Hi, I'm Chandi! I'm a self-professed lover of all things yarn. I'm an avid knitter, crocheter, wool dyer, fleece and roving spinner and occasional felter! I offer beautiful, inspiring, hand-painted
yarns and deliver the best of all yarn-related tutorials I can on my
What a beautiful color. Hope I win
I taught myself to knit (from watching Chandi’s videos online) after losing my job while on a medical leave of absence. I am a single parent of a wonderful, amazing kid with autism, and I needed something to help keep me grounded for a while. I am incredibly passionate at everything I do (why do anything if you don’t put your soul into it?), and I refuse to ever muddle through anything. When it came time to throw crocheting into the mix, I went straight back to Chandi 🙂 Even when I’m following another pattern, if I need to learn a new technique I find myself checking EFA videos first. I am a typical Aquarius who hears the symphony of the Universe as a whole and believes that the greatest soul-searching can be done through watching the animals and nature most of us take for granted. There is NOTHING you will experience that someone else hasn’t been through already. In that way we are all connected…don’t forget that fact the next time you get so wrapped up in what’s wrong that you become blind to everything you have that others could only dream of!