Hey Y’all!

Here is our latest yarn giveaway. It’s the season of love💘, and I wanted to pick some colors that I love and  hopefully will love them too.  Aren’t they ❣️lovely❣️?  If you want to go ahead and get entered into our giveaway check out the instructions below.  ↓


1. Enter via Rafflecopter below.

2. Comment on this blog post telling me one  thing you love about fiber arts.


•Last month’s giveaway winner is Larryn Griffith. Congrats, Larryn!

•Worldwide entries welcome.

•Winner will be chosen at random early February and announced in the next giveaway.

•Once you’re entered, click Refer Your Friends and you’ll get more entries if they come and enter. Yippee!

I hope you enjoy this month’s giveaway!

Remember to soak up THIS day! Know you are held and loved and guided…

