Hi, I'm Chandi! I'm a self-professed lover of all things yarn. I'm an avid knitter, crocheter, wool dyer, fleece and roving spinner and occasional felter! I offer beautiful, inspiring, hand-painted
yarns and deliver the best of all yarn-related tutorials I can on my
I am currently finishing up a Sea Swell Shawl, just two more wedges to go before I will be starting my next project! Still haven’t settled on a pattern for my next project, but have already caked my Japanese Maple Hues so they are ready to go!
What color is the 4th/5th on top? Can that be purchased
Hi Andrea, thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, those are unnamed colors. The closest would be Autumn Splendor for the 5th color and Autumn Lake for the 4th. Available on a few different bases. I hope this helps. 💕