I got tagged on Instagram to tell 20 things and I thought it would be easier to type them out on my blog than peck away on my phone. So here you go, just for fun:

20 Things About Me You Probably Didn’t Know

1. My favorite time of day is early mornings. I clutch my steaming cup of coffee or tea, curl up in my chair and stare out the window. I feel as if the whole world is a loving place, full of adventure, trust and potential. My heart swells when I see the sky begin to light up and the sun bursts up over the horizon. I could literally sit for HOURS. I have to pry myself up to get started on my day.

2. Cloudy days always remind me of a specific time when I was a little girl. I grew up in Juneau, Alaska, where the only means of “escape” were flying or taking a boat. There are no roads out. The weather in Juneau is gray and rainy most of the time. One day when my mom and I were flying up and out through the clouds, I had a revelation. The sun is always shining. Even on cloudy days. Even if I can’t see it. Even if the rain is pouring. And so to this day, when it’s cloudy or rainy, I always remember, “The sun is still shining up above the clouds. I just can’t see it right now.” Makes me smile.

3. I once had an experience when I was 12 where a series of weird events happened and I was convinced the rapture had happened, Jesus had come back and taken away all the saints…and I didn’t make it. I was petrified. I can still remember standing in the church parking lot, staring blankly, a white, hot fear racing through my body. I felt dead and cold and every horrible thing you can imagine. I racked my brain for what terrible sin I had committed that had kept me from making the rapture… The sight of my mom and dad pulling into the church parking lot was one of the most relieving things I’ve ever experienced.

4. I had horrible acne when I was a teenager, which led to severely low self-esteem. I was so shy I couldn’t even say Hi to people in the hall at school. I ate lunch alone for most of high school.

5. I used to want to be a singer. When my parents would leave the house, I would flip on the tape recorder and sing. Then I would play it back from another device and record myself harmonizing with it. The quality was terrible. If only we’d had iPhones back then!

6. I sang in 5 different choirs in college. I realized I didn’t want to sing professionally when I got a solo part in a gospel choir. I was mortified. Stiff, shy me trying to sing a soulful, gospel solo just shoved me over the edge of embarrassment and I quit singing. I’ve barely sung publicly since that day.

7. I’m a song stealer. Whenever anybody near starts singing anything, I will inevitably chime in, often making up my own words if I don’t know them. Sorry family! 😀

8. I graduated with a 4.0 from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, with a degree in business. I LOVED my college days.

9. I went to the movies for the first time when I was 20. My first movie was Oceans 11. I felt like such a sinner.

10. I grew up working in my dad’s gas station and always swore I’d never own my own business. I’ve worked a grand total of 2 jobs, each for 7 months and simply couldn’t hack it anymore. Thus I do my own thing.

11. I always say I own my own business because I’m lazy. Not really true. I just like doing the kind of work I enjoy, not what somebody else tells me to do.

12. My main word is Freedom.

13. I’ve always had an irrational fear that somebody or something is “out to get me.” I worry about getting too happy or this “thing” will come and take it all away.

14. I often imagine myself as a little, cute old lady, with a gray bun and a belted floral dress like my gramma used to wear, peering through my spectacles into a dye pot of yarn, jumping with glee in my heart at how beautiful this new color is.

15. I started dyeing yarn because my hands were so inflamed from too much knitting.

16. I LOVE dogs and most other animals. I like to look into their eyes and feel a connection with them.

17. I talk to trees. I tell them how beautiful they are and how much I appreciate them standing there day after day. I believe we are all made up of energy and are thus all connected in a miraculous, mysterious way.

18. I often feel guilty/bad/wrong for doing whatever it is I’m doing, especially if I enjoy it (knitting, crocheting, reading, resting). I feel like I’m “supposed” to be doing something else: building huts for the homeless, traveling the world and providing blankets for little sick children, giving away all of my money to cancer victims. Something. It’s hard for me to completely “be in this moment.”

19. I believe abundance in all good things can be ours if we focus on that enough and release resistance.

20. Part of my list of favorite, life-changing, must-read books includes: The Power of Now (by Eckhart Tolle), Ask and It Is Given (by Esther and Jerry Hicks/Abraham), You Can Heal Your Life (Louise Hay), Conversations with God (Neale Donald Walsch).

So there are my 20!! I really REALLLY would love to hear about you too.

If you have a blog, go ahead and do a “20 Things About Me You Probably Didn’t Know” post and link to it in the comments below so I can come read it.

If you don’t have a blog, just comment below with your 20 things. If you don’t feel like writing 20 things, just a few things will suffice. Something we don’t know.

I love connecting with you and I absolutely LOVE to get comments on my blog. It lights me up like Rudolph’s nose. 😀

Have a good one!

