Hello, Lovely!
Here is our DECEMBER yarn giveaway!
I hope you enjoy this month’s hand-dyed yarn giveaway and if you want to go ahead and get entered check out the instructions below. ↓
TO ENTER, click here.
Also comment below and let me know if you have any holiday traditions!
•You will also receive a $10 voucher to our shop just for entering!
•Last month’s giveaway winner is… Justin Estrada – Congrats!
•Worldwide entries welcome.
•Winner will be chosen at random early JANUARY and announced in the next giveaway.
•You must be still subscribed to our email list at the end of the month to be eligible to win.
I hope you enjoy this month’s giveaway!
Remember to soak up THIS day! Know you are held and loved and guided…
We only have one tradition and that is make Tamles on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately that tradition has been lost since the death of my paternal grandmother. I tried to revive it, but now that Covid has hit we won’t be doing that this year.
Beautiful yarns! Have you ever considered telling what kinds of yarns are in your giveaway? I’m too much of a newbie to tell! But yet again the chance to be surprised by different yarns would be so much fun! I have purchased yarns before from other sites….just a few skeins…and they are no where the same quality as yours. You can really tell the difference. I’ve seen comments about how expensive your yarns are but it’s not just the yarn cost that matters in my opinion. The videos…the patterns…Pam…Chandi…and the help you provide make it all better. Every time I think I am going to slow down my buying…..BAM! There you are with something I just have to have. Oh well

The one holiday tradition we have, is to get everyone up super early and have a pajama picture before opening presents!
It’s always fun to see what crazy holiday PJs we find.
Happy Holidays to you and ur family Brenda. I agree with you. As soon as I say I want to slow down from buying yarns, BAM!! Chandi pops up
. I just love the quality of her yarns and the colors are so beautiful. So to me, the price is worth paying. I still have yarn from her that i haven’t even used yet but I want more. I’m sort of a newbie knitter. (I’m a crocheter) But the way Chandi explains and demonstrates makes me think I can knit anything.
Enjoy your holidays and make something beautiful with the beautiful yarn
Hi! Just saw your reply Deirdre. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Seriously though I never thought I could possibly be addicted to yarn of all things! I have quite a stash built up and I still want more too. Lol. I think my husband thinks I’m nuts. Just so much fun
Fantastic blues this month, Chandi
Even though I live in the states now and grew up in Germany, I associate Christmas with my polish roots since both my grandparents lived there. So for Christmas, I always try to cook some polish specialty, not all the dishes we would usually have but one or two, like “barszcz” and “bigos” because all of the other good stuff takes sooo much time to prepare. No idea how my grandma and mom are going it every year, kudos!
Kids in a lot of European countries also have an advent calendar. It has 24 surprises in it, one for each day until Christmas and I enjoy this tradition so much, that I still get one as an adult, however, now the surprises are knit related
What holiday traditions do you keep, Chandi?
See you Tuesday in your FB live!
Hi, my name is Nanna and I’m from Sweden. I just love your work, and this months giveaway looks absolutely fabulous! A tradition I started with my son is that on 1 st of Advent we build and decorate a gingerbread house, and then on Lucia (13th of Dec) he gets to smash it and then we eat it. I love the part when we hang out and build and decorate the house, I look forward to it every year <3
Gorgeous as always. We have a large family we all buy a gift for a specific amountand play a game, we draw numbers #1 picks a present , opens it, if nimber#2 wants it they take it if not pick another gift and so on. A gift can only be taken times.
Gorgeous colors! I love your yarns.
We usually gather with family, exchange gifts, and have a great feast! None of that this year, though
We make kolac a polish rolled bread with apricot, almond, and poppy seed fillings. Different fillings in separate l oil aves.
Beautiful yarn and thanks for the opportunity to win. Our family tradition is a nice turkey dinner. Our little family increase by one with the addition of a grandson. Good luck everyone!
Happy Holidays to you and your
Family Darling!! This Year it Matters more than ever
May the God of Hope fill your Home with all Joy and
Peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with
Hope by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

so Thank you Chandi and thank you your Family for all your hard work that you do all year for us!! you really go over and above for us Thank you.. We really do Appreciate YOU!! Stay safe, Healthy & Blessed 
I’m a long haul trucker and we’re almost always on the road over the holidays. We try to catch up with friends and have a special meal together cooking our version of “stone soup” where everyone throws something into the pot and we share what we have.
I’m afraid we just have simple traditions. Thnothing exciting or note worthy. But I always wish for snow even though it never happens
Our holiday traditions are to gather together and share hot cocoa, popcorn, Christmas movies, and memories. Family is so important
Being together is love
When i was a child my mother always made Danish desserts like fried Rosettes or fattimon ( sp) slrinkled with powdered sugar or Christmas stollen flavored with dried fruit. I did too for our kids when i was a stay-at-home mom. That was many years ago!
Our traditions include a tree, cookies, gingerbread house and church. And monkey bread Christmas morning.
Blues are my favorite. Beautiful colors
I make up small bags of treats for our neighbors and their dogs. Then my husband and I dress up like Santa and Mrs. Claus and we go around the neighborhood delivering them with Christmas wishes.
Our traditions include going to a tree farm and cutting down our Christmas tree, then we listen to Christmas music while we decorate. On Christmas Eve we usually have dinner with my parents and my aunt and uncle before church service, but none of that is happening this year. So instead my husband and I are planning a “fancy dinner” to cook at home…trying to keep things fun for my 6yo daughter!
Absolutely beautifully gorgeous colors. ALL my favorites … love them!!
Oh those hues speak to my soul, just wonderful
When the kids were little driving around to see the lights…..miss those days
OOOOh, so many beautiful blues! I want them all!
Blue, yummy!
I love your colorways. I ordered the Raven yarn to make a sweater for my granddaughter Raven’s 18th birthday. I’ll start it later this month. I wish I lived in NC because I would want to be one of your dyers. Oh well. If you ever relocate to Las Vegas let me know. Keep up the great work!
We’re missing traditional English Christmas at my in laws this year. My kids, the world’s pickiest eaters, LOVE the Christmas goose!
As kids we opened gifts on Christmas morning, but always got ti pick one gift tomopen on Chritmas Eve.
I call it my tradition to watch Pasadena Rose Parade.
Oh my goodness, this is giving me heart palpitations. I am drawn to blues, and these are gorgeous.
Love it! Best Give-a-Ways EVER!
It seems like this year has wiped out every tradition my family has/had. Blues are so fitting it’s sad. We live in Michigan, a lockdown state. Can’t family gather, can’t go to restaurants, barely allowed to shop other than walmart and Amazon. Pathetic. Schools are online only until ???????
Anyone with a job, allowed to work, is hanging on tooth and nail because they know all this unemployment is not going to go on forever. Work, be responsible, be adults. Hoping and praying that loyalty and respect for their employers will pay off in job retention.
I truly think it will be a blue Christmas for many this year, including me. I will stay at home, alone, and thank God that I’m alive and have a home. And say a prayer for peace on earth. And shamelessly a little prayer that I win yarn tt.
These colors make me happy.
Hello, my holiday tradition is letting the youngest child open their presents first! Also, making cookies, hot chocolate, and watching holiday movies! Then, having a huge snowball fight with my family. We call our relatives who live far away to wish them a Merry Christmas! I really miss them around this time of year, but they also live on in my heart! Hope every one has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I have entered so many times that I am about to lose hope in ever winning these yarn giveaways. But I won’t give up!
My favorite holiday tradition: When I was growing up, we would always attend (and frequently perform for – my dad was the church organist, and all of our family played instruments) a late-afternoon Christmas Eve service, then go out for Chinese food for dinner. After dinner, we would drive around the city and look at all the Christmas lights. Somehow my dad always knew how to find the best neighborhoods, with lots of houses lit up spectacularly. I grew up in New Mexico, so many neighborhoods would get together and put out luminarias (paper sacks with sand and a candle in the bottom) along their sidewalks and driveways, in addition to the lights on their houses and trees. When we got home, I’d go lay down under the Christmas tree and watch the lights while listening to Christmas music.
Though the Christmas lights where we live now are fewer and further apart than my childhood memories, we still do most of this with our kids every year.
Those colors are perfect for Chanukah celebrations!
I live them
Lots of our family traditions have to be put on hold for 2020. Darn cold!
What a beautiful batch of colorways! I would be honored to win this giveaway
We do not have any holiday traditions.
WOW what beauties could be made with that package.
All those blues are so beautiful!
We always make fresh croissants on Christmas morning!
First of all, these colors are beautiful, definitely my aesthetic. I hope I win.
As for traditions, my kids (all adults now) get together Christmas eve for finger foods and opening presents. Christmas day is more of the traditional sit down dinner while relaxing with each other and playing games.
Our most treasured holiday tradition is the advent wreath.
My family tradition is we gather at my mom’s late Christmas morning, have lots of coffee, eat lots of cinnamon rolls, then exchange gifts. I have a big family so this could take all day. We usually go to a movie after an early dinner. This year we will be doing everything just like we normally do… but my mom is shipping everyone cinnamon rolls, we’ll be shipping our gifts, and gathering in our PJs via Zoom and from 3 different timezones. As for the movie, we are setting up a GroupWatch on Disney+ but we are still arguing over which movie… so not much will be different than years past on the movie side!
Congratulations, Justin Estrada!! Expression Fiber Arts yarns do not disappoint
Ooooo wow.. just wow. I love all shades of blue!! I always wish you all good luck, but this time I wish myself all the luck of the world. Much love from The Netherlands and I do wish everybody a very happy December and please stay safe and healthy
We don’t really have any traditions anymore.
We use to get new Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve. And when I was little my Aunt Mary Ellen use to give us kids a new colouring book and crayons each as part of our gifts.
We open one small gift Christmas eve
My favorite color…blue.
Love, love, love these colors. As for our traditions, we bake like crazy and bring boxes to neighbors. With quarantine, I think we may take it up a notch and bring to a few more houses.
Love, love, love these colors. As for our traditions, we bake like crazy and bring boxes to neighbors. With quarantine, I think we may take it up a notch and bring to a few more houses.
So pretty! Love all the blues.
Holiday Traditions? Hmmmm. This year is going to be different; many of our traditions won’t be happening. However, we’ll have some new ones. One that remains is our Christmas tree. We always get a “funky” tree. Some might think of them as Charlie Brown trees, but really they just have funk! Often misshapen or with gaping spaces, they are wonderful for decorating….our ornaments really show up.
Such beautiful yarn. I love all your work!!! This year I took vacation after thanksgiving and I’ve been knitting like crazy. I think I will make that a tradition for future years!
We usually meet at my parents’ on Christmas eve and cook together. Everybody stands for one part of dinner, I usually take dessert. It’s always a bit hectic and messy in the kitchen, but I love having everybody around. As for this year … we’re still not sure about what we’ll do.
… and these blues in the giveaway are the best. I’m deeply in love … <3
I am so into blue’s right now! These are lovely!!
Even though I’m 42 with a family of my own now we still get up with my mom and sister at the crack of dawn so all of the kids can open presents together. We never went to having our own individual family Christmases. We normally rent a cabin somewhere remote to spend a few days together around the holiday.
Love this color Blues beautiful.. Every year about 20 members of my close family get together at one of my sisters house (which is the bigger house ) and we chose a theme this year it would of been (dress in Christmas colors ) and then we take a family picture in front of the Christmas tree.. but this year it will only be my family of 4 and 3 grand parents who live with me.. we made the sad decision to stay in our respective homes and be safe and healthy.. so far we have been blessed and not been infected with COVID-19.. well thank you Chandi stay safe and healthy… MERRY CHRISTMAS

My family tradition is to head to warmer climates for Christmas (I’m allergic to winter
Beautiful! Such spectacular blues!
My favorite holiday traditions are to decorate our family place, make the Olivier salad and the Dressed Herring (“the herring under fur”) salad and in the last minute of the passing year (we don’t particularly celebrate Christmas, I am from a multicultural country and the main celebration there is the New Year because it’s uniting all the people, doesn’t matter what’s their religion is) we write a wish on a piece of paper and burn it from a candle, then throw the dust in the glass of champagne and drinking it before the midnight. It’s a lot of fun! :))
Hi Chandi!
Our family tradition has changed now that our boys have families of their own! We go to my sons house, that lives locally (New Mexico) and celebrate on Christmas morning with them. We watch everyone open gifts and have a feast of a breakfast together! We then travel to Texas and celebrate with my other son’s family! Christmas is a family time for us and even with our crazy year we will try and keep our traditions in place!
One of our favorite holiday traditions is wrapping. We wrap gifts as a family in themed paper, even Santa!
My favourite colours Tradition is always to open one present Christmas Eve
Beautiful Chanukah colors! I would love to win them. Also, blue is my favorite color!
One tradition that we’ve always had is opening one gift on Christmas Eve!
Congrats Justin! I’d love to be the next lucky winner; the colours of the December collection are gorgeous! Speaking of December, my husband and I coordinate with our sons and their partners’ schedules (not always easy) and trim the 9’ tree from large totes of ornaments. Christmas music is playing, stories are shared prompted by the memories of the ornaments bought for a special occasion, on a memorable trip, or made by someone special! After 2-3 hours, we watch the lights with a glass of cheer! Happy holidays, everyone!
Beautiful colors! So much that could be made and perfect for the winter season!
Caroling with my family… so sad that Christmas will be so quiet this year…
Gorgeous colors! Would love to make some gifts with that yarn! I crochet blankets for the charity Project Linus but would love to make family some items too.
My holiday tradition is making my version of my grandma’s apple dumplings. They are a family favorite for the holidays.
One tradition we started a few years ago was to spend the day of Christmas with my parents and my sister. They come to my home and we enjoy each other’s company and we eat soup and chili. This keeps us from having to cook a big meal and we just get to enjoy our time together.
These are my favourite colours! Christmas traditions are opening 1 present Christmas eve and driving and seeing the lights on the buildings around town. On Christmas day waking up (always a good thing), spending time with family, giving the presents from beneath the tree and watching the dog rip into her tissue covered presents. Then it’s cooking up family recipes that have been handed down through the ages, and at the end of the day- eating homemade Dutch crumb apple pie. Then two days later it’s my birthday.
Oh I love these shades! So gorgeous!
I love these colors!
I won?! I can’t believe I actually won! I never enter these giveaways expecting to actually win! My heart is racing with excitement! Thank you, Chandi, for your generous giveaways!
The yarns in this giveaway are beautiful! I love the blue theme, very reminiscent of the different shades of ice.
Congratulations! Enjoy!
I didn’t mean to post this as a reply to you, Kelly. Sorry about that.
Love the colors!
Family traditions…my mom always had a Christmas craft to do on Christmas Eve. Other traditions were around special meals and specific artists of holiday music.
Absolutely stunning!!
We don’t have any traditions other than my (adult) daughter is crushed if she doesn’t have york peppermint patties in her stocking.
A Christmas tradition is choosing a theme for food and gifts. One year the theme was books. We gifted books to each other and the food would be inspired from our favorite books.
We usually all gather at my mom’s for a big gathering. My family stays a few days. This year will be rough
Watching every movie version of the Christmas Carol as close to Christmas eve, as we bake cookies
Spritz cookies. Homemade fudge. Orange/cranberry muffins. And we all talk about weight gain and dieting in January. Lol
My sister and I watch Miracle on 34th Street after lunch on Christmas Day.
This is a beautiful array of colors. Oh I wish I might!
My holiday traditions are baking and decorating cookies with my momma and delivering them to our loved ones!

I love anything hand made but Christmas items are my fave. I have so much fun switching up where the Christmas Elf doll that my sister made me 20 or more years ago gets to hang out.
My blues! Blue is the color that speaks to my soul, and in answer, it screams out for these. I hope the winner-picker hears it.
Good Morning, this pile of yarn is so much me! Christmas traditions: There will be herring salad on Christmas Eve (I think this has been the meal for more than 70 years in our family), some baubles have to be on the tree, or it won”t be Christmas.
Growing up, we always opened one present on Christmas Eve (it was always pajamas and a new book) and then did a breakfast casserole on Christmas morning. Now that I live away from family, I spend Christmas Eve in new pajamas watching Christmas movies (assuming I don’t work).
We always crack wallnuts and cut apples in half, to see if our next year will be happy! If the insides of nuts and fruits are healthy we will be healthy as well
Our holiday traditions include looking at lights, watching holiday movies and drinking hot chocolate. We put the tree up as a family while listening to Christmas music and make ornaments for a senior complex every year.
Oh these colors are so beautiful! My favorite Christmas tradition is our breakfast. I make Glazed Orange Rolls and a Chili Egg Puff (my mother’s recipes) the night before. Then I get up early and pop the egg dish into the oven so it is fresh and hot when the kids start to get up. We gather around the tree with our breakfast, some coffee or hot cocoa and try to guess what some of the presents are. Everyone opens the little presents in their stocking. The food and small gifts hold the kids over for a bit while we get the cooking started, then we come back and open the gifts under the tree. It wouldn’t be Christmas without those Orange Rolls!
Hello, I am French and I really like your wools and patterns. I tried to register but impossible, the “Sign me up” button doesn’t work… :-/
I did it ! I keep my fingers crossed and wish you a happy holiday season.
Our family has a tradition of getting up early, everyone still in their PJs, and going to Denny’s for a huge breakfast. The wait staff used to be overwhelmed, but they are used to it now. We always leave a tip that rivals the actual bill. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to do that this year, but we hope to get back at it soon.
Gorgeous!!! Blues are my favorites.
Your yarns are so incredible. I have become addicted in a very short time. This is a wonderful give-away. Even if I don’t win, I thank you guys just for being you!
Going to the Christmas Eve service at church. Not sure if church is even going to be able to hold the service this year.
We normally go see family, but this year will just be phone calls.
Love the colors of this month’s give away! I bake “Hungarian” cookies every year. Family recipe and I don’t why they are called Hungarian cookies. A Sour cream and yeast based dough with ground nuts and graham cracker filling . If I win I will send you some! LOL
Your blues are so calming and comforting.
Our holiday family traditions include listening to music, playing games, and all the aunts, uncles and cousins cooking together. It is a very loud, affectionate and fun gathering!
We love our animals abd our tradition is to have stockings for all of them too. So our cats and our bunny have gifts in them. Plus our Grandmotherbunny which will be 10 years old in february, she always gets a special chocolate treat which she gets to nibble on, directly from the x-mas tree.
Every year we go into the city and do all the Christmas things….but sadly that might not happen this year. We did go to see a local Christmas parade for the first time, so that might be a new tradition.
One of my personal traditions for December in the past few years has been reading Jeanette Winterson’s short story collection “Christmas Days”. A cup of hot chocolate, instrumental Christmas music in the background, and holiday themed short stories make for a wonderful little tradition of my own. Happy holidays, Chandi!
Hanukah candle lighting each night with a window full of menorahs, potato latkes, jelly donuts, various sticky sweet fried Jewish pastries from other regions. And dreidls-both traditional and electronic ones with lights and noises-marked with the letters that begin the phrase a “Big Miracle Happened Here”, different than dreidels from outside of Israel.
So many in my family! Some of my favorites is the candlelit fondue dinner on Christmas Eve complete with Christmas crackers and a plate of Christmas goodies and eggnog afterwards. I love turning my tree on first thing in the morning to enjoy the lights, and my grandmother’s fruitcake is a treasured treat.
In my household, we have Indian tacos on Christmas Eve. We also get to open one present Christmas Eve night.
One of our favorite holiday traditions is lighting the Hanukkah candles with all our children and grandchildren gathered around the table. Amazing how these colors lend themselves to Hanukkah! Your yarns are gorgeous. I was able to see and feel them at a friends over the summer.
We really don’t have any traditions anymore. It’s especially hard this year, not being able to see family. We’re more a “ fly by the seat of your pants” kind of folk.
Hey Chandi! I have enjoyed your product and videos for several years! Your outtakes always make me happy. Thank you for that.
My kids are grown; 36, 31, 29, and 25. And add two grand kids aged 11 and 9. Back with the birth of my first I started a tradition of decorating sugar cookies with the kids on Christmas Eve. As they moved away or couldn’t be at home we utilized the internet. This year will be no different. Decorating cookies in each other’s home via Zoom. Including the grandkids. Such a blessing.
Gorgeous yarn! You could make some beautiful sweaters with all of that! We always go to church Christmas Eve and maybe watch a Christmas movie, then open presents and play games on Christmas Day.
Hi Chandi, what we always do at Christmas is eat at grandma’s ^^ We all bring something to eat and we eat a kind of traditional Netherlands dish and enjoy each other’s company. This year I’m still not sure what and how or if anything is even possible because of covid… My grandma is 94 and I don’t want to miss a Christmas together. I’ve learned to knit from her and love to show her my projects. She’s so proud.
Let’s make the best of it! Greetings
Usually, my whole family goes Christmas caroling around our neighborhood on Christmas Eve. But due to COVID, I don’t think it will happen this year.
This year sees the start of new Christmas traditions. The arrival of my bonus granddaughter means that we’ll be planning our festive season around her.
We always make a Christmas plum pudding,served with hot custard.
We watch Jim Carrey’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas with homemade hot cocoa
Christmas Eve we attend our church’s candle light service, and we don’t travel for Christmas, so it’s just the immediate family Christmas Day.
When our children were young we had traditions that are no longer these days. For example, the children always had a tangerine in their stockings. They also had a new ornament that was theirs alone and that they put on the Christmas tree.
In the past few years, we created new traditions. Every Christmas Eve, we invite a senior person that lives alone to have a celebratory dinner with us. We always have a lovely evening and look forward to it every year. This year, Christmas Day will likely be spent taking care of family members in need. One person has Alzheimer’s and another has a severe disability. And maybe, just maybe, I will find time to knit a little bit and think of the real meaning of Christmas and offer gratitude for all the love that surround us.
My favorite holiday tradition was always our special Christmas Eve Italian dinner with shrimp and spaghetti, calamari and other fish. We did it my whole life. I took it over when my parents retired and sold their big house. 2 years ago one of my sons and his wife took it over so it’s just not the same. We try and include some of it in on Christmas Day. I really can’t complain since I’m not doing the cooking! Other traditions would be going to Fatima Shrine and looking at the Christmas lights display but they aren’t doing that this year due to the virus. There is a drive through lights display not too far away so we may do that if it’s open.
Our main tradition is we put up the tree in the first weekend of December.
We’re still coming up with new traditions for our little family. We had our first baby this year so I’m crocheting her a Christmas stocking to match the ones I made for us last year
Love love those blues

Love the colors! Our family makes and decorates gingerbread house or houses together. Older kids work on design; younger ones just put as much candy on as possible. Think it’s gonna be several small houses this year and a zoom get-together
First off, beautiful yarn. My Christmas tradition is having my family over Christmas morning to eat breakfast and open gifts. Everyone is required to wear jammies! I started this when my girls were babys and now my little guy is part of the fun. Hope you have a great holiday season!!
Lovely blues in this month’s giveaway, Chandi! I love that every year at Christmas time that my family slows down a bit and remembers the true meaning of Christmas!
Baking and decorating are among our traditions. Thanks
Walking around the neighborhood with hot chocolate to look at everyone’s decorations and lights
When I was growing up, our Christmas was celebrated on the evening of Christmas Eve, right after church. Why? My brother’s birthday is Christmas day, and my parents didn’t want him to have to share his special day.
We used to have traditions; but ever since my daughter grew up and married, they don’t exist anymore. We would go to a concert of a wonderful singer each year, make bunches of Christmas cookies and decorate the house AFTER DEC 15th. We would also go to our Church’s Christmas program each year ( will resume this activity this year). Of course the Christmas music would play all day
My tradition seems to be making something handmade (knitting, crochet, sewing, cooking…) for the people I love.
Not that I’m complaining, mind you!!!!!
Oh my – what beautiful colors. Our family tradition when I was growing up was having oyster stew for Christmas Eve supper.
Our tradition: Eating a lot of food and playing board games
A tradition that started 10 years ago, I knit toques (beanies, toboggans, hats) for my nephew and nieces each Christmas. Apparently these are only hats they don’t lose at school! As the kids are getting older they know a new hat is coming each year and now make requests. Thanks to the craziness of 2020, extra hats are getting tucked into their gifts this year.
Justin Estrada congratulations!!!!!!
For all of you, a lot of love and happy holidays.
What beautiful blues! My favorite.
We get out all of the Christmas decorations and let the kids have a ball hanging beads and garland everywhere. And then we pile them up in the car and drive them around to look at all of the houses decorated with lights and come home make hot cocoa for everyone and settle down to watch a Christmas movie, usually the Grinch or Polar Express.
When we were little, we would visit my Grandma who lived a few hours away. After having the big Christmas meal, we would open presents. But what I remember more than anything was supper from that night since they were egg rolls from the lady down the street who made them fresh. So I like to have egg rolls (even if they are frozen) on New Year’s Eve because it reminds me of when I was a kid.
I come from Poland. Here, December 24th is the time of a festive dinner consisting of 12 dishes. It is also worth adding that there is a superstition that you should try each of the 12 Christmas Eve dishes on the table. Otherwise, the upcoming new year may bring us bad luck. But before the dinner itself, we make Christmas wishes and share the wafer
Wow, fantastic colours this month
Our only tradition … whatever we do, we do it loved ones
Our tradition is having a day in our pjs, dress up the three dogs and have a early dinner and chill for the rest of the day
These are my colors! Please, please, please pick me.
Family tradition: We have a large family in multiple households so we rotate where we spend Christmas Day each year. Each “host” family has a special ornament to “hide” in/on the tree. All children 12 & under hunt for the ornament and whoever finds it gets to play Santa’s Helper and distribute the gifts from under the tree. The kids love the hunt & older ones will often just help a younger one find it so they can be Santa’s Helper. Lots of fun & laughter every time.
Well in Greece kids knock at the doors of the neighbours and sing for then Christmas Carols!!!!! I don’ t think it will happen this year because of Covid. And we make traditional sweets!!! I’m planning to cook them with my son!!! Merry Christmas!!!
I just found your page today! I haven’t been able to find the time to do crafts or crochet since I was in school for a while. I have decided to take a hiatus from school for a year until things get a bit more better.
My holiday traditions for the last few hears have been to go home with my partner to Arkansas where his family lives. Their house is far from others and far from any town, lots of open space and chicken coops. I hope to be able to do some of the nature trails near their house. They have Traditional Christmas’s, his dad used to be a preacher. It’s been tradition to prank his family, though we aren’t sure what to do this year. It will be fun though.
One of our Christmas traditions is to bake a dessert together.
My tradition has been to bake, both savoury and sweet. I used to take a huge box of homemade goodies to work in the new year. Sine I retired, I did cut back somewhat. There may only be a couple of things baked this year unfortunately
No holiday traditions, we don’t celebrate, but really hoping for a win this month. These colors are amazing and my favorites!!
Usually every year we go to the Christkindle market in Chicago with my daughter. She lives an hour from Chicago, and we live in Michigan, so it’s been a tradition every year since she moved there after college
Such colors! If I am lucky enough win, might just sit there sqeezing them.
Cool and frosty, I like it. Wish you a very merry Christmas.
Unfortunately covid has kept a lot of traditions with family out of reach but one small one is me and my 2 youngest children pulling out the christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving. Also, opening presents on Christmas morning. I remember the excitement waiting for everyone to get up. We put on Christmas carols, drink eggnog, and open gifts. We’ll be missing one family member this year but she’ll be in our thoughts!
My only real holiday tradition is to celebrate my birthday, which falls on Christmas Eve.
Cheese fondue on Christmas Eve is one of our favorite family traditions.
We have a lot of Christmas traditions, the most important one being dinner with parents and siblings. This year, we’re doing it a little differently, with a group video chat.
Wonderful blue, like every time. I don’t really have a tradition for Christmas, but this year is special we won’t see our families to preserve them. So for once my kids and my companion are going to celebrate Christmas at home, I hope there will be a lot of snow so that I can take a long walk to enjoy the lake. And also spend time making small cakes and other good French or other dishes for that matter and take the time to do artistic activities with my little boys.
I don’t have any traditions really. I want to change that though.
Favorite tradition is the gift wrapping shenanigans with my husband the night before Christmas. Little wine and binge watching Netflix…perfect!
Hi Chandi,
The colorway for December is absolutely gorgeous! I am a September girl and we tend to gravitate toward these colors.
As far a Christmas traditions go, we always got to gather as a family at my parents house. Then we all got married, some moved away, the rest stayed local but our family and the inlaws it was never the same.
We always made Baklava and Greek Butter Cookies for dessert. As my Mom got older I took over the tradition.
My youngest son moved to S Carolina this fall, so he won’t be here, we lost my Mom in July and my hubby was diagnosed with Lymphoma in June. We will have a very quiet holiday. It will be us, my oldest son and his dog and our 3. I’m so not into it this year, I’d just like to get on the ferry and go over to Martha’s Vineyard by myself for a few days. I just need to get get away from here for a little bit
Your tradition sounds lovely. This year has been hard, and I completely understand your desire to just get away. I think my big dream would be to go away, somewhere quiet where I can just watch the snow come down and sit by a fire and knit until my fingers lose all sensation. I just wanted to let you know that you aren’t alone, it’s a tough, tough year.
My dad passed away when I was 11 years old. He was only 51. My personal Christmas tradition is to remember and honor him. I remember as a child having the fear of forgetting his face. I still have that fear all these years later. I’m 61 now. His birthday was Dec. 26th so it makes the holidays even harder. I remember as a child and even still, not liking the song I’ll be home for Christmas because I knew he would never be back home. But I feel that I was blessed to have such a kind, gentle, generous
father, something not everyone has and that God gave me that gift as I was adopted at 3 months old. So I will do as I do all year long, keeping him alive in my memories, celebrating his birthday and remembering our last Christmas together.
We have a tradition every year that we pick a different member of the family to wear the Santa hat and get gifts from under the tree to hand out for everyone to open. Santa makes sure we all have a gift, then we open our gifts one a time so everyone can watch…. it prolongs the experience and we all get to oooh and ahhh over the presents. We also choose a different child each year to top off the tree with the Christmas angel when we all decorate the tree together. Christmas is such a magical time… so full of love, family, friends, lights, music, food and fun!
These colors are Devine! Perfect!
Holiday traditions before the kids grew up were making cookies and taking them to our friends & family. Watching the Christmas Story movie, eating popcorn, and laughing together. Now that the kids are adults and we are alone my husband won’t join me in traditions. So, we make new ones. Throwing hatchets while friends enjoy a small open fire, we sip scotch, what can go wrong with fire hatchets and alcohol.
Chandi & Tim, May the New Year bring you joy, hope, friendships, health and…freeedooom!
Growing up, my family was’t big on holiday decorating at home. We began putting up a tree when my brother was 3 yrs old (I was 13). We made many of the decorations, including drawing Santa’s face & hat on white construction paper & coloring the heck out on them. We’d hung them on the tree using paper clips. We did have other cool traditions instead. Since I was 4, I knew (from very mean kids) who santa was. My parents tried to divert my attention, but they were big on honesty & honor, so no lies. Instead of letting me be sad, they showed me the real spirit of the holidays, the began taking me along with them in their yearly tradition. I found out THEY were santa for poor children. The would but toys & deliver them to the houses of disadvantaged families. I began to deliver toys with them. For Christmas eve, we’d join my moms uncle and his VERY large family & go home to be Santa.
Be safe & happy!
HOME ALONE !!!! A must !!! The first movie that starts after Thanksgiving ! Normal Holiday traditions will be on hold this year . But…. more Hot Chocolate and Movies will fill in ! Chandi, thank you for a year of Wonder and Beauty FULL that you and Expression Fiber Arts have gifted us with . Sending my love and Best wishes to you and Tim and your team/families. Ever appreciative , (((hugs))) marcia
So many beautiful blues! I love them! No Monday Blues for me
Love the colors. Tend to gravitate toward the blues, but love really bright colors also. One of our holiday traditions was to go out after the sun went down and go see the holiday lights downtown and in our surrounding neighborhood and then come home and have hot chocolate.
Holiday tradition is going over to my husband’s mothers house on Christmas
Eve and opening 
My family and another used to go caroling together. All 9 of us would pile into the car (days of bench seats in front and before seat belts – Icringe to think of it now) and drive around town to carol at friends’ homes, taking in the Christmas lights on the way.
We make my grandmother’s and great grandmother’s cookie recipes and send them all over the country!
Not exactly a tradition but we started doing it when our first child was tiny. We wait till Christmas eve until after the kids go to bed then put up all the decorations and things so when they wake up on Christmas it is like magic.
My favorite tradition is just simply gathering with family.
Gorgeous colors! Happy Holidays!
Our tradition is to give something to someone we do not know. We started when my son was 1 and have continued and this week he will be 28. Our church always had a giving tree where you could select a family. Last year we gave by managing a charity event feeding over 150 families-most with children who had health issues. We had so much fun.
since the first winter after our firstborn son was alive, we have gone to cut our own tree. at 31, he loves this tradition, as do my husband and i. we usually go on a saturday around my birthday, 12/12. and make a day of it. cutting the tree, staging it in our house, putting on the lights, etc. i can remember going with my father to do the same thing.
making potaot latkes and applesauce with the kids is always fun…messy, but fun
My husband, sons, and I make cookie boxes for our family friends every year. Christmas morning we have sausage quiche and mimosas. My dad started that tradition and even though we lost him to cancer in 2006 and are now living all over the country it’s wonderful to know that we are all still sharing that tradition!
Listening to Christmas music but now as I’m older and restricted from being on a ladder, I put up easy-to reach outside lights on the back deck and front porch. I enjoy them so much and hope my neighbors do also! Since my husband passed away, decorating inside hasn’t been done (oh how he hated helping me with a tree) so now I make me happy with outside lights and garland. Prayers for good health and happiness to you and all those at Expression Fiber Arts!
OMG these are my favorite colorwaves!!!!
I make my mom’s sour cream coffee cake for Christmas morning. Now my granddaughter is starting to make it. She even wants to try to adapt it to make a pie. At thirteen she is quite the cook.
Every Christmas my family watches Home Alone and bakes bread and other goodies to bring to friends!
We like to get the whole family together, all the children and grandchildren, four generations, at least one night of Chanukah to all light the candles together.
I have been with my man for 5 years. He has this amazing young man that is now my son. They did not celebrate any holidays but i let them know. Enough is enough. We are going to get a tree with lights and enjoy the holiday spirit. Things have changed and so now we are changing things up. Which is something beautiful…..
Driving to see Christmas lights, watching Polar Express & Prancer, spending time with family, and going to church. Praising God for the Reason for the season. I absolutely love these colors. I can envision so many projects in my head. Merry Christmas, Chandi!
I love this time of year! We start it by going to pick a real tree the day after Thanksgiving. Then the season is full of Christmas cookies, and Advent calendar, puzzles and games with family.
My favorite Christmas tradition we have is opening up our Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve and making Chocolate biscuits and gravy for breakfast on Christmas morning.
The first year that we were married, we were living in Germany and my husband had to work Christmas Eve and through the night. When he came home for breakfast Christmas morning, I made homemade buttermilk waffles, fresh strawberries, real whipped cream, and fresh squeezed orange juice. This Christmas will be our 45th year of doing this. Our children look forward to this as much as we do.
We have so many traditions. My childhood memories are making cookies with my family. Everyone had a role in the process and by Christmas we had this huge assortment of wonderful homemade cookies to share with family and friends. I have revived the tradition with my grown children and my siblings. We plan a cookie baking day that is lots of work but also lots of fun and everyone goes home with an assortment of cookies for their families.
Absolutely beautiful yarn and my favorites, many shades of blue. Best wishes to you and Tim during this holiday season and in the New Year! I always get together with my sister and brother’s kids and bake cookies while listening to Christmas music and goofing off with the family. We bring all the cookies for dessert to whoever is hosting Christmas each year. It is alot of fun. Thank you for the inspiration, wonder, and joy you bring to all of us. I get so excited to open your emails and find the inspirational quotes and photography, beautiful patterns, and glorious yarns. Can’t wait to see what the New Year will bring. Stay well and inspire on!
Christmas cookies!
Although it won’t be the same this year, Christmas Eve day cookie baking every year since my two boys were just toddlers. They are 25 and 28 now, out on their own, and this is the first year we won’t be baking cookies together due to COVID. But you can bet your bottom dollar I will be baking and shipping!
Merry Christmas to you and keep on doing your thing because it’s a FABULOUS thing!
We have a few traditions. Opening ONE present on Christmas Eve, decorating sugar cookies, and hippopotamuses for the ladies in the family. XD The hippos are probably my favorite and came about from a random event at my in-laws’ one year and just kind of stuck.
These Blues are Lovely! Gorgeous! I always knit gifty things for close friends/family. I knit all year, so I make a variety of gifts: seasonal decorations, hats, mitts, shawls, totes, slipper-socks to name a few of the goodies I love to make and gift!
My only holiday tradition is that we all gather around my parents house for dinner on Xmas day
Such beautiful blues! It’s just my husband and I, and we don’t have particular traditions. I do like to take advantage of cozy winter nights to knit, though.
That is such a beautiful selection of yarn! You are so generous!! Some of our favorite traditions are setting up the tree and decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving, watching A Christmas Story with the kids, and (one of my favorites) is the peace and serenity of Christmas Eve, after the kids are in bed and the next day’s prep work has been finished. Those few moments of silence taking it all in, before the excitement that is sure to come the next morning after the kids have seen that Santa was here, just warms my heart.
Our Christmas tradition is to all make a Hot Chocolate , choose the same Christmas movie and watch it all at the same time in our individual homes.
We love to know that at the same moment in time we are all connected.
Hi Chandi! Our Holiday tradition is on just between my sister and myself. Since we were children, when Mom cooked the turkey, she would also throw the turkey neck in the pan. Of course it would get done first, and she would take it out to cool. My sister and I would break it in half and munch on it! Now, as adults, if we are celebrating together, we will still cook the neck!
We have, what we call, heart presents. Each person has one gift with a heart on it. These gifts are opened Christmas eve and is always new pajamas. Kiddos know exactly what it is, but love the tradition.
All Santa gifts are wrapped in plain red paper. And Santa never gives the best presents LOL! That is for mom and dad to give
Our Christmas tree always goes up December 6th (or close to it) and comes down January 6th (or close to it).
Our tradition is to have finger foods on Christmas Eve, and the kids could open one gift. Christmas morning breakfast was usually sausage balls. My kids are gown now and one lives out of state, the other is about 4 hours away. I don’t think I will see either of them this year.
Traditions in our house; making a Christmas cake in November, homemade mince pies, Christmas music on and a glass of sherry while prepping the food for dinner!
Watching Miracle on 34th Street – the original, when I can find it.
I’ve had the same advent wreath over 30 years. This year, during Zoom church, everyone lights their wreaths at the same time. So it is combining the old with the new.
Beautiful blue yarn to to crochet away the 2020 blues and WIP us into a gorgeous 2021!
Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!
After preparing a big Thanksgiving dinner I never wanted to repeat that at Christmas so we always did a big Christmas brunch and then had Christmas pizza for dinner. The kids liked it because, well, they loved pizza plus they got to spend more time playing with all Santa’s toys instead of sitting at the table for a formal meal and I got to spend time with them instead of knee-deep in cooking. Also no “5 days of ham” after just finishing the “5 days of turkey”!
Thank you so much for your generosity. Your patterns and yarns are stunning. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season.
We have lots of fun traditions. Baking gingersnap cookies, looking at Christmas lights, church on Christmas Eve, reading the Christmas story from the book of Luke, monkey bread on Christmas morning!
Merry Christmas!!!
Chandi, each color you create is better than the last one! The fiber world is grateful for you and your talent. Best wishes for a healthy 2021!
Our tradition is the family gathered around on Christmas morning and someone reads from the Bible about the birth of Jesus.
Then we each take turns seeing what is in our Christmas stockings before opening our other gifts.
Merry Christmas to you and your family and thank you for all your fiber inspiration and for all you do for the fiber world!
Wow! What a beautiful collection! Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Thank you Chandi for another wonderful giveaway of your beautiful yarns — this month you have all my favourite colours!
The only tradition I have at this time of year is to try to see the sun rise and set on the Winter Solstice.
In previous years I’ve gone to watch a local parade called Burning the Clocks. It winds through town with amazing illuminated withy and paper structures -which are all burned at the end in a huge fire on the beach – with a finale of fireworks; it’s magical!
My daughter and I always go walk the neighborhood to see the Christmas lights
What beautiful yarn! My Mom and I enjoy spending Christmas eve and Christmas morning together, even though I’ve longed since passed Santa age. Now I love playing “Santa” for her.
This year, unfortunately, it looks like that’s not going to happen on December 24-25 this year, but maybe we’ll just do our Christmas traditions twice in 2021.
WOW! This give away is definitely my favorite so far. The blues are my favorite color range and these are amazing. Great choice Chandi. If I am lucky I will be jumping up and down. LOVE IT!!
As for traditions, as a child Christmas was always spent with family. Cousins and Aunts and Uncles were a big part of the holiday along with Grandparents. Lots of great decorations, a nativity in the front yard that was made by my uncle’s father, cast plaster figures that were 4ft tall and a manger that my dad made out of wood. This was amazing in the snow and all lit up at night. My brother and I would carry out all of the figures and animals every day and put them up at night for safe keeping. It was so special.
May you and your family and team/families enjoy the Holidays and may we all have a better and healthier New Year. Thank you for all you do to make our fiber arts fun and wonderful.
Hugs and a safe and Happy year
Even though my kids are adults and not living at home any more, I still give them pajamas and an ornament.
My personal tradition is to switch out all my regular coffee mugs for my Christmas mug collection that I use from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day.
We’ve always done Advent calendars for the family and shared a little reading or act of kindness challenge with a small gift each day. When kids were little it was easy to please them with candy or small toys. Now that they’re getting older we put together a lot of custom made advent calendars, and yarn is always a favorite in mine!
Our traditions have to be pretty flexible, to work around everybody else’s! My little family gets together sometime between late December and early February (yes, one year it took that long to find a workable date) and does the feasting and gifts thing.
When I was a kid, I always got “something warm”, usually a flannel nightgown, for Christmas Eve. I’d love to bring that back somehow.
Hi Chandi! Our holiday tradition is decorating the tree on Thanksgiving evening. We also have appetizers and wine on Christmas Eve while opening 1 gift of choice.
This Christmas, like every other one I’m busy finishing up my knitting projects (or hoping that I get the three gifts that I started all done on time!), and baking the treats that only make an appearance once a year—shortbread and butter tarts! I swear though that unless I hide or freeze my goodies, they disappear as soon as they come out of the oven! Lol
What an absolute stunning giveaway. Those beautiful blues are just gorgeous. My children still have Advent calendars even though they are now adults. I won’t be seeing them this year due to the pandemic but we can facetime and hope that next year will be a better one for the whole world.
Our traditions have changed as children grew up married and have children of their own. We are leaving 12/12 to spend an early Christmas with our youngest son and his 4 children in Hawaii. It will be different this year! Only 4 days there. We will spend either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day with our oldest son and his 2 children here in Alaska. I don’t know the “format” yet, but there is always good fun, love and a great time together!
Lovely blues this month! Mostly just look forward to the collaborative effort of making our family meal.
We typically go to a Cuban restaurant with my MIL in Miami on Christmas Day. Not this year, we can’t risk visiting her. Sigh.
Thank you for your generous giveaways. Happy holidays!
Every year I make a Steamed Pudding from a recipe that’s been in my family for generations. It’s a lot of work, but delicious!
Well it’s odd, but we watch To Kill a Mockingbird while decorating the tree. I think it’s just an excuse to make sure we watch it at least once a year! We also believe Die Hard is a Christmas movie
Godd luck to everyone!! My biggest family tradition is getting the tree, putting up lights and decorations while listening to holiday music. Ahhh, the smell of the tree gets me every year.

Thank you Chandi & Tim for your generosity and kindness. Your beauty shines inside & out! Happy holidays to all!
After my grandma died all our traditions went as well. My brothers started all new stuff with their wives. I think the only thing we all still do is eat tamales!
Me and my son watch movies on Christmas Eve and Christmas day.
We decorate the tree on Christmas Eve while watching Its a Wondreful Life and drinking hot chocolate. Everyone gets a new ornament every year, this year I knitted an ornament for every one.
My family gets together for a PJ party every Christmas Eve!
We love watching “The Holiday” (movie), but we sort of have a habit of watching it all year so I’m not sure it counts anymore as a winter holiday tradition for us!
Hi Chandi, those colors are beautiful.
When our boys were young we would go to the tree farm and have a great time picking out the Christmas tree. Now that they are grown and have their own families they do this with their own boys. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.
Such beautiful yarn! My family didn’t really have any holiday traditions, but my husband’s family has more than enough to make up for it! Rusks (dried bread with cardamom for dunking in coffee), a Swedish cheesecake called “ostakaka”, ginger snaps, and plum pudding just to name a few… ( yes, most of the traditions are food lol). Happy Holidays, everyone!
Ours is very simple- hot chocolate with as many mini marshmallows as the kids want in it, by our fire place, with a bunch of pillows on the rug, either reading or playing board games… Practically every weekend in Dec. until after the new year.
With this cozy feeling, I also want to say Thank you Chandi, for the giveaways, and for all the beautiful colors you bring into my life thru yarn.
Have an awesome holiday season, Chandi, Tim, EFA team and dyers! May the new year bring you all more joy, and more success.
I forgot to mention, as always, the yarn colorways for the giveaways are gorgeous!!
I live in a different state from my family, am single, and haven’t really celebrated Christmas for a long time. I don’t miss it at all, rather I am grateful that I don’t feel the need to rush… and buy buy buy… and decorate and then take it all down… I see so many people engaging in frantic craziness, going into debt buying gifts, being exhausted or even a bit resentful. So I keep it simple, it’s just another day. When I was working as a nurse, every year I volunteered to work both Christmas and Christmas Eve so coworkers could be with their families. Now that I’m retired, I need to look for another way to give back.
Chandi, in your email you said, “I was thinking one day how we are all like a string of pearls or beads – separate, unique and precious. And yet, each action taken by one, affects the other. We are all connected.” This is much like “Indra’s Net”, an East Indian concept to illustrate our interdependence. It is an infinitely vast net with a jewel at each intersection of the fibers. Each jewel is reflected in each of the other jewels.
Shine on, sweet Chandi.
We continue our German tradition and celebrate
Christmas on the 24. at our house and opening presents after dinner.
We recently began celebrating Kwanza as a family, so that’s a new holiday tradition for us. Another is staying up until midnight and opening presents then (although, we live in the PNW, and most of our family is in the midwest, so it’s actually 9pm when we open presents because we do a video chat with our midwest family at midnight their time).
That sounds lovely, Chevon!
Thank you for all your beautiful yarn and tutorials. .
Last year we started a new tradition of the family pjs when we had the family cacation at Disneyworld. This year i sent some to everybody that way we can be together even though we are not together.
Amazing colors. So vivid and lively for a cold winter’s knitting!
Our family’s traditional Christmas breakfast includes fresh hot cinnamon rolls and bacon and swiss quiche. I prep the quiche the night before by baking the pie crust, frying the bacon, shredding the swiss cheese, and putting them all together–minus the eggs. On Christmas morning all I do is scramble the eggs with milk and seasonings, and then pour it in the piecrust and pop it in the oven.
Our other family tradition is the “Finnegan Family Fight over the Christmas Lights.” My husband wants to “Griswold” the whole house and I am happy only with simple elegance. You see why it is an annual event. LOL
I don’t really have any traditions but when I was little, I watched all of the Christmas cartoons on TV like Frosty the Snowman and How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
Those blues are beautiful, to say the least. We always go for a walk on Christmas Day, no matter what the weather!
We start watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving–it’s a wonderful diversion from the ho-hum of everyday until you get to the end of November!
Decorating the tree. Nothing too creative, I fear.
Such beautiful shades of blue. We didn’t really have traditions growing up, so I began a tradition when our kids were young (in the late 1990’s) to make buckeyes for friends and family.
We have lots of traditions for the holidays, but a really fun one is that we take shots of whiskey followed with a spoonful of honey at Christmas Eve dinner. We go around the table doing it, and you aren’t allowed to pour your own.
Normally, we load up the car and spend time with out-of-state relatives. This year we are shipping everything and scheduling FaceTimes.
We watch White Christmas every year! Its just such a classic, and it’s perfect for getting into the Holiday mood. My mother in law also bakes cinnamon rolls with a recipe that she only pulls out for Christmas, and man, are they better than any Christmas present.
One of my favorite holiday traditions was going caroling.
First, Beautiful Colors.
Our tradition in our family is on Christmas evening 24 December.
We garther with the whole Family (brothers in law/Sisters in law, all the children and grandchildren) at my home. We have a Christmas dinner. Gifts for the little ones.
Only this year, it’s the first year with only my own Family. No Christmas dinner with everybody.
Because of Covid19.
I hope next year it’s better for all of us all around the world.
Stay Safe
Oh my how beautiful colors this month.
I have to go shop my local yarnstore, lankamaailma, and get me some more..
I love the yarn colors in this month’s giveaway. Blues and greens are my favorites. Since I don’t have any children at home anymore I don’t do most of the things I did when they were growing up. I will make a prime rib roast for Christmas dinner, which I’ve done for many years now. And I will watch the Santa Clause trilogy of movies on TV. Wishing you and your family a very Merry. Christmas

These are beautiful yarns!
This year I’m starting a new tradition, everyone is being gifted local and handmade. A lot of the items Being gited are made by my sister and I! I do fiber crafts, she makes soap.
Happy Holidays!
My mom always throws a big party at the beginning of December and it’s always a lot of fun! Even though we won’t be doing that this year, it’s ok, because there will be many years to come! Since it is a lot of work to throw such a big party, we are looking at this like a vacation year! Hahah! We have lots of other traditions too, that won’t be lost this year, like looking at the neighborhood lights, and making cookies to swap. We also are also watching a ton of Holiday movies, which is always our tradition too!
It is such a beautiful and welcoming space and I’m glad I found it along with my friends. Thank you everyone!
Also, I want to say, and I know this won’t give me extra points for the giveaway or anything, but since I’m here, I love this community of yarn
New pajamas under your pillow Christmas Eve to wear when we open gifts from Santa and family on Christmas Day.. Christmas punch is served in a large coffee maker and is available Christmas Eve and Christmas Day- makes the house smell wonderful!! My Mother insisted on Classical Christmas music and carols (no Rock and Roll or pop Christmas music) for the month of December. And she played it all day long. I am from a very large family and many of my childhood traditions are still followed.
The littlest one in the family gets to come to the living room where the stocking are, first. After the stockings are opened, we put those toys away and eat breakfast before opening gifts under the tree. The afternoon is spent writing ‘thank you notes’ before we can use or play with, our gifts.
Gorgeous yarn!!! We have so many traditions, advent calendar, Christmas movies all through December ending with 24 hours of Christmas Story on Christmas Eve, planting amaryllis bulbs, reminiscing about how we acquired out tree ornaments as we decorate, and many others. Hope everyone has a happy holiday!!!
I just want to roll around in that sea of blue yarn! Our holiday tradition is to go out to eat Christmas Eve at our favorite Chinese buffet, then ride around town looking at all the decorated homes, and finally settling in at home in front of the fireplace with hot buttered rum or hot schocolates and read Christmas ghost stories to each other.
We started a new Holiday tradition this year by making Gingerbread Houses! It was great fun, even if my grown nephew’s collapsed twice!
Blue is one of my favorite Christmas memories. That year we got all blue silky covered Styrofoam ball decorations for the tree and my baby sister baby was fascinated by all the glitter and the excitement.
Your yarns are both lovely and luxurious. I love the feeling of them running through my fingers.
Happy Holidays!!
We have many Christmas traditions! One that came from my husband’s family that I particularly like is that we open packages one at a time. We all watch to see how the recipient reacts to the gift. It raises our appreciation for the gifts and for each other!
Hello. Our family tradition is having a Christmas party where all of the family members come to have a great time, great food and a Secret Santa gift exchange!!! Blue is my favorite color!!! Lots of shawls and socks to knit!!!!
Such beautiful colors!!! Christmas traditions I grew up with and that are very sentimental to me are going to the 11:00pm Christmas Eve Service, coming home afterward and enjoying chocolate fondue, and then opening our presents.
My favorite tradition at Christmas, was having my father dress up in his sweatshirt and sweatpants that said “Bah Humbug”, but that was farther than the truth. He loved watching his grand and great grandkids open gifts. He passed away on Halloween of this year. Who knows maybe I will make up my own Bah Humbug shirt and sweatpants.
We also watch the 1938 version of A Christmas Carol, my absolute favorite
Thank you Chandi for having some of the most beautiful yarns to play with.
Sending love & a Merry Christmas to you, Tim and the team!! Hugs!! Sherry K.
Sending you love Sherry.
May all have a Merry Christmas a blessed joyful New Year. Several new items I learned so far during this Advent season besides explain the symbols on a Jesse Tree is following these wonderful ideas. Someone I know told this to me and with our values and economy it makes perfect sense. So here goes this year you give your children 3 main presents. This is based of the fact that Jesus received three gifts on Epiphany. So lets see the first gift Jesus received was gold as King and in our times that would be a special gift from everyone in the family. The second gift was frankincense which represents wisdom and prophet so this is something which strengthens both ones Spiritual and knowledge. The last is based on Myrrh is the gift of salvation which we share with one another just like Jesus is to be shared with the rest of the world so this present is to be shared with others. Oh and in our house Santa only gave one present many words were said all the good children gifts had to fit in the sleigh. I am still working on getting everyone new pajamas on Christmas Eve so they would look great in the pictures on Christmas morning. Still trying to get Christmas cards on there way, gifts to a Senior citizen home, gifts for moms in Shelter, hat and scarves to various people other events occur and one responds in faith. There is also cookie baking but this year one has to settle for driving local to see lights, one doesn’t want to get trapped in another city due to new lock down rules. Getting hot coco cookies, tamales and various DVD’x and Holiday music ready and praying for snow. We have watched many specials and are still chasing others down. Also lots of WIP’s to finish many are from the designs which have been beautifully matched in color and yarns. Looking forward to the New Year.
I always create a family shirt and print it up on tees or sweatshirts. The whole family loves them. They’re covered in family inside jokes, silly things the kids said when they were little, etc. They’re a hit every year.
One of my favorite traditions on Christmas is to get together with family. I know that will not be possible this year but no matter how far apart we are we know the love for each other can’t be restricted.
The one tradition that my daughters have taught all of our family and friends to love is the making and eating of the Scotch Eggs. Boiled eggs wrapped in sausage and then a baked crust. So yummy! Lots of lovely, lovely blues! my favorite color.
Our biggest tradition is to RELAX, no pressure to be perfect for anyone over the Christmas season. Be inclusive, make guests comfortable. Serve good food, be good people and let the love flow..
Thank you for the opportunity to enter to win the gorgeous yarn!
Our Christmas tradition is spending quality time together on Christmas Eve and Christmas- making gingerbread house/creation, baking cookies for Santa, reading Twas The Night Before Christmas and Luke 2:1-20 on Christmas Eve.
I hope you and your family have a safe and happy holiday!
Thank you so much for another wonderful contest. Your soul is a beautiful soul and I love reading your emails and seeing your joy on your YouTube videos. I am learning to crochet snowflakes based on your video and I have never crocheted before. Ok as for traditions we go to church year round but on aChristmas Eve, I find myself feeling joy, calmness and excitement all at once. Then we come home and put on our new Christmas pjs, have some snacks and watch a black and white Christmas movie like “It’s A Wonderful Life”. We stay up late and just relax. My husband makes us breakfast and cooks our Christmas dinner. Then we have video calls with our families, as we live very far away. Also we spend time watching Christmas movies and playing board games. We also send homemade cookies to our neighbours in decorative Christmas tins. I also make a Christmas craft to put in the Christmas cards we mail. Also every year we make a gingerbread house. Merry Christmas everyone and a New Happy Year to come.
Oh my gosh, those are gorgeous blues!
One of my holiday traditions is baking cookies for my family and friends. I’ve been putting it off so I don’t eat them all before the holidays, but I should probably get started on that soon.
We have several holiday traditions. Since my husband was a first responder when my kids were growing up we did not often get to see him on Christmas. To bring the family together more, we did advent activities leading up to Christmas. We also left reindeer food outdoors so Santa’s reindeer could find our house.
Merry Christmas Chandi, hubby and wonderful crew that works so hard to offer the most delicious yarns out there!
And a merry Christmas to all my fellow Chandi fans.
One of my favorite traditions is decorating the tree with my daughters while having homemade cookies and hot cocoa, telling stories about when they were little. Also giggling at their Daddy as he wanders in and out sneaking cookies.
Oh wow, these are all so gorgeous! Traditions in my house are the tree trimming and gingerbread houses. Growing up, my extended family would gather under one roof- practically an all-day affair, with the cooking, playing mahjong, singing karaoke. Grandparents, my aunts and uncles with their spouses and children. Now that my cousins have all grown up (my younger ones went off to universities elsewhere, the older ones are married and expecting), we don’t do the massive get togethers any more (this being pre-covid). At least we still do our own thing in our homes.
IDK of this counts as a tradition, but I am never inspired to knit gifts until mid-December.
With my young adult kids, we just do whatever special things we decide that year. As long as we are together, it’s awesome!
Visiting family out of town. This year we will see one another and play games via Zoom.
Christmas tradition in my house is making and decorating sugar cookies with my daughter
One of our favorite traditions is starting Christmas on Thanksgiving. this year was a mini dinner with my husband’s grandparents. I made their gift extra early and we opened presents with them after Thanksgiving dinner. My husband and I have family all over Texas and we have to do gifts with them whenever we can.
Wow, these colors are gorgeous! My husband and I got engaged on the 23rd December, he surprised me when we were having our own little Christmas, just the two of us. So now we always have a little special Christmas on the 23rd, we make pancakes or waffles and bacon and we exchange 3 gifts each – one of which is a puppy calendar for the upcoming year. That’s our little tradition for 5 years now, and this year we will share it with our almost 1 year old boy. Thank you for another generous giveaway! Happy holidays!
One tradition I’ve kept from Switzerland (I moved to Canada as a child) is celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve.
Gorgeous colours – do you mean the winner gets ALL that yarn? The whole pyramid? That is so generous! Congratulations to Justin – I hope they have big plans for all that gorgeousness – my favourite colour was in that prize. I have no holiday traditions now as I am on my own and have no religious affiliation, but I do appreciate all the pretty lights and festive decorations that other people display.
Beautiful colors, I love them all
Thank you, Chandy 

This year I’ll stay alone at home and remember my sister who died a few days ago ( 5th. Dez) She went to bed and did’nt wake up anymore
Wishing you all the best, and the new year full of joy and happyness and health

These are absolutely gorgeous! My tradition is to make an ornament for everybody’s tree. This year it was a Santa pickle. Yes, a pickle.
Absolutely love this yarn! I would love a sweater made with it
No traditions since I don’t celebrate Christmas, but I always enjoy the time off from work, and take advantage of the opportunity to spend time with my family. Hoping this season will allow us to gather in some fashion to share our love for one another. I’ll take some time to knit of course, and browse for patterns to make something fabulous with the lovely yarn that I hope to win!
My family always did a pajama race (a competition to see who could get into pajamas the fastest after church) and then drink cocoa or something by the tree in our PJs and open gifts. It’s something I have a lot of fond memories of. Things will be different this year- my dad has advanced ALS- but I’m still hoping it’ll be a peaceful holiday that will leave us with wonderful memories.
Baking shortbread as gifts for friends.
I’m from a Portuguese family, and a Portuguese Christmas dinner is something HUGE! We use to make several dishes that are expected to be shared by the whole family and any occasional visitor for the next days. Since this year due to Covid it is only me and my husband, I’m making only a turkey – a whole turkey with all trimmings.
Our tradition is a private dinner on Christmas Eve with the kids.
My mother and I still carry on the tradition of making mince pies (traditional British Christmas pies) and pastilles which are savory pies with a cornmeal shell with a mixture of minced beef, raisins, olives and capers for the filling. My family has roots in Trinidad and Scotland so we try to combine both.
Thank you so much Chandi, your dye-er elves and staff! How beautiful. My tradition is having a Christmas Eve open house for friends, family, neighbors and anyone who has no place to go. LOTS of food, laughter, and joy! This year we will remotely celebrate and look forward to next year’s get togethers. We have a great opportunity to cherish our loved ones, our memories and reflect on all that we have been blessed with in years past. I will spend this Christmas Eve KNITTING and zooming with everyone!!! How cool is that?
Hoping to get to bake some holiday goodies with my granddaughter again, this year. Otherwise, our family’s most stressed over ‘tradition’ of “hope in all the various family gatherings, nobody goes to jail this (Thanksgiving and/or) Christmas!!”, should be easier to get through successfully!
Our tradition is Christmas Eve to celebrate, open presents from family invited to our home. Turkey, ham, stuffing, Brussel sprouts, dumplings, and pineapple fluff. Yum yum…. Then Christmas day is opening the rest of our presents.
Blues, blue-greens and purples have been my favorite colors all my life. My first real bedroom (at age 6) I wanted to be aqua. That was when I alwo picked out a huge pink plastic rose to hang over my dresser mirror. Believe it or not, my room today is still aqua as much as possible, and I still have the rose.
As a little girl, my parents didn’t celebrate the holidays as I do now with my kids. I didn’t have a Christmas tree and I didn’t get presents every Christmas. So, with my kids as a tradition we decorate the tree together and we take turns picking one new ornament to add to our tree each year.
Hi Chandi, our extended family of 29, will do carols & play Bad Santa every Xmas. We enjoy our festive Xmas gatherings. I love love your colors & you tube. keep up the good work!
Oh my goodness! That yarn is gorgeous! My traditions are simple. We share a celebratory drink, hot chocolate or something even more adult. And then we spend time cuddled up together enjoying the gift of each others love. Everything after that is gravy. Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to all!
My family tradition is the women and girls all get together to decorate Christmas cookies. It takes us the better part of a day to get them all decorated.
One of my favorite traditions involves my nieces and nephews. For the past 20+ years, when Christmas break comes, I travel to my hometown Roanoke ,Virginia and pick up as many as wish to come and bring them to my house in Jamestown, NC. I’m a retired Elementary teacher so the school age children and I had to compare calendars. They stay with me until Christmas Eve, when I would take them back to their parents. We would make cookies, make homemade ornaments for them to give their parents. Handprints were my favorite. We would turn them and paint to look like Santa, but it was actually a print of their little hands. We would go to the Children museum in Greensboro, take pictures with Santa, and drive through THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS at Tanglewood Park. We always have our traditional spaghetti dinner using my REAL Christmas China. All meals but two were cooked by me and they loved helping too. On returning to Virginia on Christmas Eve, it never failed, we would see a deer as we headed up highway 220. Needless to say, it was Rudolph in their innocent eyes.
I am fortunate and blessed to say I’ve done this ritual with three generations of nieces and nephews. So that’s nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews, and great great nieces and nephews. Truly a blessing. This year will definitely be a bit different with this Pandemic. With closings and curfews, things will be much different.
Gorgeous colours as always!! After years of fighting over which films to watch together over the holidays, my family and I came up with a new system, we are randomly assigned an actor or actress and we have to choose a film with them in. We’ve seen some really great films we would never have seen otherwise, and some really terrible ones too!
Happy holidays everyone!
Awesome selection, Chandi! Thank you!
Since the kids have all left home now, I’m making it a point of giving them all something handmade, eg ornament for the tree/shelf or small softie. This way, when my next phase starts, they’ll always have something of me with them during the celebrations and know that I’ll always be around.
One of my favorite traditions is decorating the Christmas tree with the Michael Buble Christmas playlist playing in the background. Couldn’t bear the excitedment so we caved and did this the day after thanksgiving!
We usually have a family feast but unfortunately this year due to covid 19 we’ll stay home with our children! Be safe and have a wonderful time with your loved ones!
Merry Christmas
!! My family and I love to just spend time together on Christmas. We play board games and card games and joke around and laugh.
Enjoy your holiday and stay safe, healthy, and happy!!
When I married my husband oh so many years ago we had to blend our Christmas traditions. My family always put the tree up 2 weeks before christmas and my husbands family put theirs up on christmas Eve. So we compromised, it now goes up (usually) the weekend after Thanksgiving. To be honest, when we were younger it was a week before christmas but over the years I seem to have acquired a ton of ceramic village pieces and it now takes longer for set up which in turn meant I needed to start sooner and the village pieces deserved to have some display time. (The meaning of that meant if I’m spending so many hours in setting it up then it needs to have more ooh, ah time.) Lol. it’s funny how it takes me 3 days to get it put up and get it looking perfect and only one day to pack it all away again. Tear down day is as soon as new years day is done. I did lose one christmas tradition and that was putting tinsel on the tree. I have cats and tinsel is bad for them but the one tradition I did keep was putting bells all around the bottom branches so when one of my kitties tried to go under the tree than a bell would ring and I would know what they were up to and chase them out from around the tree. They turn 6 this year and except smelling it when I first put it up they don’t seem as interested in it anymore. We’ll see, it is only the firs week after all. Plenty of time for getting into trouble.
We usually have everyone all together on Christmas Eve night and then after go to drive to see the Christmas lights. This year is going to be different though.
My favorite thing to do is make my Mimi’s shoe-fly pie inspired coffee cake. I have had to alter it to make it gluten free but otherwise it is the same and it reminds me of all the wonderful Christmases we had together. We also only ever had it (and still just have it) at Christmas so it feels even more special.
Hi! Our family tradition is to eat homemade pasta for Xmas dinner!! We make everything!
It is my favourite Christmas activity to watch White Christmas with Bing Crosby and Danny Kay. It makes everything feel so christmasy I just love it!!
our tradition is making hundreds of sugar cookie cutouts and decorating them while listening to Christmas music. I love knitting or crocheting by the fireplace as well!
My favorite Christmas tradition is driving around to see all the lights. We take an evening and go to our favorite community lights as we listen to Christmas music on the radio. We have found some of our favorites just driving around. We are together and cozy in our warn car.
our holiday tradition is eating chocolate and reading in bed on Christmas eve!
Beautiful yarn Chandi, absolutely gorgeous blues! My favorite color other than sparkle!! Lol Much love happiness & joy over ur holiday Chandi n’ family

We normally get together all the family on both husband’s side and mine, for a huge family dinner.. this year is without both our mothers and with covid not in person. I working on convincing everyone to run a open fb live or zoom for a few hrs over a set dinner time that way we can all still share in conversation, love and togetherness!

& Yarn! 
Every Christmas, my family sit together and watch ‘ It’s a Wonderful life.’
Our Holiday traditions are having our kids leave a plate of cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for Rudolph on Christmas Eve just before they go to bed!! I love how excited they get!!!
The colors are gorgeous! One of our traditions is to make sticky buns for Christmas breakfast. We also spend Christmas Eve with my grandfather as it is his birthday.
Each Christmas Eve, I make a very large feast, including lots of appetizers, for family and some friends. Sadly, this year will have no feast. My husband and I will drive around and deliver candy, truffles and cookies to friends and family while keeping distance and wearing masks.
Be still my heart! These are some of the prettiest blues I’ve ever seen! Christmas usually has my son and his wife over for gift opening in the morning, then head over to my sister-in-law’s to visit with the in-laws. Then off to my parents for a yummy turkey and a Yahtzee tournament!
This year we will attend Christmas Eve service virtually. On Christmas Eve we always open one present before we go to bed. On Christmas Day we make breakfast together and then we will open or presents. It is a time to feel joy and my son and I will enjoy each other’s company. Wishing you and your family a happy safe holiday.
Thank you for the chance to win such beautiful yarn.
I’ve just purchased my first home and am making new traditions!
Pillsbury cinnamon rolls first thing Christmas morning just me and my daughter before her Father got up! It was our time.
Or tradition is to start the day with ‘rock melon wrapped in prosciutto’ Yummo! – the start of a week of eating great food,

family friends and laughter!
THANK YOU Chandi – you’re my Saturday morning treat lying in bed with a coffee listening to your vlog-
Beautiful blues! A wonderful collection of yummies!
As a child, our traditions were very simple – open presents christmas morning, my mom would make a yummy breakfast casserole, and we would laze around all day. As an adult, my husband and I continue the breakfast casserole and be lazy traditions, and sometimes we add a little somethin’ somethin’ to our morning coffee (hello bailey’s!). Oh, and now we watch Die Hard!
Each year we buy a couple of Hallmark tree ornaments and put them on our tree. You will see a lot of Peanuts gang characters, looney toons characters, penguins, santas, angels, and snowmen on our tree. Other ornaments commemmorate major events in our lives. So, essentially our tree is a memory tree, reminding us of happier times in our lives.
Our holiday tradition is a Christmas Eve curry at our favorite Indian restaurant, and a lazy Christmas morning in pajamas
May you and your family have a safe and memorable Christmas. You always outdo yourself with your vibrant colors and soft, buttery, squishy yarns. This month’s give-away is no different. May the lucky person enjoy the love you put into making your wonderful yarn.
We have the tradition of opening presents with those that sent them via video chat if we can’t be together.
Since my kids have all grown up we now get together on the Saturday before Christmas for a family Christmas. This way all the families can stay home with their kids and maybe visit the relatives on the other side of their families.
The tradition I miss the most is New Year’s Eve. Parents and kids would stay up late with whole family playing board games and nibbling finger foods.
We lived in a big city which meant lots of traffic and alcohol-fueled accidents so staying home was safe and lovely. My folks did this with us and I continued it with my kids.
Hi Chandi,
Love the colors of your yarn.
I love Christmas when everybody is happy and try them best to bring joy and happiness to the others.
we just gather around a big table filled with many delicious dishes, changing gifts…enjoying..laughing.
Hope this year will be the same!
Our family tradition is tamales with my family on Christmas Eve and a nice dinner with the in-laws on Christmas Day. ^_^
First, happy holidays to you and yours! I love coming to your site to see what is new. Thank you very much for a chance to win these lovely skeins; and in my favorite hue too! For our tradition would be the hiding of the “Christmas Pickle”. Not sure how we will accomplish this year because there must be someone other than family to hide the pickle in the tree. The person who finds the hidden pickle gets to open their gift first on Christmas morn. For food it is oyster stuffing. My Mom as from was from Buffalo New York but the fam moved to Texas in the 50’s for my Father’s job. So a New England tradition came to Texas.
Happy Holidays and be safe to all1
Hi Chandi! I so enjoy your yarns, patterns, and videos! This year is my first Christmas with two children old enough to participate and engage with traditions, so we are actually creating them as we go right now! Especially in light of the pandemic, and due to our distance from extended family, we are busy working on homemade Christmas themed treasures to gift our family through the mail. It’s a messy, but beautiful home this holiday season!
Hi Chandi,
I have been an amateur knitter for years, but this year I decided to become a master! I saw your video on how to knit faster and now I finally feel like I am knitting!
The colors for your giveaway yarn this month are my Christmas colors! But they are also my best friend’s favorite colors! I really hope to win so that I can make her something beautiful!
Loving all that you do from Georgia!
I think like most people in the US my family traditions are centered around food, I’ll definitely miss my Dad’s homemade rolls & my Aunt’s prime rib roast :'(
We will be starting a family tradition since we are a new family with our first baby. We’d like to sit by the fire on Christmas Eve and read about how Jesus was born, say since prayers, share some laughs, eat sweets, and share gifts!
Hello, Merry Christmas! In Finland we have tradition to go to the sauna on Christmas Eve. Then we eat traditional Christmas meal with our family and open Christmas gifts at night. This weekend I’m going to bake some gingerbread cookies with my sons.
One of my favourite traditions is baking cookies with my daughter (as I did, with my mom). This year, I was going to bake with my
granddaughter–alas, that’s not going to happen.
Beautiful colors!
Since we have traditional Thanksgiving dinner, for Christmas, we make the ethnic foods from the cultures of my mixed family, Hawaiian, Filipino, Belizean, and of course American! Always too much food, always good! My Kids are all adults now so we will bring back some of the treasure hunt style Christmas mornings when the grandkids start blessing us!
Have a great Holiday season Everyone.
My family always listened to BeBe and CeCe Winans’ “First Christmas” album while decorating for the holidays when we were growing up. Even though I moved away few years ago, my place doesn’t feel festive without it!
I love Bebe and CeCe!
We like to decorate our house together with all our Chrismas ornaments.
First, thank you for a chance to win your giveaway. I was born on Christmas Eve and one of my traditions was to go to Disneyland on my birthday. Christmas is my favorite holiday because the true meaning of Christ being born. I decorate like crazy with 5 trees, plus the baking and playing Christmas songs. Check out Whitley Phipps Christmas music. It seems like people are in the spirit of giving and doing for others around this time of the year. Makes my heart leap with joy. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.
We usually get to together at my Mom’s home with a Christmas feast, a fusion of traditional and cultural foods. This year we will drive by and deliver each part of Christmas meal. Then go home and ZOOM the prayer, eat together, and play a few games. Merry Christmas!!!
It’s kind of a new tradition, but the kids and I bake or make a special treat to give to everyone on our list. This year we were going to try peppermint candies but our house got hit with illness so we probably won’t this year to be safe.
Hello there. Traditions I still keep for Xmas: sleep in, no food until dinner (1st star in the sky – usually around 5pm), ‘breaking bread’ with family and watching: “Home Alone’ with kids and ‘Die Hard’ with adults. And all the food preparations with my mum – not this year though

However my new tradition will be crocheting xmas gifts to all
Thank you for inspirational patterns and beautiful yarn.
We usually have a nice dinner with my children and their families. This year will be different, my daughter now lives in Texas and my son will have to work this year on Christmas Eve. We will make the best of it! Thank goodness for FaceTime! Merry Christmas!!
We usually have a nice dinner with my children and their families. This year will be different, my daughter now lives in Texas and my son will have to work this year on Christmas Eve. We will make the best of it! Thank goodness for FaceTime! Merry Christmas!!
We make up baskets of goodies, collecting candles, pj’s, hot cocoa, little bags of chocolate truffles, you never know from year to year what’s in them. I find things on sale all year long, then in November look small things, like nail polish, chocolates, nail files, this year I found UV hand held sanitizers, hand sanitizer with aloe, antibacterial scented hand soap. You can throw in a tin or bags of cookies, homemade candies, Everyone loves them. My kids and grand kids remind me all year how much they love and look forward to the baskets. I also put in a crocheted or knitted scarf, this year I made them from faux fur, they were so much fun to make. We gave 2 of the furry scarfs yesterday, and the looks of excitement when they felt them was so much fun, It’s such a blessing to give! The candles I admit freely I get from the dollar store, and a lot of the items that are put into the baskets. You could even put in a shawl, I sometimes wrap small boxes and put them in the baskets. One year I got jars, washed them, and mixed up hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. Just make sure you give a tag with directions.
Beautiful yarn. Our families Christmas tradition is opening present with our cousins and family relatives in our pajamas! Its the highlight of the month for our familly. Then, on new years Eve we pray at 12:00 for the new year, for Gods blessing. Merry Christmas and God Bless!
My traditions are a little different this year, my folks had to move to a different state due to due COVID, so I am creating new ones!! The old tradition is that my siblings and I would head to my folks house for trim a tree then watch a Christmas Carol. This year, I took on that tradition with my siblings and my folks over Zoom. My folks decorated their tree when we decorated ours. After that we watched a Christmas Carol together over Zoom but muted so the sounds wasn’t clashing!
It was different but it was nice!
Our traditions are baking cookies and homemade caramels to give to relatives and friends. The family opens gifts on Christmas Eve, with Santa bringing more on Christmas morning for the kiddos. Then it is off to early 8am mass followed by a day of skiing! No mass this year because of the virus, but we are still skiing so life is good. Thanks for the lovely yarn and helpful videos. You have inspired this crocheter to take up knitting!
Gorgeous yarns, Chandi.
Have a wonderful Christmas.
Our family tradition is to just eat and relax – no phones allowed!
Our Christmas tradition includes cinnamon rolls and coffee while opening gifts. Dinner with friends and their parents. We end the day with a walk on the beach, then home to make hot chocolate and take a drive through a neighborhood that is well know for beautiful and unique Christmas lights.
Every year on Christmas Eve my family sings Happy Birthday to Jesus! We’ve been doing it forever! Maybe we will all do it over Zoom this year!
Our tradition is opening our gifts before bed on Christmas Eve & having Family in for a big yummy meal!
I don’t have any holiday traditions other than being very lazy. Not having to do anything and instead doing anyhting you WANT to do is such bliss!