Hey, Sweeties!
Just a SUPER quick tutorial today on how to knit 1 front and back (k1fb) when you’re knitting.
It’s easy! It’s fun and you’ll run across it in many knitting patterns.
Enjoy, have a great day and be sure to head over to ExpressionFiberArts.com for more fun stuff! XOXOXO
Thanks for the explanation of lace weight yarn. I’d thought of it as delicate rather than durable so considered it impractical when it is actually the opposite: useful, versatile and so durable. Will look into it for a project soon. Your shawl/scarf pattern seems like a great gift idea. What is the pattern name so I can look it up on your site? Your tutorials are the best, always clear and easy to understand. How is the best way to subscribe to your blog so that I don’t miss updates? Thanks.
Richard Giltner
You are welcome! Click HERE for all of the lace weight patterns: LACE WEIGHT PATTERNS
The best way to sign up is to go to expressionfiberarts.com and you will be able to join the newsletter! : )
Hi Chandi!
I get your newsletter but when I click the blog link on your website I see diferent contrnt so thought it was a diferent signup. Thanks.
No worries!
Hi Chandi,
II just wanted to thank you for all the really well-designed and well-presented tutorials and ask for a bit more help.
I’ve been doing crochet since my childhood but I’m new to knitting so finding your clear and direct tutorials was like stumbling onto a treasure chest! As you well know, your tutorials page is packed with everything from basic techniques to complex patterns. It’s fantastic but a bit overwhelming for a beginner.
Although, I’m assuming you’ve already received this request, is there some method for searching and/or sorting the tutorials according to their topic? For example, I prefer your stitch tutorials over any others I’ve found but since I’m not advanced enough to even know specific stitches to search for, I have to scroll through until I find one I haven’t viewed. The option to search tutorials by method (e.g., crochet, knit) and by topic (e.g., stitch, technique, pattern, etc.) would really transform them into an essential resource for all levels of “stitchers”.
Thanks again for such a tremendous resource!
Blessings, Sherry Newberry, Running Springs, CA
That is a great suggestion. We can work on creating subcategories that sort the videos in a more coherent way. Let me work on that for you.
. Another thing you can do is search out how to crochet for beginners on YouTube. We have a playlist that is organized by patterns and another that is organized by beginning techniques. That might help while we work on a fix.