Hello, beautiful soul!
Here is our August 2024 yarn giveaway!
I hope you enjoy this month’s hand-dyed yarn giveaway, and if you want to go ahead and get entered, check out the instructions below. ↓
TO ENTER, click here.
Also comment below, and let me know how often do you craft?
•You will also receive a $10 voucher to our shop just for entering!
•Last month’s giveaway winner is Ricki Reid – Congrats!
•Worldwide entries welcome.
•Winner will be chosen at random in early SEPTEMBER and announced in the next giveaway.
•You must still be subscribed to our email list at the end of the month to be eligible to win.
Yarns included in this giveaway – (10) Crema Worsted, (9) Crema Sock, (6) Alpaca Silk DK, (6) Dewy DK, (5) Oasis Camel Silk Fingering, (4) Alpaca Silk Lace, and (4) Calming Cotton Fingering.
I hope you enjoy this month’s giveaway!
Remember to soak up THIS day! Know you are held and loved and guided!
I knit or crochet whenever the mood strikes. usually more during the winter and less in summer
Hi Chandi,

I try to knit or crochet every single day, keeps my hands and mind busy.
Daily crafter here
Every day. I usually have a couple projects going at the same time, a crochet one and a knit one… EFA yarns are all so incredibly gorgeous!
Very nearly daily. Love to start my day with yarn and coffee, and end it with yarn and tea
I in the past have crafted all the time but I’ve recently moved so it’s been put on the back burner for now. Hope to get back to it soon
I knit or crochet daily
Those colors are so strikingly gorgeous. I crochet almost every single day!
I crochet every day! Usually do some on my lunch hour and in the evening that’s how I wind down. It’s very soothing.
Although very busy at work – I knit every minute I am able to so. Including during meetings!
Every day on at least one of the projects I have going…
I try to knit or crochet daily. On days when it just isn’t possible, for whatever reason, I look through patterns and ideas for my next make. Right now I have 3 wip’s, 4 patterns and yarns paired ready to start.
Thank you for bringing your positivity and empowerment to my world. What a lovely yarn pack. I craft almost every day, crochet is my main craft. Working on a skirt and a big shawl now. Much love
I use to crochet all the time, my kids are just now all getting old enough for me to be able to really get back into it again
Agree!! Beautiful colors. I crochet every day, if I can. Teaching my girls to crochet right now as well and they love it!
Love to craft everyday when I can. I challenge myself to make something different or new so I can discover new route to making the same destination.
Every day, every minute that I can! I’m always working on something!
I haven’t been able to craft often enough lately. I will though, when my new craft studio is finished! YAY!
Those yarns look so luscious and are inspiring me to want to knit right NOW! (I’m supposed to be taking a nap, lol. ) I try to pick up the needles, and occasionally the hook, every day. If I don’t, it’s because I’ve been papercrafting. Good luck to all!
EFA is my ONLY yarn source. Chandi got me “hooked” many years ago. My supply of shawls, sweaters, and cardigans are growing in my closet. Thanks Chandi but could you start a yarnoholic anonymous group too?
Keep those beautiful fibers coming!!! Love and hugs!
Hi there Chandi. I’m your biggest fan from the Netherlands. I spin and knit and crochet and hope to start weaving. Sewing intimidates me, but I should try it some day. Your weekly live is the spice in my life. You are inspiring so many people. And your give aways are amazing.
Gorgeous bundle of yarns! I craft nearly daily with the odd break here or there when RL gets in the way…
I craft as often as I can, but sometimes I can’t for weeks at a time, and sometimes I’m lucky enough to do it everyday. I’m always dreaming of the next fun thing to make
I crochet daily, I’m learning to knit. So I’m trying to do a little of each a day. And I have a bag ready to go. I say it’s like my American express card. I never leave home with out it
I craft almost, every day! Usually, it’s knitting or crocheting, but I sew and quilt, too. I also write, but I don’t think that’s the kind of crafting you’re talking about
I love the colors of your yarn! They are gorgeous!
I crochet in bouts. For a few weeks, I’ll have the urge to do nothing but crochet, working across different projects. Then I won’t crochet for another while before circling back.
I try to knit or crochet a little every day, but the bulk of my crafting is done on the weekends, as I work 40 hours M-F.
The yarn selection is perfection, what an amazing giveaway!
I find it almost impossible to sit down and relax without a yarn project in hand. Yarn makes me so happy!
I crochet/knit every single day.
I stay busy during the day with the grandkids, but when they go home for the day, it’s time to play and I break out my crochet and knitting toys
I knit or crochet every single day, even if just a few rows. It’s my drug of choice.
I knit nearly everyday. Getting ready to figure out a tie pattern for my son-in-law.
Hi Connie,
I just came across your post about knitting a tie, great idea. I would love to find a pattern for a simple tie to make for the holidays.
Can you share/
Julie Ellis
I try to Crochet at least once a week, would do it much more often, but that 4 letter word (w.o.r.k.) gets in my way & I end up falling asleep afterwards on the couch for a bit.
I’m not as consistent with my crafting as I used to be. One thing that changed my pattern was retiring- but it led to less crafting instead of more. While most would think I’d take advantage of all the newly free time to craft, instead I wound up addicted to the computer screen. When I worked, I hardly used the computer at home, except for gaming, because I’d been working on one all day. Because of that, I’d never gotten into social media, streaming or even using Ravelry for more than just the basics. Now I’m hooked on all the above, and still gaming, and my desk space is too cramped to craft at. Now I have to work to keep my hours at the computer down. One thing that I’m sure would help would be some irresistibly lovely yarn (hint hint) to lure me to the needles.
As always, these yarns are beyond beautiful, and I’ve already got plans for each and every one. Hopefully they will heed the call I’m sending through my overused monitor: You must be mine! You must be mine! You must be mine.
Every single month I think it couldn’t get any better!
I like to knit or crochet once my work day is done. Since I work (mostly) from home as a midwife, my hours can be really odd, but usually I have an hour or so I can spend on one of my WIPs.
I knit every day and on weekends I bake. Both talents my mom taught me and I treasure them.
I crochet every day., and winning this would allow me to make so many more items!
If I’m awake, I am crafting something. My knitting goes wherever I do. I have various project bags for car rides, doctor visits (which have been too many this year), visiting, etc. there is a project basket everywhere I sit in the house. A spinning wheel in every room and a few looms waiting for warping and weaving. I would love to win this month and share with my bestie! Gorgeous yarns!
I try to craft at least a few minutes every day, mostly knitting. I find that it really helps my mood so I’m trying to be more consistent.
My crafting ebbs and flows, I struggle with it a lot in the summer when it’s warm, because I don’t handle heat well.
Choisir mon modèle de tricot avec toutes ces couleurs sera très dur.
I knit or crochet every night before bed and often for 20-30 minutes every morning.
Crafting is my addiction and therapy at the same time. I do it as often as possible.
Almost every day.
My crafting is my anxiety management and happy place
Therefore I craft daily
I just love creating magical fabric and the designs you publish are a whole world of beauty and wonder to explore
I knit and crochet and it is so refreshing to find a host who embraces both equally
Thank you for everything
I knit and crochet pretty much everyday. Its my favorite hobby.
What a wonderful giveaway, the yarn selection is perfection
……BUT when they go home for the day I break out my crochet/kniting toys and it’s time to play. I find it almost impossible for me to relax without a yarn project in my hands

I knit or crochet every single day of the week. I watch my grandkids during the week and it is an absolute joy, love the time we are able to spend together
I knit and/or crochet almost every day. I get bored easily so I have at least a dozen WIP’s to choose from.
I hadn’t done anything except counted cross stitch because my work was close to 24/7 (I had my own business installing and repairing fire control, card access and CCTV so it took all my time.
I retired in 2016 and started back knitting and crocheting in 2022 and then I found EFA January 2023 and I can’t stop now!
Beautiful yarn as usual! During the Summer I don’t crochet very often, usually spending more time outdoors golfing, kayaking or walking.
But love to crochet from the Fall to Spring. Looking forward to working on some of the free patterns you offered us on Fridays! Thank you
I crochet almost daily, especially in the fall and early winter when I’m getting Christmas gifts and ornaments made!
I try to craft every day even if it’s just for 5 minutes!
I try to knit daily! It keeps me happy
I can go anywhere to get my yarn but I choose you, you’re sweet you just talk really nice. Explain everything you show videos I like that so that’s why I chose you. Thank you?
Good morning Sunshine! I crochet every day. I take my projects with me on all our trips. If I’m not crotcheting I’ a bit lots as to what to do with my hands.
I love these bright and cheery colors! I try to work on something creative every night, but sometimes the tiny people or laundry don’t let me!
What a wonderful giveaway, the yarn selection is perfection
……BUT when they go home for the day I break out my crochet/kniting toys and it’s time to play. I find it almost impossible for me to relax without a yarn project in my hands

I knit or crochet every single day of the week. I watch my grandkids during the week and it is an absolute joy, love the time we are able to spend together
I always have multiple projects going and knit and or crochet every day. It is my stress reliever after work and a weekend reward!
I try to craft every day, even if it’s just a row or two on a longstanding WIP. It’s my favorite way to center myself!
I crochet or knit at least once a day. It is my therapy, my calm place. If I can’t get anything stitching done in a day, it is usually a very bad day.
I try and knit or crochet every single day! Definitely more so in the Winter as typically there is less going on.
I try to knit a couple times a week, but with the humidity the way it’s been lately it’s been a bit difficult. Patiently (not patiently) looking forward to fall!
I craft every day, whether it’s knitting, crocheting or paper crafting. I even keep a small knitting project in my EDC (everyday carry) bag so I can knit while sitting in car or waiting room.
These are all so stunning! Would be the best suprise for my coming birthday if I won. I knit or crochet almost every day. If I don’t have a time for a couple of days my mood just gets very down. It’s sort of my therapy.
If I don’t knit every day…I am not a happy person.
Beautiful yarn! I knit or crochet daily. I suffer from chronic pain, and it’s something that I can do that brings joy to my life and to others as well since I often make for others.
I craft every day. If I’m out and about I always have a sock on my needles.
The knitting/crocheting basket rarely leaves the family room. Calligraphy is used for dove-shaped name tags for our parish’s confirmation class. Christmas ornaments are usually a November project. So I guess I craft some almost every day. Being retired helps!
I crochet every day!
Such lovely yarns. I try to craft a few days a week; I try to fit it in between cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring kids, etc. I’m sure this applies to so many of us but I try to find some time to breath, relax and enjoy my knitting and crochet.
I love these colors!!!! I’ve been knitting for about two years now, self taught, and occasionally weave. I recently got into spinning on a drop spindle! Crafting is how I manage my stress and anxiety, while creating something!
I knit or crochet daily! This looks like a beautiful field of flowers – love it!
I try to craft every day
sometimes crafting ends up being edible – pretty sourdough, macarons, or even just homemade pizza. But it is something I love to do every day for a bit of rest 
I knit as much as I can. I don’t always get to everyday, life gets busy and hectic sometimes. I’m currently taking a sweater class and absolutely love the Falling Stars sweater! Hopefully after class I will be able to make it!
I knit almost every day, but if it’s a non-knitting day I’m probably still doing some other craft.
Pretty much daily. I just had knee replacement surgery and I’m spending a lot of time in my chair, so I have socks on the needles again. I love making socks!
I try to knit or crochet every day. Some days I only have time for a couple rows, and other days I’m able to work for a few hours and make good progress on whatever I’m making.
I crochet every day on what ever project I am working through. Usually accounts for a couple hours of crafting over the course of a day – will read while I work too.
I knit or crochet every day!
I craft most days, and knitting or crocheting are some of the most relaxing!
This year I’ve been crafting 4+ days a week to some extent! Need to finish my long time WIPs!!
I can’t do to much because of a wrist injury but I try to atleast crochet 2-4 a week, it’s my best stress reliever!
I crochet every day. It’s my de-stress tool!
I’m drooling over those yarns, so beautiful! I crochet everyday. I even tried to crochet when I’m sick haha
I try to crochet daily. Really, it is necessary in order to retain any kind of sanity! The days I don’t get to hold my hook are dark days indeed

I knit daily…happily I have become somewhat of a yarn SNOB since discovering your beautiful yarns! I just trained my mailman to be sure and place my pretties IN the mailbox not on the ground…
Hi Chandi! I crochet everyday.
I craft mostly daily of late.
Love the colours, I can just imagine all the projects one can make.
I try to get some knitting or crocheting in every day, even if just for a few minutes.
I literally craft everyday! If I am sitting still, my hands have to be doing something, and usually that is crocheting or knitting! Sometimes I take time out to play a computer game or something else, but usually I will just do that at the same time, lol. Yay ADHD/Bipolar/Borderline Personality/Autism all rolled in to a squishy loveable me!! lol It may make for a chaotic me, but I am also one-of-a-kind!! Have a Great month everyone and Good Luck!!
I crochet almost daily and knit most weekends. I do give myself a break here and there to rest my hands because I want to be able to crochet when I’m in my 80s lol.
I pretty much knit or crochet every single day. It’s my de-stressor after work and I love having lots of weekend time to work on wips.
I craft every minute possible, I usually don’t leave the house without some kind of project.
Knit daily!
I craft daily. Usually doing more than one at a time, crocheting or sewing something while the embroidery machine is running. If hubby is home I’ve got crocheting going on, can’t stand to sit and veg in front of a tv and not do something with my hands.
Another beautiful bundle of deliciousness. I crochet daily. I have several WIPs going. And I choose between them based on my mood at that moment.
I crochet, knit, and/or diamond paint any chance I get. I LOVE creating something with my hands. I also really enjoy the relaxation of working on something that I love.
I love to crochet to unwind at the end of the day.
I knit almost every day. It keeps me sane! However I just had cataract surgery so it’s going to be another couple of weeks before I can get new glasses because right now all I can see is distance and not any close up work. It’s been awful not being able to knit.
I try to do SOMETHING at least every day, usually in the evening, even though I’m retired, I can’t seem to knit during the day….
Normally have a few things going, lacy shawl or cowl, cabled beanies or just something simple so I don’t get bored with the big ones.
I am retired, so I am able to sit and knit, while I listen to an audiobook almost every day
Always have a few projects going, thinking about the next one, picking out beautiful colors, hooking swatches & practicing stitches. Nearly every day.
I do a craft of some sort pretty much every single day!
I craft most days. It is a stress relief for me. I am also less active right now due to a knee injury, so have been doing a lot of knitting.
My favorite is knitting but do a little crocheting.. I have some of your yarns and they are stunning.
I would love to have the chance to win some
I try to knit or crocheting every day, except Sundays or christian orthodox celebrations. It is my safe and resting spot, place.
I try to craft every day – either knit, crochet or cross stitch. It helps me to relax.
Every day. Because I live to explore every new technique. Crochet or knitting.
I don’t craft as much as I would like in the summer. I usually craft a couple of times a week. The rest of the time is spent at work, or in my garden. I spend a lot of time growing vegetables and canning them for winter.
Multiple times through the day !!!! I’m doing the year long MCAL – looking forward to the August square! I also get a subscription from another vendor and like to try to do the project each month. I’m also testing a pattern for one of your creators – throw in the various other projects that catch my eye!
I try to work on what ever I’m crafting once a day, or if I cannot at least a couple times a week if it busy. Keeps the progress moving even if I don’t have a lot of time to devote to it in a large chunk.
I love to knit and spin my own yarn. What I make usually is for someone else.
Sometimes daily, sometimes there are long droughts where I get nothing done. But I really enjoy creating, and it feeds my soul!
I try to crochet each day, if only for a little while. It’s my happy place! Gorgeous yarn in this month’s give3
I enjoy knitting, crocheting and bead work. Right now I am working on the Euclidias Pattern from Expressions Fiber Art. I try craft in every free moment I get during the day!!!!

Every single day!!
Hi! I am currently working on a top for myself with Oasis fingering yarn. I am absolutely loving it, you could say I am hooked on it!!!
Yes I am a crocheter & the he pun is intended! I would love to win some yarn!
I knit every evening, and try to in the morning and on my lunch break as well if time permits. Beautiful colors this month!
I knit or crochet every day if I have. a project to finish .
I craft every chance I get. Its relaxing and enjoyable. And I love the feeling you get when you finish a project. Its the best!
I crochet almost every day. The colours in the give away are beautiful!
For me it sometimes depends what else is going on in my life, or how excited I am to get a project completed. If it’s an easy crochet pattern – like Lune – I was super excited to get that finished so I worked it up in about two weeks. Before that, one of my projects was Ambling Way and that took months to complete because knitting is a bit more challenging for me but also the fine yarn and smaller needles take longer to work with. So in a nut shell, I craft often.
Nowhere near often enough since I started working in addition to being a student! Looking forward to craft time soon.
I craft when I a able to. That used to be 3-4 times a week.
I try to crochet daily but it’s more like weekly, on and off – there are always things needing to be done that aren’t my crochet
I knit or crochet every day … just can’t sit and do nothing
What beautiful colours – would love to have these! I craft every day – it makes me so happy and it relaxes me.
I craft nearly every day. I believe our Creator gave us the ability to be creative in helping one another. Thank you Chandi for the chance to win such beautiful yarn!
I knit almost every day.
I knit or crochet most days. Always ready to learn a new technique. We have our “Enjoy the Yarn” group that meets once a month and it’s so much fun. I even run our state fair knitting.
I knit or crochet almost every day (and night)..
I knit or crochet daily.
I knit most days in the evening. Lately I’ve been trying to improve my crocheting, but that’s an uphill battle!
I like to craft everyday
Gorgeous yarn!
I enjoy daily crocheting, but sometimes life keeps me busy with other projects, so I take a break for a few days or weeks.
I knit or do some craft everyday, last few years it has been knitting.
i crochet, art quilt, sew almost every day, and recently learned to knit so now it’s knitting only daily! it’s my stress buster and stash buster!!!
I crochet almost every day. The colours in this give away are beautiful!
What fabulous yarns! I crochet as much as I can: I have RSI in one wrist so have to take it easy. Otherwise I try to do at least some sort of crafting at least once a week for my soul as much as my mind!
I knit almost every evening.
Oh, that yarn is divine!
I wish I could craft every day, but sadly my health issues get in the way. I might craft daily for a few days, then not be able to for several days or a week.
As Often as I can daily. Sometimes it’s a few hours or just a few spare minutes. I love to crochet and plan to relearn knitting.
It’s a rare day when I don’t knit–sick, traveling, or just too darn busy.
I knit pretty much almost every day, in work meetings, on train rides, in the evenings on the sofa…
Every da, even if it’s just for a couple of minutes. I usually have a bigger project and smaller one like socks. I keep the smaller one close by when I am in between task and in the car for when I am waiting for kids finishing their activities. Definitely need a daily fix
I am addicted to crochet. I love it so much! I crochet as often as I can.
I wish I could say often but, lately, that’s not true. I’ll have to settle for when I can and I never know when that is going to be so I enjoy it whenever I do.
Those yarn colours are scrumptious! I try to do yarnwork every day, as it relaxes me – it’s my mental and emotional yoga
This is a therapy for me. I like to run in the mornings and as soon I just arrived home from work I continue with a project either knitting or crochet. Thank you for taught me how to do it by your videos and writing instructions.
I craft a few times a week. Sometimes only one day, sometimes 4 or 5, depending on how busy the week is. Aiming for daily (even just a few minutes on the busy days) since it’s relaxing.
I am always with hook or needles in hand since I retired. I am just in the noob stages of dying my own yarns, as I have found a supplier with any and every form of undyed yarns…..super excited about this new venture.
I tru to craft everyday, even if it’s only for a few minutes
I knit and crochet everyday it helps me keep focus and used as a distraction technique when I am in a lot of pain. I only learnt to crochet over 2 years ago and mainly did blankets. I then learnt to do wearable items.
I knit just about everyday. If I’m sitting with nothing else in my hands I’m knitting!
Since the summer are so brutal here in AZ, I knit everyday throughout the day to keep me occupied. I am also a painter.
Can’t go a day without knit and/or crochet… oh my I believe I’m addicted…
Oooh, lovely yarns – again!!
It is a rare day when I don’t knit at all, though sometimes it’ll be only a few rows. I always have a small project to take along, such as socks or a cowl or, right now, a strappy top.
Yesterday, I was picked up by my sister and cousin at 9 am, much to my surprise, as I thought I was going kayaking with my boyfriend. Turned out it was my hen-do! We went fencing (no knitting, but much fun), picnicked in a park (with knitting – my sister knits, too, and one of my bonus daughters), and then did ceramics painting. I got a few more rounds done over a streetfood dinner. Great day :o)
I knit or crochet whenever I see a pattern that is oh so beautiful I can’t ignore.
I craft every day!
I knit/ crochet every day, can’t have empty hands
, so when I’m not doing anything else, I’m knitting 

I desire and aspire to craft every day but in reality, I go in spurts. Recently I’ve been on a break, but I feel the itchiness in my hands creeping in! I counted 36 projects in my Ravelry queue, which are set to go with yarn chosen! Egads!!
I crochet every day! I started in April, and keep trying new things. Hopefully, one day I can finally choose some of your yarn for a project. I would love to see some in person!
Those are such beautiful yarns! It sparks the question of which came first, the yarn or the project? LOL Does decluttering count as a “craft”? I AM “crafting” a lighter environment for myself, every shelf, drawer, closet, box, nook and cranny. Even the crafting supplies….*shudders*.
Almost every evening for at least a bit, it’s my way of winding down before bed after a long day.
I usually craft while watching TV and on long car rides. I’ve also been known to put on an audiobook and craft.
I craft for hours every day either crocheting or spinning.
Hi, Chandi! I crochet a little almost everyday, more when I’m working on a project as a gift.
It would be easier to tell you how often I DON’T craft! I knit every day, usually for a couple of hours in the evening to unwind (pun intended). I spend hours quilting, painting and thinking about my next projects.
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a beautiful group of yarns! Barbara
I try to craft everyday. Sometimes that craft is knitting, sometimes it’s painting, or drawing, or even just coloring with color pencils or water color pencils. Mostly though I knit. My goal this year is to complete 12 projects before the end of the year. So far I am at 9!
It’s part of my morning routine. Let’s call it my daily “exercises”…so much more enjoyable than knee bends
Almost every day I crochet. Sometimes, I’m too tired after work and responsibilities but if I feel the energy, I do a little something at the end of my day. And then weekends, I get some good crafting time in.
Summer crafting for me is tough as I’m outside as often as I can be gardening, yardwork, hiking, biking or kayaking, but, after all that activity I look forward to relaxing with my knitting needles as the snow falls outside my window!
Love to crochet or knit daily when it’s time to relax and close in for the day!
I used to knit everyday but it has been hard to keep up ever since I start my placements as a nurse. I’m always too tired to do anything after shifts!
Such beautiful yarn. I have to knit faster and faster to keep up wth my yarn stash but oh what fun!
Daily! I mostly crochet but am knitting now to make a gift for my sister.
I crochet almost every day.
Since I retired, I do something yarny every day! Some days, I spend several hours crafting and other days it will only be a few minutes stolen from a busy day. A day without yarn feels strange to me now!
I always have crochet projects that I’m in the middle of, but there are often long breaks between crocheting.
I usually don’t do as much during the summer.
I try to do something creative every day. Creativity feeds my soul and is one of the things that I just Need in my life!
Not nearly enough now, usually when inspiration hits. Think I need to get more regimental with it and schedule time so I’ll actually get some projects gone.
I try to knit everyday. Sometimes other things are going on though. Such is life.
I love all the colors! I am semi retired so I’m blessed to be able to knit or crochet every day! I’m currently doing your MKAL and your MCAL. Also I crochet amigurumi projects for my grandchildren. Thank you for sharing your work!
I craft every day. Mostly I am knitting, but sometimes I am doing other things such as weaving. I also cook and bake which I believe is a type of crafting. I find that crafting feeds my soul.
I love your gorgeous yarn!!!
. I crochet or do some type of craft almost everyday!
I try to do a little every day even though it doesn’t always work out. It is my relaxation time of the day where I don’t have to think about anything so I do try to get some time every day.
I knit if I have a quiet morning while everyone else is asleep. I also try to knit on long car rides, but it depends on how complicated the pattern is.
I try to do some crochet everyday, but since it has been so hot this summer, I have not done much this summer.
I knit almost every day!
I can also crochet but my true love is knitting. Those yarns are SO BEAUTIFUL!
Sadly, I don’t get to craft as often as I would like. As a busy momma to 7, my time is often spent teaching and running our hobby farm. When the kids are being chauffeured to music lessons, I allow myself time to craft some while I wait, but honestly, it is never enough. I have a shawl, I have been working on for the past year and it is finally nearing completion. Once that is done, I plan to work on a sweater and I can only imagine how long that will take. lol. One day, I’ll be in a different season and have more time to craft.
I crochet every day and winning these beautiful colors would allow me to make a n heirloom blanket for my daughter. Your yarns are just devine.
I craft every day. It’s part of the fabric of life.
I knit and crochet everyday and most of the time my projects are to give away to needed persons. I really enjoy to see their eyes !!
Have a good day xxx
I am always working on multiple projects, sometimes knitting a few rows in the quiet of the morning with my coffee, sometimes in the evening as I wind down from the day, but my favorite time is when I can lose myself for hours doing nothing but working on my projects of choice..
Everyday! At least a half an hour, it is important to spend that time doing something creative.
Everyday!! Doesn’t everyone??
I don’t craft nearly as much as I’d like to and I’m trying to get myself back into it. There’s soooo much I want to make, but the motivation has been lost, and I’m trying to get it back. Both for my mental health and to make all the things!
I knit or crochet almost every day! It’s my way to relax at the end of the day
I knit or crochet every day! It’s my soother….my peace
I pick up my crochet every day. I usually have two projects going, different hook sizes, at the same time, to keep from getting bored with one.
I knit every day in the evenings, a time I look forward to with lots of anticipation! I usually have two to three projects going on. While I knit I find myself thinking of what I want to knit next!
I knit everyday on some of my projects.
I love to crochet every day. I find it a joy to create beautiful soft expressions of myself through texture and color. I have enjoyed crocheting since 2016. I am so happy to have found your site. I love your dreamy yarn bases, and have made several of your patterns. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway.
I’m always making something…usually for someone else!
I try to knit every day.
I enjoy crocheting and knitting almost every day!
My therapy with a reward of something beautiful
to gift a friend or wear myself!
Greetings Chandi. I knit just about every day! If a day comes and goes and I haven’t knitted, I feel list! I love my knitting projects using your patterns and your fabulous yarns. My current project is Proserpina with Oasis Fingering in Morning Glory. Can’t wait to finish and wear this lovely top!
I craft everyday even if it’s only for 30 minutes. My family can find me curled up in my big comfy chair with my knitting needles or my spindle, it’s my me time and it helps me recenter.
Oh my goodness what a gorgeous box of yarny goodness!!! I knit almost every day, I am obsessed!
I craft every day. Before retiring, I quilted and did machine embroidery. After I retired, I learned to knit because it would help keep my brain active — now I knit every day. I still quilt/embroider but it tends to be in spurts rather than regularly. I would like to know if collecting a rather large stash of EFA yarns is considered “crafting”. LOL
I make time to knit or crochet every single day!
I knit or crochet nearly everyday! It’s so relaxing and what a sense of accomplishment when the project is completed!! I love your yarns and all the encouraging emails
I try to craft every day, even if it’s only for 15 minutes.
I’m so thankful that I get to crochet or knit every day!!
Though I don’t always have the time, I craft as often as I can, at least a couple times a week. I started knitting five years ago, and once I got the hang of it, it was a huge confidence boost. I was the kid who dreaded art class and Girl Scout crafts; I never felt good enough at any of it. So now, to be able to knit, crochet, and loom knit is pretty amazing. Thanks for the chance to win your beautiful yarn!
I pick up my needles almost everyday. It’s my time to re-center and de-stress. It might only be one row, but I enjoy the meditative quality of those stitches.
I engage in some kind of crafting at least twice a week!
I try to knit every day while I’m at work during virtual meetings.
I mostly crochet but taught myself to knit 2 years ago with the help of YouTube. I’ve only succeeded in making knit hats so far, but one day I hope to make myself a sweater. Thank you for your beautiful words and loving spirit.
I mostly crochet but taught myself to knit 2 years ago with the help of YouTube. I’ve only succeeded in making knit hats so far, but one day I hope to make myself a sweater. Thank you for your beautiful words and loving spirit. O craft often and love to gift my creations.
I knit every day; it helps me think and relax at the same time!
I enjoy knitting every day. I look forward to it during every day and usually wind down during the evening working on my current projects.
I knit and crochet, and try to do one or the other every day. I also take small projects with me, so if I’m waiting for an appt, I can keep my hands busy. I love working with yarn! Thanks for offering such stunning colors and yarns in this giveaway!
It goes in phases depending on my mental health. Spinning is easiest to do when im antsy and anxious, knitting when im relaxed and focused, crochet when im tired and my hands cant do fiddly stuff, and i sadly cant get myself to do ANYTHING if im in a depression phase. It would make life a bit easier if i could, but then it wouldnt be depression would it?
Most of my crochet is done while traveling with my husband. We are retired and have a travel trailer, so I have plenty of time to crochet!
Every day, as part of my (early) morning ritual. Some days offer more time than others, but I don’t feel “right” if I don’t start off my day with at least a few more rows.
Every day! Some days it might just be taking stock of my yarn, or looking at patterns, or reading about some technique, or planning something new (when I haven’t even finished what I’m working on and already have projects waiting…), or perusing emails
I crochet every day if possible. This summer I completed a blanket for my nephew’s graduation I was super focused on it. I watched many TV shows.
I knit everyday if I can. I also have a four year old, so I’m crafting with her often as well!
I would say I pretty much craft every day, unless I’m away from the house. I love to crochet and sew quilts and bags, but I also want to learn to knit, bead, and especially clothing construction. I’ve just retired last month, and I’m so excited to have more time now to do the things that I love, which absolutely involves crafting.
I try to work on one of my WIPs every day! I’m fairly slow, So that’s the only way they will ever get finished.
I tend to craft in spurts. Friday night family movie night is a staple, and more on weekends because weekdays are so packed. I’m always calmer and happier when there is fabric growing at my fingertips!
I knit it crochet almost every day. Usually have 2 projects going, one easy one while we watch tv in the evening and a second more involved for several afternoons each week.
I knit daily. Crochet when I feel like. And try to spin every chance I get. I also like to do other crafts as well, such as sew, needle point, using the hot glue gun to make creations, but knitting, spinning, and crocheting have been my main crafts lately.
I knit pretty much every day if I can. My evenings don’t feel complete if I don’t pick up my needles and yarn for at least a short time.
I craft when I can. Sometimes that’s daily and sometimes there’s weeks off.
I crochet every day. I have at leat 6 projects on the go currently, including your cal blanket. I love your yarn.
It kind of comes and goes. There will be times where I crochet every day, and then weeks will go by where I do nothing. I used to be more consistent, but I burned myself out a bit a couple of years ago.
I try to crochet or knit every day. The rhythm of the stitches and the feel of the fiber flowing through my hands helps take me to my zen state. It helps me keep my sanity in this world.
I crochet all year round, from heavy afghans to small items like coasters, dishcloth. Macrame is another passion I have had great success. This craft is very grounding, calming.
Chandi’s colour wheel is superior to what is available in my area. Her fiber blends are perfect to show off the beautiful patterns she has on her site.
I knit every evening to relax and unwind while watching tv with my husband.
I always have 3-4 projects going at the same time. I found you a few months ago and have finished 2 of your patterns and working on #3. Love it all!
I’m usually crafting daily. It may be quilting, knitting, crocheting, or weaving. Lately I’ve needed to take some time out from crafting to harvest my garden and process my wonderful veggies.
Almost daily
I craft every single day. Especially right now, since I’m going a test knit!
I always have a WIP started sitting in my bag next to my chair in the living room. I love crocheting blankets, hats, shawls and I just started “Waves and Shells” bag. I got the pattern off your site and am super excited to see how it will turn out.
I typically do some type of craft every day. Being creative is part of my daily activities. Although I just re-started knitting this year after many years of not doing it, knitting has become a daily
activity and I don’t see stopping unless unforeseen circumstances demand it. It is meditative and calming for me.
I knit almost every day (having to take a day off every once in awhile right now as I am knitting a sweater with bulky yarn held double on 10mm needles).
I knit and crochet whenever possible! I love making garments for my daughter. Especially love using Expression Fiber yarns!
I love to craft, it helps with my anxiety, so I do it if not daily, then weekly.
I knit every day! It soothes my soul. I’ve found endless inspiration and joy from your patterns and have created several shawls to comfort friends. I just love the modern classy look of your patterns!!! Also the creative and beautiful yarns you dye. Your video tutorials are wonderful as well.
Hi Chandy! I knit EVERY day, I always have a sewing project going on, and I like watercolor as well. Anything creative!
Almost every day., afternoons and evenings. Crocheting is my relaxing time. Hubby loves telling everyone I made the garment they are complementing.
I crochet almost every day. There are so many projects/garments/accessories I want to try, and I’m not getting any younger. This is my Zen time – an opportunity to destress and relax. The end result is something that is beautiful, practical, and made with patience and love.
I knit, weave, sew, quilt, or paint everyday, and have at least 6 projects going at once. I’m never bored and always have something to do!
Beautiful yarn as always! I try to knit or crochet every day to keep my brain going
I also fall asleep watching TV unless I am knitting! My favorite is knitting in front of the fire in the autumn/winter!
I’m retired so I crochet/knit/tunisian crochet pretty much everyday. How long varies of course but it is pretty much always my slow down at night and relax thing. I rarely watch TV anymore, instead I watch crafty YouTube videos. I love all your content and am uplifted by the text messages you send out. No one else calls me “sweet pea”! lol
I knit every single day. I’m an addict!
I am retired and easily find time to knit everyday. I enjoy starting my day with a cup of coffee and my knitting..
Beautiful colors! I knit when I can.
There are so many people in my life that I want to gift something that I must crochet every day. And so I do!
I crochet most days. Occasionally I dabble in other crafts as well, but crochet is my passion!
I craft every day, but often it’s only for 10 or 15 minutes. It takes quite some time to finish a project, but it’s all I have time for, other than on road trips when the hubby’s driving and I can knit or crochet for hours!
Sometimes daily, sometimes monthly… depends on how my wrist feels!
When I get started on a project, I usually binge crochet until it’s done. Then I may take a break for a few days or weeks, depending on what else is going on in my life.
Now that I am retired and a widow, I find that I spend most of my time with my crocheting with breaks for travel and photography in between.
Oh, my…….these yarns are to ‘dye’ for. I knit or crochet every day, in between letting the dogs out, letting the dogs in, running errands……lots of interruptions.
It may take me awhile to get something finished, but while I am knitting or crocheting….I so enjoy the blessed relaxation and peaceful moments I get.
I knit probably every day. I’m also a fiber artist, but I don’t get to play with fabric often enough.
Hi I knit everyday even if it is just a few minutes. I also enjoy watching the YouTube tutorials for inspiration and fresh ideas.
Any spare minute I get, I’m knitting! My favorite thing is to take my knitting with me on road trips; I love putting on a hand-knit item and having so many lovely memories attached to the places where I’ve worked on it!
I was knitting daily but it’s been a couple weeks off while working on my kids’ homeschool stuff
I knit and crochet just about every day!! The colors for this month are absolutely stunning!
Beautiful colors! I live in Texas & it’s hot, I crochet anytime but our hottest summer months
Hi from Australia. I knit/crochet for at least 5 hours every day being a chronic one more row late night knitter. I am an avid test knitter or crocheter having caught that bug about 12 months ago.
My only regret is that the cost of postage from the US to Australia means that Expression fiber arts is out of my wage bracket.
Daily in some form.
I knit about every day. Some days for a longer time than others. I have several projects going at one time, but usually concentrate on one.
I try and craft once a week, but life often gets in the way!!
I crochet almost everyday. I just finished a unicorn to send to my great niece. She is having a baby brother soon.
I crochet every day. I commute to work with my husband most days, so I crochet while he’s driving. I also use my lunch breaks (and sometimes virtual meetings) for more crochet time. I love it so much, I’m working on ways to incorporate it into my job!
I try to crochet a little something every day, but for sure every chance I get.
Ha! I THINK about projects daily (mostly crochet or quilting), but I actually work in spurts. I’m trying to finish two projects rn, so I currently crochet daily. I have several skeins waiting their turn, but I forget to write down the project I bought them for, so by the time I’m ready I have to find a new project! I also work consistently when in long meetings or on plane flights.
I craft every day. From quilting to crochet to knitting and card making, Love the end results when quality materials are used.
Every day, even if it’s just a short time to be creative. Everyone needs hyacinths to feed their soul!
I craft every single day. I love to knit, draw and paint. I am a 3rd grade teacher and I try to include some sort of creative project for my students every school day.
I craft at least 2x week.
I enjoy crochet and knitting, and try to do some of each, every day.
I’m sad to say that I can’t remember how long it’s been since I knitted or crocheted. I pick up a sock-weight hat to do a few rounds every once in a while, but I’ve go so many projects I want to work on, including both of Expression Fiber Arts’s MMALs this year, Indivisible and Brilliance.
I craft daily, it helps to keep me sane!
creativity feeds my soul everyday!
I go in waves. I craft less in the summer while I’ve got the garden to work on. But sometimes I’ll just get obsessed with a project and spend all my free time on it until it’s done.
I craft daily, often multiple times a day. Sometimes multiple crafts in the same day.
I try to craft as often as I can!
I craft daily. I carry my knitting in my purse and take it out whenever I have the chance!
I knit every single day and always have several different projects in progress so I can choose which one(s) I want to work on at any given time!
Knitting, looking at patterns, and deciding what yarn to use bring me such joy and peace
I craft as often as I can which is almost every day. It is my relaxing time and helps me unwind.
Quite possibly the best thing about retirement is the freedom to enjoy crafting every day. Whenever I get a free hour, I feel no guilt whatever about knitting, crocheting, making jewelry or sewing. Life is good with fiber in my hands!
I have been crafting A LOT lately! I’m working a Pineapple Sunset cardigan as a surprise gift for a friend. I’ve got a DIY bathroom sign in the works. A friend recently showed me how to embroider so I have a practice project going on a hoop. And, following a class at our library earlier this summer, I’ve purchased materials to practice needle felting!
I am retired now and knit and crochet mostly every day. It is my happy place and I never get tired of making various items. I am hoping to teach my daughter the same. I know once she starts she will be hooked like I am! Another addiction has become your website. The wool is the best I have found and even though I am Canadian you are my go to for new wool in my stash! Don’t ever stop….I will be heart broken!
I get to craft…sometimes. when I get the creation bug, I’ll craft for weeks on end and make some amazing things (like right before my last baby was born). Other times, it is just a pot holder here, a set of coasters there.
I am a painter and I unwind every day with knitting: another way to create with color and texture. Just started you kaleidoscope sweater with indigo as the main color…perfect with jeans,Even paint spattered jeans.
I do something crafty almost every day — it’s my stress relief! I have a bit of a craft pile around “my seat” on the couch that just lives there for whenever the mood strikes. It’s mostly art supplies and crochet stuff, though there are definitely some abandoned “this only held my attention for 5 minutes” craft things, too.
If I’m not doing something creative/crafty in my downtime, I’m usually browsing YouTube or the internet for craft related tutorials and inspiration.
Oh, those yarns are lovely! I craft every day.
Between knitting, sewing, crocheting, embroidery and spinning, I craft every day.
I make time almost every day to do at least a couple of rows on a project. It’s my anchor. Always love the colors!
I started crocheting as a child/teen, but then life intervened. In recent years I’ve focused on photography, then got a big close to a year ago and started crocheting again. Now it’s an almost every day thing.
Every day, if possible. Sometimes the job gets in the way—but since that is how I afford yarn, I suppose it’s OK every once in a while.
Beautiful Yarns!! I am usually crafting daily, I always have a quilting, knitting and/or crochet project going, sometimes all three!
If my hands allow it, then I crochet daily! It’s my happy place.
I craft everyday!
I try to craft every chance I get. I usually have a craft with me at all times.
I mostly knit, though I can and do crochet occasionally. i usually have 3 or more WIPs and work on them several days a week. I always take 1 or more projects alomg when we travel..
I learned to knit when I was 8 years old — in 1957! I knit and crochet, do needlepoint and counted cross-stitch, paint my own needlepoint canvasses, and do all sorts of crafts with my grandchildren. My productivity has increased since I retired a year ago.
I crochet mostly in the winter as it is too warm here in summer to be covered in a WIP.
I also sew and quilt by machine and hand. Would like to learn to knit again. Thank you for your enthusiasm and beautiful colors and collection of yarns!
OMG! How generous of you!! If I won all this yarn I couldn’t knit enough!! Knitting is my passion and I do it everyday……sometimes too much! Thank you.
I craft every day!
I crochet every day! I love making beautiful things and your yarn is a big part of that.
Hello crafting goddesses, I craft everyday on the usual. Either knitting-my first love, or crocheting or Tunisian crocheting-tied for second, and occasionally, drop spindle. I love Expression Fiber Arts yarn for the gorgeous colors, the soft and silky yarn bases, and the lovely patterns. I also helps that Chandi’s videos help me make these lovely patterns easier.
I try to crochet when I can. Which isn’t as much as I like since I have chronic pain so I would love to craft or crochet more, but it can be difficult. Especially since I use crocheting as art therapy for my illnesses.
Daily crafting for me. I rarely miss a day.
I’d like to knit or crochet a few rows daily. However, I’m lucky if I have enough time or energy to knit once a week during busy season.
I’m generally a daily crafter, alternating between crochet and knit, based on the project I want to create. (Often one in each craft is on the go at a time.) The time I spend on crochet/knit in a day is less in the summer than the winter, though.
I usually craft at least a few days each week. Busy hands and a more relaxed mind is an important switch for me when most of my work is a busy mind that doesn’t require much physical action.
I was knitting or crocheting daily up until the death of my mother, and fellow crafter, in June from cancer. I have picked them up a few times since, but it is difficult to get going knowing I no longer have the “look what I’m working on!” encourager that I have had my life long. I am trying to get back to it as it is something that we shared. I picked up knitting as a way to feel closer to my grandmother when she passed and now I want to make sure to continue the legacy for my mother.
G’morning Chandi! My crafting has become a bit more sporadic lately, due to my living situation. I’ve always got projects and ideas on my mind tho, lol!
(not entering as these aren’t my colours, but commenting for fun ^_^ )
I try to craft a bit every day if possible. Usually it’s a bit of crochet or knitting, though I have also found some neat little book end kits at one of the big craft stores that are super cute and fun to put together.
I knit every day — at least a row on my “Weather Record” blanket, and usually more
I craft every day.
I crochet almost everyday
Almost every day in the last two years I chrochet or knitted. But I also like crafting with paper, making gifts and decorations or sometimes painting.
And I can aggree that this time is like vacation for the soul.
I enjoy crocheting almost every day and growing my knitting skill beyond novice is on my agenda. Your yarns are swoon-worthy, they’re so beautiful!
I craft as often as my hands allow; my body is doing its best to get stronger, and I have to be thankful for its progress. I craft more often towards the holidays and around my family’s birthdays because of how festive I feel, which lifts me in spirits enough to transcend mortal pain a bit easier. I am blessed enough to have a good scattering of family birthdays throughout the year – as well as very patient family members.
I knit every day. Your yarn is hands down the best yarn that I’ve worked with. Made several sweaters and it’s just so lovely to work with.
I craft, at least 1 per week, but I try to knit, crochet, sew or create something every day!
I craft every day
I crochet daily, there are just so many things I want to make that there is just no time to stop.
I crochet every other day. I wish I had more time to crochet!
I try to craft every day as it does keep me sharp…and at 82 I need all the help I can get. Knitting and crocheting have taken a back seat to my quilting UFO’s these last few months, but before winter I will be dragging out my needles and get back to those UFO’s. in knitting or crocheting. Or more than likely starting a new project with some of the yarns you show me on a daily basis.
I craft almost daily. I get a little jittery when I miss a day. Does this mean I’m addicted to crafting?
I craft nightly, mostly because I have trouble sleeping, and putting in a few rows can help sometimes. You’d think I would be able to finish more projects because of this, but alas, that’s not the case!
I’ve been crafting so very little lately. It’s so sad, the pandemic started it then this last two years have been epically difficult. My mom now has Parkinson’s and is also experiencing mini strokes so I’ve taken over everything. Too much stress and worry. I know crochet and painting would help but getting my head in the right space is proving difficult. I’m so hoping I win this bundle as it would give me a push and also it sure would seem like a sign from the Universe that it’s time to take care of me too.
I craft every day. Knitting helps me calm down from the day’s work. It’s therapeutic and a little addicting!
I carry a knitting project everywhere I go, just in case I have to sit and wait. Great way to keep my patience and sanity, since it transforms a potential waste of time into productive time. I craft almost every day. Mostly knitting these days (learned about two years ago), but also quilting, which I’ve done for two decades.
I carry a knitting project everywhere I go, just in case I have to sit and wait. Great way to keep my patience and sanity, since it transforms a potential waste of time into productive time. I craft almost every day. Mostly knitting these days (learned about two years ago), but also quilting, which I’ve done for two decades.
Crocheting is therapy so I try to do it as often as I can. I go to three stitching groups a week and try to work on my projects each day if I can. Your yarns are gorgeous!
I like to spin or knit when I can, and try to have something ready on my knitting needles so I can pick it up and knit anytime even if it’s just a row or two.
Not nearly enough!! My dream is to knit or spin every day, but at the moment I just don’t have that luxury!
Every day!
I truly enjoy you and your blog as well as loving your how-to videos. You have such a bubbly personality and make stitchwork seem so clear and easy to understand and just do. I have only bought yarn from you since I met your website and your yarn online several years ago. Natural yarns are my favorites and yours are especially beautiful. Thank you for the quality and care you provide.
I don’t do as much as I used to between work and school, but usually crochet for a couple hours at least once a week while relaxing and watching TV
I crochet 4-5 times a week. Only crochet…so far. Beautiful giveaway yarns for August!
I try to do a little crochet each day bc it helps me calm.
I love all things fiber but seem to find less time now than before I retired. Finally I signed up for the crochet along 2024. While I have not yet posted any pictures of my work, I am working on it and loving it! Maybe this month I will be able to post all of the ones I have finished. Thank you for inspiring me, Chandi. I find your personality delightful and the patterns enticing. It would be amazing to win one of your prizes someday. Thank you for all you do.
Most days I try to get a few knitted rows in, plus whatever the kids and I find to do. I’m not sure if stickers books really count as crafts, but that’s what we did today!
I craft almost every day; a little knitting before bed helps calm me for the night. I also enjoy photography and gardening. Thanks for you inspirational emails; those really make my day
I craft every day, loving retired life!
I just love your yarn, it is so beautiful. They colors are amazing. I crochet all the time. Thank you so much for making your yarn
How often do I craft?
Not as often as I’d like. I always have a project bag near me in the case I get a moment to do a few rounds.
I knit the majority of the time but every now and then someone will have a baby or commission a crochet blanket.
Thank you for the opportunity to win the beautiful yarn!
Hi, I knit everyday. For myself mostly. I knit shawls and garments and socks and hats. I’ve made gloves and cowls too. I wear my knits everyday in the cooler months and have some for the warmer months also. I love knitting!
Honestly I never seem to have enough time to craft. I usually spend time after work either hand sewing on a quilt top or crocheting on some project, lately on a granny rectangle afghan. It’s never enough time.
I craft nearly every day, either knitting or crocheting.
It’s been a very busy season, and my knitting has taken a bit of a back seat. I’m hoping to find myself with more time to devote to crafting in the near future.
I would knit every day if I could have my way, but I do less in hot weather, and lately I’ve had trouble finding uninterrupted periods to focus on it. I’m hoping to have more opportunities this fall & winter.
My friends and I all entered!!! Oh I hope we win, fabric art is fun!!!
i am still a beginner but seeing all this yarn inspires me to try and practice more in my free time
i am wishing everyone who enters good luck
we are all fiber artists and amazing people
stay awesome all of you
I usually craft daily
I crochet a few days a week and am trying to learn how to knit.
I crochet almost every day, but I’m slow, so projects take a while to finish.
I knit or crochet at least 4-5 days a week, more in winter. I live all these gorgeous colors!
Such beautiful color ways as always. I crochet quite frequently. Have made some of your beautiful patterns. Thanks so much for the free patterns
As often I’m able, it varies w/health, glad to be able again. Beautiful designs/yarns, makes our hearts sing! Thanks
I work on some kind of craft every day if at all possible. Mostly knit and crochet but also latch hook, cross stitch, and wooden puzzle kits. I’m also learning to needle felt, embroidery, and using a drop spindle. Not all at once, of course.
I knit every day.
I craft as often as my kids allow so currently it’s been quite a bit. I am actually on the final steps of the Field Flowers shawl which is turning out beautifully.
I tend to try and craft every day, either at night after the kids go to bed, or during the day on a break or during long meetings
I try my best to crochet or do one of my crafts daily.
It’s my happy place
I craft every other day, as long as I have a bit of time in the evening!
My job is very stressful, so knitting a little bit every night is my relaxation ritual. It clears my mind. I’m so happy I learned to knit a few years back. Whatever I’m working on sits in a basket beside the couch, and I can just pick it up for 5 minutes or 30 minutes or whatever I have and then put it away in less than 5 seconds. It’s a perfect stress reliever.
I go in spits and spurts. I might not crochet for months. Then I’ll be this crochet machine and pump out dozens of items for months. I love all the colors and can already envision all the things I can make with this lovely yarn.
I try to pick up the needles every day. I’ve been working through elbow tendonitis, so lately it’s when my elbow is feeling good to co.plete a few rows.
I really try to make time to knit every day… That said, I’ve recently had other things in my life that have had to take priority. I’m trying not to beat myself up too much about it! I hope to be back to my daily knitting session very soon. I miss my “me time”!!!
I knit almost every day. I am fortunate to be retired and have the gift of time. Gorgeous colors in your give away this month! Thank you for your lovely patterns (many of them free). Your inspirational thoughts are appreciated as well. Enjoy the day!
Most every day I’m crocheting some!
I craft every day! If I don’t have access to materials, then I’m dreaming up my next projects.
Not a day goes by without knitting, crocheting and sometimes doing embroidery.
I like to crochet, spin, and weave whenever I can find the time. I meet with a group of friends Saturday morning and crochet then. I also have an easy crochet pattern for guild meetings.
Weaving is a little much to take traveling but i do take some classes.
Unless my hands aren’t cooperating with me (which happens more often than I’d like), I’m crafting every single day, chipping away at my enormous list of projects little by little.
I’ve declared this my “year of knitting” — my permission to sign up for those classes and KALs and MKALs and anything else I want. I’m leaning in!! I try to get to my knitting (and occasional crochet) weekly.
I do several different crafty things, so I am almost always doing something, whether it’s knitting, crocheting, sewing or beading. My hands aren’t happy unless they are doing something!
I usually crochet for a few hours a week, a little bit for a few nights while I watch TV/YouTube.
Life has gotten very busy lately and I find myself juggling my schedule and deadlines instead of being organized and fitting in some time at the end of each day to crochet. It is the perfect way to wind down and relax and I miss it.
Life is busy, but I’m happier if I can fit in at least a tiny bit of crafting every day.
I used to knit or crochet everyday. Now it’s been a month since I last picked up any craft. I wish I could start again.
wonderfull, I am amazing every single month, beautiful colors
Hi Chandi, I try to knit or crochet as often as I can, but I have a huge problem, I have a job
and also I’m keeping 8 or more WIP at a time, so I don’t see the end of anything, I am trying to knit or crochet these projects and commit to myself to only work one at a time
, but it is difficult.
I crochet every day! I actually am thinking to try knitting again. It’s been probably 30 years since I’ve knitted but I watched a video recently by Chandi on continental knitting that I’m excited to try! I’m an avid crafter of many sorts… macrame, I make bath & body products with essential oils & infused herb oils I make from my garden like calendula, lavender & borage plus many other things:) & my next exciting venture is to try to hand dye some yarn!
Hello! I try to crochet every day, even if just for half an hour. I’m successful about 5 days a week, and most evenings I can get in an hour or two.
Mostly on the weekends, but I usually can’t resist picking up my crochet at some point each day, even just to do a few stitches!
I knit every single day!! Last year I broke one finger and I couldn’t knit for almost two monts. It was the worst of nightmares…
I usually knit 2-3 times a week.
I knit or crochet every day. In the morning, with a cup of coffee, before everyone wakes up and the house gets busy. Can’t think of a more enjoyable way to start the day.
I try to do some craft (knit or cross stitch or crochet) every evening, just a row or few stitches, but some evening it’s not possible.
I try to do something crafty every day (knitting, crocheting, sewing, drawing, among others). Unfortunately I don’t always succeed.
I crochet mostly in the cooler seasons. It is very relaxing to cozy up and let my hands keep busy.
My intention is to knit, crochet or sew on something every single day. If I’m not hands on with something needlework related then I’m planning my next project.
I craft every day as soon as I get in from work. It’s my stress relief and relaxation. Getting something beautiful that I love at the end is a bonus!
Hi Chandi,
I try to knit or crochet every day, but have taken a little break the last two weeks! I think I may know Ricki Reid! Congratulations to her!
My day is not complete unless I have picked up and worked on a knit or crochet project! I also bring a project bag with when we are out and about in case I have any wait time.
I knit and crochet everyday!!
I knit every single day. My mind comes up with new designs faster than I can knit them. I’m not the best at following patterns as some of them leave too much information out expecting you to know what they are talking about, so I write my own. I make shawls, Scandinavian style colorwork Christmas stockings, hats, scarves, sweaters – well everything (mostly). I just love beautiful, smooth, soft yarns!!! Color is my THING. LOVE YOUR YARNS!!!!!
I try to do something every day, but since my cataract surgery the only thing I am able to do is spinning. A few more weeks and my eyes will be healed enough to check out some reading glasses so I can knit again!
I love these yarns, though I can’t always afford them, I do splurge occasionally. The colorsays are just so rich and vibrant! I crochet/ knit daily.
I love to craft, mostly knitting and quilting and sewing. Right now I’m trying to get graduation quilts done before the dearhearts go off to college soon. It seems like only yesterday it was baby blankets and booties. We have 5 kids that I knitted all their sweaters in grade school and early childhood, a few in middle school and high school. Now the 5 are providing me with more grown up kids needs .. one middle schooler and the rest are high school and college people. We have 8….6 boys, 2 girls. The boys are hard to knit for, because they grow 6 inches every time I see them, which is rather often since we moved closer to them. Anyway, when I’m not knitting, I am looking at patterns and yarn and dreaming and wishing it was cheaper. Your yarns are glorious and your patterns are delightful.
I usually get time to craft about three times a week but I’m looking for adjustments I can make to increase my numbers.
I knit and crochet about four times a week. It’s so relaxing after a long day to pick up my needles and think of only the stitches in front of me. The colors, the feel of the yarn, I love it!
I try to craft every day…my favorites are crochet and needlepoint. I always have multiple projects going so I can take the more compact ones with me when I am at the beach or sitting outside and relaxing. I love experimenting with new stitches and various yarn textures and watching how each project progresses.
I craft every single day, and somehow that still doesn’t feel like enough.
I knit several times a week. It really depends on how complicated the pattern is and whether I can knit and watch TV. Several of my current projects are in “time out” until they improve their attitude!
I try to knit at least a few rows each day while watching tv or podcasts.
I craft everyday at least 2 hours i also teach girls scouts to learn crocheting and knitting I also do counted cross stitch and latch hook
Most days of the week! Especially when commuting to and from work provided the trains are not too jam packed. Weekends too if time permits and household chores are almost done.
My knitting usually goes with a purpose, someone needs or could use an item, so I knit and share it as a gift
This way of knitting has the best benefits for me! It makes me happy to think of the individual, and lots of love and well wishes will accompany the gift 
I like to knit when I’m feeling really good, or when I’m feeling really poorly. Lately it’s been the second one. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have knitting to keep my hands and mind busy.
I’m so glad I found Expressions. The quality is wonderful and the tactile satisfaction of working with these yarns makes a ton of difference.
It lifts me up.
So, thank you.
I love these colors! I try and craft everyday. Like exercise, it’s a necessity to lower my stress level.
I have not crafted in a very long time. Two kids, a new house, and new responsibilities have made finding crafting time a bit more difficult. I’ll get back in the swing of things eventually. Based on the comments, it seems like your followers are skilled at finding time to craft!
I craft every day. I do a lot of different crafts but Crochet is my favorite.
Beautiful yarns as always. I craft almost everyday in some way, I retired in april so my time is my time now. I crochet, knit, sew or build miniatures for the most. I always have a little yarn project with me where ever I go. And I am curios to learn other crafts to, can’t stop create.
Not often enough…I’m really trying to get back into it
I craft every day! It is a rare occasion that I don’t pick up a project.
I try to do a little crafting every day if time allows!
Oh my! Those colors are to die for!

I craft every day, i’m lucky enough to be able to do so. I mainly crochet, and i also knit an sew, and i love coloring too.
Thank you for the oportunity to have some of this yarn for free, I’m from argentina and can’t really afford it right now, your are gifting around a salary and a half worth of yarn!
I craft every day. It is a must do for my mental health.
I knit every day. Except I haven’t been able to for the past month due to tendinosis in my arm and shoulder. It’s very painful! I hope it heals soon. It’s really hard to go without knitting. I have so many WIP’s waiting for me, too!
I craft weekly to every other day.
I knit most evenings and spin most afternoons. I also dye fiber and weave and even scour and prepare fiber for spinning. Every day I do something crafty.
I try to crochet daily
I craft as often as possible. Sometimes it’s every day for weeks and then i pause for a week or two and then pick it up again.
I have a project going everyday. I try to do at least two or three rows on each project aday. I switch up so as not to get board. LOVE, LOVE your yarn.
Because I am on fixed income I can only do single skein projects with your yarn. So If I won this yarn I would do it proud. Thank you for having these give aways.
If I cannot buy, I still enjoy browsing all the yarn and wishing.
As often as possible
I like to crochet a little each day while baby is napping or playing nearby.
Yarn is in my life daily. Either knitting, spinning or prepping a fleece for spinning. I’ve been thing about slipping down the rabbit hole that is dye. Im not quite there yet though. These yarns… I would make something for myself as i usually knit for others. A nice cardigan for the fall or something
I knit at least once daily, in the 30 minutes to relax before going to sleep. If I’m lucky, there will be time throughout the day during meetings on weekdays, or while watching sports or visiting with friends on the weekend.
I craft daily, even if only for few minutes. I make it so every day I can gift myself few moment of me time & self care creating something or adding to a bigger project.
I craft every day, regardless of the time or season! It helps so much to keep me grounded and sane!
I knit, crochet or sew every single day. My day is not complete if I haven’t done some handwork. (Also includes chopping stuff for foo prep. LOL.)
Let’s say, if I don’t craft in some way everyday, I feel a little lost. Cooking/baking included. It’s satisfying creating something from scratch.
I crochet every weekend!
Stunning yarn Chandi!
I knit every single day even if bone tired. On the rare occasion I don’t get to, I feel a bit twitchy from the lack of it.
Chandi, love love these summer colors. Crafting weekly. It’s my life. God bless! Peace and love all around
Daily, unless I’m too exhausted. It’s how I unwind every evening after a long day at the computer or cleaning the house.
I like to knit or crochet every day. So good for the soul.
Crocheting is my stress relief because my mind is usually always in hyper mode and this let’s me focus and quiet my thoughts. So, I try to do a little bit every day.
Crocheting quiets my overactive brain, so I try to do it every day.
In a perfect world, I would knit for a while every day. Some days, I don’t manage it and when I don’t, I feel discombobulated. I’m working on a baby blanket for a former neighbour’s first granddaughter. I’m adding gold thread here and there for when I’m watching the Olympics and we win a gold medal. Maybe as she grows up, she’ll be inspired to go for her own gold.
I try to pick up my hook or my needles every day. It is a good way to keep my hands busy so I can listen to the things my husband is telling me. It really helps me to pay attention and keeps my brain from going walk-about.
Besides, I just love your yarn and I have a really hard time putting it down
I crochet most days. Right now that would be 4-5 days/week.
I craft every day, it’s like a therapy for me.
I craft almost daily, just the craft varies. Currently, I am obsessed with crochet, but I have done cross stitching, colouring, sewing and others.
Hi sweetheart, been a slow year for my crafting. I was having a lot of pain in my hands and wrists since Christmas.
Gladly since July I’ve been able to do more.
Also had the most beautiful day crocheting with my 12 year old granddaughter yesterday.
She made her first amigurumi and loves her little light.
I seem to craft seasonally – knitting during basketball season on the road (while the hubby drives), cozy evenings in the fall and winter months.
When I have a project going, I craft almost every day. But then I can have lulls, which last as long as it takes me to realize I’m missing crafting, which isn’t very long.
Nearly every day. I usually have 2 or 3 projects going. My latest addiction is lace shawls. I’m working on one now with your Pearlescent fingering. It’s SO soft!
When I have a project on the go – usually knitting, sometimes weaving – I’ll try to do at least 15 minutes a day! Definitely more likely to be crafting something in the fall and winter, but have tried to keep engaged this year in the summer, too
If I am sitting, I am knitting or crocheting, even in meetings!!
Hi Chandi! I crochet every evening. It’s how I wind down at the end of a day. I agree with others that it keeps my hands busy and my mind challenged. Learning new stitches and new combinations is a great process to engage in, too. And of course, your patterns and yarns are irresistable!
I don’t craft every day, but absolutely every week and usually a few times a week. I wish I had more time to do more crafts!
I wish I do crocheting every day, but in reality nowadays probably 3-4 days a week
Beautiful as always Chandi. I’m not crafting as much as I used to due to life circumstances. Trying my best to get motivated. Currently working on a blanket for one of my grandsons.
I try to craft as often as I can
Unfortunately, I have so little time for crafting beside my family and work. But I try my best anyway
Thank You for the possibility to win.
Hi Chandi,
I knit and/or crochet everyday for at least 15 minutes.
As we get closer to the holidays, I am crafting every day!
I try to get to some crafting (at least 30 min) daily, weather it be crochet/knit, or sewing/quilting – It is just the BEST way to decompress and destress
Thank you!
Several times a week.
I knit everyday.
Nearly every day. Even if it’s just a half an hour…I miss it when I don’t get a chance to either knit or crochet. It’s my relaxing time, cutting off from work.
I have discovered over the years that crochet and knitting are really good ways to create something and giving me the moment to decompress from my day. I can listen to music, a podcast or a film/series…. I have tried to integrate it into my daily life. It doesn’t always happen but I do manage to knit or crochet nearly on a daily basis
I knit every day. I LOVE your colors!
I knit whenever I find a few free moments to myself.
Hello! I knit every morning with my coffee! Then it depends on my day. Sometimes I sew, but knitting has my heart!
Hello Chandi!!
I usually pick up my knitting needles at least once a day, even just to knit a few rows. It relaxes me and I find it the perfect escape.
I have an etsy store, so I craft every day. If I’m not crocheting, I’m working with my criut or sewing. I just love to stay busy and create beautiful things.
I try to crochet every day or search for yarn or new patterns daily. I get your daily texts and so I look at all of the fabulous yarn and decide if I need new yarn or not. It is all so beautiful! It is hard to not spend the day or hours looking at Expression Fiber Arts website. The giveaway yarns are so beautiful as I love all of the pinks and purples and blues in there. I just passed my 35th year anniversary of being breast cancer free July 29th. I have been sharing my yarn with my husband’s aunt who is 88 and still knits and another friend that doesn’t have any and crochets for charity.
If not daily, then at least weekly. It normally depends on the project underway.
I crochet everyday. It’s my way to relax. I’ve been working on learning new techniques
I knit most every day! It’s one of the ways I unwind at the end of the day!
I weave on weekends and government holidays. I wish I had the energy to weave more often. Unfortunately, I still work and it can be mentally exhausting.
I craft in waves- start a project work really hard on it and then do nothing for a while. It depends I think on how the week is going and how tired I am
I crochet at least 4 hours a day! I average about 6 hours.. lol
I craft everyday, and usually have multiple projects going on. I find it is a great way not not only relax but pass the time on my commute (~ 1 hr each way on public transit).
I crochet almost daily, my birthday was July 27th and my husband got me a in-person knitting class, so now I am practicing a long tail cast-on and knit and pearl stitches daily.
I knit or crochet every day. Sometimes before work, after work, all day on a weekend! Or I’m reading and learning about yarn, sheep, knitting….. It is the thing that quiets my inquiry mind other than playing piano.
I am on vacation and knitting….and more knitting. Maybe I. Could knit sitting on the beach? How much sand can go into a sweater?
I try to craft (usually knit) every day. It doesn’t always happen, but I’m much happier when I’m knitting!
I knit everyday for at least 4-5 hours, I always make time for myself. I find it so peaceful being in my own little world
Hello!! I love crocheting!! i was just wondering if this beautiful yarn Chandi makes is good for crocheting?
I go through cycles of crafting, reading, and doing puzzles. So I craft for 1-2 weeks a month, then need to do something else for a while to reset my interest in my crafting.
I try to knit every day! I want to knit every day at least
Hello! I cross stitch daily. I found your gorgeous patterns and I’m trying to teach myself how to knit following your YouTube videos! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your knowledge and joy with others!!
I knit or crochet almost every day and currently have no less than 15 WIPs going, largely thanks to EFA and your awesome patterns/yarn. My goal, however, is to hopefully have those WIPs done by the end of the year and to enter the new year with a plan to finish a project before starting a new one. #goals
I crochet every day, and I’ve been trying to make a consistent effort at learning how to knit! I’m getting there!
I usually do some kind of craft daily, either crochet, knitting or quilting. But lately I’ve lost my crafting mojo. I don’t think I have done any crafting at all this year. But then the 100+ degrees weather hasn’t helped either. Hopefully my mojo will kick back in soon so I can make things for Christmas.
I knit every day ……. during the summer it’ll be on small projects like socks and then when the cooler weather arrives it’ll be sweaters and blankets.
I crochet nearly every day. I usually have two or three projects going at a time and switch around to keep things interesting. I want to learn to knit. I’ve tried but always seem to go back to crocheting, which is more in my muscle memory. Love your yarns. They are beautiful and delightful to work with.
I enjoy knitting through the autumn and winter months

Knitting is my daily dose of magic
! With every stitch, I feel my worries unravel (like a misplaced yarn thread
). I’ve been hooked for years, and my yarn stash is my happy place 
. Winning this incredible giveaway would be the ultimate yarn-filled dream come true – 44 skeins would keep me knitting happily ever after!
I knit as often as I can. I wish I could do it year-round, but my house is sometimes just too hot in the summer to knit. I’m currently working on a dress for my granddaughter’s 1st birthday! I won’t be showing it on the FB page since it’s not an EFA pattern or EFA yarn, but it is something I’m excited to be working on. I’ll get back to something using an EFA pattern or yarn after that. So looking forward to knitting most days again now that the weather has cooled a bit, I have so many projects waiting for me to get started. I’m thinking of trying socks next, but after that I’m hoping to work on a sweater. Thank you for all the beautiful patterns and yarns that you offer!
That’s wonderful, I’m sure your granddaughter will love it
I do some sort of yarn craft every day!
Hi Chandi, Tim and team! I pretty much craft everyday! Thank you!

The yarns for August are absolutely stunning. I craft every day if at all possible unless life gets in the way.
I crochet nearly everyday!
Daily crafter (1-2 hours a day) since April. 3 blankets completed (milton pattern, daisy grannies and african flower pattenrs). Feeling more adventurous now within thinner thread and hook sizes, ready to do more lacy styles shawls.
I started crocheting out of curiosity, and because family reunification in Quebec takes more than 3 years for a visa to be processed…. it’s been my therapy as I’m tired of waiting.
I knit or crochet usually at least 30 minutes a day, though which of the many projects I have I work on will change frequently.
I crochet at least 3x week!! I love it!!
Recently, unfortunately apart from mending things not as often as I would like.
I’ve just discovered your stunning yarns and designs from a knitting podcaster. The discovery is wonderful and has sent me on a colourful and vibrant journey around your uniquely dyed fibres and patterns. Inspirational.
I Knit, Crochet, and overall Craft just about everyday, if not every 1-2 days.
I try to make time for it every week. Even every day, if I can. I have to, because if I skip a few days, I miss it.
Every chance I get to knit and crochet, I try to get as much as possible done. I would like to do it every day; but can’t always.
Pretty much everyday. I love to crochet. I do knit some and my daughter and I try some other crafts from time to time. You have such beautiful yarn and patterns. Thank you for all you do.
I crochet every day. I have been crocheting for 50 years. I love it.
Not as often as I would like, I try to craft every day but some days I don’t get around to it.
I try to craft every day. It might not always be knit or crochet, sometimes it’s cooking, baking, smoking, cheese making, making stitch markers, or even gardening (it’s a craft). I just can’t sit still, and I love to make beautiful things.
I usually craft several days a week, if not every day. However, I can have months when I knit every day, and times when I don’t knit almost at all. For example this spring I knit pretty much every day, but then I got a problem and summer came so I started to do other things. Therefore I haven’t done any knitting for over two months. But now I feel it is time to start knitting again. Or perhaps crochet, which I learned last April.
I do many crafts but I make it a point to crochet or knit every day. It is “my time” to just sit and relax to reflect, listen to audio books or watch my favorite show on TV. It is truly therapeutic and I get a beautiful crochet/knit item out of it. I can’t think of anything better and encourage everyone to try it.
I craft every single day, whenever and wherever I can! Crocheting and knitting soothe my soul ♥
I crochet and always have at least one project going. I’m one third of the way through a baby afghan for my grandson due this fall. Unfortunately I now have a bad case of tendinitis and haven’t crocheted in two weeks. I usually crochet four or fives days a week.
I crochet almost every single day since I learnt the craft.
I go through phases. Sometimes I knit every day and other times I go a month without picking up a project.
If I include “perusing yarn websites and Ravelry” in my count along with dedicated knitting and crochet time, then I’m crafting at least every four hours.
Since I retired, fiber arts is a part of my daily routine. I always have a yarn project by my side or in my lap. Of course, I am frequently browsing or dreaming up new ideas as well. All a part of the process. It is the best feeling to finish a project!
I used to crochet every day! But lately i’ve run out of crojo and need some inspiration. Haven’t touched my yarn box in over a month
Though with Halloween and Christmas coming up, I know I’ll make some gifts and seasonal items. Just gotta find some good patterns
I knit as often as possible and is at least daily.
I do knitting or crocheting almost every day.
When I am working on a project, I work on it every day! I can’t wait to pick up my hooks and/or needles!!

I craft usually on the weekends and if I have free time during the week.
Hi Chandi. I knit or crochet daily. Usually with coffee before anyone else is up. And after dinner while watching TV with my husband. I always have at least 2 WIPs and many more just waiting.
The summer has been busy and I’ve not been able to carve out much time for crafting. But I’m looking forward to a slower pace and to some cozy knitting time in the fall.
I craft/knit/crochet as my hands will let me. I always have a few projects going. Knitting a boyfriend beanie, crocheting a baby blanket, altering some pants, and a couple beading projects.
Thank you for the opportunity to win your beautiful yarns…
I do not knit as much as I would like to. Usually, I knit during the week-ends (while watching a movie or t.v. show), as I tend to fall asleep watching t.v. during the week days after work, so that is too dangerous while knitting.
I also knit during vacations and holidays.
I try to knit or crochet everyday or I get cranky. lol