need prayer and love wrapped warmth.
I am A-D-D-I-C-T-E-D to lace! The more difficult the pattern the better!
I can’t go anywhere without a take along project, so I always have at least two projects going at a time.
Hi, I’m Muriel, I’ve crocheted for over 40 years and have been knitting for about 4.
I learned to crochet when I was around 8 but didn’t start really getting in to it until I moved cross country and my Mother in law showed me how to read a pattern.
I am an unconventional 16-year-old with a passion for making beautiful things who is always searching for her next creative obsession.
I love knitting and crocheting. Is there really anything as “having too much yarn?” Thanks for this amazing giveaway!
Hello! My name is Brittany and I absolutely love to crochet. I’m currently a junior in a Paramedic program in VA and will be testing for my medic this spring. I crochet to help me destress when I can.
I am more of a fabric hoarder than a yarn hoarder.
I only really buy yarn if I have a project picked out for it . . . but I’ll buy fabric just ’cause its gorgeous.
I can never have too much yarn, even when I’m out of room. I just start giving away things I’ve made to make more room. I love crocheting more than anything in the world…..
About me, and my confession, which I am sure is like many others, I am addicted to crocheting and yarn. We travel a lot in our RV and my yarn and hooks goes everywhere with me.
I’ve been knitting for 58 years and crocheting for over 45 years. My11 grandchildren keep me busy!
I wish I could crochet like my mom does!
I’m a SAHM of three who loves making stuff for my family. While I learned to crochet as a child, I finally taught myself to knit a little over a year ago and am LOVING it
I play a forest green harp, and I also compose music in my spare time, along with many other hobbies and interests.
Hi Chandi!! I love your yarns, and I learned how to knit by watching your YouTube videos. You are so inspirational to me. Congratulations on your move!
i am in love with knitting and unique one of a kind handdyed yarns, I also spin
I love working with my hand, I have been knitting for almost 10 yrs now and I am also teaching myself how to crochet
I come from a long line of fibre artists, my grandmother used to knit and crochet before she lost her eyesight and my mom also knits and crochet 
What a very generous and fun giveaway!!
Interesting tidbit about me: I am a crochet designer and love using Eco friendly yarns when possible in very bright, jewel tone colors as well as earth tones.
I’m a knitter and crocheter – and I love reading your updates on Facebook
I LOVE crocheting! I learned in 2004!
I uses to only make blankets but now I like making hats and pot holders! I’ve also made wristies, a cowl, and some pillows!
2 years ago in June I lost my 14 year old Schnauzer. Scout used to cuddle with me when I would crochet. I miss her so much I’ve lost my desire to crochet. Winning might be the push I need, the spark, to get me going again.
I love to crochet but still can’t purl to save my life so IF I knit something it’s just knit.
Anything? I have ADD when it comes to knitting – love to start things – but then – squirrel!!! – I often dont finish them…..
I am a beginner knitter! !
I am a compulsive crafter!
My mom taught me to knit when I was 5 years old.
My love for yarn began as a child. For nearly 40 years I have made it a point to try to include yarn everyday in my life whether it be knitting, crocheting or the MOST fun- shopping for yarn!! My family knows that is the best gift too give me for b-days & Christmas. My husband even made me an Easter basket full of yarn! I love that man!! I’ll keep my fingers cross!
I just started knitting about a year ago, a little while after I became a stay at home mom. Then crocheting a few months ago.
I am new to knitting as of late March 2014. I am working on my 7th project a Robin Hood Hat. I made a rolled neck/cuff sweater for my 13 month old granddaughter. My mother is my inspiration for learning how to knit as she was blind and made beautiful sweaters for my son and daughter. If she could do it, well, I have no excuse! I love Chandi’s hand-dyed yarns and have an airplane project using her Sunken Treasure yarn (double moss-stitch). It’s portable and makes the time pass!
So far I have 12 grandchildren that I love to knit and crochet for.
I absolutely love your yarns and I would love to get as much as I could. They are kept under my bed in an acid free box for special projects only. I hope I get drawn!
I realized I was supposed to tell you something about me, not about how much I like your yarns.
So for me, I have had serious back troubles since age 13. I had emergency surgery at age 14 because dye injected into my spine was blocked to get out. I had six back surgeries by age 26. I then survived on minor narcotics until 2010 at age 40. Age 40 I triggered an incurable disease called adhesive arachnoiditis. I can’t sit, I walk 9 minutes each way once a day. I have spent the last 4 years lying down 23+ hours a day.
I bought your yarn hoping I would someday be able to crochet again or learn to knit. Two things I can think of lying down to do. I keep buying because your yarns are like things I have never seen. I keep them under the bed, safe, to be used only when I convince myself I can use the beautiful yarn. I finally tried knitting the other day. I don’t know if I hold the yarn wrong, but my little finger hurts trying knitting. I have decided to still buy club yarns. I laugh, I have never been willing to pay more than $100 for a sweater already made and here I am buying hundreds of dollars of luxurious yarns just hoping I have bought enough of some of them to make my own $300 sweater. That is how much I have loved your yarns. I am buying them with the hope that someday I will be able to both feel alright doing crocheting or knitting and feel that I can be worthy of your fibers.
The only things I can do for sure is use the computer in my lap, watch TV, read (if I can stay awake) and can after surgery in 2012 walk to the bathroom and dress myself. Everything else I use caretakers for. Your yarns bring me some hope and I love the beauty.
I think this is what you wanted.
Something about me? I always have a crochet project in my purse.
On any given day I have in excess of 3000 skeins of yarn. I keep an inventory on Excel so that I can get my hands on any one of them quickly!
this would really help my crochet addiction can not live with out a ball of wool
I’m a mom of five and a yoga teacher. Crochet is my meditation time
I have the sweetest little boy he’s almost 2 and a half and he amazes me every day with how smart and clever he is. He loves to go yarn shopping with me and help me pick out the “pwetties” he’s my motivation and my inspiration. He’s the reason I picked crochet back up and decided to learn more than the basic stitches. Proud to be a crafty mama! =)
I would knit ALL the time if I could!! At the moment, I am limited by wrist pain.
I love your yarn and would love to win some!
I’m a DIY lover.
My mother was desylex, but she learned to crochet. I have memories of her doing many afghans( including one for each of her five children.) she passed away in a terrible car crash, one Sunday on her way to church. Her car plunged over 350 feet down the side of a hill overlooking the city of Pittsburgh. In her honor I have learned to crochet. I just learned the basics, but I am learning to read, and follow patterns. Your yarn would be a great help in learning, and also honoring my mom. Thank you for your consideration. ( I often think she is looking down at me from Heaven when I crochet, and smiling!) …I miss you mom, and I love you so very much!
I am 51 years old and just taught myself to knit one year ago! So I have a lot to learn and am addicted to knitting
I love to crochet–it really became a calming influence when my life needed it. I love the look of knitted products, but I’m so slow at just the beginning knit stitch–I don’t know if I’ll ever progress!!
Something interesting about me I think would be that I am asking for a sheep this year for Christmas because I want to explore the art of making my own yarn. I also live on a farm and have hand picked cotton and am separating it to try and make some yarn.
I raised and showed holland lips and lip head bunnies
I taught myself to knit from a magazine article after buying a bunch of handspun yarn from a sheep farm in Upstate NY. I couldn’t resist the fiber and had to learn how to do something with it
i have been knitting for 60 years
I knit and crochet to help me maintain my weight loss
I love to knit, crochet, quilt, paint, cross stitch…. ok I’m a bit of a craft nut but I love my crazy life! Thanks for a chance at this glorious prize! Off to read your blog & watch your videos! Oh and it’s Thanksgiving Day here in Canada so I guess the family would be happy if I put the turkey in the oven and not just drool over wool all day!
Something about me…
I am an artist and one of my hobbies is knitting. I love making fun knits for my family. I have a son that is 2, two daughters that are almost adults! and I have 7 nieces varying from ages 23 – 11. So, I’m busy making them gifts most of my down time. Its just what I love to do on my down time.
I have been in love with crocheting since I was 14, I had gotten my tonsils out and to help me pass the time my Grandma taught me. As a newlywed I am working on making crochet dolls to help earn a little extra money to put towards building our Tiny Home.
I love everything about yarn!
Love your yarns, especially the sparkly ones.. They make my shawls to die for! I enjoy knitting baby items and lace shawls…I also very much like making dog sweaters. I have made and sold several, although not with the yarns that I have purchased from you (too special for the pet knits).
Seriously? open worldwide… wow!! Grandioso!! Thank you thank you!! I’d love to knit with your yarn, and to crochet also. I inherited the passion, and the hooks ,-) , from my grandmothers who taught me both knitting and crochet. Wish I could win!
I learned to knit in Home Ec class, a few years ago.
Took some time off while raising a family. Just recently taught the Granddaughters how to knit so when we have a sleep-over, we watch Netflix, eat ice cream, and knit!
I love to knit and hope to learn how to crochet! :c)
I am a 47 year old lady on disability and have five beautiful grandbabies. I live on a very tight budget and love making things for the babies. It takes me a very long time to finish something because I can only buy yarn a little at a time..I would love to win this because a thousand dollars would get me a lot of beautiful yarn to work with. I give my creations away I never sell them.
My family & hometown friends only call me ‘B’, and I collect bees!
I started crocheting because I am too ADD to just sit and watch TV, and I wanted to do something more productive than just play on my phone while the TV is on.
I am an Orthodox Jew, so I make sure not to have wool and linen yarn or spinning fiber as per the law in Leviticus.
I taught myself to knit using YouTube and a single book.
not exactly yarn related, but i was born on Christmas day due to an Irish curse placed on my mom at her work baby shower; i was due January 16th.
I learned to crochet in 2008 when I was in an accident. A boat propeller cut my leg, and I was at home healing for 6 months. After recovering, I finished my college degree. I found a group if knitters and crocheters there, and it keep me interested in this new craft. Both my grandmothers and my mother knits, so it was no surprise to them.
I am fourteen and I have taught myself how to knit and crochet. Whenever I am stuck on how to do something or what my next project should be I look to expressionfiberarts on youtube to be inspired!
A friend taught me years ago how to crochet and I love, love, love to crochet. I also started a crochet club in Los Angeles as my New Year’s resolution for 2014.
Something interesting about me is I love to learn new fun things. I just learned how to juggle, and a few months ago I taught myself how to do ventriloquism and made my own “dummy” wearing a sassy crochet tam that I made. I call her “Dittsy Doodle”. My husband doesn’t know about either of these new skills yet.
I’m going to spring it on him on our anniversary in December.
I LOVE to knit!!
Hi, my name is Natasha! I absolutely love crocheting! It is such a passion of mine and I really hope to win this amazing prize. I am a stay at home mommy with my newborn daughter Lucy and my SO works one job, just retired from the military less than one year ago. It is financially hard with only one income to be able to work with my passion and go out to buy yarn. I would buy 5 new colors of yarn a day if I could! I really do love making anything and everything and learning new things everyday. It is my passion to crochet and I would feel so very lucky to win this great prize. Thank you everyone for looking over what I have to say:) love always Natasha Elizabeth and Lucy Delilah, my beautiful daughter.
Something about myself: My Husband likes me! ;D
I study English!
Something interesting, hmm… Well I learned how to knit if the 5th grade, then about two or three years later I learned to crochet. I just recently learned how to bead, and I hand make almost all (98% ish) of my Christmas gifts for family and friends. I love learning crafts and foreign languages and hope to always find new ones to study.
Love all things knitting. Happy to find this site.
I have never met a form of craftiness I haven’t wanted to try, and I am an expert on antique and vintage dolls.
My mother and I have the same birthday! If I win, I’m definitely making her a long overdue afghan for her king sized bed. Seriously.
I love to crochet
I’ve always been into sewing, but learned to knit while in South Korea with my husband and haven’t been able to stop since
I absolutely love yarn!! Especially your shimmering yarn!! I have been knitting for most of my life and I always love having gorgeous supplies!!
I have knitted in some very strange locations including school when the lectures were boring….
I will cut a candy bar in portions so to eat it slowly and feel it was a lot.
I just auditioned for a local production of Les Miserables. If I make it into the cast I am going to knit a shawl to use in the show. If I don’t get cast, I will still have a new shawl!
Recently my Aunt taught me how to spin, I hope to be as good as she is some day. She can spin beautiful fingering weight yarn. I have a wheel that has travelled to many countries including Africa.
New to this exciting website. I’m a beginning knitter looking for lovely yarn!
I love to crochet afghans for Christmas gifts
My name is Catherine, I too am a lover of knitting and creating new things. A fact about me is that I have severe anxiety. In the past year, no matter what kind of a day I was having, I would be in a constant state of stress and panic. It was ruining my life and I felt way beyond my 23 year old self; I knew that if I did not find a way to combat these horrible feelings I had I was digging myself into an early grave.
I had learned to knit as a child from my grandmother and struggled with it, but recently took it back up and with the help of a lot of Youtube videos I have been a practiced knitter. Knitting keeps me in the moment and is the only thing that I have done that gets me into a positive and serene state of mind. Inspiration from this blog and others like it encourage me all the time to keep learning and pursuing this craft; I have even been confident enough to venture into other artistic ventures such as felting and sculpting.
As a subscriber, thank you for doing what you do and for using your talent to inspire others like me :).
I’ve been knitting for 50+ years and just discovered you through one of my Facebook knitting groups. Love your bold colors and beautiful yarns. Just went to a Fiber festival yesterday so I can’t order yet but I am so looking forward to working with your yarns.
I love to crochet, knit, sew, bead, paint, and most everything else crafty! I support myself crocheting during the winter months, making mostly hats & sweaters.
I’ve taught over 30 people how to knit!
I love knitting textured patterns
Crocheting and knitting have become a passion of mine in the past few years. I started crocheting in December 2012 and knitting in January 2014. I hope to learn more patterns and projects and become more experienced in both crocheting and knitting.
Hey All! I’m Courtney hmm something interesting about me *thinking face*
Sometimes when I have bad dreams if I wake up halfway through one it only puts it on pause, when I fall back asleep again it goes again from where I left off *shudders*
The interesting thing about me is that I played flute for 7 years. Thank goodness that was one hobby that I gave up, because knitting has taken over all available free time! I started knitting at age 6, gave it a break during peak child rearing years, then allowed myself to once again succumb to the addiction! Fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.
I’ve been crocheting for roughly a year and a half. Started out as a way to use up junk yarn for what I thought was going to be in interest in plastic canvas. Since plastic canvas didn’t work out, I got sucked into crochet. My mom had once tried to teach me as a kid but the only thing I accomplished was the worlds longest chain stitch. Never could grasp how to go back the other direction.
So, I tried a 15min Baby Hat video, took me two hours of play/pause/play/pause/rewind/play. Slowly picked up the techniques and now I’ve got a FB page and Etsy shop. Even experimenting with recycling yarns and trying out dyeing techniques.
I have RA and i have always enjoyed crocheting. it keeps me occupied and its better than a pychiatrist. and it like being in a candy store.
I am a doula, mother of 2 and soon to be 3. I’m currently knitting a blanket for myself and then moving on the crocheting blankets for each of my boys (who are really excited about it).
Soo many scarves and plushies will be made all because of this awesome giveaway!
I can’t think of anything interesting about me….
My 4 year old is trying to teach himself Spanish, and I am trying to find age appropriate software for him to learn with, that goes past #10… does that count?
I crocheted a donut pillow for my nephew’s birthday because he’s a weird kid that hates everything… but who can resist a pillow that looks like a frosted donut?? No one. Not even my nephew. Score one for the creative auntie.
I received a RAK from Justine in the Addicted to Socks Group and the reason she sent it to me was because I liked her give away that was from you! She sent me a beautiful skein of yarn that I am in the process of making a pair of socks with. The yarn is wonderful to work with and your colors are amazing! I want more!
hmmm… something interesting about me… I’m a birth-mother to a six year old. He and his adopted parents live less than an hour away.
p.s. Your pinterest still says you’re in Alaska =)
What an amazing giveaway!!
Crocheting got me through nursing school! Once I started working as a nurse, I learned to knit from a coworker. I haven’t stopped since. Now I’m back to school, grad school this time, and yarn keeps me sane!
The thought of knitting a sweater scares me to death. It is my goal to conquer this fear within the year.
I worked in accounting for 50years. Most co workers got an afghan or baby blanket at their shower. I was leader of TOPS (take off pounds sensible ). Made an afghan for each years best loser. Retired to be a hospice volunteer. Made each patient a lap robe or scarf plus extra for other volunteers to give. Now 69 and have arthritis so make hats mittens scarves and lap blankets for poor and homeless.
I now know more about knitting than my mother who taught me about 5 years ago, but she still kicks my butt in crochet!
Love the colors you use. They are always beautiful. Would love to receive this gift
I would loove to win this your yarns are sublime!!!!
I Crochet to help me quit smoking. So far doing good, down to 9 smokes a day. (Hard to smoke with a crochet hook in your hand)
i’ve won some yarn from a contest today, so if I win I’ll share with my knitting group. They are my group therapy
I dream about yarn…
I’m a Crochet nut…just ordered some of your yarn a few months ago and LOVE LOVE LOVE creating a scarf for my Mom and myself. It is so soft and wonderful to work with …Thank You for making such a wonderful product
I taught myself to crochet last year and I am quickly becoming yarn obsessed!
I taught myself how to crochet and knit, and now I have a business selling what I make.
I raise bantam chickens and have a mini garden, both in my Florida room…I’ve been crocheting for 40 years, but can’t knit one stitch. I can however, teach lefties to crochet.
I enjoy knitting but I LOVE teaching.
Love crochet but i’m also a photographer.
I have enjoyed crafting for over 50 years.
(Knit and Crochet)
It gives me a since of accomplishment.
I have 2 yappy little dogs who don’t like to wear sweaters knit by mom, but they do love blankets I knit. They also think yarn balls are theirs, so I have to hide them…even while I am knitting!
I started school in Japan, graduated in Nurnberg, Germany – the same place my mom’s side was traced back to. I crochet, do needlepoint, hand spin – but my passion is knitting!
My name is Portia Johnson. I am 20 years old and I’ve been crocheting since age 10. Ever since I learned, that’s all I ever loved to do. I crocheted my own prom dress back in 2012.
I have severe arthritis in my thumb joints on both hands. I cannot crochet until after I have implants put in so I won’t be in pain anymore. I miss crocheting; it’s the only thing I was really good at. I could make a beanie hat in 1 hour.
creating for people makes me happy
…. I can fit my whole fist in my mouth. I don’t know if that’s interesting or creepy, but… thank you so much for this give away! Your creations are absolutely stunning!
I have two wonderful grandsons.
It’s cool that you have tons of posts to this, but trying to enter by posting on a smart phone is hard with that many posts. I use crochet to help me focus on my studies, instead of doodling. I’ve made washcloths for days for girls and a variety of other things for family and friends.
I started crocheting about a year and a half ago, and I am addicted!
Self-admitted yarnaholic.
I’ve always wanted to be really good at just one thing instead of “okay” at a lot of things.
I am working on a wonderful ripple pattern throw using coastal colors – and it is taking me forever, but I love how it is coming together. It’s sure to deplete most of yarn inventory, so definitely hope to win in order to keep working on projects.
Hi there! Thank you for the superduper awesome giveaway!
A little about me:
I am a mom of 4, I only started crocheting a few years ago and have been addicted to it ever since, more recently I have started knitting and I love it, I am also addicted to books and will read just about anything I can get my hands. Also, I am a big mma fan
I started Crocheting when I was 8
I learned 60 years ago from my Mom who was the most beautiful knitter. No matter how many years I knit I will never be that good.
I am a self taught hooker lol and am addicted to yarn.
I’m a mom to five amazing kids! I love to crochet, but can’t knit anything to save my life…..except for dishcloths. I can knit a mean dishcloth!
I learned to knit with my grandmother when I was 7. So I have been knitting for 60 years. When I finish an article I save the bits of wool and I knit little cat toys with them. I run a program called Kittyfix to spay and neuter feral cats. We sell the toys to help pay for the spays. Some of the toys are pretty cool as they have bits of hand-dyed wool in them.
I have 14 grandchildren that I love to make things for. Most of them really like the things I make.
I love your yarn!
My favorite thing to crochet is baby blankets.
I gave up crocheting for many years and took up sewing and drawing. My husband is retired Army so we moved a lot and it was easier to haul art supplies and a few sewing supplies than a ton of yarn. But now that we are settled I have taken up the hook again and have been back at it for about 25 years now. It is the most enjoyable thing I’ve done and I have 12 grandkids to practice on…
hello , my name is Dimitra and i am from greece ,i start chrocheting less than year ago , i am a kindergarden teacher , i love to crochet shoes , sweaters , hats , and toys for kids because i want to see happy faces , it’s my payment!!!
This is so amazing! I love crocheting, it’s a perfect way to relax and it gives me something to do with my hands. I love to be creative and try new patterns. I am a stay at home mom and crochet is a great way to express myself while making a little money on the side by selling some if my projects, and it makes me feel productive. This giveaway is amazing, thank you!
My mother has knit and crocheted for years, but up until a few years ago, I never had an interest in learning either one. I scrapbook, sew, paint, draw, you name it. When I decided to give crochet a try, I didn’t really keep up with it, so I struggled. I picked it up again when my husband became ill, and it finally clicked with me. Thankfully, he is now healthy again and I thank God for that everyday! I know that learning this craft helped me get through a very difficult time for our family, and now I’m selling online and at craft shows. Five years ago, I never would have thought I would be crocheting, let alone making money from it. However, I never did learn how to knit….
I just taught myself to knit two months ago. My very first project was a pair of toe-up socks that I’m nearly finished with. I’m getting ready to cast on a pair of two-at-a-time toe-up socks and a cardigan!
I am a completely self taught crochet and knitter. I have started my own business to share the products of my hobby. To bring joy and warmth to others. It would be amazing to have a large stash of beautiful yarn to create one of a kind pieces.
My name is Nikki. I love to crochet and find time around taking care of my 3 children 24/7 to make something lovely and challenging
I love to try out new patterns and variations. I believe I am also obsessed with trying out all different types of yarn to crochet with 
Cowl kniiting addict!
When I’m not crocheting, I make cloth dolls and I do stained glass!
I’m truly amazed by how much like your inspiration pictures your yarn colors are-
and i want ALL of it!
I can loom knit, needle knit, crochet, and weave!
Thank you for the wonderful contests and giveaways!!
Only recently introduced to the better yarns … and loving the way they turn out!
I am a self-taught crocheter and knitter.
While I love to knit, it greatly interferes with my favorite hobby–writing! I really enjoy writing, but knitting is easier, and it produces beautiful results much more quickly. I guess that’s why I don’t get the house cleaning done either…
Hi, I’m 15, Iearned to knit this summer, I just kind of randomly decided it was something that I wanted to try, and thanks to your youtube channel, I was actually able to figure it out. I love doing it, and I’m so glad that I thought to try it, and I think it’s something that I’ll be doing for a long time
I’m a knitter who switched from crochet after I developed a joint problem that prevented me from crocheting.
I have been learning to knit & crotchet since taking a break from Belly Dancing. I also play flute, piano, djembe, middle eastern tabla, have been learning to sing & play ukulele….when I have time away from work, family, life and craft!!! I am newly single, have just turned 40 and the new man in my life is my rescue ragdoll kitten called “Leon” who is gorgeous but very naughty!
I’m studying Vocal Performance at Western Michigan University. I plan on becoming an opera singer!
I like to cross-country ski.
Crochet with yarn and wire, bead weaving is therapeutic, and beekeeping keeps me busy as a bee-I should probably crochet little scarves for my worker bees this winter! The more COLOR the better and there is never to much YARN,
I learned to knit from my grandmother when I was about 6 or 7. After taking a hiatus for 23 years, I have just started to knit again and discovered a love affair with expensive lace and finger weight yarns.
I am an artist, writer, genealogist and crochet enthusiast! Actually, I am JUST learning to crochet, but I have the fever, let me tell you. I make baby blankets and baby hats for charity. I also make things for friends. I have sold a couple items at a local charity shop (really cute hair scrunchies.) I am also disabled, so I have a lot of time on my hands, but not enough money for YARN YARN YARN!!! I need to win the free yarn.
I started crafting at 5 years old and am now 59 years old. I knit, crochet, tat, cross stitch, do petit pointe, bobbin lace, needle lace, embroidery, stump work, and many other forms of needlecrafts.
I used to sew, quilt, and do counted cross stitch. But I have developed several rare autoimmune diseases that damage my nerves and joints, so I can no longer feel thin needles or pins. On the other hand, the nerve damage means that I have that “pins and needles” sensation in my hands and feet all the time! Crocheting is my craft now!
I used to sew, quilt, and do counted cross stitch. But now I have several autoimmune diseases that have damaged my nerves and joints so that I can no longer feel thin needles or pins. Crochet has become my passion!
I am undergoing TMS treatment for depression. I thought that was a little different than talking to you about yarn.
Hello! My name is Jami and I learned how to make lace in my first few days knitting but for the life of me I can’t knit in the round!
I like Halloween more than Christmas.
I have seen the camel fights in Turkey
I have narcolepsy and I knit and crochet to help myself feel more productive.
I absolutely am addicted to yarn, and I learned how to crochet and knit in Germany when I was just 8 years old. And I was never sorry that I learned this. As of 09 I had Non Hodgkins lymphoma and had to sit for hours in chemo room and had it not been for my craft of knitting and crocheting I think I would have been more scared. I was so glad to have that with me. I am in remission as of 2010
I learned to knit “the wrong way” from my Grandmother, so I was always very self conscious about letting anyone see me knit. The with YouTube I picked up knitting again because I learned their really isn’t a right or wrong way. Now I dabble in crochet also. I get so much inspiration from you!
I have been crocheting since 3rd grade. Now that I am 25 I am so thankful for being able to crochet as a hobby and for presents as well as making a few extra dollars on the side
I’m a yarn hoarder, and I could always use more yarn
I graduated with a fine arts degree with an emphasis in textiles. BFA is the only college that had to do a thesis to graduate. I was the only bachelor female to have a solo exhibition at the time I graduated & I was the only one in my college/class to graduate.
I am a budding crocheted who is teaching herself to crochet in honor of my Grandmother. I think your yarn looks truly exquisite and can’t wait to order some. Following you on Facebook is making me want to try my hand at knitting.
Two of my best friends are my dogs. Molly B & Princess Sparkles
Silly but scaried of being outside, alone, in the dark. Probably my own fault, I love scary movies!
Ok… I have been to the Drag Strip quite a few times. While there I was either knitting or crocheting while watching the races… OR … driving my own trophy winning car. I’m no longer racing, but still stitching away and would love to add some of your beauties to my collection! Thanks for the Giveaway and good luck to all!
I learned to crocheting at age 9. I was taught by my grandmother who now has advanced Alzheimer’s and I am glad that I learned how to. I make blankets for everyone I know and those who are expecting kids. Not to mention hats, purses, and headbands.
I am one of 4 girls in my family and the only one that knits and crochets. Would be absolutely lost without my knitting to keep me sane, lol.
Love your contests – one of these days I might even win!
I play about 6 different musical instruments proficiently – I majored on bassoon!
I taught myself to crochet so my 4 year old son could grow his love for all kinds of hats
What most people find interesting about me is that I have 10 kids
Ever since both my grandmothers taught me how to knit and crochet when I was 8, I have been addicted! I am now 45 …
I am a woman that is physically disabled and I can’t even put into words the joy and peace crocheting bring s to me. Sometimes I get into a project that I don’t even feel my chronic pain as much.
I learned crochet from YouTube and knitting at a yarn shop on a weekend trip to New Orleans. I love being able to whip up useful items for around the house and really enjoy making things for friends and family. I’m currently picking out squares with my husband for his gamer themed blanket.
Hi Chandi! I’m doing everything I can to win this! I found out yesterday that I’m going to lose my job, so some “free” yummy, snuggly, decadent yarn would be an amazing injection of happiness in my life. xXx
im from Nashville Tennessee & probably the most boring person in the world. Nothing interesting to tell.
When my husband lost his job – i made up 50% of his income from commissioned knit and crocheted items. So thankful he’s back to work .
I love chocolate a lot!
I love yarn a lot….I like to go to the store just to look at it sometimes, to look at all the colors and of course to see if there is anything new!
I’m a mom, a grandma, a great-grandma, a writer, a blogger, a crocheter, and a jewelry maker. I’ve made afghans for each of my 17 grandchildren (5 of them are great grandkids) and, after getting breast cancer in 2009 and realizing how precious head coverings are for the newly bald, I make hats for cancer patients when I have money to buy some. The money I would get from this contest would enable me to make LOTS of hats and also to be able to afford my life, because I could sell some items too.
I am a mother of three, nana of two ,, a sister, and aunt. I love make things for all. This gift could really help mean make some beautiful gifts.
When will this month ever be finished? I can’t wait to find out if I’ve won! Something interesting about me………I spend way too much time looking at your site and drooling…..haha! Your yarns are absolutely lovely.
I am teaching others to knit at the library
I have been knitting and crocheting for many years. Currently I am knitting handcrafted knitted bags that I am trying to sell.
Sometimes I wear a Batgirl shirt with a cape to work at Lowe’s because I like the kid’s reactions.
I am a newbie knitter still practicing stitches. I followed your YouTube video and voila I’m a knitter!!!! I fell in love with your yarn and check daily to see if it’s arriving today.
I run a home daycare which I absolutely love and cannot imagine my life doing anything else. i also sell a product called scentsy which is home fragrance from warmers and scented wax. Anyone wanna try it
I have recently rediscovered crocheting and have learned so much in the last year. My husband even asked me to make him a new winter hat. He loved it.
I would love to start a knitting project
Something about myself. …. I was tought to do granny squares by mya boss I had in the early ’80’s. I was board w/ them. So I picked up some crochet thread and a booklet and started to make doilies. my GreatGrandmother use to make them. Well, I would crochet a little and I would cross stitch a little. In 1989 I got bronchitis really bad so I started to crochet all the time. I think I crochetcrocheted myself around the world 3 times that first year I quit smoking. I gave everything I made away. Everyone got scarves that year for Xmas
I crocheted @ stop lights, when I sat in traffic, waiting in restaurants & in waiting rooms. I still do that today. I’m still smoke free since ’89. I’ve since taken up knitting and like to quilt. I’m always doing something and am still giving everything away. I’ve only taken payment for about 7 things that I’ve made. My husband gets mad at me sometimes because I’m always knitting or crocheting. I figure it’s better than smoking and I have something to show for my money I spend instead of smoke in the air and poof it’s goneand never seen again. At leasy people have something to remember me by or a special time in their life. I get satisfaction by feeling good about myself and making someone happy.
I look for yarns everywhere to fill my need to hoard yarn! I am a yarnaholic!! lolol
I live in Fairfax, California, but didn’t realize until about 10 years ago that their was also a Fairfax, Virginia. I love learning new patterns, and experimenting with different weights, bulkiness and content.
Your writings to us make me fell good and smile.
Hi! I have been teaching myself to loom knit (can’t get the hand of needle knitting) and crochet for about a year now. I do not have nearly enough time to devote to this ever growing passion and it frustrates me to no end, lol.
been doing all crafts since I was 6 when mom began to teach me what she knew. I am left handed and she is right. I learned to crochet sitting in front of her and moving my needle in the same direction as she went lol…I am 64 and still crocheting and doing crafts. your yarn is so beautiful. I have never used hand dyed yarn and winning this yarn would give me a chance to try some. thanks for offering this giveaway.
Knitting saved my life!!
I started crochet during class and it started a crocheting movement in my school.
I love to knit and crochet. I taught myself to crochet when I was in fifth grade and started knitting when I was in high school. My seven year old daughter loves everything I made her so she’s learning to crochet as well so that she could make gifts for others.
I love pina coladas and getting caught in the rain! Oh, and of course everything fiber! I’ve been knitting longer than I’ve not been knitting. (see how I got around how old I am?) I love purples and reds, but every now and then I throw in a cream or beige into the mix to mellow it out a little. I’m a “knit watcher” which is kind of similar to a bird watcher except that whenever I spot a person wearing a knitted piece I run through my mind figuring out the pattern in my head. I love to teach, and help fix my friends mistakes. I love a challenge!
I was an extra in the first Hunger Games movie! And I love knitting!
I’m a receptionist at an animal hospital during the day and a crochet-aholic at night. I love crocheting so much that my loving boyfriend helped me set up the spare room just for projects. Its full of yarn, patterns, and a skein winder.
I’m a mama of soon to be 4 kids who loves to crochet and knit.
Your fiber colors are amazing. I aspire to knit like you someday!
I started crocheting again after a 25 year lag because I wanted to pay back for all the crocheted and knitted hats I received when I was chemo-bald and fighting breast cancer. I only knew how to make granny squares then so to keep from going slap-happy from grannys I taught myself to read patterns. Most of the stuff I crochet is given to charity or used as gifts. I am trying to teach myself broomstick lace now.
Welcome to the Carolinas, Chandi (and cute husband). You are living about 60 miles away from me. Moved to SC from Michigan to get away from the snow!
Hi Chandi. I am an energy engineer and found that my knitting skills helped me in my engineering classes way back when and vice versa! My knitting skills improved as I advanced in my degree. I think it’s the patterns in both engineering and knitting as well putting pieces together to make the whole! The whole concept is fascinating!
Hi I am a fairly new knitter, i love yarn and projects am totally addicted, my daughter inspired me to take up knitting and crochet
I am a self taught knitter. I have 3 amazing kids and one crazy husband. I absolutely love to knit socks.
I can wiggle my eyes really fast it looks like they are shaking
I’m busily knitting because … drumroll please … I have 7 grandchildren now and there were ZERO grandchildren 23 months ago. These from 2 of 4 daughters!
Hi Chandi,
Well, I learned to knit in med school to pass the hours in lecture hall, a classmate taught me. It relaxes me and I made great baby gifts for my friends. Now I have four kids and I knit to relax and I am teaching my 11 year old daughter and 9 year old son to knit. Thanks for your great site and videos!!
Regards, Vivian Aguilar
I love knitting! I have been knitting for more than 30 years and now I have been working in a wool shop since last May. I love seeing what my customers are making!
I have been knitting since I was 9 years old.
When my son moved out, I turned his room into my YARN/WINE ROOM! I spend lots of time there! But my husband always knows where he can find me… I am searching for one of the crocheted pouf ottomon that you got to add to it!
I’ve been able to crochet since I was in high school, but couldn’t knit. I took a class for my birthday several years ago and couldn’t get the hang of it. A friend recommended your videos and that’s how I found your store. I finally completed a simple knitting project!
I long to have a craft room! I sometimes sit on my bedroom floor just to looking through my yarn bags.
I have a yarn addiction… My daughters room is now my yarn room.
I learned how to knit by myself when I was 16 years old.
Something interesting about myself. I quit my corporate job on 02/28/14 to dedicate my time/energy/talent to doing the things I love and that feed my soul! Knitting is one of them. I’m planning on getting back into weaving soon!!! Have to rearrange some furniture to do so!
I’m early retired. lives in faroe islands and i’m using my knitting to help others. last week an old mann got three par of socks. I would love to winn this yarn, i want to knit shawls to some old women, who dosen’t have money to buy somthing new for christmas
I love color and texture!
I enjoy reading the knitting blog sites
Just finished a So Cloche chemo cap for a dear friend with cancer, started the Macrame Sleeveless Top for my daughter and decided to make wool dryer balls for all of the nieces and nephews for Christmas (rolling 15 in one sitting will make your hands and wrists hurt) Organized my yarn stash this week too!
Busy with yarn
I taught myself how to crochet a year ago because I wanted, no, HAD to make something for my son’s birthday. (I couldn’t purchase the item already made, lol)
hmmm something interesting… i can ‘swallow’ my tongue!
I love to crochet, and learn new stitches. I like giving them as gifts for Birthdays and Christmas.
Sometimes I knit smaller projects on the train to and from work. It’s more stimulating than playing on a smartphone
I would die I think if I won, I would love to win 1000.00 gift certificate to the shop. I have lots of Christmas knitting to do and this would certainly help. I would be honored and thank you for the opportunity.
These yarns are beautiful would look great in my shop!
Love knitting (getting better as time goes by and more practice) and love crocheting – lace mainly. I live in the wilds of British Columbia (central) on a pristine lake and have a wonderful husband, gorgeous Golden Retriever and two, very eccentric, cats. Life is good and I most grateful to be able craft, garden, hike, atv and snowmobile!!
I am 55 years old and returning to college to take art classes for a degree in art therapy. I have been a nurse for almost 30 years now. Last year I took a sculpture class at college. When I give Christmas gifts to my grandchildren, I like to give classes or lessons to them. They have had glass bead making lessons, snowboarding, jewelry making, voice, dance, cake decorating ( 4 Wilson Courses ) and several others. I take them with them sometimes and my oldest grand-daughters and I took a knitting class together. Last year, at the age of 54, I learned to knit and weld in a two week period of time. The welding was in the sculpture class at school, I made sparks fly! I think that’s pretty cool.
Crochet helped me quit smoking almost 4 years ago. Right after I got married & before I found out that I was pregnant with my beautiful 2nd son Gabriel Vaughn (my older son Ethan just turned 16 this year). Apparently I’m a natural, have taken so many requests from family, friends and colleagues it’s become a 2nd job – which helps pay for all those little extra costs. Makes for great gifts that I Couldn’t have afforded otherwise.
Thank you, KC Wetzel
I have 4 daughters who love my new hobby!
i can only crochet a little, but my sister makes beautiful pieces. she even makes some for me.!
I never quite caught on to crocheting, but have recanting been trying to learn to knit. Last year I arm knitted a couple of scarves for my daughters and this year I am determined to knit or crochet a blanket or boot cuffs or something. That and I really want to knit some socks!!!
I’m pregnant, and can’t wait to find out what it is so I can start crocheting things for it.
I love crocheting things for others.
Love to crochet! I never have enough yarn for all of my projects
Hi,I am a crocheter and I know I won’t win this but I am hoping I do.I could sure use.
I absolutely adore your yarn! It is gorgeous! I love crocheting, knitting, weaving and any other craft with fibers if all kinds!
I have been crocheting since I was a teen and I learned to knit about 5 years ago. I love to do both along with other crafting.
Unlike a lot of my knitting friends I love using double pointed needles especially when I am making toys. I also equally love knitting and crocheting but I think I crochet faster than I knit :)!
Something unusual about myself- I seem to be the go to friend to call and ask random things. Like how to fix a sink, what do you think is wrong with my car, how difficult would it be to make a bookcase, and my favorite – “of all my friends I figured you would be the one with gas cans in your garage with gas in them.”
Wow, thank you for the giveaway opportunity. My grandmother taught me to do fiber arts and now I get to pass it on to my grandkids! I love all colors, shades, stains, tones, hues, and the combinations are infinite!
I love to crochet and my husband has been so miserable since I’ve been a yarn-a-holic lol I would rather shop for yarn then watch movies with him on payday! What he doesn’t know so this blanket im making is for him haha!
Something about myself… I’ve never made anything for myself. I always end up giving away my crocheted pieces. I learned to crochet from my grandma the summer I turned 8 years old. It was her way of teaching me a family skill while enabling her to sleep in for a few extra hours while I learned new stitches. LOL! That summer I made coaster sets for Christmas presents for all my aunts and uncles and cousins and a tree skirt for my mother all from patterns that I made up with some help from my grandma. She bought me my first book and hook and I still have both and even though I don’t have her anymore, I still cherish this gift she taught me.
My mother loves knitting! I want to win to make her a gift!
Thank you for this generous opportunity! Learned to crochet at 8, knit at 9, from my German grandmother Elsa Anna. After raising 8 children, being divorced and widowed, and now on disability, still love to learn new techniques and revisit familiar ones. I cannot remember a time I did not love and appreciate handwork.
I have been crocheting for 58 years. I can crochet with any type of yarn. I love any and all crafting and needle work. Oh what I could’t do with that much yarn since I am on soc. security. My other love is singing the praises of our Lord.
When I was a kid and my mom would take me along with her to the University of Memphis, to either see my dad or sit in her workspace while she did some work, and as we walked towards wherever we were going and I saw a squirrel I would scream squirrel and run after it. My mother would just stop were she was, turn and wait for me to come back. The people on campus would always turn and look and some got a laugh out of it. Now a days if I see one while in the car I still scream squirrel and whomever is in the car with me jumps and then sighs. But I only do it when there’s someone with me, lol.
going to a craft fair with my daughter
Few Interesting Things About Me
*not much confidence in myself
Something interesting about me? My family has several generations of yarn art makers
I am a knitaholic proudly so
I have a yarn stash that needs it’s own room but as you know one can never have enough yarn 
I love to crochet….but, what I really like is making things and giving them to the folks I have met through out my life.
New to your work and am very impressed. LOVE your colorways!!! Will be ordering
I don’t like Phil Collins.
I have crocheted since I was a child and learned to knit as an adult. I belly dance and am currently with a performing troupe. I love Halloween, it is my favorite time of the year!
I am a dystopian fiction fan!
Hi, I’m Carol. I taught myself to knit and crochet when I was in high school (weird….I know). I would watch classic movies (Gene Kelly was a favorite) and do my needlework. Now that I’m a football fanatic, I watch my favorite game and do needlework. It doesn’t get any beer than that!
Ok, don’t you love auto-correct! That would be better not beer. Although needlework and beer go well together!
I can never have enough yarn for knitting projects =)
I would like to start making jewelry
I am subscribed to so many crochet and knitting groups on Facebook that I don’t even see friend’s posts anymore.
I learned to knit about a year ago as a therapeutic aide after retiring from a 10 year tour in the military. In this past year, the pain has almost gone, I no longer have tremors, and I’ve discovered an entire community of people who enjoy creating something with their own hands that has welcomed me like none other and helped me to tackle a few social anxieties that had become present with the injury. To win something like this would mean I can actually make something to completion and be able to share my new passion with friends, family, and anyone else that looks like they need a little knitted love.
I love to sew and am just learning to knit! ALso, I finally got the job as investigator!!!
Here’s something interesting about me. I Actually asked someone to teach me how to knit but she couldn’t find matching needles and decided to teach me crochet instead. I’m glad she did because I absolutely LOVE it. I’ve gotten to the point where I can do lots of things without patterns and my grandson is constantly challenging me by asking for items he likes. In his eyes I can make anything! LOL
I love fall. It’s my very favorite season.
I am addicted to knitting and a run the Baltimore -Chesapeake Head Huggers.
I play mountain dulcimer and fiddle in a band.
I learned to crochet when I was 4. My mom’s mother taught me with a #13 fine hook. I taught myself to use large guage needles and yarn when my boys were born, and am now 66 years young. I am still learning and find hand work very peaceful and enjoyable
I love to knit, and so does my aunt, but what I didn’t know was that my Grandpa did too! (He was seriously very manly, so it was a surprise). My aunt just gave me some of my Grandpa’s old knitting needles. He’s been dead for about 20 years, so they’re super special to me.
I play guitar. My son is a doctor (<Brag!) I have two cats.
I have been knitting for over 30 years.
I help my wife and mother
Another generous giveaway! Thank you Chandi.
Something about me – I sing opera
Something interesting about myself would be that I have a rate condition called psuedo tumor cerebr . I also have Arnold chiari type 2 brain malformation. My doctors weren’t certain with all my surgeries if I’d be able to have children, with them thinking my body would probably reject pregnancies. I’m 24 years old with two healthy and wonderful children.
hmmmm something interesting about myself… I usually say I knit for these things, not so interesting here! I guess how about I work in a pet store. I’ve gotten to handle plenty of animals I never thought I would!
Hm. Something interesting…I’ve been crocheting since I was a kid. Just now learning how to knit and now I want to learn hairpin lace. I’m addicted to making things out of yarn.
I was born with an extra finger and an extra toe. There was a slight possibility I could have been twins.
I’m not very interesting – I am a self-taught crocheter. I love to crochet it is very relaxing. But I have been thinking of trying to knit again – it’s been nearly 30 years since I tried last.
I taught myself to knit because I decided my baby needed booties. Then I discovered YARN and fell in love.
I’m from Australia and love crafting of practically all sorts. I love to learn new skills and consequently have loads of supplies (including a tatting shuttle and a handful of lace making bobbins). Currently crazy quilting and crocheting.
Something interesting about myself? Ummmm….When I get things lined out, I plan and hope to go back to college to get my Associate Degree in Theater Costume Construction…and I’m 61 years old! I’ll probably get the degree “…when I’m 64!”
I learned how to crochet first when I was 7 or 8, but I prefer knitting. Learned about a year later…
I love love love to make things with yarn. I have been knitting for more then 20 years, My husband just bought me a rigid heddle loom and I am in new love
I am a SAHM of 3 and I would love to get my hands on a whole bunch of your yarn!!
Well, the most interesting thing about myself (to me) right now is that I’m learning to be more receptive to the people and events around me. It’s sounds pretty plain on paper, but in life it’s awfully profound:)
Something interesting…
I learned to spin using a drop spindle by watching someone do it for 5 minutes at the local ren faire:) I can home, took a wooden spoon, metal coaster, and beeswax, put it together, and spun some wool off a mandala I had on my wall. It was awesome.
I am expecting twins in January and WILL continue crocheting despite sleep deprivation, darn it!
WOW best yarn giveaway!
Wishing, wishing, wishing…
Not much to tell. lol Musician, writer, founder of Outlander Pattern Central on Facebook.
I knit and crochet for anxiety relief. I love it!
Sewing and knitting is my natural therapy. I adore fiber!
I love all things woolly. Someday I plan token sheep!
I did professional improv for three years and got to knit on stage as a recurring character!
I was taught to crochet by my grandmother over 20 years ago. Only recently, with the birth of my daughter, have I started crocheting every day.
I am obsessed with knitting. I even dream about things that I am about to make.
I have 3 kids 5 and under at home with me 24/7 and I *still* make time for obsessing over yarn and crocheting pretties with it. But I still haven’t made anything for my 5-month–oldnavy girl.
Hi, My grandma taught me to crochet even though she spoke a different language than me. In her broken english I was able to watch and learn. Now that I am a grandma, I look forward to teaching my sweet pea how to crochet.
I love to travel and I’ve been to 26 countries.
I love to write novels, and have been working on one for a few months now. I love to crochet while I work on my novels. My grandma taught me how to crochet, and I love it. I have completed three projects in the course of one year. one item went all the way to Massachusetts from Arkansas for a friend/sister of mine. <3 I like to hop on here and drool over all the gorgeous colors that Chandi makes.
I live on Maine and my grandmother that lived on an island off the coast of Maine called Islesboro taught me how to knit, crochet, quilt, tat, embroider needlepoint And crewel all before I was 12
I am a 37 year old at home mom. Not only do I have a loom and yarn obsession but also a tiger and book obsession. I love my family with everything I have and also have a cast iron obsession! Go big or go home lol.
my Grandmother was a great crocheter and taught me when I was a kid….
I am a perpetual child and will always find joy in the little things.
My cats trade off sitting in my arms when I’m in front of the computer–they’ve become so adept at it that I often miss the switchover.
I make the best darn sauerkraut.
I recently started spinning fiber for fun
I absolutely love to crochet. It is what keeps me sane. It is my stress releiver. I don’t sell what I make, I give it all away. I like to be able to help those less fortunate then myself and the only way I can do that is by crocheting. Good luck everyone
I am a full time knitting teacher…and if I was a rich woman, and I am not, I would teach the world to knit for free. The greatest joy of teaching knitting can be summed up by a statement made by an 8 year old I teach who looked at me and said “Miss Ivy, knitting is my happy place.”
I love to travel all over the United States, visiting yarn shops as I go. In the past four years, I’ve visited nearly 200 from Washington to Florida.
I like to enter contests
I crochet and live in Iowa where the winters pretty well make you homebound so to crochet is food. I recently had brain tumor surgery and am recouping from that so it’s slowed me down. We have 5 children and lots of Grandchildren which are the apple of our eyes.
I love to decorate for Halloween and see the little one faces light up. I am learning to knit and crochet with patterns.
I create things in many artistic mediums including watercolor , jewelery, knitting, sewing and quilting, and using found objects to make works of art.
I love to create BEAUTY in all things.
My current WIP’s are a Fair Isle pullover I designed myself, Aran Pullover I also designed, a HitchHiker shawl, mittens, a watercolor of my best friend Jack my dog, a watercolor of daisies one of my fave flowers, a garnet necklace, and a Kaleidoscope quilt. I am also going to design and make a felted shawl similar to the one in Outlander Series worn by Geillis in the garden with Claire…wispy and ethereal is my goal. I have never felted before but am confident I can make something gorgeous and unique.
I tried to teach myself to knit but got so frustrated I took the needles back to the store the day after.
I am a knitting and crochet instructor. I also spin, weave, and felt!
I love crafts and I can do the live long and prosper gesture with both hands at the same time… It’s my super power
My mom and grandma taught me to crochet when I was little, but I wasn’t really interested in it =( Last year we moved into a camper and my sewing machine got packed into storage, feeling the need to be creative, I re-taught myself how to crochet. Now my yarn stash is as big as my fabric stash had been… But I could always use more
I am a self taught knitter and crocheter and now plan to teach myself to spin the finer from our 6 shetland sheep.
I’m a beginner but would love to win this for my grandmother in law that has helped me so much!
Back into knitting after a couple-decade hiatus…and loving it :-). working on Outlander-inspired items now.
I am disabled and cannot work so crocheting for family is my therapy…crocheting is my happy place… It would be nice if insurance paid for my yarn therapy… Lol
I learned to crochet when I was just a young girl, learned from my grandma. I have recently started again after not doing it for years. Also love needlework and sometimes knitting. Looking to get into jewelry making and mosaics because you can never have too many hobbies, right! lol
I have been Knitting/Crocheting since I was 5 years old and taught myself everything I know!
I love yarn!! I have crocheted for 20 years, and in that time I tried no less than 6 times to teach myself to knit, to no avail! I have persevered because I have always felt that knitting was sooooo much more versitile than crocheting, and created a much softer, prettier product. Finally, 2 years ago, I figured out how to control my tension on those fiddly knitting needles, and voila!! I have LOVED learning to knit and am always excited for the next new adventure – right now? I’m exploring the world of knitting socks!! YaHOO!!
My grandmother taught me how to nit, still learning new patterns
At my husband’s urging, I’m burning through my stash this year making holiday gifts for everyone … which just means that I have to replenish it all next year right? RIGHT?! *grin*
Actually I’m loving it, finding new stitches, new patterns – and justifying my time in front of hockey and all my favourite tv shows (no honey, I’m not watching too much tv, it’s just on while I’m doing all the knitting I need to get done before the holidays!) Mwah!
To the yarn!
I Love Home-Made Projects.
I am a 60 yr old Grandmother that still rides her horse bareback! I love to crochet with many different yarns..including recycled items. I am chainmailling jewelry at the moment. Always want to learn new stuff to make and give away! Esp to my kids and grandkids.
my grandmother taught me to crochet when I was eight or nine. I had totally forgotten about it until I started a second job that allowed quite a bit of free time. I then began crocheting and knitting and cannot figure out why I gave it up in the first place. Oh, and I work for the government.
Something interesting about me…..I LOVE rocks. Gemstones specifically. It’s a dream of mine to open my own gem mine and to be able to cut gemstones.
I need to take a class to up my skills! I am loving knitting, just started a couple of months ago.
I just recently rediscovered the zen of knitting! I also recently discovered gardening and cooking the food I’ve grown! Thanks so much for doing this!
I can knit but i still cannot crochet very well
Something interesting about myself? Well, I’m not all too interesting, but I absolutely love to crochet and knit and taught myself both when I was 12 years old. I am also part of the 2% of natural redheads in the U.S.
I’m a WAHM of two little girls, a closet gamer and huge Whovian
My grandmother had me making potholders by age 7….55 years ago. I think its too late to give it up now!
I can touch my nose with my tongue
I started a program and make Journals of Love to donate to our local Hospice. I love sharing my ART
I’m in the process of knitting a snail costume for my 10 month old daughter for her first Halloween!
I was a computer programmer for nearly two decades then became an RN at age 55.
After having 3 minor strokes an 2 heart attacks, I use crochet as a true form of meditation! I can no longer read patterns but somehow managed to remember the corner to corner stitch! So now I am the Afghan queen! I love the idea of taking plain yarn, the same stitch, and creating something beautiful! I am currently working on making Afghan Christmas gifts for my brothers and sisters….all six of them!
After having 3 small strokes, I use crochet as a true form of meditation!
I just learned to crochet about 6 months ago. I taught myself by watching hours of you tube videos, and lots and lots of practicing. I am completely addicting. My daughter has the best collection of crochet hats on the planet!!
I live in North Pole Alaska and it is hard tom find pretty yarn.
I am the mother of 9 and I love to knit and crochet, and cardmaking and stamping!!
I was born in England and now live in the US thanks to the US Air Force :). My oldest stash of yarn is from when we lived in Italy in 1985-1989 and I admired a top that our neighbors fiance had made. She surprised me with the yarn, it is beautiful (an emerald green with little flecks of gold and red and purple) to make one of my own. I can’t remember if she ever gave me the pattern, though it would have been in Italian. I have searched for almost 30 years for a pattern to use this yarn for and still nothing. It is in perfect condition and just sitting in a bag waiting LOL
If I am lucky enough to win this yarn, I would get busy making lap blankets or hats and donate them to an organization that could use them!
I recently picked up crocheting again as a form a physical therapy for my numb left arm. Had not touched a hook in almost a decade. Things have changed so dramatically online that I quickly got sucked back in. Patterns everywhere! Pinterest, facebook groups, Ravelry. I wish I could crochet as much as I browse! My 2 week old granddaughter is the recipient of many of my little projects. Great prize for your contests. Congrats in advance to the winner!
I started knitting when checking out yarn to add to greeting cards I was making, now I rarely make cards.
I have so many patterns that I couldn’t possibly make all of them in one lifetime. I keep collecting them though plus I make my own too. It’s decided then that I must live forever.
I have been knittting and crocheting since the 60s. It is meditative for me now.
I learned to cross stitch in my 6th grade art class. Along with basket weaving. That was when we lived in Salem, Mass. and I asked my mom to send me to Witchcraft school. (She said no…..)
I have 6 dogs and I started crocheting about 5 months ago
I do crochet since age 10. 5 years ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and crochet has kept me sane. I like doing things for baby
I crochet everywhere and I feel weird without my yarn and projects
Thank you for the give away. I hope whoever wins enjoys the yarn.
I taught myself to crochet and cross stitch and am learning how to knit and quilt by myself. I know I will be a valued member of any zombie apocalypse group, when it happens LOL ;).
My grandmother taught me to crochet years ago, and I recently picked it back up again. I love crocheting granny squares and scarves.
My shop has an interesting name. Refers to my lefthandedness and a spot in Heaven where I will meet my loved ones
I crochet so I don’t kill people
Seriously, hand dyed yarn and hand spun yarn is my favorite medium to work with.
I can write my name with my toes on my right leg
I have crocheted for years, but I would love to learn to knit. Your knitted garments are beautiful and your yarn is indescribably gorgeous!
I taught myself how to crochet by watching YouTube videos during my ex husbands deployment! Crocheting gave me something to focus on so I could keep my mind off of being sad that he was gone!
Yarn and crocheting has kept me sane and busy during both of my parents’ battles with cancer. My dad has to have frequent blood transfusions and we spend hours just sitting. I pass the time crocheting.
I can completely relate to this! When my mom was passing and with my father’s current cancer battle crochet has been my refuge of sanity as well. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I LOVE to crochet, knit, weave…anything to do with fiber! And I sure would love to win this giveaway!
I am addicted to chocolate!
I can crochet my own hair!
I am a daughter of someone who loves to knit and crochet, and I want to learn myself, so to get a certificate worth so much would be a blessing.
I’m a NICU nurse and I’m moving to Oregon with my family next month! My grandma taught me to crochet when I was 13.
I started knitting when i was very young so I could get a badge in Brownies.
i learned to crochet when i was 11.
I’ve always dreamed of learning to spin
My interesting fact: I am terrified of pigs.
Something about me is that I crochet to help keep my nerves at bay and I love working on things for others!
I first learned to crochet @ 8 y/o from an elderly neighbor lady. I grew up calling her Grandma Donnelly. Every Saturday afternoon she would gather all the girls in the neighborhood @ our kitchen table and have bible study. Afterwards she would teach us something useful a woman should know to keep her home happy & clean. From her I learned Crocheting, Knitting, canning, cooking, sewing, quilting, flower gardening, house keeping and so much more. With 6 kids to feed (plus half the neighborhood kids who always congregated at our house), Grandma Donnelly would ‘hire’ mom for ironing, window washing, ect. Basically things that were too difficult for an elderly person to do on their own. In payment (which mom always tried not to accept), she would give her a treasured cookbook, painting, framed picture, crafting supplies (yarn, hooks, pattern books, ect)…I know now she did this because it was hard for mom to supply us with this stuff with Dad being the only one bringing in the money. And I know it embarrassed mom to accept the items because she was raised (as was I) that you don’t accept payment for helping out ‘family’. Even if they’re not biological family. But I also know mom was appreciative of everything she ‘payed’ her with because that stuff is still around today and still in the family. I am keeper of grandma’s things now and I still appreciate them every time I look at those beautiful paintings (a few by valued artists!).
I can wiggle my eyebrows independently from each other or together. I can also wiggle my ears, and wiggle my nose like a bunny.
I have never crocheted or knitted anything for myself.
I never have enough yarn my stash is larger than a dept stores stock but never have the right colors for what I am making lol.
Yarn and crocheting make me happy. Being a caregiver to my Mom is a very time consuming but rewarding part of my life. Sitting down and relaxing with my crochet project gives me peaceful moments. A little “me” time.
I love crocheting and would like to learn to knit continental! There is never enough yarn in my mind.
I love making prayer shawls and comfort wraps for people who are going through times we can’t imagine ourselves.
i am a grandmother with a busy life helping out with 2grandchildren. I love to crochet and have been doing that for over 50 years. I make hats to sell in Art Markets and donate to Cancer patients. I am addicted to buying yarn and when I go into a yarn store, my heart beats fast and have to calm myself down to focus on what I need not want because have run out of room in my sewing room.
I started knitting and crocheting when my young
I started knitting and crocheting when my youngest brother told me that I was going to be an auntie. Yay!
As I’m not going to be a mom…I’ll be the best aunt I can be.
I have been crocheting and knitting since I was 7 or 8. One grandma did both and taught me crochet and the other only knit and taught me that. I crochet every moment I can, and sometimes knit, but crochet is my passion!
My interesting fact is that I used to own and operate a bar and grill. For a short time at least!
I don’t like spiders and snakes, I love to crochet.
Learned to knit at Girl Scouts meetings then knitted a baby sweater with my Aunt Daisy who showed me how to read patterns. Self-taught to crochet using Coats &Clarke how-to-do booklet too many years ago. I love to crochet all the time. My only regret is I am allergic to wool products so my choices on colors is limited. This does not stop me from shopping beyond local stores to the Internet sourcesof colors and textures in cotton and acrylics. I’m a happy hooked member of The Crochet Crowd.
I learned to crochet a year ago and have had a hook and yarn in my hands almost every day since…I am captivated.
I am a self taught crocheter for almost 40 years now. I am working on afghans that will be left to my grandchildren after I am gone…. Would be nice to have some different yarns to make some of them with.
I am a multi-crocheter. I can never be working on just one thing.
I crochet everyday its my therapy I have mental disabilities and my hubby, crochet, and music keeps me going.
Taught myself to knit and crochet fifty years ago. Have learned most of the handcrafts including bobbin lace, inkle loom, embroidery, crewel, cross stitch, needlepoint, etc. Love making and giving things away and have started to design my own works in the last few years, now that I have a bit more time.
I have always enjoyed crocheting, and I relax when I do.
I love anything to do with yarn and have been knitting and crocheting since I was a child. I am currently working on an order for a customer.
I would love to win! I have shared the link on my blog.
Thank you for a chance!
i taught myself to crochet a few years ago by watching youtube videos & reading blog postings. i’m a member of the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints, i’m married to my best friend & hero who is an Army Vet & i have 4 cats & 5 kids (one boy ~ oldest at 19 yrs & 4 girls 17/14/12 yr old twins). we are boring. lol. thank you for the chance to enter.
It would be so great to win this.. I love to crochet. I’ve been crocheting off and on for 36 yrs and everything I make is either given as a gift or donated. I typically don’t sell my items. I’ve recently got into making Amigurumi’s and just love the aspect of what different little creatures that can be made.. I’m also trying my hand at knitting for the first time in 30 yrs.. Interesting but haven’t got the hang of it yet.
I’ve been crocheting since I was about 9 or 10. My mom taught me, my babushka inspired me and I haven’t stopped since! I mostly make hats and blankies for homeless folks as well as cancer patients. I don’t make items to keep, just to give away! I love the time I get to spend in my thoughts with each project. Who will it go to? Will they love it? Is is pretty? What can I do better? Seeing smiles is the best reward.
I wish I could crochet for a living.
I crochet, knit, make cards, scrapbook, bead, paint, quilt you name it! I also play piano, violin, guitar and hammered dulcimer.
I volunteer for search and rescue. While on a search I will either be knitting or crocheting on the down time.
I love to crochet, I started to make my self an Victorian afghan the girls i worked with fell in love with it so I made 4 of them as gifts. i really enjoyed the pattern. as of to day I have 2 put away for gifts. the colors you have would make a beautiful one.
My wife likes to knit and crochet.
My great aunt was my crochet teacher. Have been crocheting for as long as I can remember. I have Fibro so there are times the crocheting has seen me thru some ruff times. I am in the process of quitting smoking and how wonderful to be able to finally say I have made something totally smoke free. Counting the days down.
Thanks for the contest
My greatest accomplishments are my two amazing children!
I’m 50 but i guess it’s not too late to start learning how to knit and crochet.
I love making things.
I have wanted to win this since I have seen your beautiful yarns!! <3
I love crocheting gifts for family and friends! ! I had not crocheted in over 20 years but a year and a half ago I had just moved to a new state and was out of work and my sister had sent me some of mom’s craft stash and there were crochet hooks and yarn in it and i haven’t stopped since! My interesting fact… as an approximately 5 day old infant I was left on a doorstep so I don’t know what my actual birthday is.
I enjoy entering contests…someday I will win
Something interesting about me is that I just started teaching myself to crochet in June and I’m already getting orders from people that want to buy my crocheted items. I also make and donate hats to chemo patients regularly.
I have been crocheting since I was little, but just learned to weave this year!
a friend got me intrested in knitting and now it’s all I want to do!!! I got my daughter to join as well!!!
I like winning
Hmmm……something about myself………I’ve never tried sushi. The thought of it makes me cringe. :/
Hello, My name is Kathy and I am an avid crocheter!! I love, love, love to crochet. Since becoming disabled almost 4 years ago, this has become quite a passion for me. I had, just a few days ago, told my boyfriend that I wanted to make shawls and lapghans for the people of the nursing home at which I used to work. But being disabled, this leaves me with little money to spare to buy yarn. This gift certificate would be such a blessing! Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
great great giveaway , i like to learn new stuff and your blog teach us the best thing
I learned to knit from my mother and grandmothers, and to crochet in school. I’m not nearly as old as that makes me sound!
I love crocheting (glad my mom took the time to teach me when I was young, I hope to pass the skill on to my children) and gifting the items I make! Makes me smile that people enjoy something I’ve made them
I like to compete in Mah Jongg tournaments
I learned how to crochet when I was six. My grandmother taught me how to keep me busy . I am an only child and she taught me a skill that I am still using today. I recently learned how to crochet Amigurumi animals. I got a lot of my grandmother’s yarn since she passed away. She would be so proud of my creations! I would love to win some beautiful yarn. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I started knitting in order to help keep my stress and anxiety in check during engineering school.
I provide music therapy to children who are dead, have a hearing loss and who use assistive hearing devices and work on their speech and language goals.
I’ve only been knitting about a year but I couldn’t imagine not knitting. I take my knitting everywhere and have even gotten friends back onto yarn crafts.
i was taught to crochet when I was 10. I started crocheting and knitting again many years later as a coping tool during my husband’s battle with cancer. I am now obsessed with yarn.
I love to crochet!
I love to crotchet ,hope i’ll be the winner
I am suffering in untreatable tango addiction.
Hi… love the beautiful rich colours of your yarn. I’m a knitter!!
I sang opera in college, and I’ve sung in 10 languages, including Swahili and Hungarian.
Knitting and crocheting helps me cope as I heal from an eating disorder. I am a US Air Force Veteran and volunteer over 20 hours a week while attending college classes here in Wa
I love to crochet. My favorite right now Is Amigurumi. I have my own page on Facebook. Willo’s Crafts in Decatur, Al. Look me up. I am starting to make my own patterns.
I started to crochet last year and I love it!! Now I am teaching myself to knit with your video help!! I am so excited I found your website!!
I am an avid lover of the Dukes of Hazzard,…No one can stump me on DOH trivia,…..and my student teacher from Kindergarten and I have remained close from Kindergarten to this day,…and I am no 33.
Something interesting about myself? I love goats, seriously I want a goat, or two or ten, one day.
Something interesting….I work as a sign language interpreter and after 15 years, I still love my job!
I love love to crochet…very relaxing and my stress reliever…I crochet mostly for charities but also crochet items for little gifts for birthdays…holidays or ‘just because’…
Would be beyond my wildest dream if I were to be the winner !!
Hi, thanks for doing this wonderful giveaway. I guess an interesting thing about me would be that, growing up, I was often told that my ancestry included a Prussian princess… very interesting – maybe I should point that out to my husband when it’s time for yardwork. Princesses do needlework, not yardwork, right???
i’m definitely S.A.B.L.E. But that doesn’t stop me from wanting/buying more
When I was 8 years old, I wanted to become president of the United States. I had it all planned out. I would wear an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny yellow polka-dot bikini (with my 8-year-old body, of course) on billboards asking folks to vote for me. It was foolproof!
I love your beautiful yarn! Something interesting about me, I am a 20 year cancer survivor after being only a year to live, I parasailed for the first (and last) time in my life this past summer in Gulf Shores and my #1 item on my bucket list is to see a Great White Shark in person while standing on a very big boat.
I love making things for my 15 month old granddaughter, and with a new grand baby (don’t know the sex yet) due in April I’m going to be a busy Nonna x
Knitting is my first passion. I also crochet and make soap.
Something interesting about myself? I love to do laundry! haha
Something craft related? I haven’t made socks yet. They intimidate me!
I crochet but because of you, I’m teaching myself to knit. Somewhere I read that you haven’t been knitting long, but your talent is extraordinary.
I just found your site and I am so in love! I just watched you knitting video 2 days ago and I am so excited to start making awesome things!
I love to knit! My yarn stash is looking a little slim. I would love to bulk it up!
I do most of my crocheting overnight at work.
I love to knit and will do it at home or riding in the car when going somewhere it is very relaxing for me.
I didn’t do any crafting until I became a mothet. Now I can’t stop.
Also, I play the drims because growing up everyone expected me to play the piano.
I would love to win! So much gorgeous yarn, so little time…
What a great giveaway! Thank you so much Chandi.
If i win, i will share the price with my sister and one of my friends.
I drool over your yarn, but can’t justify spending lots on just yarn. I’m a thrifty spender. I started out crocheting, but I learned how to knit about 3 years ago. Now I’m obsessed. I love headbands at the moment. Working on my third knit one.
Hi I have seven furry babies 5 cats and two doggies I learned the crochet basics with my aunt and learned the rest from Utube. I would like to learn to knit, I learnd a long time a go but I forgot and I can’t grab the needles correctly.
I’d love to give my arthritic hands something to work with!
I love to craft. In fact I craft so much my husband said it’s taking over the house. I’ve been trying to cut back but it’s hard and I start having withdrawals and then the kiddos will ask to make something and then I’m on a crafting streak again….HAHAHA
My dream come true!!!!!!!
I taught myself how to crochet last fall. I’m now addicted. I’m thinking of starting my own Facebook page for selling the stuff I make
Oh please, oh please let me win this prize!!! I am an avid beader, knitter,amateur photographer ( I just got a fancy schmancy new camera ya know!) and I love look at all of your drool worthy yarn!!
I am a stay at home mom to three crazy, but lovable kiddos. Ive been self teaching myself how to crochet over the past two years and am absolutely addicted. I was also just given a few sets of knitting needles and I am so excited to figure that out! Basically I love tying knots with yarn, its the bees knees for me. I love, love, love anything yarn. You have also inspired me to see the bigger picture of what I can do. I love everything you share so much. Im hoping to one day have my own hand dyed yarn, for personal and who knows maybe professional use!
i have been knitting with a group of great friends for about 6 years every Saturday we meet at a coffee place to knit for 2 hours. We all met by chance at a local knit shop when we took a mitten class. 2 of us are in their 30’s ,one is in her 40’s and I am 57. Age doesn’t matter to us. We have endured a loss of a member, births, and we are at our 5th location now. Nothing has broken the ties of the “knitistas” as we were called by my daughter Ashley who was 19 when she. Died from leukemia. I so look forward to our Saturday’s. We have gone on a couple local field trips to a sheep farm that has its own shop and an alpaca farm. Soooo much fun!!!!
I live in NC, but I grew up in WV where the women in my family passed down the great tradition of making: knitting, crocheting, quilting, and stitching. I try to supplement my income with my favorite hobby of crocheting.
I’m a natural redhead!
I love to crochet for family and friends!
i crochet at an intermediate-advanced level, I knit at a beginner level. It’s easier to crochet than knit when you have a 2 year old running around.
I’m Mother Goose…A tattooed, coffee drinking, motorcycle riding yarn addict.
Something interesting … I am primarily a metal sculptor but I use yarn to add a fiber art quality to contrast the hard steel. Check out my website for examples! I need all the yarn I can get lol my sculptures are pretty huge!
I love crochet have for many years when I got cancer I quit and I missed it I’m now enjoying it and winning yarn would be so much fun I taught myself knitting sock it was my biggest accomplishment in my craft so I’m having fun
i am a kc royals fan. lets go royals.
I just started a blog and love to crochet children hats!
My family and job keep me very busy, but I knit whenever and wherever I can. Creating hand knit items for my family and friends makes me (and them) very happy. You are going to make someone so happy with this giveaway….I love that!
I am living my dream. I am retired so I can crochet anytime I want. I help out more often now with the cows and pecan harvest and I love every minute of my life. I have plenty of yarn-it would be nice for someone to win this that has a hard time buying yarn. (my husband says I have too much yarn-I didn’t know you could do that!)
I love crocheting and I taught myself how to crochet through watching youtube channels. I started out with knitting and then discover crochet. I prefer crocheting!
I am fairly new to crochet, but it soothes me. It helped me get through when I lost my dad and even quitting smoking. My son Matt is excellent at it, and we are working together on projects for my first grandbaby and his first baby. <3
I give knitting and crochet lessons, and I’m a yarnaholic:)
I love to learn
Have a lung disease that has restricted my movement so I crochet a lot now use to sew clothes unable to now would love to win nice yarn!!
When I was in high school, I hated crochet. It was an obligated lesson and we had to crochet doilies. Now I love crocheting and knitting but I still hate doilies.
i like to create things that challenge my mind.
knitting and crocheting are my therapy
I have been filled with creativity just like my father. I rarely make the exact same thing twice, always changing it up, or just moving on to a new yarn, new pattern, and often changing the patterns up as well. I also have written music for band, for orchestra, and for solo flute as well.
My music and my yarning are very color-filled!!
Oh, one more thing — I have a neighbor who is 98, and knits dish cloths daily. She helped get the hang of it after I watched YOUR video on beginner knitting–esp if you’re clueless–that was how I found you! My knitting is still in the beginning stages, as I have always done crocheting. Grama Pilz fugired out that she has been making the dish cloths and other knitted things for 70 years!!
I learned to crochet as a child from my wonderful Grandma. All my dolls had crocheted clothes, and making those oufits created a lifelong love of fiber. While I primarily knit now, I treasure those memories of crocheting with my dear sweet Grandma.
I’ve been crocheting for 25 years – my nana taught me when I was about 9 or 10. I’ve only ever made two things for myself — a hat and a blanket. I tried a sweater for myself – it actually started out for a friend but my gauge was way off and it ended up fitting me – but I ran out of yarn and haven’t been able to find the right kind to finish it!
I twirled baton for 10 years when I was younger. Hated pretty much every minute of it.
Hello! I love knitting and crocheting, playing with fibers and making beautiful creations helps me to relieve stress and clear my head. I also enjoy teaching youngsters how to knit as a way of relaxing and understanding the joy of creating something on their own.
I have a ‘Great Newfenees’ Dog whose wool I am hoping to have spun for some weaving/knitting projects. Need to do that ’cause great wool is hard to find here in the depths of the Boreal Forest!
I taught myself how to crochet last Christmas using you tube after we found out we were expecting a girl and I was in love with the owl hats, but didn’t want to be ordering one every time she grew. This has now turned into a small home business for me while on maternity leave.
I use knitting and online gaming as a stress relief.
I love to design knitting patterns and have a small group on Ravelry.
thanks, lovely chance! I’m ISA! <3
I am sixty and returned to college. I learned to knit at the ripe old age of five from a lady (adopted grand ma) who was in her 90’s at the time.
I am a critical care nurse and I started a caring caps program for cancER patients. I also taught cancer patients and their family members how to knit as therapy.
I am from Estonia and my boyfriend is from the UK, we both live in UK and we mrt in Chatroulette
I love the colours and textures of yarns and hope to have more time to be knitting!
I started knitting about four years ago when my kids were babies. I wish I had learned earlier….would have coffee in VERY handy when I lived in Ukraine as a Peace Corps volunteer!
I’ve recently learned how to knit and crochet using your videos on Youtube. They’re easy to follow and quick/concise. You have been immensely helpful. Thank you for your videos. Chandi!
I have been crocheting for about a year and a half now. Completely self taught. Still trying to get my husband to learn though
I moved across the country exactly one year ago.
I have been crocheting for 60 years and knitting for 59. I teach classes at our local yarn shop and at a nursing home.
i am a mum of 6 boys and love your yarn. I have been crocheting for 15 years now and absolutely love it. It keeps me sane with all these boys. Also my 14 year old can crochet so helping me get my stash down
I am learning how to crochet right now. I am getting the hang of some of it by watching your videos on you tube. I am on LOA from work right now. I am enjoying it; it gives me something productive to do daily.
My name is Karen and I’m a wip-a-holic! (Hanging head in shame!)!
something interesting… I love puzzles, and I love yarn… I also have a puzzle of yarn.
I recently returned to crochet after many years and have discovered I’m now allergic to acrylic yarn!
I am addicted to knitting. This yarn would add to my addiction, love it!!!
I knit to the detriment of house and home. It’s a good thing my husband and children love me!
…hmmmmmm….something interesting…..:-) I’ve traveled around the world and my favorite places are: New Orleans and Uganda….both super cool places!
Something interesting about me
I am an accounting student who loves crocheting!
I finally have time to knit and crochet again now that my 4 adult children (25, 24 and 23 yr old twins) have graduated college, entered the working world and hooray have all moved out! Having 4 kids within 30 months keeps one busy and away from the needles! Love your fibers and creative ideas.
Hi, my name is Karen. I was taught to knit by my Grandmother, who was taught to knit by her teenaged daughter… who grew up to become my Mom… Knitting (in my family, anyways) keeps us connected!
Hi! My name is Bethanie and I love to crochet. And, trying to learn to knit. Something about me…I’ve taken over the second bedroom of our apartment with all my yarn and crafting supplies, and my husband doesn’t mind one bit!
I don’t tan at all. Sometimes I look like I could glow.
I am a wife, mother and grandmother. I would love to win this!
I taught myself to knit using You Tube videos like yours. Love your videos and FB page!!!
Hmmm something interesting… I have one blue eye and the other is green!
I can fly a single engine plane but I’m afraid to make a sweater!
An interesting fact about me, the year before last 2012…I went a little nutty for crochet and wound up crocheting 15.6 miles of yarn. I gave afghans to many folks and I kept track of the yardage for each.
Theresa K
Absolutely love crocheting. It is the ultimate stress reliever. Something else about me….lately ive been obsessed with multicolored yarns and buy them just to look at them. Lol
I love knitting!
well i am a widow, 3 years now, and have gotten back into my crocheting for the son and his wifes business. i have done everything from star wars characters including the death star to a few things fromDr Who, the phone box to the 12 foot scarf, total of 20250 stitches. to special requests such as afghans and throws.
would love to win this card as i need more yarn desperately thank you for the opportunity
I play poker online for a part time job.
I’m addicted to sock yarn. I like all kind of yarns, but cannot walk past sock yarn, especially self-striping…. Really bad addiction….
I have been teaching myself to crochet and knit through YouTube. And I am now addicted to yarn lol.
I love to go for long car rides so I can knit in the car
I have yarn in every room of my place
crazy for yarn crocheter
I’m crazy for yarn crocheter!
My husband and I have the same birthday….today!
Hi, I’m from Hungary. I learnt knitting from my Granny and my 1st creation was a beautiful pastell-coloured Norvegian handknitted pullover at my age 14.
I use knitting and crochet as relaxation. I work in a nursing home and some days are very stressful.
I have MS – it doesn’t have me
I learned to crochet from my grandma. Can’t make anything via knitting but love to crochet. Made many baby blankets.:)
At the age of 26, I packed all my stuff into my pickup truck, and drove from Alabama to California (I had never even visited!) without a clue as to what I was going to do once I got here. On my 30th birthday, my husband and I went to Hawaii where I swam with the sharks
Now we have two little girls and are planning on packing everything up next year and moving to Fairbanks, AK.on an adventure where we will start a completely new life just because we want to! Soooo excited!
I learned to knit from family when I was young, but didn’t pick it up again until I was living in Italy in my 30’s. I also make soap.
I am a Yarnaholic and I don’t care!!!
My grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was 10. Through out the years I put my needle down and went on about my life. In the past 6 months I decided to start crocheting again and was amazed by all that I had miss. I enjoy looking for new creative patterns and putting my skills to the test. I learn new things everyday and I’m looking forward to teaching my grand daughters.
I own a full-service dress salon in Richmond, Virginia that opened in March 2014. I love being able to make fun accessories likes wraps, shawls and scarves to sell in the shop!!!! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!!!!
If you google my name you can see with the World’s largest stash!
This is so fun! I could buy so many Christmas gifts! Some interesting things about me are: 1. I am the 2nd of 9 kids, 2. I just got married to my highschool sweetheart, and 3. I want to learn how to make soap!!
The interesting thing about me is I just got married and I would like to win this for my new wife! (She doesn’t realize I’m entering the contest!)
I learned a basic crochet chain from a neighbor at age 7, from there I’m self taught.
I watch videos on you tube, also
Love to quilt and sew with lots of color! One of my best friends taught me to knit well I am hooked and it’s addicting like quilting! It’s my new love, new gifts to make for my grandies!
Howdy Chandy, my life long addiction to yarns makes me wish this ‘prize’ as if it were gold on red velvet!!! I have so many-many projects in mind that I won’t be able to put all of them into practice unless I have a bit of help ;)… as a retired teacher I’ve got the time but… well, thinkin to make some things to sell, anyways!
Hmmmm, I raise angora goats, alpaca, weave and have a collection of many fiber tools. I really think I am a fiber hoarder.
Something about myself… Well, I want to win this contest for myself AND my Mom. You see…my MOm has knit an afghan for my brother, sisters, and my Grandmother. Twenty years ago…yes…TWENTY, she asked me what color afghan I wanted. I told her I wanted a purple afghan to match the purple blanket Mom and Dad received as a wedding gift (that blanket is now 50 years old!). Mom bought the afghan and started, but set it aside. It became a running joke between she and I…I would ask her if she had been working on my afghan, and she told me she would get to it. Thirteen years in, the yarn was old and dusty, and what she had worked on was tangled up…it was a mess. So she threw it out and said she would get more yarn later. It is still a running joke between she and I. All the same, my Mom is getting older, and if anything ever happened, I would want that afghan to hold close and know I had something of my Mom’s to hold onto. So…I would ask her to knit that afghan for me…and I would surprise her by knitting an afghan for her.
I am obsessed with yarn. How it looks and feels. I am a crocheter who loooves acquiring new yarn and creating beautiful gifts for my friends, family, and occasionally myself -Amanda
I’ve been known to knit in the movie theatre – usually my ‘easy’ in the round knit. My grandson was mortified.
I learned how to knit with your video! I’ve been wanting to for so long but I havent been able to learn but learning with you did it, and I;m really excited. I crochet but I’ve been really wanting to knit and so far I love it! Thank you!!
I played the French horn and the Viola!
Every time my sweet lil grandson sees me crocheting he says”is that fer me”?! He loves granny’s crochet stuff!
I love to crochet!
I decided a year ago to learn to knit & crochet at 35 yrs old. I taught myself by watching YouTube videos (thank you, Chandi). I am currently making my daughter a hexagon granny blanket. I have yet to have the pleasure of working with your delightful yarn, but I am constantly on your sites, wishing I had them ALL, imagining all the things I could make. You are incredibly inspiring and talented. Thank you for sharing your passion…
Love working with the silk yarn I purchased. It is almost finished – a crocheted infinity scarf. Bonus: my dog usually pulls my crochet project from my hands while I am working it but he has not done it with this yarn. I see another purchase in my future.
I am a crocheter. But secretly I want to knit beautiful hats:)
Knitting is actually easier and more fun than crochet. The possibilities are endless with knitting.
If you think about it, there are only two stitches to remember with knitting, knit and purl. The beautiful designs are accomplished by changing the order of the stitches. If you learn to knit continental (google it), you will be able to hold your yarn in the same hand as you do for crochet and… this is the best part, you will be a faster knitter. I will also add that it takes less yarn to knit an item than it would if you crochet it, so you’ll save money…in theory.
I taught myself how to knit and crochet
I love knitting and spinning but never find enough time to do them. And I just knitted my first sock that actually fits!
Interesting about me? Umm…There are few crafts I’ve not tried, but weaving got the best of me, sticking with crocheting and knitting!
I love to do it all. Knit, crochet , sew , basket weaving and very recently added spinning to my list. I was even part of Spinzilla this year! Having fun making things for our new grand baby that is coming in March.
I have been married for 43 years, lived in 7 states and moved 32 times.
My mother-in-law taught me to knit just months before she died back in 1984. Best gift ever! Everything I knit helps keep her memory alive in my heart
I knit for the enjoyment of the process and the creativity. It also is one of the few things I can do being disabled from severe fibromyalgia.
I knit, crochet and weave on a floor loom. I’m addicted to yarn and cotton. I love teaching people to crochet to keep the art alive
knitting keeps me on my diet
I learned how to knit when I was a kid, I made lots of stuff for my dolls and gifts for the holidays. I can remember when I would order yarn from the Sears and Montgomery Wards catalogs. I stopped knitting after a while because it was not so cool when we moved to the big city. I picked up again here and there, but when Vogue Knitting started publishing again in 1982, I was hooked all over again. Sweaters, scarves, hats and afghans became the gifts to give. I believe over the years, knitting has been my friend, my sounding board, my creative outlet and in many ways my life preserver. Some days the stitches flow like a river and others if I accomplish even a single row I am surprised. Knitting is my such a special part of my life.
I love to crochet and am attempting to learn to knit! Would love a little stash of your lovelies to add to my collection.
I love to knit and share what I do with others less fortunate.also want to learn design for future projects
love to all
I have been crocheting for 40+ years, but am a beginner knitter. I adore your yarn!!
im a huge halloween lover!
I bought a book and taught myself to knit about 5 years ago. My first project was a sweater for my grandson, utilizing three colors and pockets. I was having trouble with the V-neck. Of course, to fix a problem I had to rip all the way and begin again. I did this 3 times and it was getting old, fast. So, I figured out how to fix the problem on the needle. One night, in my sleep, I had an epiphany. I called in sick to work and completed the sweater. It was beautiful.
My second project was an entrelac purse, where I learned to purl backwards. This solved my problem of uneven stitches, so for several years I wouldn’t turn my work to purl back. I simply purled backward (I don’t do this any longer).
I now consider myself an expert. When knitting with groups I spend most of my time fixing the mistakes of others, which I don’t mind. I spot them quickly and most get fixed on the needle. Fixing errors on projects I was unfamiliar with is how I became a good knitter. My friends called me fearless, but I was just hungry.
Knitting, for me is therapy. It’s cheaper than a shrink and for the same price I get a whole month of therapy. That’s how I justify my stash.
I love to crochet, embroidery and anything to do with my animals
This would be an awesome thing to have right before the holidays!
This would be an awesome thing to have right before the holidays! I would make so many things for my nieces and nephews
I have always crocheted with synthetic yarns, but I am branching out now to natural yarns- specifically Alpaca!
I work night shifts and bring my knitting, incase it’s actually quiet enough for me to complete my projects.
How did you manage to get me obsessed with chocolate yarn with just one image?!
I have been crocheting for over 30 years and just became a grandma for the first time. I would love wining this and being able to create all sorts of wonderful items for my family and friends to keep the craft alive.
I am a photographer, knitter and quilter and love COLOUR!!!!
Needlepoint I can do in my sleep, knitting frustrates me so!! I’m going to conquer it and make beautiful things with beautiful yarn!
Im a male knitter
I love to crochet and my favorite part is giving away the projects that I make to my friends and family. My interesting (and awesome) thing about me is that I’m a thyroid cancer survivor!
I’m thinking about running away to New Zealand.
And I have no money! lol.
I knit and crochet and recently took up golf as a new hobby.
I used to be a quilter until a first-ever yarn shop opened in our sweet little town. I wandered in there on my lunch hour one day, signed up for a beginners knitting class and have been a yarn-a-holic ever since!
Even my Afghan hound loves her crochet snood.
I hope I win
I’ve been trying to learn how to knit for a long time and your video made it super easy to pick it up. Woop woop!
I love my 5 cats and I’m hooked on watching kitten cams on the internet
Since it is October, my tidbit about myself is that at 38, I’m already a 16-year survivor of Stage 3-A breast cancer.
I’m 11 I crochet knit and make handmade crafts I run out of yarn because my parents don’t have enough money for it but I try to scrape up some yarn to make things and that is a little about me and if you go on pintreast I make things I’ve ben trying to sell things but no on will buy from me an I really want more yarn ps this is not a lie
I just can’t get enough yarn!!! I have several projects in the making.
I am a rock climber who loves to knit. I use a lot of hand cream!
I have been knitting for over 40 years and now that I have not had a job in over a year I am having withdrawls because I can’t buy any yarn!!!!
I have anxiety disorder and crocheting is like therapy to me.
I am a child and adolescent therapist. I love using arts and crafts with the autistic children I work with. I find crocheting and knitting to be very therapeutic and often teach these skills to kids and teachers at schools I have worked in.
I have crocheted a lot of gifts for others, but have yet to finish anything for myself.
Your colors are so beautiful, I wish I could afford to buy them all. I’m from a fairly rural area and in northern California we get the seasonal color changes, Your colors remind me of nature.
The most interesting thing about me is that I have been in a wheelchair for 13 years now and I plan on walking again. In the mean time, it gives me a good excuse to sit and knit for hours on in!
My favorite leisure activity (other than knitting!) is playing polo.
I have a secret desire to fill a pool with yarn and swim in it until I’m hopelessly tangled.
I learned to crochet when I was 11, 33 years ago. But, I’ve only been knitting fire tge years. Love them both!
I have been crocheting since I was 12 (am 44 now). Recently taught myself to knit via YouTube and love it!! I love to make things for other people. I crochet a lot but cannot read a diagramed pattern, or stumble through reading written patterns but show me something and let me study it closely and I can make it by looking at a ready made crocheted item!
Thanks for this chance for the giveaway, hoping to win so I can donate some caps to those taking chemo, I was diagnosed with Grade 2, stage 1-2 Invasive Breast Cancer this past May, luckily I didn’t require chemo treatment but know a lot who weren’t so lucky….so I want to make something special for those people to brighten up their day <3
I love knitting socks. Would love to sit on a beach knitting away. And I need more stash.
I have been knitting for over 50 years. I have 2 year old twin grand daughters with another set of twins due in March. I’m going to be very busy knitting baby sweaters this winter!
I like to knit while I read!
I love making quirky/weird items.
Something about me? I have a Saint bernard who loves to lay at my feet while I crochet
Thanks for this great opportunity!
Forgot to mention something about myself, ha ha! I’m a SAHM to 5 little ones…ages 3-11. I love yarn and I love crocheting.
I Love all your color combination!
The interesting thing about myself is that I have no idea how to twitter, or instagram, or subscribe to you tube so I only get a couple entries. I do not have one of the fancy phones that do that stuff. Mine only takes calls. I am 67 and taught myself to crochet when I was 7 yrs old
I’m addicted to fibre in any form. I spin (regular wheel, great wheel, drop spindle), weave (floor loom, table loom, rigid heddle, inkle, tablet, triangle, tapestry), knit, crochet, rug hook, make bobbin lace, make beaded jewelry, do counted cross stitch, embroider, and felt. I often buy yarn with no project in mind just to possess it. I have some angora that serves as a sedative. I am also a voracious reader.
I’d love to win this contest. I am a true yarn snob and your yarn is very special to me.
I love to crochet for others. I join every crochet for charity group I find. It’s very soothing to craft art from a ball of string.
I could just kick myself in the bootay cause I’ve never ordered from you yet :’} lol
I love to read, crochet and watch movies. When I’m not doing that I spend time with my family and friends.
I got my yarn the other day cannot wait to make something with it.thanks .Hope I when the give away.
I love yarn arts
My mother taught me to knit when I was little, but I’ve learned crocheting and spinning in classes as an adult. I’m a veterinarian by day, which I love, but in the evening I like relaxing with my fiber arts.
I’m from Newfoundland and just love anything fibre…
I am crazy about orange ! The orangier , the better . I also love primary colors but my blood ,especially , runs Harley orange .
I love yarn… That is all! LOL
I’ve been knitting since I was 4! Over 60 years ago. Crocheting came a short time later. While in college I studied while knitting sweaters to sell. My anthropology professor would time the end of class by saying: “Class is over as soon as Maxine finishes her row!”
Another interesting fact: I’ve been a Nichiren Buddhist for over 40 years.
I sing (and teach) opera!
Something interesting about me..well I’m a country girl, love muddin’, dancin’, NHRA and crocheting is new to me but I am obsessed with yarn and the art and energy it takes to create awesome things from what some would call a string. I suffer from lumbar degenerative disease and rheumatoid arthritis and chronic migraines and I have discovered crocheting helps me cope with a lot of my pain. I just love it!
I love making cowls from natural fibers :0)
I’m a fiberholic.
Hi, thank you so much for your giveaway offer. I have been crocheting for about 45 years now and love it.
My grandmother taught me to embroider and crochet when I was about 4 years old. I always loved the colors of the threads and yarn. Many years later I taught myself to knit. Most recently purchased a spinning wheel, something I’ve been wanting to try. Oh, I almost forgot the weaving 30 years ago LOL. Love it all, but wish there were more hours in the day I could devote to them.
I enjoy being a part of your life, listening to water fall, walking in the fallen leaves and catching snow flakes with my tongue; these are some of the things that inspire me to create.
I love everything Christmas
I’m an aspiring dancer, and in my head, I’m a Prima Ballerina; I’ve been knitting for over ten years now; my twin sister and I rode an elephant named Nellie when we were 5
Been knitting for 47 years and still learning! My carry everywhere project is preemie hats which are donated to our local hospital system. Recently the daughter of very close friends passed away from breast cancer-she was just 28. Before she died she and her sister gathered a group to make donation baskets fr local breast cancer patients. I am now also knitting chemo caps in Amber’s memory for Crowns of Blessings-which can be found on Facebook.
I’m not sure there is anything interesting about me…I always name my cats something in a foreign language…I’m missing a big toe nail. Last night I started my first knitting project in almost 40 years.
Nothing very interesting about me, I’m a farmers wife and I love all sorts of craft. I love yarn, fabric, colour, infact if I can craft with it or make I love it.
I thought myself to knit & crochet, & i love learning new ideas would love to win this prize <3
I love Halloween!
I am a woman who has seen a lot, felt a lot, did a few things I wish I hadn’t, but I guess we can all say that…but I do love to knit! I am learning new things everyday and there are times I am truly amazed at what I made – whether it be on purpose or a surprise! God bless!
Something about myself: I lived 23 years in Germany. Was introduced there to wonderful fibers. Glad they are also popular here not too.
Something interesting about me is I love crafts and I’m just learning how to knit.
I love yarn. Thanks for this great opportunity!
Parabéns pelo bom gosto em seus fios.
Os trabalhos com seu material são show.
Sucesso sempre.
Not much to say. I’m a graphic designer in Canada, immigrated from Denmark, and my hobbies are endless. I make jewellery, soap, preserves – I like photography, gardening, painting, tennis and golf, and knitting! Knitting is a treat for me. It releases endorphins and it is relaxing. I just wish I could knit even more than I already do. I’m always attracted to soft natural fibres and I buy the yarn before I know what to make with it.
I’ve always wanted to win a contest, especially more yarn!
I was homeschooled almost all my school years, and learned to crochet when I was 8.
I’m in the middle of making boot cuffs right now!
My husband and I make stained glass panels, doors, lamps and jewelry boxes. I love knitting and love your yarn!
I learned how to crochet by watching your videos! And now I’m addicted
im a SAHM who loves crafts, crochet and giveaways
I taught myself how to crochet last winter and plan to do the same with knitting too!
I first started learning to knit when I was sixteen. Unfortunately I didn’t have anyone in my life who was a knitter, so even though I managed to do the beginnings of my first project – on metal needles of course, with cotton (ugh! the worst combination for a first-time knitter), and cables – Yay, me!
What stumped me was when the pattern said “pick up 93 stitches around the neckline” (yes, I had learned decreases, apparently, though I have no recollection). I tried to put a straight needles through 93 stitches!
Something unusual about me: In contrast to knitting, I am also a college-level volleyball referee.
Thanks for the lovely blog, and the contest!
I am very fortunate to have been able to stay at home when my children were growing up! I now am able to give back to the community by delivering Meals On Wheels and I am a CASA(court appointed special advocate) . I love to knit, crochet and quilt! I love looking to see what beautiful colors of yarn you will come up with next!
This past weekend I bought a kit to knit a slouchy hat. I can crochet but have never been able to knit – I’m determined to learn though. I just watched your YouTube video for beginner knitters and I loved it – it started to make sense for the first time ever!!
I am Hirma. I am a knitter and crocheter. My mother taught me to knit . I am a total yarn addict.
I teach people to knit everyday!
I am Hirma. I am a knitter and crocheter. My mother taught me to knit. I am a yarn addict.
I my name is Ayala and I’m from Israel I love to crochet and knitt ,sines I remember my self I have a child she is 11 hers and she is knitting and crocheting to and now the winter start in Israel so we do what we love.
My granny taught me to knit when I was 6. My mom taught me to crochet and do needlework when I was 10. You’d think I’d be more of an expert by now! LOL.
I would love to buy a ton of your beautiful yarn!! Hopefully I win
I taught myself knitting several months ago after moving to a beautiful city of Budapest and being inspired by its intricate architecture and old-world atmosphere.
My nana taught me to crochet when I was a little girl but I lost the skill; would love to get started again!
I love to crochet and I makeup patterns as I go along. I enjoy making afghans and barbies dresses
My grandma taught me to crochet when I was 8; a lovely Norwegian neighbor got me knitting as a young mother, and I still knit Continental style. Knitting is my meditation.
I love yarn, crocheting and reading books! I try to make myself something after finding a yarn I love and a pattern but it just sits around!
(lol) but I pet the yarn constantly!
I teach Metal Jewelry Design at a local High School. I love to knit but rarely finish bigger projects.
I hope to one day open a yarn shop just like you!
My aunt Kat taught me to crochet at age 13. I taught myself to knit in my 40’s when I saw my younger knitting. Figured if she could do it than so could I.
I learned how to crochet two years so I could make my son’s Halloween costumes. I just finished making him a silly monster hat for Halloween this year.
I have the yarn from yout first Yarn Club. And every one since
On top of my love for crochet and knit, I, before I got pregnant and as soon as I recover from giving birth, corset. Waist training to be exact.
I played the bassoon in the high school band.
i. Sick of political commercials. And I also hate the phone calls. Can this election thing end now, please?
I have two female cats named George and Spider-Man because fight the patriarchy! Just kidding, it’s because my boyfriend wanted Spider-Man and Batman and this was the compromise.
I think I am more into collecting than knitting!!! I love you yarns and want them to display. LOL
I learn to love the art of crochet from my mother at a young age. She learned from my Grandmother. Now I have the joy of passing it on to my children.
Love to knit, crochet, and needlefelt. And love, love, love your yarns!!! Recently purchased some sari yarn…now that the cold weather has arrived, must get at my ‘yarn bowls’. Today is Hallowe’en and it’s snowing in our part of Ontario, Canada!!
I love knitting!
I first learned to knit when I was 12 by my grandmother. She has been knitting for over 60 years and was happy to teach me. Now I’m 33 years old and just this year I’ve taken knitting back up. I have PTSD and I use knitting as a way to calm my anxiety. Now I’m half way through my first project. It’s a scarf made from a merino and alpaca blend for a Christmas gift to my grandmother. She’ll be so impressed to see I’m knitting again.
Yarn makes me happy.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I really like to knit and winning this prize will help me a lot in my hobby!
I live in Scotland and love your silk yarns – I’m sensitive to animal fibres so my choices are limited, but your colours are just incredible!
My favourite pattern is a 11-way cable that I wrote, but I can’t find something I like enough to use such a wide and labour intensive panelling for.
My mom taught me to knit one Christmas a few years back. Her mother taught her 40 years ago. Grandma joined Facebook just so I could post my work where she could see it because she lives so far away.
I love to crochet for online themed secret santas through as it forces me to make things i wouldn’t have looked twice at before
I learn a lot about my craft just by stepping out my comfort zone this way 
My mom taught me to crochet!!!
i love tacos, and I never win a thing!!
I like reading some of the other contest entries
My grandmother taught me to crochet. I usually make and give away most of my items, baby blankets,kitty blankets for shelter cats, and baby hats to hospitals. My mom crochets hats for baby’s daily. Have made sweaters and scarfs for family and friends. I just love yarn
I haven’t been able to afford your sumptuous yarn, and I want it!!! This is my golden ticket! ! Some thing about myself. ….I am an avid horse trainer. ……just getting to old for it!!
hello! Saw this and couldn’t pass it up. Random fact about me… I was born with a split uvula, some don’t know what it is called, it’s the thing that dangles in the back of your throat.
i take time to knit every day
I rather hang out with my baby and toddler than with adults. Any day.
I also prefer making baby items rather than adult hats and blankets.
A day without yarn….can’t imagine it. Knitting has changed my life. It has brought me so much joy and I have met many wonderful people that I now call my best friends. Choose the possibilities…teaching others, knitting in a group, knitting for others…knitting for my own peace of mind and the relaxation and fun it brings to my life! Just think I made this fabric out of sticks and some “string”.
I have crocheted for over 50 years. Learned from my grandmother with thread. When I switched to yarn years later, it felt like I was using rope! Now I use both, and learned to love even chunky yarns.
I’m doing a PhD in socks. Actually.
Hi Chandi!!!
my name is Steff and I’m a fiber fondler. I may have just emptied out our linen closet & reclaimed it as a yarn cupboard, oops!!
My mother taught me to crochet when I was 7 or 8 years old. I taught myself to knit when I was in college and have just started to knit again. Retirement gives me lots of time for my needlework. Now I just need help with my yarn addiction.
Chandi you’re not helping my addiction. My bank account is going through “withdrawals”. Love your yarn. It is so soft.
I started knitting @ the beginning of 2013 as a way to loose weight & to date I’ve lost 92lbs & completed some amazing projects!
I’m a relatively new crocheted but have helped a friend learn to knit and helped a couple others become as addicted to crocheting as I have!
Crocheter* … Autocorrect oops!
I took a beginning knitting class a year ago September and haven’t looked back! In the last year I’ve finished a vest and a sweater, started 3 more sweaters, tackled hats, scarves, cowls, bags and fingerless mitts, and I’m now designing my own items for myself and friends. I’m currently dreaming of the things I can do with your amazing yarns!
I live on a farm and when I go for walks down the road I am accompanied by three little girls, three dogs, two cats and a goat.
I can crochet, but knitting is so very confusing!
I love your yarn, patterns and videos keep it up just more crochet ideas for the beautiful yarn. Your journey in your post are so interesting.
I finally self taught myself to crochet in December 2013 and have been addicted since!
Hello My name is Megan Filzen and I am 26. I am a nurse and my husband is a Pastor. We love playing games and eating out!
I have a Masters Degree in Christian Theology. It’s a toss up whether my theology books or my stash weighs more!
I am a self taught crocheter. I have been married for almost 29 years and still love my hubby with all my heart! Great giveaway!
Something interesting? I studied abroad in Germany for a year and didn’t take any hooks or needles with me… it didn’t take long for me to find the yarn store in town and stock up!
I love all things crochet. My mom taught me when I was 6 or 7, but it’s only in the last few years that I’ve moved beyond basic stitches and tried something new…like Tunisian Entrelac!!
I have been crocheting for over 30 yrs since cutting two finger off and having them reaattached. Crochet helped aid in my recovery and keeps the paipain at bay
My passion and hobby is crocheting. I live and breath for my next project. I quit smoking 4 years ago and took up crocheting and fell in love with it. I Live for making all kinds of items. Blankets, clothing, accessories and more. If I won this shopping spree it would seriously be a dream cone true!!
I would love to learn to knit, but I just can’t stop crocheting long enough!!
What a giveaway! I’m a life long knitaholic, . I also crochet spin dye and am learning to weave. I make things for everyone in my family and sometimes complete strangers :). I love to make little things ( small dolls, bags, whathaveyou) and leave them on buses or random places for people to find – kind of a mini yarn bombing ! Its a great way to feel like you are doing something to cheer up the world a bit.
I’m a self taught beginner and my stash( and my budget ) is woefully small
I crochet, and am learning naalbinding – the latter so I can have more fun in the SCA!
I taught myself to crochet over 35 years ago and 10 years later took on the challenge of knitting. My first projects were for my newborn son and my 2 daughters. My inspiration for crocheting was my cousins Grandmother who crocheted until she dies even when she became blind. I crochet and knit for a lot of charities because it keeps me sane since I was forced to retire after having a fusion surgery on my back. Who couldn’t use a lot of yarn, Thank you for the chance to win….
I love yarn! Knitting is my stress relief
This summer I donated a kidney to my father. During my month-long recovery I spent most of my time crocheting! It made the time go by so much more quickly, and I made myself an awesome shawl while I was at it
I love your yarn. And, my cat is great and lets me crochet with yarn without disturbance.
I am a yarn squirrel
I love to have lots and lots of yarn so when i find a pattern i want to crochet
i can go to my stash of yarn and start the project right away.
It is so much fun to think about winning this prize!!
Thank you for the chance to win!
My mother taught me how to knit and purl when I was little, and my gran taught me how to crochet. A few years ago I moved to a different country, where I magically discovered that my hands didn’t forget. Been actively and happily doing it ever since
I’m right in the middle of a blanket right now.
I’ve been able to knit for 20 years but I’ve only just finished my first full sized garment! Thanks for this competition.
I love crocheting…..mostly inappropriate things!!
I learnt to sew when I was six or seven, knit when I was eight, and finally crochet (!!! my dream come true!) when I was eleven, but only began crocheting in earnest when I was twelve. Now I’m hooked!
Something interesting about me… hmmmm well I am a stay at home mom to 7 (yes 7) kids. They are the world my world revolves around. So meanless to say there is always something going on. I dont do much for myself because I am always busy taking care of my family, but the one thing I love doing besides watching my children grow is crochet. I have been crocheting for a while now and still have never made anything for myself. So I told my husband that I wanted to buy some unique hand dyed yarn so I can make myself something with it. So he told me I could get some (score for the hubby)!!!!! So in the process of looking for the perfect skein for me, I came across your giveaway!!!! Would be awesome to win!!
I share my home with a dog named Froggie and a cat named Mouse. Silly, right?
Something interesting… I like to crochet, cross stitch and do plastic canvas.
I am a Full time mom of 1 and a Full time wife! I was diagnosed 4 yrs ago with MS. During a 6 month stay I had in the hospital is where I discovered your website Chandi! Since then I am addicted to your yarn and patterns!
You are an inspiration to me….the beautiful color ways you create! Because of your color ways I can make beautiful projects to share with my friends and family xxoo xxoo
random fact – I love Christmas because I get to put my village up – it has a crime scene, 3 bars, a brewery, a whorehouse, two churches (one Catholic ostentatious church and one boring Protestant church) a donut shop for after the AA meetings at said church and the street lights are all out because the town filed bankruptcy. (yes this is all a little weird – but I accept my weirdness)
Just learning to crochet, but enjoying it.
Knitter, crocheter, weaver, spinner, I started sewing when I was about 4 yrs old and never stopped my love of textiles.
Random fact – I play trumpet in a community band.
I’d like to win this for my step mom
I have been crocheting, knitting & designing since I am 8 years old. My mom taught me crochet & a few months later self taught knitting by books. Unfortuneatly there were no such things as computers wi-fi I-Phones ect.. I have been doing this for 44 years & when I die they will have to pry my needles from my hands! So says my hubby. LOL! LOVE, LOVE your yarns & amazing unique colors. I don’t sleep much either. I am always creating. Thanks for what you do!
I enjoy entering contests online
I am a Little Free Library matron.
So I’m a poor graduate student in chemistry and I surf your catalog because it makes me happy.
I live for knitting and crocheting. My only problem is that I see more yarn for another project and have to have it before I’ve finished the previous one. I then, unfortunately, have to pull myself up by the boot straps and sit down and finish one project at a time. LOL
About myself? To keep it about knitting, let’s say I hold my needles in a very weird way and can’t bring myself to re-learn how to knit
There are no lengths I won’t go to in an effort to embarrass my kids..
i am addicted to Entrelac knitting!!
I am a librarian.
I found my love of knitting again!!! I want to learn how to make a lovely blanket after making a million scarfs! LOL!
On a recent transatlantic cruise there were two knitting groups that knitted daily. I met over 30 people in each. Chatted about WIP, LYS in their area and about trekking through each port to find a LYS to purchase local yarns. Oh course this added to our WIP. It is a memento once knitted for each stop. I will continue this as I travel.
I love to knit and crochet… My grandma taught me when I was 9 or 10 years old. I still have many of her needles. Love Charlotte NC and some day hope to move to the mountains of Western Carolina…
I am on overload wondering how many shawls my prayer shawl group could make, I would share the yarn I order and can only imagine the possibilities!! I use to sit and be amazed watching my knit European style when I was a kid, she would knit so fast
I wish I paid more attention to my Grandmother when she tried to teach me about knitting. Now I am relearning very slowly.
I didn’t like socks until I knit my first pair!
I’ve been crocheting for 39 years. I’ve only been knitting for about 9. Wool is my favorite fiber. I love saturated bright colors. I really enjoy making socks.
I take care of a colony of cats! I love your yarn!
Wow!This is amazing and so generous,thank you for the chance to win it.Crochet is my passion and love it!Learn it from the net and I am so thankful and can’t believe I could say I am crocheter now.This would be perfect to win because for me yarn is the best gift ever! =o) and here I could choose the colors since I am planing to make big blanket for my daughter.Have a great weekend.
I love knitting scarves and gloves for myself and my friends and family.
Chandi’s hue blends are wonderful. I am new to this site, but look forward to odering one of the November members packages.
I have beeb knitting since 1955, but didn’t really bave the time to get serious until I retired.
Sorry. Typos. Didn’t edit.
Tonight is Halloween and I will be doing the Time Warp again!
love to knit
I am a self taught crocheter and knitter. Many projects just waiting to be done!
I’m just starting to expand my horizons when it comes to knitting and crocheting. So I’m always on the lookout for new patterns and new wools. I find it thrilling when I finish a piece and see that I too, can create beautiful things for me and my family.
Like most crafters, I knit, sew, quilt, x-stitch, needlepoint, gourd art, etc…I have more projects to do than I will complete in a lifetime….but I am going to enjoy trying….and some folks might get some great gifts.
Random fact: I love my granddaughters!! If I had enough time in the world, I would knit every one of my 1001 patterns in my library.
Can’t pass up a chance to win. Even though I knit, my favorite sweater is still one that Mom made. I think it will always be my favorite.
I like to knit and crochet. My dream is learning how to knit lace.
I have a terrible time finishing projects although I did just complete a doll’s wardrobe for my granddaughter.
That I am a secret yarn snob!! I still knit with acrylic occasionally but give me some soft and squishy silk/baby camel and I’m in 7th heaven!
When I was 8 my next door neighbor taught be how to crochet. All summer I would run outside and jump over the fence into her yard to learn more. One time I missed and fell flat on my face. Even though I was in tears and pretty bloody, I still practiced that day.
I am a newbie when it comes to knitting, I have 2 children and 1 adorable grandson.
Random fact:
When I was in grade school I was chosen for a Charm School Session and modeled a dress in our graduation runway, in the local Sears store.
I love new yarn and making things for my 6 great grandson’s, pulse all the grand kids.
I taught myself to sew, knit when I was between 10 and 12 years old. I also do a little crochet.
I have all ways wanted to buy some of your yarn but I dont have the money to buy any so I thought I wood try to see if I could win this so I can buy some Yarn from you and make a Chore me some Lap blanks .
I learned to knit in 1944 in a refugee camp in Austria. I was 7 yrs old and the war was almost over (1945). In those days knitting was a necessity, not a hobby.
Once I came to USA in 1956, it became a hobby.
Hi! I’m a italian girl! I have a little blog
Your yarn is beautiful and enjoy the pictures and inspirations for the colors.
I crochet every single day!!!
I love to hoard yarn and I have a weakness for dark chocolate chips!
My sweet MIL taught me to knit when I first married. Wonderful woman!
I taught myself to crochet by watching my mother… when I was around ten years old!
Had to buy another new storage tub this week for my “resource center”…aka yarn stash! lol
I taught myself to knit in my 20’s and still knit to relax(59 yrs old). If I’m not knitting then I’m reading.
I would rather play with yarn than people- so would my cat! That being said the dog is really jealous…
Would really love Love LOVE to win this and go shopping with my daughter! I am having a problem finding a variety of green yarn, what is with that anyway? I was having a problem with my hands cramping and turning into claws, My daughter suggested a bigger hook so I tried an N and a much heavier yarn and now I can crochet for hours. Still have to finish the blanket I was working on when this happened and find the elusive greens needed for the next one and finish the Michigan one that is a Christmas present. It is going very fast and I see no problem.
I’m a dental hygienist that crochets in-between patients. I taught myself after I graduated college in 1995. I’m a native Floridian, which is a rare thing in these parts!
Seeing all the beautiful yarn you have makes me want to try knitting or crocheting. I love the way you show the yarn on your website. I am retired and love doing crafts. I mainly quilt. I also do aqua aerobics several times a week and am amazed at the ladies in their eighties and some into their nineties participate all the time.
I am a fledgling herbalist obsessed with the apothecary arts.
I run a Facebook group with over 200 members called Chronic Crafters for people like myself who love to knit & do many other crafts & also suffer from a wide variety of chronic pain & illnesses. We have alot of fun sharing our creations & help encourage & support each other during hard medical & personal problems.
I just found your website and it’s gorgeous…I’ve been a crocheting since I was a child and knitting for about 40 years. I’m still learning new things about both every day and loving it.